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NYT: Trump Removes Anthony Scaramucci From Communications Director Role

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I still maintain that Trump will resign once it becomes obvious that he's done and facing impeachment. That way he can say both "I was never impeached!" and "I never lost an election".

Added bonus to this = Trump is almost certainly too stupid to realize that if he resigns that means the feds will immediately descend upon him.

If he ever resigns, I can't decide whether his rationale will be "I accomplished everything I set out to do and there's no reason to stay!" or "I was betrayed, my enemies are forcing me to technically quit, but I'm still President!"
I really want to see Sessions gone. Not just because I can't stand the asshole but also because several GOP Congressmen have drawn a bunch of red lines in the sand, claiming they would break with the administration if he went after Sessions, their former colleague.

I want to see if they (especially Senator Graham) live up to their threats or if it will end up being just another bunch of spineless talk. I'm betting on the latter. They'll fall in line as soon as they want something.
Trump is on thin ice with the GOP and even some of the right wing media. A number of them have started drawing lines in the sand and not falling in line for bills/amendments/repeals. Fox news and Brietbart have even taken a few shots in the past two weeks at Trump. Not too mention Fox is plummeting in ratings and has lost a lot of their big shows this year. Eventually when there is no one even left to run the WH as they've all been fired, the GOP will have to remove Trump. We may not have to wait for the Russian investigations for Trump to get impeached. Him and his administration seem to be rapidly imploding all on their own. As Fox news first put it last week, it is White House: Survivor. I think even a reshuffling of Sessions to a new role will still anger many people in the Republican Party as it still makes everything seem like a mess.


I'm starting to think this show has gone off the rails. What's next, murder in the white house? They're just doing it for the ratings I think. The Mooch was only hired as a bit role.


If he did, he'd do it on twitter. Just out of the blue posts "I hereby resign my position as president of the United States #maga" and he's gone.
Our ex President, Alberto Fujimori, resigned by fax after his second reelection (yes, he was going to stay in office for a third term). Strong corruption investigations made him flee to Japan. He's now in jail here in Peru serving for the several crimes he was found guilty of.


That's what being a sell out gets you.

If he did, he'd do it on twitter. Just out of the blue posts "I hereby resign my position as president of the United States #maga" and he's gone.

It'd be the first time he'd actually be doing something to make America great again.
If he ever resigns, I can't decide whether his rationale will be "I accomplished everything I set out to do and there's no reason to stay!" or "I was betrayed, my enemies are forcing me to technically quit, but I'm still President!"

When he's not President, the IC is going to CRUCIFY him.


Trump is on thin ice with the GOP and even some of the right wing media. A number of them have started drawing lines in the sand and not falling in line for bills/amendments/repeals. Fox news and Brietbart have even taken a few shots in the past two weeks at Trump. Not too mention Fox is plummeting in ratings and has lost a lot of their big shows this year. Eventually when there is no one even left to run the WH as they've all been fired, the GOP will have to remove Trump. We may not have to wait for the Russian investigations for Trump to get impeached. Him and his administration seem to be rapidly imploding all on their own. As Fox news first put it last week, it is White House: Survivor. I think even a reshuffling of Sessions to a new role will still anger many people in the Republican Party as it still makes everything seem like a mess.

Moving Sessions to Homeland Security, I think, will have the same effect as firing him to most of the GOP. Not Trump supporters though.

His firing of Moochie, and Kelly as of hour 8 seemingly steadying the ship could help things....but I doubt for long.
Probably a bit late but:

"Okay we've got a new communications director. The media will say he's much more composed than Spicer. He'll give an interview to New York magazine. Annnnnddddd...



For those thinking Kelly will end up turning this WH around, the guy was debating stepping down when Comey was fired.

So when push comes to shove, Trump will probably find a way to get rid of him too.
Moving Sessions to Homeland Security, I think, will have the same effect as firing him to most of the GOP. Not Trump supporters though.

His firing of Moochie, and Kelly as of hour 8 seemingly steadying the ship could help things....but I doubt for long.

Would Sessions even accept the transfer?
If he ever resigns, I can't decide whether his rationale will be "I accomplished everything I set out to do and there's no reason to stay!" or "I was betrayed, my enemies are forcing me to technically quit, but I'm still President!"

I'm a fan of the "I can do more not being President anyways!" excuse.


This administration is a trainwreck.

He got hired and resigned in the time it took me to get back to the US from honeymoon and get settled back in at work. I haven't read anything about him or where he came from because I was catching up on email all last week and now this.

Hahaha, you missed so much, and yet nothing at all.

Just go on youtube and watch Colbert and Seth Meyers clips from last week, lol.


For those thinking Kelly will end up turning this WH around, the guy was debating stepping down when Comey was fired.

So when push comes to shove, Trump will probably find a way to get rid of him too.

I truly believe Kelly stayed because he wants to help his country. Helping right now means mitigating Trump and bringing stability.

We are beyond policy...we are flirting with stability.


Oh wow! All that ass kissing, for NOTHING! Excuse me for a moment.....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *drinks water* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA....

Shit, and Spicey resigned for nothing as well.


I truly believe Kelly stayed because he wants to help his country. Helping right now means mitigating Trump and bringing stability.

We are beyond policy...we are flirting with stability.

Or he sees Trump actually letting him stab journalists with a sword. Not beyond the realm of imagination these days.
Oh man, this just gets better by the minute:


Kelly was pissed about Trump firing Comey.


Washington (CNN) New White House chief of staff John Kelly was so upset with how President Donald Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning, according to two sources familiar with a conversation between Kelly and Comey.

Trump might want to hire Scaramucci back tomorrow.
So literally everyone at the white house is reporting to Kelly?

Is he the shadow president?

That's how the Chief of Staff position is supposed to work. It's a critically important position in keeping the noise down and making sure things are running smoothly within the WH.

Kelly might have that clout over the staff. But I have zero confidence that Trump will be able to resist asking people to hang out or for advice - which will basically make Kelly's efforts useless anyway.


For you.
LMAO. Imagine putting all the stuff important in your life and throw it away to get employed by Trump, and then get fired in one week.

Some darn good quality shadenfreude.
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