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Of course Jaffe is complaining about Astro Bot


The nicest person on this forum
I did all four of the triangle void levels. I did all four of the circle void levels. I did three of the square void levels, but I gave up on the last one, where you have to squirt water on lava at the beginning. The previous ones made me sweat, but this one is just fucking bullshit. IMO, there should have been some special bonus reward for doing all the HAM void levels, not just rescuable bots out of the base group of 300. But whatever, I'm not so butthurt that I'd make a crybaby video about it and embarrass myself on youtube.
That one was tricky but I after couple tries I managed get through it.
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The nicest person on this forum
Cool, now go kiss a girl and get laid.
So last night I played that level Jaffe was complaining about. I was drunk and completed it in about 10 tries. And with it instant loading, it’s not a big deal.

So Jaffe is worse than me while I’m hammered. Ha!


The symbol levels are definitely significantly more challenging than the rest of the base game. But they’re more challenging in an annoying way, not a difficultly one.

The only two that really made me raise my blood pressure were the lava stage in square and the beat stage in X, and both of those were issues of the game’s timing more than anything else (for example, I’d land on a spot that I just hit with the rubber duck spray and the screen showed cooled lava ground, but the game timing registered me hitting the lava first).

The Grand Master challenge was a pain in the ass but mostly because I felt it was the only one long enough to warrant a checkpoint at the middle. The regular symbol levels are short enough that starting over, while annoying, isn’t too bad. But the final challenge is much longer and failing right at the end of that one is soul crushing.

Regardless, Jaffe needs to either git gud or just admit he won’t rescue every bot. If my 47 year old ass can do it, he can too.
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Gold Member
Bumping this thread just to say that I beat that level Jaffe is complaining about on the first try. Was not hard.

Come on davidjaffe davidjaffe . You made a video over that?

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