Cloudy said:So much bullshit :lol
:lolCubsfan23 said:Looks like the mods unbanned somebody just in time for a 3-0 comeback
kevm3 said:Since when is wrapping a player up a technical foul. BULLSHIT. And Amare is 6'10. Yeah, him jumping into a 6'1 Tony Parker is flopping. Get the fuck outta here.
That's the game right there.BatiGOOOOOOL said:11/23 from the FT line! FUCKING YAY!
AirBrian said:That's the game right there.
That block was in-friggin'-credible. Amare's going to enjoy that replay for a long time.
And on Tony's "flop", his feet were planted and he was outside of the RA. Amare clearly pushed him with his forearm. Regardless of Tony's acting, it was a foul that should've been called. Of course that play should not have mattered assuming the Spurs can hit a FT. :lol
^^^jobber said:Spurs in 5!!!!!!!
BatiGOOOOOOL said:Flopping? How about Amare's moving screen on Bowen at midcourt? That's a foul.
BatiGOOOOOOL said:Flopping? How about Amare's moving screen on Bowen at midcourt? That's a foul. TP got fouled by Amare. Yes, he acted a little bit, but most players in the NBA overdramatize those kind of plays. His feet were firmly planted. And how do you call a double technical when Manu is just holding Amare from behind and he sends him to the floor?
Amare is an amazing player, but he's got the refs hanging from his dong and I don't know why. He's getting more respect than Tim Duncan.
:lol I forgot about that too.BatiGOOOOOOL said:Flopping? How about Amare's moving screen on Bowen at midcourt? That's a foul. TP got fouled by Amare. Yes, he acted a little bit, but most players in the NBA overdramatize those kind of plays. His feet were firmly planted. And how do you call a double technical when Manu is just holding Amare from behind and he sends him to the floor?
Amare is an amazing player, but he's got the refs hanging from his dong and I don't know why. He's getting more respect than Tim Duncan.
AirBrian said::lol I forgot about that too.
...But the Spurs lost the game at the FT line, not by the ref's whistle. It's all good though. Spurs will beat the Suns in Phoenix and get a little revenge for...
AstroLad said:Oh God, give me a fucking break. Manu was trying to assfuck (speaking of hanging on someone's dong) Stoudemire and Amare basically just shrugged him off and he went flying like it was a fucking explosion, even the announcers called him a "stuntman." Calling that a tech only on Amare would have basically been endorsing that kind of shit, any other player who doesn't fall down every 1.8 seconds, and isn't conditioned to just dive upon anything bad for his team happening, barely reacts.
Seriously, I'd love to watch Manu just walk across a long street, untouched. How many times would he go just flying like crazy? Watching him is like watching Fight Club where Norton is just flying all over the fucking place without anyone around.
Keep that shit in soccer.
BatiGOOOOOOL said:Why the fuck should I care about what you have to say? You only show up when the Suns win, Mr. Fairweather fan.
Larry Brown has told two league sources that he plans to take the Cavaliers' offer to become their next team president. According to the sources, who spoke to on Monday evening, Brown said he would accept the position after the Pistons' season is over.
Bowser said:
Incognito said:Astrolad, it's simply an exercise in futility to argue with a Spurs fan after their team has lost. They're simply unreasonable, inoperative and feel as if there is some huge conspiracy theory as to why the fabled Spurs lost. To be sure, the excuse most often used after a loss is the "REFS WEREN'T BEING FAIR TONIGHT!!!! 5 vs 8!!!!!!" garbage. Not even accounting for the fact that the Spurs most likely committed less fouls than the opposing team, shot more free throws and were on the receiving end of more than enough genorous calls concerning Manu and his broadway acts, they'll still yammer on about endlessly.
It's embarrassing. Just repeat the score over, over, over and over and eventually they'll shut the fuck up.
whytemyke said:I don't know man. Russel averaged a triple double for an entire season. I don't think anyone can argue with that statistic.
Matlock said:Untrue: he shows up after wins and losses--but posts six times as much after a win!
BatiGOOOOOOL said::lol
I know I get riled up after a loss, but at least I don't start calling other people retards and morons. But I get pissed off when I know the team should've done much better if it wasn't for little details that screwed everything up. Plus I haven't complained about the officiating during the whole playoffs. Tonight, I didn't agree with a couple of calls, but I also know when to admit the team souldn't have been in a position where the calls decided the outcome of the game.
Incognito said:Astrolad, it's simply an exercise in futility to argue with a Spurs fan after their team has lost. They're simply unreasonable, inoperative and feel as if there is some huge conspiracy theory as to why the fabled Spurs lost. To be sure, the excuse most often used after a loss is the "REFS WEREN'T BEING FAIR TONIGHT!!!! 5 vs 8!!!!!!" garbage. Not even accounting for the fact that the Spurs most likely committed less fouls than the opposing team, shot more free throws and were on the receiving end of more than enough genorous calls concerning Manu and his broadway acts, they'll still yammer on about endlessly.
It's embarrassing. Just repeat the score over, over, over and over and eventually they'll shut the fuck up.
BatiGOOOOOOL said:The little details I refer to in my post are FT shooting and a PG that couldn't sink a ball in a pool, not the refs.
And us Mavs fans too.Matrix said:Its a Texas thing,us Rockets fans do the same exact thing.
BatiGOOOOOOL said::lol
You sure take it seriously for something "not worth the emotional investment".
Matlock said:Dear Astrolad:
what, me serious?