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Official 2011 MLB Thread v.2: The Mets are terrible.

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Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
AnEternalEnigma said:
Oh give me a break. The Pirates had THREE INNINGS against SCOTT PROCTOR and did nothing. How can you screw that up?!

So because you have a shitty reliever, that managed to get the job done in the latest of innings when everyone is tired, it justifies it in your mind?

I know umpiring/refereeing/officiating is suspect in all sports. But holy fuck Jesus, this is the biggest injustice I have ever seen.


will gain confidence one day
Windu said:
i can't stop laughing at proctor falling on his face lol

Joey Fox said:
So because you have a shitty reliever, that managed to get the job done in the latest of innings when everyone is tired, it justifies it in your mind?

I know umpiring/refereeing/officiating is suspect in all sports. But holy fuck Jesus, this is the biggest injustice I have ever seen.

Man, calm the shit down. I'm just exaggerating. I already admitted it was a terrible call and a dirty win.


Joey Fox said:
I know umpiring/refereeing/officiating is suspect in all sports. But holy fuck Jesus, this is the biggest injustice I have ever seen.
This seems a bit much.

2006 Finals Game 5 still holds that crown near and dear.


will gain confidence one day
@Buster_ESPN: Jerry Meals will be the third base umpire on Wednesday, right in front of the Pirates' bench.

Better watch his back.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
AnEternalEnigma said:
Man, calm the shit down. I'm just exaggerating. I already admitted it was a terrible call and a dirty win.


Pirates fans better do something about this!


I'm mostly mad because I was robbed from watching more baseball tonight in horrific fashion.
Are you a Pirates fan? I can't tell because you have an Espinosa avatar.

(BTW, Prado fucking killed my fantasy team tonight. 0-for-9? God.)


I'm more mad that we didn't get to focus on the fact that Scott Proctor tripped his way into a hilarious double play.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Plate umpire Jerry Meals became the focus of the conclusion of the 4-3, 19-inning win the Braves claimed over the Pirates at Turner Field Tuesday night. The game ended when he surprisingly called Julio Lugo safe after it appeared Pirates catcher Michael McKenry tagged him before he crossed the plate.

Meals provided an explanation of what he saw on the play, which began with Scott Proctor hitting a grounder to Pirates third baseman Pedro Alvarez whose throw to the plate easily beat Lugo.

Meals’ explanation:

“I saw the tag, but he looked like he oléd him and I called him safe for that. I looked at the replays and it appeared he might have got him on the shin area. I’m guessing he might have got him, but when I was out there when it happened I didn’t see a tag.

“I just saw the glove sweep up. I didn’t see the glove hit his leg.”

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Talon- said:
This seems a bit much.

2006 Finals Game 5 still holds that crown near and dear.

I don't watch much of basketball, but from what I read that had to be more of a conspiracy.

This was pure laziness and cowardice in my mind. The saddest thing would be if he actually thought he made the correct call. He was looking directly at the play.
AnEternalEnigma said:
Are you a Pirates fan? I can't tell because you have an Espinosa avatar.

(BTW, Prado fucking killed my fantasy team tonight. 0-for-9? God.)

Same here

I was expecting at least a 2-9 or something

Dustin and D Murph even out the avg for me tonight so Im ok. Our league we have AB's for stat catagory


Joey Fox said:

Pirates fans better do something about this!


I'm mostly mad because I was robbed from watching more baseball tonight in horrific fashion.

Im too pissed at Jerry Meals to fall for hyperbole/trolling.
Jerry Meals makes statement on play:

I saw the tag, but he looked like he oléd him and I called him safe for that. I looked at the replays and it appeared he might have got him on the shin area. I’m guessing he might have got him, but when I was out there when it happened I didn’t see a tag.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
AnEternalEnigma said:
Are you a Pirates fan? I can't tell because you have an Espinosa avatar.

Haha, no. Nationals fan.

Anyway, it appears the Umpire thought he was making the correct call.

I guess the moral of the story is, if you're going to tag a guy out by three feet, knock him the fuck off the basepath so there's no doubt.

