When did Dana go from "Big Momma Pump" to "Big Momma Plump"?
Does it have a difficulty change? Or is it like gta?Mafia III is a lot of fun so far, but goddamn the AI is dumb as shit. Stealth kills are so ridiculously easy, it feels like cheating.
The soundtrack's awesome though.
Yeah, the soundtrack and story sound incredible. Might end up purchasing if it's fun town.Mafia III is a lot of fun so far, but goddamn the AI is dumb as shit. Stealth kills are so ridiculously easy, it feels like cheating.
The soundtrack's awesome though.
I was watching his shoots a few days ago--maybe from 1999? It was after he retired the first time. Took credit in the "turn" of Attitude the company was in, claimed he had no problem putting over Austin because it was the right thing to do, and the last question was about the Rock and claimed he had no problems with him "but..." and goes off tangent about "it used to be wrestling". Guy is/was a liar.I wonder if Shawn hadn't been so fucked, would his match with Austin at Mania be another Bret/Austin.
Mafia III is a lot of fun so far, but goddamn the AI is dumb as shit. Stealth kills are so ridiculously easy, it feels like cheating.
The soundtrack's awesome though.
He was fooked mateI was watching his shoots a few days ago--maybe from 1999? It was after he retired the first time. Took credit in the "turn" of Attitude the company was in, claimed he had no problem putting over Austin because it was the right thing to do, and the last question was about the Rock and claimed he had no problems with him "but..." and goes off tangent about "it used to be wrestling". Guy is/was a liar.
Does it have a difficulty change? Or is it like gta?
I mean
there are a lot of inbred hillbilly enemies
Austin is clearly the future after WM 13, but the rocket push comes right after Survivor Series 1997. Fans really got into his post neck broken antics of stunning everyone and that shit with the Rock/McMahon over the IC belt is easily the best thing going in December.
A game like that should be hmmm not having a difficulty setting. Just let it get harder as you progress.You can put the difficult up and turn auto aim off, but that AI's still as dumb as a brick.
True. Many of them with terrible nearsightedness and zero peripheral vision, it seems.
Kane was the best thing going in December man
Kane beat Bray Wyatt clean
ffs wcpw
Out of everything that's happened, who knew that the PussyGate of 2016 would be what gets the 3 count on Trump.
False, you watch wrestling.
The Last of Us deserves more than 7/10.
I've never played The Last of Us, I'm saving my first playthrough for PS4 Pro
Overtook RE4 as my favorite of all time.Work
The Last of Us deserves more than 7/10.
I think it's a good game, just not a 'best ever' one. But this is me we're talking about.
Tommy Dreamer has yet to comment on the Trumptape, I see.
I need to hear Daniel Bryan's thoughts
Last of us over RE4. . . . .
Not realizing TLOU has finally taken the crown.Last of us over RE4. . . . .
Who is the modern equivalent of Virgil? The guy who got shit on by association, then turned into a "huge" face and faded into obscurity.
Last of us over RE4. . . . .
To be fair I could beat Bray clean in 2016Kane beat Bray Wyatt clean
Luigi's Mansion is trash
Shoot: Naughty Dog are tech wizards with a flair for the cinematic but mediocre at most gameplay elements
I don't know, I was just referring to one of his most infamous spots.Is Dreamer a Trumper?
Dang it.