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NYT: Trump Removes Anthony Scaramucci From Communications Director Role

What kind of laughter?

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BBC's Emily Maitlis is going to be talking about this tonight

The (I guess now infamous) interview if you haven't seen it.

we'll never know about the chicken now :(

Holy shit, I realised he was unqualified for the top comms job in the world, but didn't realise he was entirely unqualified for any comms job. One of the first things you learn in press training is that don't blab, ie. don't let your brain run behind your mouth. Just answer the question, if you can't, spin it to a different bullet point you are promoting at the moment. But don't fucking keep talking about a question you can't talk about. This video should be mandatory viewing as a cautionary example.


That's how the Chief of Staff position is supposed to work. It's a critically important position in keeping the noise down and making sure things are running smoothly within the WH.

Kelly might have that clout over the staff. But I have zero confidence that Trump will be able to resist asking people to hang out or for advice - which will basically make Kelly's efforts useless anyway.

Bingo. Trump had Mooch going behind Priebus' back to Trump directly. Lets see where this is at in two weeks.


Man, no more mooch outbursts? FUCK! He was the best thing about this shit show.

And I bet you that Trump initally egged Mooch on in foul-mouthing the media....until there was such a backlash.

Fake edit: why is the media literally repeating the same shit about Kelly as they did a week ago regarding Mooch "shaking things up" and resetting things six months in. We'll be right back here in a week or two, guaranteed.
noticed this at the end of the press conference, any idea what's it about with the Trump doll and all the other crap on the shelf?

Is that Gumby and pokey?

Is that in the conference room?
I understand what COS is nominally supposed to do, but like, Trump doesn't have an actual agenda right? One day in, Kelly seems to be far more influential than any COS I can remember.

Like, hard to imagine Rahm does something that Obama wasn't fully briefed and onboard with. I get the sense that Trump's MO is gonna be, "you take care of it, John"
Mooch comes in mooch goes out, can't explain that.

I was just listening to right wing radio and this is basically all they had to say about it before ranting about the Clintons and Obamas selling farm land to enemy states and how many times does an immigrant need to rape someone before Liberals wake up and admit they're wrong.
I understand what COS is nominally supposed to do, but like, Trump doesn't have an actual agenda right? One day in, Kelly seems to be far more influential than any COS I can remember.

Like, hard to imagine Rahm does something that Obama wasn't fully briefed and onboard with. I get the sense that Trump's MO is gonna be, "you take care of it, John"

Oh, maybe. Trump will say something stupid, then the staff will be forced to roll out actual policy to support it after the fact. It'll still be a mess. I could see that being on the CoS and others to carry out. And it also won't fix him not having a grasp on detailed policy or constitutional law issues.

As a result, it makes him a terrible negotiator. Can't fix that. So Congressional GOP leaders still won't be fully in their court I would think.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
The past two weeks have been amazing. Best television to rival any show right now, this has everything i could ever ask for. Thanks America *tips hat*


LOL holy shit!

I feel a little bad for the SNL dude who only gets to be him once hahaha
They should just bring Verne Troyer in for a cameo and have Melissa McCarthy kick him in the balls.

Pretty wild that in the last three business days we've seen the end of the Skinny Repeal, Reince Priebus and now the Mooch. What will tomorrow bring on America's favorite reality TV comedy show?
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