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Official 2008 Olympics Thread - 1936, the Remix

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Yao is a lucky guy~:lol


It's pretty crazy that our overall medal count is the highest ever barring 1984 and the boycott. China won a lot of medals but they all seem to of come from events where the USA has never attempted to be competitive.
lherre said:
Well, then this example for you is "good" with your rules.

You are playing soccer, a goalkeeper send the ball to a defender, the first opponent is 20-25 meters of it. Then the defender get the ball with the hands and inmediatly put the ball again in the grass. He hasn't any advantage of it because the first opponent is 25 meters. With your logic the referer haven't to say nothing, not advantage. Correct?

And yes, Placido Domingo is George Lucas !!!:lol
That doesn't fit with the spirit of the game (which is what the rules specifically say the referees are to uphold). It'd be like a player kicking the ball inbounds and the receiving player juggling it with his feet. At that point, you are no longer player basketball. It's a judgement call that the refs have the power to make.

What a great closing ceremony. Not as good as the opening, of course, but still a great sendoff. So sad :(.


typhonsentra said:
It's pretty crazy that our overall medal count is the highest ever barring 1984 and the boycott. China won a lot of medals but they all seem to of come from events where the USA has never attempted to be competitive.
There are other countries that are competitive, you know, no reason to downplay China's medals.


OpinionatedCyborg said:
That doesn't fit with the spirit of the game (which is what the rules specifically say the referees are to uphold). It'd be like a player kicking the ball inbounds and the receiving player juggling it with his feet. At that point, you are no longer player basketball.

What a great closing ceremony. Not as good as the opening, of course, but still a great sendoff. So sad :(.

"only" playing basketball for 15 years ...

This is the rule you are saying?? This isn't travelling too?


I'm trying to find the match to download and make some gifs.

And agree, great ceremony.
lherre said:
"only" playing basketball for 15 years ...

This is the rule you are saying?? This isn't travelling too?


I'm trying to find the match to download and make some gifs.
Ask yourself why the ref didn't make the call on that egregious traveling and perhaps you shall find the answer to the questions you seek.

edit: I'm done for now. Like I said earlier, research this yourself. You can read the rules (like the excerpt I posted which applies to personal contact and violations in general) and FIBA articles (http://www.fiba.com/asp_includes/download.asp?file_id=370). There are a lot of sources on this. Advantage/disadvantage is fundamental to officiating, which is why I'm always surprised when fans don't understand that. Most have the same reaction as you (I had many of the same thoughts years ago).


OpinionatedCyborg said:
Ask yourself why the ref didn't make the call on that egregious traveling and perhaps you shall find the answer to the questions you seek.

More easy, you're saying that in this case the cleveland player doesn't have advantage of travelling? Please only say yes or not.
OpinionatedCyborg said:
There are a lot of sources on this. Advantage/disadvantage is fundamental to officiating, which is why I'm always surprised when fans don't understand that. Most have the same reaction as you (I had many of the same thoughts years ago).

You can stop your bullshit now. In FIBA basketball travelling is always called, no matter what...

It was a great game , one of the best i ever got to see, Team USA deserved to win.... but its just a shame that referees forgot what travelling is... we may had witnessed another game if they had not
Has someone merged us in with the NBA thread again? ;-)

Ignoring all the political stuff (and basketball stuff, lol), that was a good two weeks of sport. I'm glad it's over now though, so I can do some work without getting distracted :lol
Awww, it's over! Damn, i wish there was more. I always ended up missing on swimming and athletics outside of the olympics. I hope this time i can find a way to keep watching.

Anyway, rate you country, rate the olympics time.

Best games i had the chance to follow. Phelps + Bolt + Redeem Team = super awesomeness.

Russia and Germany let me down. They've been falling ever since the end of communism and their doped athletes. Russia lost a lot of medals to China on this one.

Great Britain, what a surprise. I guess is safe to say their olympic program for 2012 is already in full swing.

USA, despite the media complains and jokes, they did very well. 110 total is a lot of medals. 36 golds is the same as Athens. If you count the chokes and disappointments, they could have ended with 125 or so.

