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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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Are these detainees that shouldn't be held based on the stay? Obviously it's still bad if they're being detained because the stay doesn't apply to them, but I'm curious if the officers are actually breaking the stay.
Depends. If they were on transit then the stay should apply to them. I honestly have no idea.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey I'm sorry about that...I legit did not see it. It was the last post on the last page and I missed it. Replying now...

The opinion of human excrement like David Duke doesn't matter. Reminds me of the outcry over the KKK endorsing Trump during the election... why does it matter? They're a almost totally irrelevant group and are pure evil. What if ISIS endorsed him? It doesn't matter...it's like taking batshit crazy YouTube and Twitter comments and making them out to be more signicant than the pebble on the road that they are.

Giulliani is a dumbass. I don't have a response to that one. I can't stand the guy and his voice irks me. I'm glad he got turned down for sec of state.

And I agree with you...as I said it was a bad decision to hastily put it together because it made innocent people into guinea pigs and collateral damage. I don't agree with everything he does...I'm not a mindless sheep. That was a mistake, like I said.

It matters because it's not just a narrative invented by the media. People like Flynn and Duke have used it as well, with Flynn even deleting his twitter account not long after using the term/hashtag, probably because his father or the administration was pissed. It's especially important for Flynn Jr. because he's the son of the current National Security Advisor for Trump, and made the tweet not long after the protests began, from what I recall. He's not just any no-name KKK member or what have you.

As for Giuliani, that's understandable. The relevant transcript can be found in the video's description so you don't have to hear him speak:

JEANINE PIRRO (HOST): Does the ban have anything to do with religion? How did the president decide the seven countries? I understand the permanent ban on the refugees. OK, talk to me.

RUDY GIULIANI: OK. I'll tell you the whole history of it. So when he first announced it he said "Muslim ban." He called me up and said, "put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally." I put a commission together with Judge Mukasey, with Congressman McCaul, Pete King, a whole group of other very expert lawyers on this. And what we did was we focused on, instead of religion, danger. The areas of the world that create danger for us. Which is a factual basis. Not a religious basis. Perfectly legal, perfectly sensible, and that's what the ban is based on. It's not based on religion. It's based on places where there are substantial evidence that people are sending terrorists into our country.

I couldn't find the full version when I made my first post, so I'll just link it here for posterity if anyone else is interested. Giuliani might be making this all up for all we know, but I wouldn't put it past Trump to do something like this.
What is the ACLU doing right now?
Drafting more legal documents. Probably trying to get proof to get these people held in contempt of court maybe? Busy I'm sure though.
Depends. If they were on transit then the stay should apply to them. I honestly have no idea.
Yeah, I thought that's what the stay had called for. Curious how many of these people should be covered. Hope we find out soon.
Like, are you really seriously ok with the President putting out an absolutely constitutionally questionable clusterfuck of an EO that pisses off our allies, puts our soldiers at risk, has almost no logic to it at all, and was never vetted through any of the proper channels to find any of those holes because he's under a ton of pressure to get things done?

I'm seriously asking. Are you ok with that? Because what happens when he does something like that with things that are even more volatile?
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

That's straight up BS. The process isn't easy at all and you know it.

Even still why the hell were people with green cards, and visas detained and not allowed in? Admit the EO was a cluster fuck and made no sense.
See above and a couple previous posts...agreed, too hastily put together.

I've spent about 45 mins chiming in and my thumbs are done so hopefully that's enough. Thanks
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.
The system being slow was intended from the very beginning. Basically you love that we're living under a President who is more akin to a King, tyrant or dictator than a President.

In other words, you hate the rule of law, the American political system and republican government.


May contain jokes =>
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

See above and a couple previous posts...agreed, too hastily put together.

You're shocked and overwhelmed because you're apparently a simpleton.

They aren't building a wall. They haven't built shit. He signed a piece of paper saying he wants to do it. So fucking what?

They've made no actual movement on healthcare. No serious bills have been introduced, and nobody in the GOP has an actual plan for replacement.

This immigration stuff is not even worth talking about. It's hateful and wrong.

If this is the stuff that impresses you, you need to rethink your entire mindset. You're being duped. If you still can't see that, put yourself in the garbage bin and wheel yourself out to the curb where you belong.
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

See above and a couple previous posts...agreed, too hastily put together.
This isn't a fucking game. Decisions made have far reaching consequences and require due diligence before being enacted.

He's also clearly allowing a neo-Nazi in his ear and ignoring the rule of law. How can you be excited over that?
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...

