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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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He's not going to be able to stay president, he needs to go back to Trump Tower and forget about all this. He's too divisive. People are now waiting near where Air Force One lands just to give it the middle finger. Trump supporters thought this was going to work.


Can I run as a democrat in 2020 with the promise of deporting anyone who voted for Donald Trump?
"No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States"

Sound like you? Go for it.



f someone already posted this I apologize, but here's the lawsuit filed on behalf of 2 Iraqi citizens and is asking to be applied to everyone in their "class" (people from the banned countries)


We're gonna have to rely on the judiciary to provide some relief from all this bullshit, the fact that Schumer or Warren isn't at one of these airports with cameras raising hell is sickening.

This just started, they don't have teleporters you know. Let's at least give it a day before writing off the left.


Even more than before, the Fox News site is like looking into an alternate dimension. This is THE story in the world right now and they have a little sidebar about the Google staffers.
What a disaster. This guy can't possibly remain in his position for the next 4 years, right? Maybe 2 months max?

Nixon and Clinton were impeached with Congresses of the opposite party. Trump has both branches and his party doesn't have the balls to do anything about him.

Unless he resigns or dies, he's going to be here for 4 years. And very likely 8+ because this country and a large portion of the population are deplorable trash.


But what if you went on holiday/business trip etc at the exact wrong time? Tough luck, your life is over, get a new one? There was like no official warning about when this would go into effect.

Exactly. Bannon doesn't give two fucks. Trump is just signing shit and can't see two fucking feet in front of himself. You're fucking over families, business people etc. This is chaos.

No warning, but Trump campaigned on it. People acting shocked shouldn't be so damn shocked.


But what if you went on holiday/business trip etc at the exact wrong time? Tough luck, your life is over, get a new one? There was like no official warning about when this would go into effect.

Pretty much. You could always try to get to US airport, get detained and then demand lawyer which could get you back into the country.

I guess.
Even more than before, the Fox News site is like looking into an alternate dimension. This is THE story in the world right now and they have a little sidebar about the Google staffers.

I'm surprised they aren't discussing and spinning it as a positive and a win for this administration.


He ordered that Christians and others from minority religions be granted priority over Muslims.
Woah! That's that's crazy.

This furthers the narrative that terrorists want.

Christianity vs. Islam


Fun fact: Executive order that put all this into motion is still unavailable to be publicly read on White House website.


Fun fact: Executive order that put all this into motion is still unavailable to be publicly read on White House website.

Yup and Kellyanne last night said they aren't going to say what was in it.

Jeremy Diamond
1 hour ago, @POTUS signed 2 executive orders. The White House still hasn't distributed text of those orders or provided details on contents

Jeremy Diamond
Conway just now, 2 hours later: "We are not revealing what he signed today." (Per @danmericaCNN)


We are never going to recover from this. Everything this Republic stands for is gone.

Fighting back tears, there's a few Muslim friends I have with work visas. They've already had to endure so much.


As they are signed or soon after. His previous 4 EO's went up as he signed them.

I'm seeing from the press that they're actually kind of angry with what is very likely a deliberate choice by the White House with regard to this. Usually they get copies as a president signs them, but with Trump they've had to wait hours and hours afterwards.

This forces the media to report what the white house says the order does rather than what it might actually do.


who will complain , I don't think Trump gives a bleep

I'm aware the fascist fuckface doesn't care. But why aren't others in the US making noise about that? Or are they just afraid?

The situation reminds me of this:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
This can be found at the US Holocaust memorial museum.

The situation is all too similar. Yes, different in many ways as well, but too similar in certain aspects.


Yup and Kellyanne last night said they aren't going to say what was in it.

One reporter scanned it and posted it through twitter when they gave it to press pool. Still interesting that WH hasn't made it public when they kinda have to.



Never felt more ashamed to be American. This is a disgrace for our country and for humanity.
That's what I feel as well. Shame and helplessness. I've donated to the ACLU, who looks like they are gearing up for a fight, but otherwise it is a terrible feeling.


I'd have never expected that Germany and USA would ever sit again at the total opposite positions of the political spectrum.. but here we are

Fox Mulder

We are never going to recover from this. Everything this Republic stands for is gone.

Fighting back tears, there's a few Muslim friends I have with work visas. They've already had to endure so much.

How could we recover. Even if Trump left today and we tossed the GOP in the next elections, it only takes one pendulum swing to go off the rails. The tug of war between the left and right is bitter and divisive.

Allies and the rest of the world should never trust us or place faith in our system again.



The blame for this is 100 percent on Trump and the Republicans. This rhetoric goes all the way back to the George W. Bush administration.

Like...are you just writing off the memory where Obama did everything in his power to convince people not to demonize Muslims?

Wait, what? Plenty to criticize Bush for, but his treatment toward Muslims is not one of them.

Six days after the 9/11 attacks, this picture was taken.


"Less than a week after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed 2,996 people, President Bush held a news conference at the Islamic Center of Washington. 'The face of terror is not the true face of Islam,' he said, flanked by imams and community leaders. 'Islam is peace.'"



Wait, what? Plenty to criticize Bush for, but his treatment toward Muslims is not one of them.

Six days after the 9/11 attacks, this picture was taken.


"Less than a week after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed 2,996 people, President Bush held a news conference at the Islamic Center of Washington. 'The face of terror is not the true face of Islam,' he said, flanked by imams and community leaders. 'Islam is peace.'"


Where is bush now though. Where's the republican outrage for what is happening


America may be sinking into a fascist, hope dissolving quagmire from which it may never recover


at least we showed Hillary 'bout those emails am I right


Felium Defensor
This affects so many hard working people I know currently living in the U.S. with a green card/refugee status. I'm still a bit in disbelief tbh; still livid and very disappointed. What the fuck are we gonna do about this? Just let them steamroll through everyone that doesn't fit in their rich white christian country club? Fuuuck this noise, take action now. Raise awareness please.
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