China came very close to their 119 goal. They won 8 medals in Swimming and athletics, so you can see how well they did in the other sports. It's a shame they are such an extreme, could be a good example of how to build and mantain a sports program in your country, but sometimes they go way overboard on recruiting and stuff. Well, nothing is 100% perfect.

Brazil, oh what to say about my country. Here's how we rank on some stuff:

Population, 6th
Land, 5th
Cell phones, 4th
Car industry, 6th
Agriculture, 2nd
Economy, 9th or 10th (not sure)

And then... sports. 3 golds and 15 medals total. Absolutely a joke, as always. And well deserved. People only care about soccer here and we don't have sports on the universities. No program, no win, that's justice. I wonder what could have been done with a little effort.

Can't wait for London, i'm glad there's a world cup and things like NFL and NBA in the middle to distract me.

Darkman M

:lol Wow ive been to bed and i wake up to see the same two guys still crying bitter tears over what they think is traveling befeore i went to sleep hours ago..........


Darkman M said:
:lol Wow ive been to bed and i wake up to see the same two guys still crying bitter tears over what they think is traveling befeore i went to sleep hours ago..........

Crying? How old are you? 5-6 years?? (in mental age of course).

We are speaking with some people or discussing what is travelling and what not with examples.

We are VERY proud of the match and our team.

And USA is a great team with wonderful players and they deserve to win.

Nothing more nothing less.

Darkman M

lherre said:
Crying? How old are you? 5-6 years?? (in mental age of course).

We are speaking with some people or discussing what is travelling and what not with examples.

We are VERY proud of the match and our team.

And USA is a great team with wonderful players and they deserve to win.

Nothing more nothing less.

Yes im 5 or 6 and you aren't discussing anything because it doesn't take 6 hours to discuss what a travel is when many people have already gave you the definition of the fiba and NBA rules. Seems more like bitter tears to me, i mean what more can be said about it?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
lherre said:
You see any FIBA basketball? Euroleague maybe? In Europe ALL the travellings are a violation and the referers make his job.

we saw FIBA refs tonight.. what is your point again?
Blackace said:
we saw FIBA refs tonight.. what is your point again?

I have seen those same FIBA refs calling games.... and it was nothing like they usually do. They have a fame of being very hard... so i dont understand how could they become just so forgiving with one rule

By the way.... im reading la gazzetta http://www.gazzetta.it and they mention the travelling issue


Won't stop picking the right nation
I would like the "no matter what" part quantified of "FIBA basketball traveling is always called" because that would denote an extensive knowledge of all international basketball without any truly useful figures. It's easy to exaggerate and say something like "most of the time" when it's not really most of the time at all. For instance, I did a quick search and found a guy claiming that in some instances they've been giving more leeway in European basketball (with a vague but apt example), and I wouldn't know who to believe because these are claims without substantive arguments at their backs. I mean I don't really know a whole lot about FIBA basketball and its applications, which would make a study of the actual facts useful instead of having to rely on a claim levied against someone's argument, especially when people say things in arguments, and though a full examination of the facts would be impossible without incredible knowledge of the game across a wide range of leagues, it's fair to try to cut as close to the truth as possible.

I don't know about international play, but in the NBA traveling is kind of like holding in the NFL. The rule is there to provide an objective basis for calls, but the spirit of the rule is one that allows leeway for the benefit of the game. In the NFL they'll let you obstruct someone with your hands. They just don't want you to grab a hold and maul the guy. I treat traveling the same way. It's there to provide order but not to stifle creativity and play. I never believed in calling rules by the letter of the law. There are too many extenuating situations and gray areas. Most calls are already situational to begin with. FIBA's also trying to merge a few NBA rules too (I believe they thought about changing the lane, but I don't know how far that got). It would be far more useful to ask a few questions. Have they lightened up from a few years ago? (the US used to get killed on some calls even at the end of games) Are other teams extended the same leeway? What is the reason for this in the first place?