He is not doing anything. All his shit is going to be repelled sooner rather than later and most EO's have been a bunch of cheap talk

The wall is really getting built...

Maybe the wall is being built, but not being paid by Mexico. In fact, dudes are already dismantling the ground work as it begins (I've heard from my El Paso connections)

the ACA is getting overhauled

ACA is not being changed. They have no idea what to do with it

He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it..

Hurrah for unnecessary chaos and misinformation. You seem to be loving it. How many administrations have you lived through?

I've spent about 45 mins chiming in and my thumbs are done so hopefully that's enough. Thanks

Just like every Trump supporter. You can always come back later to keep the discussion, but hey gotta go!

"I have derailed this thread enough kk sorry bye"
"I am drunk right now hehe sorry bye"
"It's just my opinion, so ok see you later"
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

See above and a couple previous posts...agreed, too hastily put together.

I've spent about 45 mins chiming in and my thumbs are done so hopefully that's enough. Thanks

What's the Kool Aid taste like?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
You're shocked and overwhelmed because you're apparently a simpleton.

They aren't building a wall. They haven't built shit. He signed a piece of paper saying he wants to do it. So fucking what?

They've made no actual movement on healthcare. No serious bills have been introduced, and nobody in the GOP has an actual plan for replacement.

This immigration stuff is not even worth talking about. It's hateful and wrong.

If this is the stuff that impresses you, you need to rethink your entire mindset. You're being duped. If you still can't see that, put yourself in the garbage bin and wheel yourself out to the curb where you belong.
No lies detected

There's something oddly fascinating about seeing what goes on in the mind of the completely fucking deluded, though, I guess.


You're shocked and overwhelmed because you're apparently a simpleton.

They aren't building a wall. They haven't built shit. He signed a piece of paper saying he wants to do it. So fucking what?

They've made no actual movement on healthcare. No serious bills have been introduced, and nobody in the GOP has an actual plan for replacement.

This immigration stuff is not even worth talking about. It's hateful and wrong.

If this is the stuff that impresses you, you need to rethink your entire mindset. You're being duped. If you still can't see that, put yourself in the garbage bin and wheel yourself out to the curb where you belong.

Yup. All he's done so far is sign orders. He is yet to explain how any of it is going to be accomplished and what it's going to cost us. Immigration ban has been done so poorly I don't know how anyone can defend it, I wonder how the rest of his plans are going to go...
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

See above and a couple previous posts...agreed, too hastily put together.

I've spent about 45 mins chiming in and my thumbs are done so hopefully that's enough. Thanks
Nothing has been done, no wall has been built, no new healthcare system is in place or even up for vote. What are you talking about? The only thing that literally has been done is this racist, illegal muslim ban which you seem perfectly ok with because "he's getting things done". Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.

Edit: oh, look now you're peacing out of the thread after trying to stir up shit. Once a troll, always a troll.


The Birthday Skeleton
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take.

So you would like to live in a dictatorship and not in a democracy. This is practically what you say.


Guys, it feels like a wall is being built. That's what is important. It also felt like the unemployment rate was really high with Obama, now things are finally feeling better with Trump. I feel overwhelmed.


I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take.

The clusterfuck of this executive order is exactly why policies like this don't get rolled out all willy-nilly with zero feedback or discussion. You're basically advocating for our country being in a complete array of chaos because nobody in either party knows what the fuck is going on.


I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

Thank you for responding with how you actually feel.

That said, as others have pointed out: He's yet to really do much of anything:

He signed something saying a wall would be built, but floated a ridiculous idea that absolutely no one liked and can't seem to figure out how to pay for it. That's not really doing anything.

This hastily made EO will undermine any actual reform you probably would want. It's going to be overturned and maimed because he didn't do it the proper way at all and had some amazingly huge overreach.

No one on the republican side seems to have a fucking clue how or what they're replacing ACA with, least of all Donald Trump.

The lobbying law sounds good on paper but it's funny he pulled almost word for word from Clinton and then actually gutted some of the real teeth that the Obama administration had with a similar thing. It's actually going backwards in some key ways

All that plus starting trade wars and overall bad foreign policy decisions with regard to China, Mexico, and the EU...

On top of that, if you're one of those that thinks presidents don't fulfill campaign promises.... They do. Trump isn't some golden boy that gets what he says done unlike everyone else. Everyone else got what they said done, too.


I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

See above and a couple previous posts...agreed, too hastily put together.

I've spent about 45 mins chiming in and my thumbs are done so hopefully that's enough. Thanks
Oh shit you're right. He's getting shit done!

