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Of course Jaffe is complaining about Astro Bot


One of the green rats
Not even watching the video or reading the thread I would guess it's a button shape level ? Those are the hardest so far but also a lot of fun.


The extra challenges in GOW 1 & 2 which this guy created are orders of magnitude more difficult than anything in Astrobot. Embarrassing.


That's probably the easiest one of the "challenge " levels. I think I did it first time.

If you're awful at platformers maybe be content with finishing the main game and not 100%'ing it. These difficult levels are completely optional.


Guardians Of The Galaxy GIF
He meant to call him God of War Creator ®™©

King Dazzar

To be fair all he did was show me why platformers generally irritate me. They're just not what floats my boat. So actually I get a bit of what hes saying. But I dont think that's the games fault. Its surely part of what platformers are. And my understanding is that its a challenge level, so the clue might be in the name.

I quite enjoyed his take though.


I've said it before. He's becoming a bit of a turtle.

His takes were always kind of ludicrous but he clearly farms them now for engagement rather than just being a random take on twitter


He is wrong, but he created God Of War.
Im quite sure he must have used some "ghost writter" or something

Ive been replaying the game, and God of War has some ridiculous sequences, hard af, with enemies respawning all the time while you have to move a boulder uphill

I'm sure that Jeff never managed to beat that shit if he is having trouble with Astro Bot

Astro doesnt even have a "life" system, ffs. If you fail, you go back 5 seconds. Just retry the sequence until you get good.
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Same ol G

Wouldn't it be cool to see him play trough his own God of War games if he hasn't done that already.
Would be funny if he ragequits his own game.

Boss Mog

I mean, one has to wonder at this point..


For fuck's sake.... "How do you know this? Durrr". Cause he has an IQ over 80 figured it out, you moron . They're hidden courses that take about a minute to complete, so why the fuck would they make those a separate thing if it was gonna be the same as the regular levels? The regular levels are more about exploring and finding the bots/puzzle pieces those side levels are the platforming challenges. You shouldn't have to be told this if you're playing the game. I mean these short platforming challenges have been in all the 3D Mario games I've played, they're not some crazy new concept.

Those levels are not meant to be over thought, you should almost never stop moving. And don't get fooled into doing unnecessary shit. In one the "Circle" levels you have these magnets you need to use and they put one in the middle of conveyor belts that are partly electrified. You actually don't need that magnet at all, you don't need to go fuck with those conveyor belts, you can sinply jump on top of the "bookends" on the left side of the conveyor belt and bypass all that shit.


Over 30 times?! I actually feel sorry for him
I think I did that one third attempt, but that's because I initially treated it like a speed run, I double jump/hovered over the first two blade platforms for example, but he seems to be very hesitant, if you go for a jump and hover don't try and turn back you rarely make it just keep going. In the video jumping off the grind rail triangle if he just kept moving forward he would have made it most likely but instead he tried turning around and going back and didn't make it then starts his rant.

But his rant is pointless, he says the game makes it so he doesn't want to play it anymore because of an optional level. How about you finish the rest of the game, get better at it then come back to those (only) challenging levels.

That's like going to a theme park, not enjoying the first ride you go on then not want to go any other rides because of that.


King Snowflake
Those are the challenge levels. They are a bit hard. That is probably the easiest one.

I do think the damage zones around enemies are a bit bullshit for a 1 hit game. Just a bit. My kid is really interested in playing, but there is no way on some of these stages. A kid easy mode would be awesome.

The challenge ones can stay how they are. I don't feel the need to beat them all. Checkpoints could make me finish them all. I tend to get really good at the beginning and finally get near the end and then give up because I don't want to keep at it.

Near perfect game that is fairly easy and he is complaining because he can't beat a moderately easy stage and thus can't get a gold flag. He literally is asking for a participation trophy. The part where he dies is absolutely not an area where 99% of people would die after reaching.

This man is so sad and his obsessions with slightly Sony any chance he gets is beyond tiresome. I know that I'm giving him more views by posting this, but I just had to vent. This man is sad. This is worse than his Metroid Dread commentary. He just isn't good at video games and maybe needs to put down the sticks or maybe smoke less weed, IDK, but this is sad.

Ok he complains the game is too hard for him but he is only saying good things in his introduction. He really enjoys this game and want it to succeed. I feel like I have been mislead in this thread.
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Gold Member
That's like going to a theme park, not enjoying the first ride you go on then not want to go any other rides because of that.
Meh Kinda GIF by Cultura

I feel it's more like:

That's like going to a theme park as a crippled one legged dude, not enjoying the first ride designed for normal people, you go on then not want to go any other rides because of that, and on the way out ask the direction to take down the first ride.


I think people expect games now to hold your hand and Jaffe is complicit of this.
Although the game doesn't explicitly say it's a challenge level, you kind of put in 2+2 and make sense of it.
He's saying that he doesn't actually want the game to change either though. Which makes me wonder what exactly is the point being made by the vid? That he struggles at the game or is it just clickbait in the height of Astrobot popularity?
While I disagree with his (long rambling) justification for it, I'm always for added difficulty modes or sliders to adjust it so people can personally fine tune how they enjoy the game.
Idk, I did have to try a bunch of the playstation shape levels but they were the closest thing to a skill check in the game. The rest of the game is a cake walk. Surprisingly though, I thought the final level for the 301st bot wasn't that hard.


