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Offical NBA2K9 GAF Season 7 Thread of High Hopes

Malleymal said:
I dont know what it is but a majority of the games I play are like that.. maybe its something in my online settings or something, buy no matter what the stamina acts up and everyone plays fast...

Even with full stamina I've never been able to get off shots that fast with Roy. There is always that robotic like animation where the player gathers himself for the shot. You can get quicker shots off by shooting after certain dribble moves but I was running full steam on some of them and just pulling up way too fast.


Malleymal said:
I dont know what it is but a majority of the games I play are like that.. maybe its something in my online settings or something, buy no matter what the stamina acts up and everyone plays fast...

It has to be a bug w/ the Jazz..

You are the only time it's ever happened to me.


kirbybreezy said:
So um, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and just say it. The person I think you are talking about ecnal is "Cerrius".

fucked up thing is, last season when he dropped 71 on me in the playoffs. I didn't feel cheesed. Maybe because I didn't lose the game. But I really had fun trying to stop Beasley in single coverage. And Cerrius used every moveset and inch of the court to get those 71 points. It was a beautiful thing to watch to be honest.

Cerrius legitly manufactured those points. is it sim? Hell no. Was it an exploit? I dont think so, at least not as exploitative as I have seen some others do.

Now that I know you were trying to prove a point, I feel I can comment about your new playstyle.

As soon as our game started, and you used one exploit where you hit your trailing PF with a lead pass and instant dunk I was pretty disgusted. You were one of the better players in the league to play against last year when you had the Jazz, and in this game it was clear you just didn't care.

I would say of all my games, yours was clearly the most cheap. I understand your reason for doing this, you definitely got everyone's attention about the situation. But I feel you have amplified it and exacerbated it.

If this was a response to Cerrius, like I said before. I don't think he is a cheap player. He works for his points. Wherever you said you have seen these exploitative moves, I had not seem them in this league until I played you.

Again, maybe you were trying to bring the exploits to the next level by exagerrating their use. But I feel if you are trying to use Cerrius as your reasoning for this, then I don't see the point.

But maybe I'm just whistling dixie here because I did not see the game between you two. Or if I am indeed correct that it is Cerrius because he didn't have Beasley when you guys played.

it's not a response to one single individual. my games are more egregious because i've coalesced multiple people's game abuses into a single stream lined game plan. nothing is exaggerated or exacerbated. all of the 'plays' i run on the court are literally hand lifted from other people's games--move for move, animation for animation. i will concede that some of the animation abuses were directly lifted from the game-track replays from my game with cerrius.

also, since you mentioned it, you can thank your cousin for the trailing pf dunk. he did it to me literally every time down the court with dwight howard--it has also been mentioned by a number of other people in this thread (notably airbrian, who quit the game because of it). one of his replays on the league site shows it happening on a nearly perfect level.

and while you may not think cerrius' "move sets" are exploits, i absolutely do believe they drastically improve shooting percentages, which, depending on how you look at it, is basically abusing the game logic. look at the stats i've put up with players since i changed my style of play. i went from shooting ~40% with mayo/manu to shooting well over 50% with both of them. there's a direct correlation between some of these moves and shooting percentages, period.

believe me, i would prefer to actually feel like i'm calling plays and picking apart defenses based on perceived weaknesses. it's a more enjoyable experience and it's a better overall experience for both players. it's fun to go into games looking at matchups and changing your lineups based on other teams and what not. basically, it's fun to play this game on a sim level. however, if i'm not getting the same respect from other players in this league, and nothing is done about it, an environment is created in which nobody has incentive to play sim.

and i do apologize for that game (and to everyone else in the last ~8 games), i was going to use my normal game plan versus you because you've proven to be a trustworthy opponent, but i also didn't want to tamper with any of the results i was getting. picking and choosing games where abuses supposedly happened is far less believable than showing, literally, two weeks worth of games where my shooting % has drastically gone up.


GG truelize. i decided i wanted to use all my players more, but didnt think i wouldnt need bosh at all,but he got a good rest this game,only scored 3 points:lol . i think im finally getting matt barnes' release down.