Like promising to build a wall (with US money, which will cost billions)

And enacting immigration laws (that are separating families and getting thousands of civilians and lawyers out into city streets fighting for those peoples' rights in the face of an unquestionably racist EO)

And overturning the ACA (despite leaked audio proving they have no actual fucking clue what they're doing and their idiot supporters still think Obamacare and ACA are different)

But I suppose it's easier to just clap along to this stupidity than actually look at any of the dumb ass shit he's signing.


Remember, Heavy still doesn't think Trump is actually racist, xenophobic and sexist.

Why people shouldn't even give him the time. He was nowhere to be found while this shit was going down. Then pops up to praise a meaningless statement.

That make a post saying how he loves all this shit. Even though Trump hasn't really done shit but this AWFUL Executive order.

Seems like Heavy just wants chaos for the sake of chaos.
Oh shit you're right. He's getting shit done!

Like promising to build a wall (with US money, which will cost billions)

And enacting immigration laws (that are separating families and getting thousands of civilians and lawyers out into city streets fighting for those peoples' rights in the face of an unquestionably racist EO)

And overturning the ACA (despite leaked audio proving they have no actual fucking clue what they're doing and their idiot supporters still think Obamacare and ACA are different)

But I suppose it's easier to just clap along to this stupidity than actually look at any of the dumb ass shit he's signing.


As an Irishman who is appalled by whats happening does the ACLU allow me to contribute in euros? Can't seemed to find a method on the website.
Just like every Trump supporter. You can always come back later to keep the discussion, but hey gotta go!

"I have derailed this thread enough kk sorry bye"
"I am drunk right now hehe sorry bye"
"It's just my opinion, so ok see you later"

Edit: oh, look now you're peacing out of the thread after trying to stir up shit. Once a troll, always a troll.
I just want to quickly address these two posts... I'm not "peacing" out of the thread. I spent the better part of an hour on several lengthy posts.
I always reply to as many as I can (see post history) and not drop one liners and peace out. They're usually lengthy. Nothing like the fellow who created that positive trump thread after the election and didn't post again after the OP. Complete opposite.

Not trying to sound like I'm being persecuted... the point is that I'm one fat Italian guy not Voltron. I think spending close to an hour and several replies to legit questions that were asked in a civil way is reasonable.

Binary, that was a great post btw.


I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.
The thing in your post which Trump has actually done in a real and specific sense is also the thing you're calling out as having been done poorly.
I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

See above and a couple previous posts...agreed, too hastily put together.

I've spent about 45 mins chiming in and my thumbs are done so hopefully that's enough. Thanks

As an outsider, it's fascinating to watch Americans cheer the downfall of their own country


Persecution Complex


Because the background checks are not rigorous at all. That's exactly the issue at hand. Verifying who someone is before they gain access into the country.

Japan has some of the strictest immigration policies on the planet yet I don't see them getting trashed by anyone.




HeavyD sounds likes someone that hates democracy and would love a dictatorship.

Most of the right, despite their claims of loving freedom and democracy, love authoritarian regimes and dictatorships as long as they get to keep what is theirs and take from everyone else with impunity.

Delusional and dangerous people they all are and they should be treated as such. Fuck coddling.


I like the fact that he's actually getting shit done and in a timely manner...without the months of voting and political holdups that enacting these policies would normally take. We have never seen a president like this and it's blowing my mind. I legit thought a lot of the stuff he said he'd do was either too difficult to implement or would take months (years?) to get through the political sand trap. The wall is really getting built...our borders are really getting secured, immigration is being taken on head first (albeit too hastily as I said with this policy), the ACA is getting overhauled, government agencies and regulations that are filled with wasteful projects and spending are being addressed...smaller govt. Didn't he sign an EO outlawing something about political lobbyists in Washington the other day? Incredible...it's like overwhelming. Again, he's made mistakes like putting out this immigration EO too hastily instead of taking a few more months to tweek it and address legit concerns with visas and green cards, but overall... I'm shocked at how much he's done. He's turned Washington upside down in a matter of days and is actually fulfilling his campaign promises. I friggin love it.

See above and a couple previous posts...agreed, too hastily put together.

I've spent about 45 mins chiming in and my thumbs are done so hopefully that's enough. Thanks

Oh my god this post.


Because the background checks are not rigorous at all. That's exactly the issue at hand. Verifying who someone is before they gain access into the country.

Japan has some of the strictest immigration policies on the planet yet I don't see them getting trashed by anyone.

You are fucking lying. You are a fucking ignorant liar.
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