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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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I can't even imagine.

In 2015 ACLU got 135m in donations and its assets on hand rose to 237m

After the trump election victory they said over a short time they had received $7m in online donations.

I think they aren't going to be short of funds this year, but they may be can use donated legal talent? Dunno.


Extending this to green card holders who had already been vetted to help and backroad the card in the first place, is the type of stupid overreach that will doom Trump.

If he just toned down the fuckery a little bit he could avoid a lot of the negative reactions and coast thru his first term. But he's too stupid to do that.


reposting but it needs to be shown how much of a shit show this is and how little thought was put into it.

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Chris Mannix
Sudanese-born Thon Maker (Milwaukee) won't play outside the country again this season. Neither will Sudanese-born Luol Deng (Lakers).

9:01pm · 28 Jan 2017 · Twitter Web Client
This is fucking terrible though and shows how much of shit show and how much little thought was put into this. Hopefully with stories like this the EO gets burned down.
One of things people sometimes do is overrate the abilities and influence of their enemies or people they are oppose to. If they fail it have must of been on purpose to achieve some ulterior goal.

It could be very possible that Trump's administration is being incompetent and Steve Bannon and co. are just not achieving their goals as they want to. Not saying they are stupid, but even very competent people fuck up depending on the circumstances.
One of things people sometimes overrate the abilities and influence of their enemies or people they are oppose to. If they fail it have must of been on purpose to achieve some ulterior goal.

It could be very possible that Trump's administration is being incompetent and Steve Bannon and co. are just not achieving their goals as they want to.

This is what I've been trying to say all along. The administration is full of incompetent idiots. Bannon writes this shit but he hasn't had enough time or expertise at hand to proof-read and send it through the correct channels.

So this is the consequence. They are a bunch of malignant, petulant idiots. Nothing more
I'm not sure, my understanding is it has to be nationwide given the jurisdiction (Fed judge) but missing some details.
Just Dulles unfortunately
Dropped a 50 myself and I don't even live in the States nor am I Muslim from one of those dangerous affected countries.

I feel this is a global war with many fronts.

I do $5 a month so $60 a year, probably going to up it to $10 a month. Recurring helps them know what they have to work with. I also give to PP and SPLC. Not bragging, just trying to inspire.
Bannon knew this shit wouldn't last and was flat out illegal

What was the play?

Get a bunch of center-left voters on TV to agitate Trump's base by "caring more about foreigners than Americans."

Enrage Trump to the point of distraction.

Set the stage for his next action as President, likely a SCOTUS appointment.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
One of things people sometimes do is overrate the abilities and influence of their enemies or people they are oppose to. If they fail it have must of been on purpose to achieve some ulterior goal.

It could be very possible that Trump's administration is being incompetent and Steve Bannon and co. are just not achieving their goals as they want to. Not saying they are stupid, but even very competent people fuck up depending on the circumstances.
This is where I'm at, until proven otherwise. We have no evidence of his team strategically playing three dimensional chess.

Between the failed standoff with Mexico over the wall, and this Muslim ban stalling tonight, this week kind of looks like Trump's campaign promises were set to be implemented and then came knocking headfirst into reality. There might be no clever strategy beyond that.


This is where I'm at, until proven otherwise. We have no evidence of his team strategically playing three dimensional chess.

Between the failed standoff with Mexico over the wall, and this Muslim ban stalling tonight, this week kind of looks like Trump's campaign promises were set to be implemented and then came knocking headfirst into reality. There might be no clever strategy beyond that.

Yeah, I don't get this "What was Bannon's play" stuff. The guy's a hack propagandist, not a politician. Why the fuck would he know the right way of going about things?


Yeah, I don't get this "What was Bannon's play" stuff. The guy's a hack propagandist, not a politician. Why the fuck would he know the right way of going about things?
Correct. He's a fucking political novice.

It's far more likely they're very bad at this than them being fictional political geniuses like out of House of Cards.


Everything we've seen the past week should make it clear that Trump and his team have no clever master plan to manipulate people with 7 dimensional chess moves. They're just stupid. Even ignoring judgments regarding the content of these orders the process by which they're implementing them demonstrates complete and utter incompetence.
Donated a bit to the ACLU just now. The headlines are going to be "Trump loses in court over illegal refugee ban" and "ACLU has biggest day ever as flood of donations pour in".


wish i could see that motherfucker's face right now

America fucked up by letting this guy in the door, but we just redeemed ourselves a bit tonight. All this turmoil will serve a great proving ground for whoever wants to take up the mantle and run as the democratic presidential nominee in 2020.


Everything we've seen the past week should make it clear that Trump and his team have no clever master plan to manipulate people with 7 dimensional chess moves. They're just stupid. Even ignoring judgments regarding the content of these orders the process by which they're implementing them demonstrates complete and utter incompetence.

Agreed...they just have no idea what the fuck they're doing. Forget about chess...let's start out with Connect 4, and work our way up.


This is where I'm at, until proven otherwise. We have no evidence of his team strategically playing three dimensional chess.

Between the failed standoff with Mexico over the wall, and this Muslim ban stalling tonight, this week kind of looks like Trump's campaign promises were set to be implemented and then came knocking headfirst into reality. There might be no clever strategy beyond that.

This is me. People need to stop acting like Trump and Co. are geniuses. Bannon and Miller are just writing up EO's and assuming that once Trump signs them they are law. They aren't talking to congress or any federal institutions that actually need to implement this shit.

That's why it's so easy to challenge this shit and they are burning through whatever political capital they have. Hopefully the GOP is looking at this and getting a bit tired of it. But then I'm reminded the GOP are spineless.

Tommy DJ

Nothing has convinced me that Bannon is Rove 2.0. Like if he playing a long game, he'd be able to ram through most things with minimal opposition and even public support.

Instead he's ramming things through without the needed analysis. When he put forward the 20% tax, it was so stupid that even the Texas GOP weren't happy about it. And it wasn't even through leaks but through their own press secretary so the "alternative facts" angle doesn't work except on the most stupid because it came out of your own goddamn mouth.

All I see right now are people taking Trump's claims of being the next coming of Hitler seriously now because he's put forward so much heinous shit in his first week without actually consulting anyone with a brain. I haven't seen protests like this ever in my life.


Just got back home from JFK. Was there from 3pm -9:45. It was so peaceful. So organized. So much solidarity. I feel so proud of my city.
Exactly. I can't help but think that this was a diversion for something more sinister. This was going to be ruled unconstitutional from the start. What did we miss that happened today?

They are idiots. What is their plan? People are going to be even MORE on top of whatever shit they try to pass
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