  1. Bobcats
  2. Hawks
  3. Blazers
  4. Twolves
  5. Lakers
  6. Nuggets
  7. Raptors
  8. Suns
  9. Magic
  10. Cavs
  11. Pacers
  12. Suns
  13. Heat
  14. Mavs
  15. Nets
  16. Pistons
  17. Jazz
  18. Celtics
  19. Grizz
  20. Bucks
  21. Bulls
  22. Spurs
  23. Hornets
i don't know why you're being so dramatic, ecnal. this (cheesing on purpose) is a horrible way to prove a point. if you want change, you be that change, not conforming to josh smithing

and yes, i actually agree about cerrius using beasley. that's why i'd rather just let the cpu cover him because cerrius is good at exploiting the human mind to be honest. his pump fake move is perfectly stoppable--just don't jump. that's why i don't see that bitch cerrius doing it to me anymore, and why beasley shoots 40% taking 36 shots :D
yeah if people are going to abuse shit then they can do it against the CPU defender. i will say this season i have defended 99.9% of the time myself and haven't had the CPU cover for me except for the .1% of the time where someone shoots before i can ever switch, but if people are going to take a gajillion shots with one guy or do the same move over and over then plan on doing it against a CPU defender

i wont say i play 100% sim ball, but i play pretty respectable. i rarely ever get to even 40 points in the paint, and there was a game this season where i scored 90+ and had 6 points in the paint. so if someone is going to do the auto dunk over and over with a 99 rated dunk in traffic guy then i wont feel sorry for you doing it on the cpu


ecnal you know if you happen to win the championship, you're pretty much saying it was because you're exploiting the game..right?


  1. Bobcats
  2. Hawks
  3. Blazers
  4. Twolves
  5. Lakers
  6. Nuggets
  7. Raptors
  8. Suns
  9. Magic
  10. Cavs
  11. Pacers
  12. Suns
  13. Heat
  14. Mavs
  15. Nets
  16. Pistons
  17. Jazz
  18. Celtics
  19. Grizz
  20. Bucks
  21. Bulls
  22. Spurs
  23. Hornets

Barrage said:
GG Kirby.

I went into this season with one goal-to hopefully be competitive by the end (which is good, because if I was looking for wins I would be one miserable bastard). I'm not there yet, but I think i'm getting closer.

It kind of depresses me, reading all the messages about people leaving. It seems like the last season of 2K9 was some sort of "golden era" for sim ball. I understand the complaints (and have certainly felt frustrated at times), but trust me when I say any game I hae played in this league is better then quickplaying randoms.

Oh well. I know i'm down for another go. I think if the balance between fun and cheese has been found before, it can be again.

Last season was pretty good. If you read my earlier posts you'll see that I've commished this season a little different than before so I take the blame for it. Figured I could trust members instead of having to babysit all the time, but that just led to the here and now.

And there may be people who leave but that just means we'll have less people in the league. These past 2 seasons is actually the largest it's ever been. There will be enough people who stick around for another go, it just may not be 22 people.


GG Kirby.

I went into this season with one goal-to hopefully be competitive by the end (which is good, because if I was looking for wins I would be one miserable bastard). I'm not there yet, but I think i'm getting closer.

It kind of depresses me, reading all the messages about people leaving. It seems like the last season of 2K9 was some sort of "golden era" for sim ball. I understand the complaints (and have certainly felt frustrated at times), but trust me when I say any game I hae played in this league is better then quickplaying randoms.

Oh well. I know i'm down for another go. I think if the balance between fun and cheese has been found before, it can be again.
ecnal said:
it's not a response to one single individual. my games are more egregious because i've coalesced multiple people's game abuses into a single stream lined game plan. nothing is exaggerated or exacerbated. all of the 'plays' i run on the court are literally hand lifted from other people's games--move for move, animation for animation. i will concede that some of the animation abuses were directly lifted from the game-track replays from my game with cerrius.

also, since you mentioned it, you can thank your cousin for the trailing pf dunk. he did it to me literally every time down the court with dwight howard--it has also been mentioned by a number of other people in this thread (notably airbrian, who quit the game because of it). one of his replays on the league site shows it happening on a nearly perfect level.

and while you may not think cerrius' "move sets" are exploits, i absolutely do believe they drastically improve shooting percentages, which, depending on how you look at it, is basically abusing the game logic. look at the stats i've put up with players since i changed my style of play. i went from shooting ~40% with mayo/manu to shooting well over 50% with both of them. there's a direct correlation between some of these moves and shooting percentages, period.

