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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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Trump has to think twice about firing her.


Ha trump and thinking?!


It doesn't matter, it is a live demonstration of how not to be a good german.
At least until he makes all government employees swear fealty to him.

Oh, I know what she's doing and I approve of it. I was just saying that she's not likely to have the position for long regardless.
I'm in the Midwest and its pretty much the opposite. In fact this is one of the more united things I've seen from them on Trump.

But hey, every area is different.
Huh. Interesting. Yeah, people and places are different.

I suspect if anything helps it's that many of my friends happen from religious communities that have interactions with lots of diverse backgrounds: Arabs, Eritreans, Slavs, etc.
It's a little stunning that people are so unaware of the massive historical swings back and forth in history on immigration policies in the US. We banned Chinese from entering and essentially closed our doors for long stretches of time.
Yup. I said that last night. Emma Lazarus' "The New Colossus" is certainly an admirable ideal to strive for, but we should be aware of the historical precedent for what's happening.

Time is a flat circle and all that.


Not sure if this has been posted or if this website is normally not trusted or anything (im not from the US). But they posted this article with a youtube video: http://www.rawstory.com/2017/01/sea...s-misguided-to-think-kids-dont-pose-a-threat/

And Sean Spicer actually said this in the youtube video:

"“When you look at the 329,000 people [who traveled to the U.S. over the weekend], 109 were inconvenienced for the safety and security of us all,” the Trump spokesman said. “And to make sure that, if they are a 5 year old, that maybe they’re with their parents and they don’t pose a threat.”

“But to assume that just because of someone’s age or gender or whatever that they don’t pose a threat would be misguided and wrong.”

Like what do you even say to this anymore?
This sounds like the typical case of people who don't really think through their ideas. Closing the border to immigrants isn't like locking your house at night. It's putting a gate around your community and saying certain people you don't like can't live there.

It is also pretty literally un-american, in terms of the supposed ideals america represents. But plenty of people don't see it that way, including many who believe they are patriotic. It is sadly also not uncommon for people to enjoy the vaguely defined pride of national identity without wanting to think of any responsibilities that come along with supporting a nation's creed.

This, aside from the lack of understanding that people coming into the country are already "secure". Already vetted. Trump's Xtreme Vetting is of course, empty propaganda - a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Poor analogy from your aunt.

See, this nation isn't just HER nation. This is like if she locked the doors to her house, but she was also living with her husband who just invited guests over and then refused to let them in, even though her husband had vetted them, vouched for them, and knew they were in need.

The "house" in this case doesn't just belong to her. Neither does America.

Indeed. It seems more of a case of her literally not having any understanding of what's actually going on in the world. Her like so many people instantly think that people coming from the Middle East must be the same thing as Terrorists.

Keep in mind this is a white woman married to a black man and one that isn't even super conservative.
Not sure if this has been posted or if this website is normally not trusted or anything (im not from the US). But they posted this article with a youtube video: http://www.rawstory.com/2017/01/sea...s-misguided-to-think-kids-dont-pose-a-threat/

And Sean Spicer actually said this in the youtube video:

"“When you look at the 329,000 people [who traveled to the U.S. over the weekend], 109 were inconvenienced for the safety and security of us all,” the Trump spokesman said. “And to make sure that, if they are a 5 year old, that maybe they’re with their parents and they don’t pose a threat.”

“But to assume that just because of someone’s age or gender or whatever that they don’t pose a threat would be misguided and wrong.”

Like what do you even say to this anymore?

You call them a coward to their face because that's what they are.


I think Trump is betting on the fact that he can rely on the 40% (I don't think it's 45%, like the NY Times says) because Dems are focused on the transgender bathrooms and on shaming Steve Martin for saying Carrie Fisher was pretty. But I'm hoping that classic Liberalism will see a resurgence like never before, and that Trump and his assortment of idiots will see an uprising like never before in the history of the United States.


I think Trump is betting on the fact that he can rely on the 40% (I don't think it's 45%, like the NY Times says) because Dems are focused on the transgender bathrooms and on shaming Steve Martin for saying Carrie Fisher was pretty. But I'm hoping that classic Liberalism will see a resurgence like never before, and that Trump and his assortment of idiots will see an uprising like never before in the history of the United States.

It would actually be nice to strip the executive of some of the massive powers the office has accreted to itself over the last few decades.

Maybe Congressmen/women in both parties can actually grow a spine and make the legislature the predominant branch of government as it was intended.
It would actually be nice to strip the executive of some of the massive powers the office has accreted to itself over the last few decades.

Maybe Congressmen/women in both parties can actually grow a spine and make the legislature the predominant branch of government as it was intended.
Nah. Whatever the opposition is, they're too interested in getting that power for themselves, rather than doing the right thing and reining it in.
Nah. Whatever the opposition is, they're too interested in getting that power for themselves, rather than doing the right thing and reining it in.

What power? Bannon & co. are pulling the country towards a dictatorship at an alarming rate.

There won't be much use for Congress if this keeps up.


Clarification on what? To who?

afaik this immigration shitshow and to Congress.

Follow up on that account was;
"I don't know the reason," @marcorubio said. "Maybe perhaps they're still kind of working through how this is going to apply"
Sen. @JohnCornyn says he was not consulted about refugee order ahead of time: "I think they were in a big hurry to get something done."

Edit: Basically administration isn't talking to Congress nor to Courts atm


Is there a precedent to not do this? Sounds unusual at least given partisanship.

That's interesting. I live in the Midwest and have friends in pretty conservative/libertarian circles. I think on Facebook I've really only seen three or four friends really defending it. Those 3-4 are certainly being very vocal and annoying, but that's about it. Like I said already, if the order had been written differently and made more allowances and exemptions, I think support would have been broader. That my circle of Facebook is so down on it speaks volumes to me.

Do you have an obligation to defend orders that violate the constitution?


I'm seeing some depressing stuff. My own aunt just put up a post saying and I quote "Now allowing in Syrian refugees and closing our borders isn't "MEAN" or "HEARTLESS". I lock the doors to MY HOUSE every night. I don't lock them because I hate the people outside my house I lock them because I love the people inside my house." And it has tons of likes and hearts.

I mean what the fuck. And my feed is FILLED with this stuff. Tons of it. Its hard to even believe

I have seen that exact quote going around Facebook a lot. I'm pretty sure most of us would open up our doors if there was a war outside and people were dying outside. That's sort of what refugees are.

The same thing is going on my social feed, that's why I come here. I've have seen a lot of people say this is not a Muslim ban and then post this:

I guess they are okay if people are detained illegally as it's somehow a numbers game to them. Sadly, I think we are in the minority. The majority of non Muslim people I know do support this. You can't even reason with them because the Trump administration has put so much of fear in them that they are willing to give up their freedoms.
So, basically the executive branch has gone rogue?

With the complicity of the legislature. Congress could shut this off by withholding funds and launching investigations but its controlled by the GOP and they don't want to risk their sweet, sweet tax cuts by getting into a fight with Trump over it.
Trump saw Rogue One and decided to apply it here

But ya I think they get a day or two of this before Congress starts being actually confused


Literally what I was thinking.


Typical of a habitual whiner though. Give them power and they'll still screw it up or they'll still whine.


Most political appointees resigned or offered to resign with the change in administration, including Attorney General Loretta Lynch. However, the Justice Department announced a few days before Trump's inauguration that he asked Yates to stay on as acting head of the department until a new attorney general was confirmed.
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