It seems like it took five pages just so that the two rules could be compared, so there seems to be some confusion on that. But I'm not really arguing about the rule itself. I'm trying to steer this argument down a more productive path.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Starchasing said:
I have seen those same FIBA refs calling games.... and it was nothing like they usually do. They have a fame of being very hard... so i dont understand how could they become just so forgiving with one rule

I have seen a lot of FIBA games. They call traveling but they aren't as hardcore as people are claiming.. and the flopage is even worse than the NBA so it all evens out


Goodbye Olympics. :(


-USOC needs to get its shit together. WE'RE #1 (except for the next 4 years).
-Chicoms did a pretty good job suppressing free speech. No hijinks to laugh at really. :(
-NBC can eat my nuts. I hope they never get the Olympics again.
-Thank science for the internet! I was not NBC's captive because of it.
-NBC had really good online streaming. I hope whoever gets it next copies that.
-How about that USA Basketball not winning gold, xabre? LAWLIN'
-IOC is a joke. Always were, always will be.
-We had some good banter in here. Not as good as the Euro 2008 thread, but hey no one's perfect.
-Brazil's football team can eat my nuts for taking Jo and playing him what, one whole match? MAN CITY NEED STRIKERS. :mad:
-When does India get one of these fancy Olympic things?
-See you all in 4 years.
Karakand said:
-When does India get one of these fancy Olympic things?
Wouldn't mind betting they'll get it in 2020. 2016 seems to be a lock for Chicago, then I'd expect the IOC to either give it to someone like Russia, or a new country like India.

And whilst I fully believe London will find new and special ways to screw up 2012, I'm sure I'll be there queuing up for tickets with the rest of them. Expect to see me on TV making up the spectator numbers in some minor sport like Over-100kg Belly Flop diving or something :D


Man its sad the Olympics are over.

This was easily the best Olympics I've ever witnessed.

Such a great opening ceremony as well as great competitors and competitions.

Phelps and Bolt are truely legends.

Epic competition with U.S and Chinese Gymnastics as well and Jamaica and U.S track.

The absolute epicness of women's archery (Probably the biggest upset in the entire Olympics.)

3 absolutely insane swimming finals.

Redeem team.

Just enough drama to put some spice in the games but not detract from it.

The only problem in this whole thing was freakin NBC and their absolute refusal to show major events live. Well at least their internet feed was great for the less popular events.


chickensoup said:
Wouldn't mind betting they'll get it in 2020. 2016 seems to be a lock for Chicago, then I'd expect the IOC to either give it to someone like Russia, or a new country like India.
I wouldn't bet on Russia since they're busy hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

The real question is when the first African country will be the host. Might take a while..

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
ccbfan said:
The absolute epicness of women's archery (Probably the biggest upset in the entire Olympics.)

Yes, this. Aside from Bolt and the opening ceremony, the whole archery competition was the highlight of my Olympics. Such an under-rated sport that makes for terrific watching.


ccbfan said:
Man its sad the Olympics are over.

This was easily the best Olympics I've ever witnessed.

Such a great opening ceremony as well as great competitors and competitions.

Phelps and Bolt are truely legends.

Epic competition with U.S and Chinese Gymnastics as well and Jamaica and U.S track.

The absolute epicness of women's archery (Probably the biggest upset in the entire Olympics.)

3 absolutely insane swimming finals.

Redeem team.

Just enough drama to put some spice in the games but not detract from it.

The only problem in this whole thing was freakin NBC and their absolute refusal to show major events live. Well at least their internet feed was great for the less popular events.

what happened in that event? missed it


chickensoup said:
Wouldn't mind betting they'll get it in 2020. 2016 seems to be a lock for Chicago, then I'd expect the IOC to either give it to someone like Russia, or a new country like India.
It would be nice to have a developing country that at least pays some lip service to values we associate with being basic and fundamental to every human being host it sometime soon.

linsivvi said:
Fixed. Paralympics starting on Sept 6th. :p
Can't get into that one too much. The cheating is so uninspired, usually just, "hey wait a minute this guy / gal isn't disabled!"

Though the pinnacle of cheating in the regular Olympics this year was child labor so maybe I should rethink that position...


wait. konex, didn't you have that one usa softball player as your avatar for some time?

i dont think it's a coincidence that this is the only time they've ever lost at the olympics...


woodchuck said:
wait. konex, didn't you have that one usa softball player as your avatar for some time?

i dont think it's a coincidence that this is the only time they've ever lost at the olympics...

Don't blame Brittany for that debacle. Her sexy self is on the junior national team :D
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