believe me, i would prefer to actually feel like i'm calling plays and picking apart defenses based on perceived weaknesses. it's a more enjoyable experience and it's a better overall experience for both players. it's fun to go into games looking at matchups and changing your lineups based on other teams and what not. basically, it's fun to play this game on a sim level. however, if i'm not getting the same respect from other players in this league, and nothing is done about it, an environment is created in which nobody has incentive to play sim.

and i do apologize for that game (and to everyone else in the last ~8 games), i was going to use my normal game plan versus you because you've proven to be a trustworthy opponent, but i also didn't want to tamper with any of the results i was getting. picking and choosing games where abuses supposedly happened is far less believable than showing, literally, two weeks worth of games where my shooting % has drastically gone up.

Lol, yep my nephew does do that. He is probably the king of doing that. Although I had thought he toned it down if not eliminated it completely.

I don't have a problem with that exploit if my defender is actually behind the play. By all means punish me for having a slow big man. But when this happens off of a full court dead ball inbounds pass and my D is set and its pretty much like an instant fast break, then there's just no reason for me to even be on the floor.

Despite you still purposefully cheesing, there were some damn good moments in that game, and I still love playing against you when you actually play your game. For example you playing cat and mouse with Aldridge when I backed way up off you and forced J Smith to shoot. He missed a few, hit one, and then on the next one I bit and jumped for the block and you jammed it in it.

I also have no problem with you using the back to the basket jumpers with Mayo over little Stevie Blake. I was just too reluctant to put on a larger guard to defend Mayo. You abuse mismatches, that's sim basketball.

I just have a problem with you becoming Frankenstein's monster on us and taking every abuse you've weathered and combining it into a playstyle that you yourself do not condone or enjoy.

I just don't see how we can better deal with this problem that you want to fix. I feel that when playoffs come, and it becomes a 7 game series situation, people that have depended on exploits won't be able to in order to progress.

Heck even within one game, sometimes the well runs dry when people continually go to certain exploits.

I really think what pheeniks says is correct. Even you yourself were going to use J. Smith as a "retaliatory" player". If people are played cheap against, they're going to come back down the court and do the same thing.

On the other hand, I think if someone plays a good game of basketball, the opposing player is going to be more likely to return the favor.


dunno why everyone is going in on cerrius. beasley can be contained,i think i did a pretty good job on him in my last game. you just gotta out think him. it takes a lot of effort to stop beasley but it can be done. he dropped 35 on me in my game just now but i was satisfied with how i played and i got the win.
Barrage said:
GG Kirby.

I went into this season with one goal-to hopefully be competitive by the end (which is good, because if I was looking for wins I would be one miserable bastard). I'm not there yet, but I think i'm getting closer.

It kind of depresses me, reading all the messages about people leaving. It seems like the last season of 2K9 was some sort of "golden era" for sim ball. I understand the complaints (and have certainly felt frustrated at times), but trust me when I say any game I hae played in this league is better then quickplaying randoms.

Oh well. I know i'm down for another go. I think if the balance between fun and cheese has been found before, it can be again.

Oh man, Another wacky game for me. Both of our defensive AI's were on some bad coca leaf plant. Both teams were defaulting to a 1-4 zone or some shit. 1-fucking-4. Not Box and 1. 1-fucking-4. With the point guard standing under the basket.

There were mismatches everywhere, even when I reset the defense to man to man. Players were all over the court as we tried to manually put our guys on the right people.

Every game its like some other new shit that players have to contend with to play a decent game of basketball.

GG man. Calderon had a few made field goals. Don't give up hope on him yet man, he can still be league MVP.


my point has already been proven through legitimate statistical numbers than can be viewed on the league website, i have no need to spam the same moves over and over anymore.

i brought it all up willingly and openly because these other people will literally not give the slightest admission that what they're doing is discursive to the league.

hopefully, the admins actually take this seriously and start taking complaints towards other players seriously. otherwise there's really no reason to play in this league if some players are allowed to do whatever without consequence, while everyone else abides by the rules.

also, as far as im concerned, all the games can be overturned. i'm fine with that because that's what's fair.


