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Official 2008 Olympics Thread - 1936, the Remix

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deepbrown said:
Phillips was in first place with 17m 61cm. To then get beaten in the fourth jump...Phillips never bettered his second place jump.
So we still ended up with silver? Doesn't sound too bad.

Nolan. said:
I like Johnson, he's so willing for people to break his record, even seems disappointed when it doesn't happen.
He said in Games Today last night that he doesn't mind because he's not doing anything to try and defend them. No point in being protective over a record if you can't do anything to stop it being taken.


What is with the awful attacking and taking shots from 30 yards out? This is like exhibition level of play right now. Yeah, I know you're missing your best striker but someone needs to freaking step it up.


chickensoup said:
So we still ended up with silver? Doesn't sound too bad.

He said in Games Today last night that he doesn't mind because he's not doing anything to try and defend them. No point in being protective over a record if you can't do anything to stop it being taken.
I know..but Phillips has jumped farthar than that.


deepbrown said:
I know..but Phillips has jumped farthar than that.

Plus he's been the best in the world for the year no.? Also he seemed really disappointed that he didn't get gold since i'm pretty sure he knows he's capable. Anyway i'm watching rhythmic gymnastic i'm never sure what to think of this event.
I watched some of the last game the US womens soccer team played. They were terrible. I'm surprised they made it this far. The previous team would have probably slaughtered the current team. I'm surprised Brazil didn't demolish them in this game. Where the USA has been unlucky in track and field, they've made up for it in womens soccer.
Shadow780 said:


I hope the soccer final isn't decided by something as bullocks as penalty kicks. I hate that shit. They need to man up like soccer.

Also, I think softball should remain as an Olympic sport, as America didn't win Gold. If we lose this, than China should lose ping-pong. The only difference is baseball is a REAL sport. We are losing baseball, too? That sucks for teams like Cuba. :(


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Ceres said:
Beezy said:
Stop looking for someone to blame. US just isn't that good in T&F overall this year.

I'm not blaming him, but expectations were based on season marks and 2007 track and field champinships, where the U.S got 14 golds and 26 medals overall.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Two women sentenced to 're-education' in China

BEIJING: In the annals of people who have struggled against Communist Party rule, Wu Dianyuan and Wang Xiuying are unlikely to merit even a footnote.

The two women, both in their late 70s, have never spoken out against China's authoritarian government. Both walk with the help of a cane, and Wang is blind in one eye. Their grievance, receiving insufficient compensation when their homes were seized for redevelopment, is perhaps the most common complaint among Chinese displaced during the country's long streak of fast economic growth.

But the Beijing police still sentenced the two women to an extrajudicial term of "re-education through labor" this week for applying to hold a legal protest in a designated area in Beijing, where officials promised that Chinese could hold demonstrations during the Olympic Games.

They became the most recent examples of people punished for submitting applications to protest. A few would-be demonstrators have simply disappeared, at least for the duration of the Games, squelching already diminished hopes that the influx of foreigners and the prestige of holding the Games would push China's leaders to relax their tight grip on political expression.

"Can you imagine two old ladies in their 70s being re-educated through labor?" asked Li Xuehui, Wu's son, who said the police told the two women that their sentence might remain in suspension if they stayed at home and stopped asking for permission to protest.

"I feel very sad and angry because we're only asking for the basic right of living and it's been six years, but nobody will do anything to help," Li said.

It is unclear why the police have detained people who sought permission to protest. Some political analysts say the police may be refusing to enforce the government's order, announced last month, to allow protest zones. Chinese lawyers and human rights advocates also suggested a more cynical motivation — that the authorities were using the possibility of legal demonstrations as a ploy to lure restive citizens into declaring their intention to protest, allowing the police to take action against them.

When the International Olympic Committee awarded the Games to Beijing in 2001, ignoring critics who said China should not be rewarded for repression, its president, Jacques Rogge, offering assurances that they would invariably spur China toward greater openness.

But prospects dimmed even before the opening ceremonies, when overseas journalists arrived to discover that China's promise to provide uncensored Internet access was riddled with caveats. The ensuing uproar did persuade the government to unblock some politically sensitive Web sites, but many others, including those that discuss Tibet and the banned spiritual group Falun Gong, remain inaccessible at the Olympic press center.

