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Offical NBA2K9 GAF Season 7 Thread of High Hopes


Smokey said:
LOL I wonder if something happened behind the scenes or something with those emails. I did list your GT pheeniks.

B/c I know we were trying over and over the other day and it wouldn't do shit.
Can you play?



I think the basketball gods just felt bad after the beatdown the Heat took tonight!

So what did your avatar change to, pheeniks? I notice it's back to your normal one.


You like me, you really really like me!
Smokey can you please clarify the PIP rule for this season?

There seems to be some confusion. Are we subtracting second chance points and fastbreak points from our PIP total?

TWolves-Cavs game, Truelize had 56 PIP, but im not sure how we're calculating this season.
AirBrian said:
I think the basketball gods just felt bad after the beatdown the Heat took tonight!

So what did your avatar change to, pheeniks? I notice it's back to your normal one.

What do you mean? I still see the shitty avatar some mod gave me, its a glorified picture of Rashard Lewis :(

and yeah we got raped by terry


it's on the front page of the league website:

Points in Paint - Our very own MrBob came up with a nice way to handle this 'controversial' issue. If you are under 100 points, the PIP limit is 50. If you go above 100 then PIP CANNOT be higher than 50% of your total points. With this system we have a combination of a static/dynamic PIP system. This season we will go strictly by what the PIP category says in the team stats screen/website.

For OT, you will be allowed an extra 10 PIP.

*If you go over the limit for PIP you will forfeit the game. In the event that BOTH teams go over, I will reset the game and randomly choose a winner*.
truelize gets an auto-loss if he exceeded 50 PIP, doesn't matter how many of those were 2nd chance points.

also, on an unrelated note, is anyone looking for a decent PF? I have brandon bass on the block, he is rated a 77. i'm looking for a SG or SF!


pheeniks said:
What do you mean? I still see the shitty avatar some mod gave me, its a glorified picture of Rashard Lewis :(

and yeah we got raped by terry
Oh, it was cached. :lol Did you lose a bet? Piss off a mod?


Steroid Distributor
FrenchMovieTheme said:
truelize gets an auto-loss if he exceeded 50 PIP, doesn't matter how many of those were 2nd chance points.

also, on an unrelated note, is anyone looking for a decent PF? I have brandon bass on the block, he is rated a 77. i'm looking for a SG or SF!

I'm not taking a loss on this game. I'm just not. I have enforced the rule myself in other situations but the way that game was played I do not deserve a loss.
There has got to be a gentleman's rule that comes into play in situations like this. The rule is 50 on games under 100, half on games over 100. Technically I was 3.5 points over the rule. Ok, auto-loss.
But there is no way that Cerrius can come in here and say that he felt that he was cheesed in the paint of that the reason he lost that game was because of my points in the paint.
That needs to be a stipulation from now on.

Cerrius had a drought in the second half like I have never seen before. I had fastbreak after fastbreak after fastbreak. It was crazy. I had 18 fastbreak points in the game.
Fastbreaks are a result of good defense and bad shots from the other team. I do not think we should be penalizing a team for playing "basketball". Because in "basketball" teams will take the fastbreak hoop.

We used to subtract fast break points from the P.I.P total. And then we subtracted second chance points.

Like I have said before on this subject; the rule is there to prevent teams from cheesing others with constant drives and dunks. It is not there to penalize teams that play great defense and get a lot of fastbreak points.

Talk about it
i don't disagree with you truelize, but rules are rules. it's not if the other person felt you abused it, or if it came within the flow of the game. the rule is what it is.

obviously it's up to smokey, but if he makes an exception in this case then i feel like the entire rule is compromised and going forward anyone who goes over 50 points will not accept an auto-loss.

just me 2 cents!


FrenchMovieTheme said:
i don't disagree with you truelize, but rules are rules. it's not if the other person felt you abused it, or if it came within the flow of the game. the rule is what it is.

obviously it's up to smokey, but if he makes an exception in this case then i feel like the entire rule is compromised and going forward anyone who goes over 50 points will not accept an auto-loss.

just me 2 cents!
yea,i see what youre saying truelize but what FMT said right there is the truth


Steroid Distributor
DiddyBop said:
yea,i see what youre saying truelize but what FMT said right there is the truth

I have been the co-commish in these leagues since 2k4 on the xbox. The way Smokey changed the rule this season was unexpected and wasn't something that he and I ever talked about.

There is no rational way to give the win to Cerrius in this game. None at all.

I have given up a win in the past because I went over the limit and it cost me getting into the playoffs. And in that game my opponent didn't even notice I had gone over the limit. I offered it to him because I felt I abused the paint.

Cerrius went through a stretch in our game where he might have missed 18 of 20 shots. All those misses resulted in fastbreaks for me. If I'm playing "sim" ball I'm taking the fastbreak layup. I'm not going to play like he does and take a stepback three. I'm not. If a team continues to take bad shots and is giving up that many fastbreak points then they have forfeited the rule.

I have said it many many times before. The rule is not there to punish good basketball. It is there to punish those that live on the drive and dunk. In past games it was incredibly easy to score in the paint. I helped create the rule originally. And it was Konex that was the biggest abuser. He would just send a guy into the paint, pass him the ball and get a dunk. And that was when he wasn't going to the hoop and dunking with Kobe. He had games where 85% of his points would be in the paint. That is what we are looking to stop.

If a team is taking a lot of threes, missing them and then getting destroyed with fastbreak points then they need to make better decisions. The rule is not a cushion for taking bad shots. A team (myself in this instance) should not be punished for playing good "basketball".


