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Official DS Lite Japanese Launch Thread!


Iwata een bom zal droppen
cybamerc said:
I don't understand why all these people are lining up when they know that there aren't enough units to satisfy demand.
You answered your own question. Shortages are the reason they are lining up, if there was enough units they wouldn't need to.


I would atleast like to know WHY there is a shortage (my guess is that their supplier of hte LCD's can't manufacture enough).... In which case I'd be considering suing said company for breech of contract. I'm sure it says somewhere in their contract that they are required to meet a quota. Obviously that is not happening. This is just pure speculation on my part but if Nintendo can't get systems on the storeshelves people will start to get frustrated and that will directly hurt their bottomline.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mashing said:
I would atleast like to know WHY there is a shortage (my guess is that their supplier of hte LCD's can't manufacture enough).... In which case I'd be considering suing said company for breech of contract. I'm sure it says somewhere in their contract that they are required to meet a quota. Obviously that is not happening. This is just pure speculation on my part but if Nintendo can't get systems on the storeshelves people will start to get frustrated and that will directly hurt their bottomline.

It's pretty obvious that something went horribly wrong with the production lines.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
if I were in japan and I had a DSlite I wouldn't take out in front of people, my safety comes first.


GaimeGuy said:
It's pretty obvious that something went horribly wrong with the production lines.

Well, someone's head should roll for it. They shouldn't be having supply problems, it's not a fraking Xbox 360. How hard can it be to make a DS?


Mashing said:
I would atleast like to know WHY there is a shortage (my guess is that their supplier of hte LCD's can't manufacture enough).... In which case I'd be considering suing said company for breech of contract. I'm sure it says somewhere in their contract that they are required to meet a quota. Obviously that is not happening. This is just pure speculation on my part but if Nintendo can't get systems on the storeshelves people will start to get frustrated and that will directly hurt their bottomline.

If only it were that simple.

To put it plainly, there's no way that whatever parts deals Nintendo has in ink at the moment are less than 6 months old (or continuations of older ones). Since DS sales in Japan are outpacing Nintendo's own wildest dreams three-fold, there's no way that any minimum quota would be high enough to account for this kind of demand.






Okay, while I totally understand why someone would want a DS Lite...don't these people realize how limited the supply is going to be? I mean, there's no way they're all getting DS Lites, and you'd think they'd figure that out eventually.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Memles said:
Okay, while I totally understand why someone would want a DS Lite...don't these people realize how limited the supply is going to be? I mean, there's no way they're all getting DS Lites, and you'd think they'd figure that out eventually.
Well hopefully the stores will cut the line off according to the number of DSL's they have in stock like they did last week.
Have we recieved any saturday shipping figure rumors or estimates yet? ive been looking in all of the usual places and have not found anything yet.


Jesus those pictures are insane.
Sony needs to get on the ball and release a redesign of their own.

The second picture looks like it's a line for food rations.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
maxmars said:
Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is for a videogame system.
not only that, but it's not even a new system it's just a redesign freaking crazy.


I just got sent home empty-handed :(
There must have been 1000 people or more waiting at Bic in Shibuya. From where they were stopping the line, I guess they only got 300 or so. There were a LOT of people there at 6am anyway.


And even i am moderately surprised
jesus -it's going to be like this every single weekend at this rate.

this is insanity!


Holly fucking shit. Ive been gaming for some years now and Ive never seen this kind of *yes, u know it* MOMENTUM for any other vg system. DS is killing Japan. Its just insane. INSANE! *shakes fist in air


Jonnyram said:
I just got sent home empty-handed :(
There must have been 1000 people or more waiting at Bic in Shibuya. From where they were stopping the line, I guess they only got 300 or so. There were a LOT of people there at 6am anyway.

600+ people standing in the cold for hours, and finally going away empty handed? What a royal screwup. =/


Jonnyram said:
I just got sent home empty-handed :(
There must have been 1000 people or more waiting at Bic in Shibuya. From where they were stopping the line, I guess they only got 300 or so. There were a LOT of people there at 6am anyway.