The announcement that the police had set up special protest zones was initially greeted as a positive if modest step that could allow Chinese a new channel to voice grievances otherwise ignored by party authorities and the state-run media.

"In order to ensure smooth traffic flow, a nice environment and good social order, we will invite these participants to hold their demonstrations in designated places," Liu Shaowu, the security director for Beijing's Olympic organizing committee, said at a news conference. He described the creation of three so-called protest zones and suggested that a simple application process would provide Chinese citizens an avenue for free expression, a right that has long been enshrined in China's Constitution but in reality is rarely granted.

But with four days left before the closing ceremonies, the authorities acknowledge that they have yet to allow a single protest. They claim that most of the people who filed applications had their grievances addressed, obviating the need for a public expression of discontent.

Chinese activists say they are not surprised that the promise proved illusory. Li Fangping, a lawyer who has been arrested and beaten for his dogged representation of rights advocates, said there was no way the government would allow protesters to expose some of China's most vexing problems, among them systemic corruption, environmental degradation and the forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of residents for projects related to the Olympics.

"For Chinese petitioners, if their protest applications were approved, it would lead to a chain reaction of others seeking to voice their problems as well," Li said.

During the past two decades, China has embraced a market economy and shed some of the more onerous restrictions that dictated where people could live, whom they could marry and whether they could leave the country. But when it comes to political dissent and religious freedom, the government has been unrelenting.

In theory, the Communist Party allows citizens to lobby the central government on matters of local corruption, the illegal seizure of land and extralegal detentions. In reality, those who arrive at Beijing's petition office are often met at the door by plainclothes officers who stop them from filing their complaints and then bundle them back to their hometowns. Intimidation, beatings and administrative detentions are often enough to prevent them from trying again.

Daniel Bell, who teaches political theory at Tsinghua University in Beijing, suggested that Western political leaders and rights advocates were naïve to think that the Olympics would pave the way for the loosening of such restrictions. Although Chinese citizens have come to enjoy greater freedoms over the past two decades, progress has been largely stalled in the years leading up to the Olympics as officials worked to ensure that nothing would interfere with the Games.

In recent months, the pressure has only intensified: scores of rights lawyers and political dissenters have been detained, and even the armies of migrant workers who built the Olympic stadiums have been encouraged to leave town, lest their disheveled appearances detract from the image of a clean, modern nation.

"When you have guests coming over for dinner, you clean up the house and tell the children not to argue," Bell said.

While the demands of Wu, 79, and Wang, 77, the protest applicants, might be seen as harmless, they threatened to expose the systemic problems that bedevil the lives of millions of Chinese. Like many disenchanted citizens, the two women, former neighbors, were seeking to draw attention to a government-backed real estate deal that promised to give them apartments in the new development that replaced their homes not far from Tiananmen Square. Six years later, they are living in ramshackle apartments on the outskirts of the city, and their demands for compensation have gone unanswered.

On Monday, when they returned to the police station to follow up on their protest applications, the women were told they had been sentenced to one year at a labor camp for "disturbing public order." For the moment, the women have been allowed to return to their homes, but they have been warned that they could be sent to a detention center at any moment, relatives said.

Officials say that they received 77 protest applications but that nearly all of them were dropped after the complaints were "properly addressed by relevant authorities or departments through consultations."

At a news conference on Wednesday, Wang Wei, the vice president of Beijing's Olympic organizing committee, was asked about the lack of protests. He said it showed the system was working. "I'm glad to hear that over 70 protest issues have been solved through consultation, dialogue," he said. "This is a part of Chinese culture."

But human rights advocates say that instead of pointing the way toward a more open society, the Olympics have put China's political controls on display.

"Given this moment when the international spotlight is shining on China, when so much of the international media are in Beijing, it's unfathomable why the authorities are intensifying social control," said Sharon Hom, the executive director of Human Rights in China. "The truth is they're sending a clear and disturbing message, one they're not even trying to hide, which is we're not even interested in hearing dissenting voices."

Tang Xuemei contributed research.

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