DiddyBop said:
dunno why everyone is going in on cerrius. beasley can be contained,i think i did a pretty good job on him in my last game. you just gotta out think him. it takes a lot of effort to stop beasley but it can be done. he dropped 35 on me in my game just now but i was satisfied with how i played and i got the win.
The fact that gameplaning for beasley is greater than Kobe or Lebron is the fact!! :lol :lol I have not heard anyone saying my god Kobe and Lebron have to be stoped!! Only Beasley...listen to the words that i wrote....it speaks to what people are saying. Let Cerrius have the Lakers :p Than Kobe will be averaging 57a game and the entire bench will not attempt a shot for the entire season.



Steroid Distributor
I would really like to know who are all these people ecnal are talking about.

I have seen some odd things in my games, but rarely do I blame my opponent for my losses. I haven't lost to many games where lag wasn't an issue.

I know that the step back shot that Cerrius does for threes on the break has to be an animation that boosts percentages because he does it 9 times out of 10 and he dropped almost 40 on me with Rashard McCants.

I know that the slow reverse dribble out to the free throw line elbow and the taking a quick turnaround improves percentages because Diddy wouldn't do it 15 times a game (I don't know if this one is unstoppable - but I've had three different players come to me about this move).

I know that Wade/Bron/Kobe/Smooth will just go through players if they want to but we can't change that until 2k figures out how to make a game with collision detection.

I need to know what is an exploit. I don't see them all. I don't know if I do them at all. But I can't police a system if I don't know all the issues.


You now belong to FMT.
only problem i have with manual defense is switching.... Everytime I switch I end up getting beat because the guy i switch to is automatically put out of place.. So i think its ok to let the CPU contain the player for a little while.


I will be quitting any game from now on when someone constantly checks the Points in the paint to see how many more freebie points they can get.


Malleymal said:
only problem i have with manual defense is switching.... Everytime I switch I end up getting beat because the guy i switch to is automatically put out of place.. So i think its ok to let the CPU contain the player for a little while.


I will be quitting any game from now on when someone constantly checks the Points in the paint to see how many more freebie points they can get.

yea i tend to do this sometimes, but you do get rewarded with steals occasionally when you switch instantly,so it balances out either way.


Malleymal said:
only problem i have with manual defense is switching.... Everytime I switch I end up getting beat because the guy i switch to is automatically put out of place.. So i think its ok to let the CPU contain the player for a little while.


I will be quitting any game from now on when someone constantly checks the Points in the paint to see how many more freebie points they can get.

What's your definition of constantly. I check the PIP a few times in the 2nd half so I don't fucking lose a game because I have 52 instead of 50. Sometimes I think a shot was outside of the paint, but one foot of my player was on the line and it counts it as a PIP.
Truelize said:
I would really like to know who are all these people ecnal are talking about.

I have seen some odd things in my games, but rarely do I blame my opponent for my losses. I haven't lost to many games where lag wasn't an issue.

I know that the step back shot that Cerrius does for threes on the break has to be an animation that boosts percentages because he does it 9 times out of 10 and he dropped almost 40 on me with Rashard McCants.

I know that the slow reverse dribble out to the free throw line elbow and the taking a quick turnaround improves percentages because Diddy wouldn't do it 15 times a game (I don't know if this one is unstoppable - but I've had three different players come to me about this move).

I know that Wade/Bron/Kobe/Smooth will just go through players if they want to but we can't change that until 2k figures out how to make a game with collision detection.

I need to know what is an exploit. I don't see them all. I don't know if I do them at all. But I can't police a system if I don't know all the issues.
this. i want to know the definition of an eploit.
btw, true. sorry about ditching you yesterday. my gold account expired and i got too lazy to go to the store.


Smokey, I'm convinced you somehow pushed Michael Redd's curse on to Richard Jefferson. It's the only way I can explain how awful he has played since. I was lights-out with him before we played...now he is absolutely worthless! I HATE YOU!!!! :p


Birdman02 said:
Smokey, I'm convinced you somehow pushed Michael Redd's curse on to Richard Jefferson. It's the only way I can explain how awful he has played since. I was lights-out with him before we played...now he is absolutely worthless! I HATE YOU!!!! :p

I just looked at your games w/ him and you're right! . Redd is no longer cursed so maybe there is some truth to your statement :lol


Birdman02 said:
Smokey, I'm convinced you somehow pushed Michael Redd's curse on to Richard Jefferson. It's the only way I can explain how awful he has played since. I was lights-out with him before we played...now he is absolutely worthless! I HATE YOU!!!! :p
Well to be fair, you can't count last night's game against the stifling Bulls' defense!