Damn I just lost an ugly game against Portland.

It was pretty pathetic on both sides. Neither one of us could hit shots.

3rd quarter was horrible for me. That's when portland took control. I was getting called for fouls on jump shots, then the shot would be missed, rebound for him, score and fouled again. Had like 4 tip ins off of missed shots that quarter, I had a throw out of bounds and I also had a back court violation because my PG decided to keep running backwards for no reason. That was one of the craziest bs quarters I've ever seen. :lol Oh well, back to the drawing board!


Steroid Distributor
ecnal said:
admin needs to give me the win in my game against the grizz.

pheeniks broke pip rule.

Did he "break" the rule? Or are you whining your way to a win?

This is exactly what we are talking about right now. Did he win because he abused the paint?


Steroid Distributor
ecnal said:
are you joking?

54 points in the paint out of 78... you tell me. that's pathetic.

Ok, but you can honestly say that he abused the rule. That is fine.

I know Cerrius can't in our case.

This is where the rule is broken

I mean even if we put an asterisks at the end of the rule where the losing team has the right to man up and not take the loss because he didn't feel that the 3 or 4 points is the reason he lost the game.

That could be an option.

Depends on how honest the group of you can be though.
If we have True's game on hold I want mine on hold.

I scored 54 in the paint. Yeah, I got 22 of my first 30 in there----but anyone who has played me knows that I don't cram my way in there. In the game vs. Atlanta I played Gasol, Haddadi, and Gay for my frontline--a huge frontline, that took advantage of the shorter defenders.

And plus, I had Sun Yue looking like the Chinese Magic Johnson out there so I got easy shots. And I don't really have anyone "unstoppable" on my team.

You can't say I didn't try from the perimeter. Go look at the shot chart yourself.


take a look for yourself

wait i never talked about missing th playoffs for the pip rule. i was in the playoffs last season.


sorry, there's no difference between abusing or breaking a rule.

the rule clearly states 50 PIP. it doesn't matter if you score 100 PIP or 52.

you are the same person that was talking about how you missed the playoffs because of breaking the PIP rule--i doubt you abused it then either.

it's plain and simple: you break a rule, you lose a game. there's no shades of grey. that's why smokey eliminated subtracting 2nd chance points. there's absolutely no grey for breaking PIP. you did or you didn't.



Its a tough thing to judge...I dunno. If you go over the rule technically it is broken soooo. I agree with FMT, if we make exceptions here we can start making exceptions for every game.

It is a tough one because you barely went over and crossed over 100 points. I guess I'll leave it up to smokey to figure things out. Good thing I'm not a commish so I don't have to worry about this drama. :D


Steroid Distributor
pheeniks said:
If we have True's game on hold I want mine on hold.

I scored 54 in the paint. Yeah, I got 22 of my first 30 in there----but anyone who has played me knows that I don't cram my way in there. In the game vs. Atlanta I played Gasol, Haddadi, and Gay for my frontline--a huge frontline, that took advantage of the shorter defenders.

And plus, I had Sun Yue looking like the Chinese Magic Johnson out there so I got easy shots. And I don't really have anyone "unstoppable" on my team.

You can't say I didn't try from the perimeter. Go look at the shot chart yourself.


take a look for yourself

You have a much much higher percentage of your points in the paint then I do though. I don't think you are in the same situation. You got a lot of half court points with your big man. That is deliberate PIP.

This thing is a mess in my opinion.

There are differences between how PIP are scored. BIG DIFFERENCES.

Your game Pheeniks if you had stayed at the 50 point limit you would have lost the game. So it can be said that those 4 points over the limit is why you won. I won my game by 13 points and was 3.5 over the limit. So even if I stayed below the ceiling I still win.
I also had 14 fastbreak points. Points that are supposed to be in the paint. Sim basketball is "take the layup".

The rule needs tweaking.


also, pheeniks, you know on-ball-d is required now right?

you guard my guy 1/2 the time and the other half your camping in the paint with your centers...
sim ball is telling me that when your frontline is big you take advantage in the paint. but i don't care give me the loss

and i love how you keep saying i "abused" i have NO ONE TO ABUSE WITH. i dare him to tell you which player was "money" you can see i shared the wealth

i do play on ball D. its because you run around with bibby aimlessly, i take control of my C to let my G back on bibby.


You like me, you really really like me!
Ok, but you can honestly say that he abused the rule. That is fine.

I know Cerrius can't in our case.

This is where the rule is broken

Truelize, the problem isn't that you abused. The problem is you didn't care about breaking the rule. Even when nearing 50 PIP you were still shotfaking with LeBron and driving into the paint for dunks and whatnot.

What's the point of rules if they can be broken? When I play a league game I'm expected to abide by rules and I try my best to do so.

If that means taking jumpshots on fastbreaks to avoid going over the total PIP, then so be it.

If I knew I could go for layups and dunks on fastbreaks and not have it harm my PIP total, then I'd do it every single time instead of taking my step back threes and jumpshots.

I want my win. Rules are rules.


intangibles, motherfucker
gg cb, i was getting absolutely abused on the boards by your guys on offense :lol

when i saw that white dude on your team do a rebound/dunk animation on nene i said this is not my game to win :/

i think i might tweak my lineup a bit and somehow get dirk, bass, and nene on the floor at the same time. helps my defense out a lot and my rebounding!


Mmmmmmmhmmm....FIRE up in here tonight! Where the fuck is our commander in chief?

Probably at an Alpha party that smells like hot cooch and sweat..
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