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October OXM Scores - Fable 9.7 - NOT confirmed

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Deku Tree

Truelize said:
I wonder how many people will be having this game lock-up on them. If Kotor caused tons of problems I imagine that everyone speaking in the game is gonna cause some issues too.

Hopefully they have learned from Bioware's mistakes.


I don't remember KOTOR ever locking up. It had plenty of bugs (many of which should've been caught), but random lock ups weren't a big problem.

And it's a little strange that they didn't review Kingdom Under Fire when it's actually coming out earlier than Fable.


I have no Idea about World exclusives but in Europe the OXBM has the rights to fable. Expect to see reviews in two weeks time, I assume it would be the same for the US although this may depend on street dates and publishing deadlines


Redbeard said:
I don't remember KOTOR ever locking up. It had plenty of bugs (many of which should've been caught), but random lock ups weren't a big problem.

And it's a little strange that they didn't review Kingdom Under Fire when it's actually coming out earlier than Fable.

it locked up on me a few good times.


Mabye I got lucky. I've got a pretty tempermental drive, too. I fear so badly that Fable will give me DDE's left and right. :/


the first print review should be hitting sometime next week. this oxm business is bunk, just fanboys trying to generate attention for themselves.



Someone's pulling everyone's collective leg here. Someone has made a lot of things up.

We haven't reviewed Fable yet (I'm working on it right now, actually), and the disc contents are wrong, too. I couldn't be bothered to read this entire mammoth thread (got to get back to Fable, hehe), but chances are anything else you're reading about our October issue is a lie also.

I've got one of the issues in front of me right now (just got them today), so that means a few of you should start to see yours shortly, and then the record will get set straight.

Oh, and while I'm here, one more point of clarification: our Holiday Preview Guide is a newsstand-only special. It is 112 pages of pure text and screenshots. No ads, no disc. It contains a great summary of all the known Halo 2 information - right up until all of the awesome new revelations featured in our October issue.

Hope you all enjoy reading my October issue Halo 2 feature as much as I enjoyed writing it,

Ryan McCaffrey
Assistant Editor
Official Xbox Magazine
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