AirBrian said:
Well to be fair, you can't count last night's game against the stifling Bulls' defense!
Air Brian can you play now?

Got my boots! They are sexy as fuck all! Now waiting for the jeans to arrive.


kirbybreezy said:
GG man. Calderon had a few made field goals. Don't give up hope on him yet man, he can still be league MVP.

Damn straight. 11/13 baby! WE CAN BUILD ON THIS

Daw, let's get our game in tonight. Post in this thread when you're available, and we'll get it done.


charsace said:
Air Brian can you play now?

Got my boots! They are sexy as fuck all! Now waiting for the jeans to arrive.
Sorry, won't get home from work until around 7:30 PM (CDT). I'd like to watch 24 live, but if need be, I can play anytime after I get home.


I will try to get some games in tonight. The place where my xbox is is full of sick people right now and I am kind of scared to go over there.
i say just allow manual defense on a star player. the AI has a hard time getting exploited and bruce bowen type players can actually impact the game

also, me and the raptors couldn't get a time together so we agreed to coin toss it...and i agreed to give him the win cause i'm just...a nice guy


daw840 said:
I will try to get some games in tonight. The place where my xbox is is full of sick people right now and I am kind of scared to go over there.
Where a protective suit and then burn them all?


ph33nix said:
i say just allow manual defense on a star player. the AI has a hard time getting exploited and bruce bowen type players can actually impact the game

also, me and the raptors couldn't get a time together so we agreed to coin toss it...and i agreed to give him the win cause i'm just...a nice guy

I don't believe that for one second


daw840 said:
I will try to get some games in tonight. The place where my xbox is is full of sick people right now and I am kind of scared to go over there.
Ok. So tonight i have two game. Cerrius and Daw, first come first serve, the other got next. :D After 9pm est.



intangibles, motherfucker
FrenchMovieTheme said:
just advance now smokey!

why dont you just do things yourself. you have the power.

you remind me of Alex Smith the way you fail at things


Steroid Distributor
If anyone has a problem with manual defense then don't join next season. Seriously.

Or make some intelligent trades and get yourself a good defensive SF or SG so that you can contain some of the high scoring players.

I have Lebron and he is rated 100 or 101 depending on what update you look at. I have played several teams that have done a very very good job at containing me and holding me well below my average. Sure I don't bullrush my way to the hoop 30 times a game and I don't know how to take advantage of animation exploits (heck I feel guilty when I go to the hoop and get one of those stupid animations where I warp through someone), but I still use Bron a lot and get him his touches when I need a basket. I haven't scored more than 40 with him more than once and have scored 25 or under in 8 of 22 games.

Maybe instead of complaining about manual defense we should continue to focus on people that know how to exploit their offensive moves.


Truelize said:
If anyone has a problem with manual defense then don't join next season. Seriously.

Or make some intelligent trades and get yourself a good defensive SF or SG so that you can contain some of the high scoring players.

I had one. He was traded for Kevin Love :(
Truelize said:
If anyone has a problem with manual defense then don't join next season. Seriously.

Or make some intelligent trades and get yourself a good defensive SF or SG so that you can contain some of the high scoring players.

I have Lebron and he is rated 100 or 101 depending on what update you look at. I have played several teams that have done a very very good job at containing me and holding me well below my average. Sure I don't bullrush my way to the hoop 30 times a game and I don't know how to take advantage of animation exploits (heck I feel guilty when I go to the hoop and get one of those stupid animations where I warp through someone), but I still use Bron a lot and get him his touches when I need a basket. I haven't scored more than 40 with him more than once and have scored 25 or under in 8 of 22 games.

Maybe instead of complaining about manual defense we should continue to focus on people that know how to exploit their offensive moves.

Good luck finding out what exactly an exploit is.

And if people are gonna continue doing shit that's indefendable and I can't do anything but puss out, then say bye to me too
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