Watching him play that level was kind of painful. If I die on something like that it's 99% of the time because I'm getting cocky and thinking I can make a jump that I shouldn't even try, but in this case he's not using any of the mechanics correctly. Like why the fuck are you avoiding these things instead of just killing them with your jetstream. I don't even get it.

Little Mac

Gold Member
I’m in my early 40s and just platinum’d it. There were like 3 or 4 hard “run” challenges that I got stuck on for maybe 10 - 20 mins that felt really rewarding when I was able to finally complete it. Regardless, it was an amazing game. Jaffe is just being a little bitch like he was with Metroid Dread.


The title of he’s video is “Astro Bot can be annoyingly hard! Need difficulty mode!?!” He is simply opening a discussion on whether it needs it. He makes a couple interesting points that beg the question. He’s point does not have to be great to be valid. Sure the thumbnail is clickbait, but whose videos aren’t?

He acknowledges the fact that he should simply get good, he acknowledges the fact that the challenging part he is engaged with is a bonus course. All he is probing is if the game design encourages you to engage with it additional content via its check lists and collectables, he at least wants it to be teetering on the edge of challenging but not frustrating. When a game isn’t designed to be a dark souls and is essentially a mainstream casual platformer, it should be more accessible, and adding a difficulty setting enables that. Absolutely nothing wrong with the point he makes.
Dude gave no fucks when he made God of War as difficult as it is. Some sections being rage inducing.

Maybe he has grown as a game developer over the years, or maybe he only cares about acessibility and giving up on artistic integrity when its not his game being judged.

Knowing Jaffe, the answer is obvious.

These levels that he complained about are completely optional and meant to test the player skills. If you cant complete them, just move on. Its not a Souls game where you either get good or you are stuck.


It's interesting because i'm pretty sure that he'll try the level again and be done with it in a couple minutes, probably realising how silly this video was. Obviously, he has a platform and his frustration is as a great excuse to make a video about it. Thing is, this feels reactionary, and he should know all this takes is a little trial and error.


Gold Member
Kinda feel like folks are just looking for a reason to get their feelings hurt because Jaffe was critical of their toys again. I don't think he's totally wrong. After watching the video it's easy to see where he's coming from. This game has broad appeal and will pull in folks who aren't chronically attached to their gaming toys and focused getting gud. Having difficulty settings that would allow younger players and people who don't play as often to progress and see more of this beautiful game wouldn't be such a bad thing. Turn off awarding trophies to people who play on easier modes if necessary as a compromise for people who get upset because someone who is not as elite as they are received the same awards for less effort.

All that said, Jaffe himself should be much better at this game. I can empathize with losing a step or two as you get older because I know I have. But Astro Bot is very much a "learn the patterns and enemy behaviors to win" game. In most situations there's no penalty for death or failure. The only time you really seem to take a step back is if you die too many times in a boss fight, then you just have to start at the beginning. And even that feels fair because the bosses I've fought still seem to just require learning the patterns to win. Jaffe needs to learn how to make his points a bit better.
Tell me the long list of platform games with difficulty modes.
I wasn't aware there was any rule barring platformers from having difficulty modes. The really funny thing about that argument is that if people actually adhered to that mindset you wouldn't have the map, mount, and open world of that really unknown, unpopular game of Elden Ring. What a daft way of thinking.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
I wasn't aware there was any rule barring platformers from having difficulty modes. The really funny thing about that argument is that if people actually adhered to that mindset you wouldn't have the map, mount, and open world of that really unknown, unpopular game of Elden Ring. What a daft way of thinking.

Platform games generally have a set design. It's not like you can increase enemy damage or heal yourself faster.

I like how I said platformers don't generally have difficulty modes and you list a non platform game as an example of how wrong I am.

Whatever is in the water, stop drinking it.
Platform games generally have a set design. It's not like you can increase enemy damage or heal yourself faster.

I like how I said platformers don't generally have difficulty modes and you list a non platform game as an example of how wrong I am.

Whatever is in the water, stop drinking it.
Both Celeste and Cuphead have multiple options for difficulty. Reducing damage taken, increasing doing damage, no fall damage, extra health, extra lives, etc etc etc. It's not hard at all to think of ways to modify the game experience for people.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you really do understand my Elden Ring comparison and are just being obtuse to save face. *shrug* I don't care either way.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Both Celeste and Cuphead have multiple options for difficulty. Reducing damage taken, increasing doing damage, no fall damage, extra health, extra lives, etc etc etc. It's not hard at all to think of ways to modify the game experience for people.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you really do understand my Elden Ring comparison and are just being obtuse to save face. *shrug* I don't care either way.

Again, that you don't know that you're the one being obtuse here says a lot.

Celeste is essentially an 8 bit platformer. They can more easily adjust the difficulty because they can create different maps.

Cuphead is an action platformer that CAN have different enemy health and player health.

That you don't understand the fundamental differences in design for these games is astounding.
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