Error2k4 said:
if I were in japan and I had a DSlite I wouldn't take out in front of people, my safety comes first.

This is not the US...
In Japan a reason not to show it in front of people would more likely be to avoid making your fellow citizens recalling the trauma of not being able to buy one or something noble like that... :D

I bring out my DSL on the train every day - but have yet to see anyone else with it. Lot's of old DS:s (white common among OLs)

Error2k4 said:
not only that, but it's not even a new system it's just a redesign freaking crazy.

It's almost being positioned as a new system in the eyes of this wider segment we keep refering too. This is freakin' Tamagochi-class hype.
Jonnyram said:
I just got sent home empty-handed :(
There must have been 1000 people or more waiting at Bic in Shibuya. From where they were stopping the line, I guess they only got 300 or so. There were a LOT of people there at 6am anyway.

Sorry to hear that. Toys R us online will be portioning out 100 or so at a time throughout the day, so that might be worth a try. (Server gives me error message now though)...
Nintendo needs to stop doing this to their customers and just delay the damn thing for a few weeks so production can catch up. Id be incredibly mad if I had to stand in line for hours only to be turned away.

Sho Nuff

CrisKre said:
Holly fucking shit. Ive been gaming for some years now and Ive never seen this kind of *yes, u know it* MOMENTUM for any other vg system. DS is killing Japan. Its just insane. INSANE! *shakes fist in air

Yes!!! Yesssss!!! Let us all collectively rock out for 90% of the people who want to buy the DS Lite but can't actually buy it! And now let's rock out for the 5% of that 90% who showed up at 4AM and STILL couldn't get it!!! N-N-N-N-NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, you weren't there for the PS2 launch. I have NEVER seen anything like that. NEVER.


Sho Nuff said:
BTW, you weren't there for the PS2 launch. I have NEVER seen anything like that. NEVER.

I think what he was referring to was that these lines are for new colors of redesigned system.


Probationsmack said:
Nintendo needs to stop doing this to their customers and just delay the damn thing for a few weeks so production can catch up. Id be incredibly mad if I had to stand in line for hours only to be turned away.

Truth. Demand was already through the roof for the original model, but then it definitely increased with this new model (for better and worse). I have little doubt that if demand were satisfied back in January, DS sales would be at 7 Million+ in Japan now. Nintendo really needs to get its act together. Revolution is coming out worldwide this year, so they need to ramp up the production lines by opening up more manufacturing plants if that's possible.
so i get to the store at 8 am, and camp out in a line of about 56-60 people. i have a preorder at the store next door as well. The line i'm in hands out 54 tickets for Lites, ending two before me. The store next door says they dont have my preorder, but will call me when it comes in.

when god has it out for you, he doesn't fuck around. =(


Jesus lord. Tokyo is just one city in all of Japan. There are 100 Million people outside Tokyo-to. I wonder what the scenes are like there. :O


Sho Nuff said:
BTW, that's the brand new, HUGE Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara. If I were a Japanese citizen going "Hmm, I wonder what store will get the most launch units?", I would definitely think there. IT IS GROUND ZEROOOO

(btw I am going to aki today to hunt for GRAW and with a line that long, people are still gonna be waiting)
there is Osaka Yodobashi camera


Error2k4 said:
if I were in japan and I had a DSlite I wouldn't take out in front of people, my safety comes first.
Needless to say, I was playing my PSP in the queue, and I'm pretty pissed off how crap the port of Valkyrie Profile is too... what a depressing morning :(

Sho Nuff

dannie said:
there is Osaka Yodobashi camera

HOLY SHIT (oh yeah, it says "Umeda", dur -- looks just like the one in Aki, my bad)




Junior Member
This is seriously insane. This type of hype for a re-release of a redesigned system is something for the video game history books. Drinky Crow am cry, right? Go Nintendo.


I can't believe the madness is still ongoing in Japan. Why the heck isn't this thread stickied? It's been going strong for two weeks now... weird.
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