Proctor falling over is hilarious too, as it were. And why the fuck did the Braves run off into right field to celebrate? Should've run over to congratulate the ump in mockery of the great game of beisbol.
What's hilarious is if the stupid fan didn't interfere on the Alvarez error, Hinske would have scored easily making it 4-3 and they wouldn't have gone to extras.
This is payback for that prick Pirates writer for using his Rookie of the Year votes on Jose Tabata and Neil Walker and not on Jason Heyward!


never heard about the cat, apparently
newjeruse said:
This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and force MLB to adopt instant replay.
a ump blew a perfect game, they didn't implement instant replay after that. Instant replay isn't coming until skeletor retires.


never heard about the cat, apparently
newjeruse said:
This is much, much worse.
the braves lost a game in the NLDS last year because of a blown call. no instant replay after that. The rockies won a 1 game playoff game on a blown call. no instant replay after that. etc.. etc.. etc.. etc..


Windu said:
the braves lost a game in the NLDS last year because of a blown call. no instant replay after that. The rockies won a 1 game playoff game on a blown call. no instant replay after that. etc.. etc.. etc.. etc..
2009 ALDS and so on.

We aren't getting further replay until somebody gets screwed on the last out in a playoff series. Regular season fuck ups mean nothing to Selig.


Limbaugh Parrot
sf2fanatic said:
Any one hear Lugo's comments after the game? it was on Sportscenter..LOL
RT @DJGalloESPN: Julio Lugo just said he didn't feel a tag. Wow. He's had a solid sports career for a man with no nerves in his body.


never heard about the cat, apparently

On the game-ending play at the plate

“I know I’m safe.” [Smiles]

Did he miss you?

“Yeah, I think so. He made the right call.” [Raises eyebrows]

What, your slide was so fast we couldn’t see you hit plate before the tag? [Sarcasm]

“That’s what happened.” [Smiling]

You secretly snuck around him? [More sarcasm from reporter]

“I was trying to avoid the tag.”

Surprised by the call?

“He made an appreciation call. Safe or out. That’s what they do.”

An appreciation call?

“Yes. You can appreciate if I was safe or out. He thought I was safe.”

What did you think?

“I was safe.” [Smiles]

How many times were you tagged?

“I was safe.”

So you were never tagged?

“I was safe.”

Ever been a part of a game like this?

“It was crazy, but it was good."


Oh what the fuck! I leave for 5 hours and the Ump thinks he can screw with me?! Well I'll show him! TO PHOTOSHOP!

That really was a terrible fucking call, I can see your back being tired after 19 innings but your eyes? He must have the longest blinks ever.
newjeruse said:
This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and force MLB to adopt instant replay.
Get rid of all these umps making the bad calls and get younger up at the majors. lol
DAMN, just saw the play,. Top 5 worst calls ever man.


If only Proctors slide that came up 84 feet short was the story of the game. *wails and gnashes teeth*

Wait I get it, the Ump was calling Proctor safe.
I don't even understand why these umps, when making a call they CLEARLY couldn't have sure of because it's blatantly wrong, go with the least likely outcome on the most important plays?

Half the time they go by the situation anyway--whether the throw beat the runner, and if it reasonably looked like the tag got in. WHY would you think "heyy maybe he oléd it" in the bottom of the 19th on a throw that the beat the runner by three feet? That's the kind of call you decide not to "give", even if you weren't sure of what you saw for some unfathomable reason?

In conclusion, robot umps.
Joe Shlabotnik said:
I don't even understand why these umps, when making a call they CLEARLY couldn't have sure of because it's blatantly wrong, go with the least likely outcome on the most important plays?

Half the time they go by the situation anyway--whether the throw beat the runner, and if it reasonably looked like the tag got in. WHY would you think "heyy maybe he oléd it" in the bottom of the 19th on a throw that the beat the runner by three feet? That's the kind of call you decide not to "give", even if you weren't sure of what you saw for some unfathomable reason?

In conclusion, robot umps.

i agree bro. Why assume he did something like that. Also, his fucking eyes are looking right at the play, WTF!! Did he go momentarily blind?


I like how the ump waited to call him safe until he touched the plate

That was a particularly nice touch considering he clearly didn't give a fuck about what was actually happening.


cuevas said:
Glove CLEARLY missed him, safe.
Congratulations, you've passed the first of three tests and are well on your way to becoming a fully licensed major league umpire! Unfortunately, the last two are strictly confidential, but you'll hear from us soon. Keep your phone on.


I stayed up and am now dragging ass at work for that to happen? Hurdle let him off easy; I wouldn't have let Meals get anywhere NEAR leaving that field. I would have humiliated him in so many ways.

It was such a big loss for us too; facing Jurrjens tonight and then going to Philly to face Halladay and Lee...fuck. I have never seen a worse umpire call in my life.
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