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Official Fable! (released tomorrow)


Redbeard said:
Coop - here's a hint: "For every choice, a consequence" is bullshit.

I hear that. I really hated the fact that being extremely good/evil had no real repercussions other than one or two weapons and what NPCs say ad nauseum, and that you could easily change alignment within an hour


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Coop said:
Well that is stupid because I had a current quest at the guild. And even though the game is short I had fun with it. I'm going to start a good hero tomorrow.

What happens if you dont kill Whisper? Do you win Arena champion?

Yup. Jack comes to you in the hall and gives you the cash and for the next couple of hours all everyone can say is "What a great hero he is letting poor Whisper live."


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Deku Tree said:
I just bought a house, fixed it up and rented it out for the first time.
How long will it take me to see some rent money?

A day or two. Don't expect a lot of cash though > _ <
I really like the game but there is one thing that just annoies the shit out of me..it's the same thing that annoied me about KotoR. The Good and Evil...or the Evil guy with a soft inside and a mindless good guy.

I did the bad guy thing and I'm about to finish the good guy thing....hmmm the game seems wierd...like they didn't completely finish one route through the game so we get a smorgish borg of filler missions till the story picks up then your a good guy so deal with it, yet most of the gameplay before that seems geared towards being evil.

The effects and silly shit they finished for the evil guy and just tossed some shit in for the good guy. When your Uber Evil (apprently with a heart of gold....what villian rescues hostages and protects kids) the effects are better you get a red aura around your lower legs, glowing eyes, horns, when your uber good you get a halo you can bearly see and a blank look on your face.

You get more stuff being evil, armor is easier to purchase. I only found one store that carried light chain mail and it was in the arena, which you can't get back to so too bad if you don't have enough money to get it when you fight in the arena. Yet almost every store carries dark chainmail.

being good is a negitive on the good and evil bar. Most of the emotes are for an evil or gloating anti-hero then a heaven sent good guy.

Beserk an EVIL magic almost makes you immortal in combat...in the arena I ran out of anything that would give me health after a few screw ups I figured as long as I'm constantly in Beserk I won't die....I'll lose all my health but wont die...whats the good version of that?

Some of the events that should be for only evil overlap into the good, like fighting Thunder. when your evil it felt like something that was going to happen anyway. When your good it feels tacked on...I saved your sister, YOUR woman wants me so your going to kill me cause? Besides wouldn't a halo wearing goody two shoes back out of that fight? Or even tell whats her face to piss off when she threatens to burn your home town to the ground.

The way the NPCs act in the feild is almost like they figured players would just slaughter them so who cares if they wander in the middle of a fight to cheer, so close that more then not you end up locking on to them. There's been a couple of times when bandits were running at me along with an NPC I;m supposed to protect and I end up hitting the NPC. This also makes it impossible to use spells like Force Push when wandering NPCs are around.

some good and evil things just don't make sense...if your Uber evil and are how the ending explains you why would you care about
Jack of Blades wanting to take over Albon. Or killing your mom, wouldn't you oh I dunno join him for a common goal?! Evil doers defending the world?!
How is defending yourself being good? The mission where you save the kid from the nyph you fight so many hairless ewoks you end up losing evil status. then there's the Twin Blades thing...he asks for Mercey you say no (oo your a bad man) but you get good points for slaughtering him and his crew...He asked for mercey I kill him thats a good thing?

Also why would a HERO guild give you missions thats helping the bad guys?

The whole good evil thing is a bit flaky, like KoToR...Kill a villager who taunts you BAD HERO! BAD! Kill a Bandit thats oh I dunno just resting by a fire GOOD JOB BOY!

The one thing that really annoied me about KoToR pops up again here
In kotor toward then end when you see bastila again you have a choice join her or try to kill her...playing the darkside I decieded to kill her, I immedatly go from all the way dark to mostly light. I dunno if the same happens if your evil and destroy the sword (I assume so) but thats just stupid...whats the point of playing a game one way when one decesion sets you as good or evil automatically?

Seriously it's like they finished some early missions, all of the evil stuff to do outside of missions, part of the good things to do, and the good guy climax of the story and tossed it all together in to what we have now. I seriously didn't feel evil from the jail on.

on a slightly less of a ranting note about something toward the end
your sister tells you that your mom will awaken a power thats in your bloodline. Did I miss something or was it just she can talk toyou through your guild crest?

one last knit pick...cause most of these are, it really is a good game...could have been better...should have been better for 4 years in devlopment...but still good. Is it me or does Maze look like Gannon fan art?

Bagh I'm just cranky cause I'm sick pay me no mind.


I walked across a birdge, when i got to the end a bandit demanded that i pay tax to continue further, i simply shurged and walked past him (who the fuck are you! asking the great "Sabre" to pay tax! I was good btw) i kept walking thinking hah, you cant take me, he then draws his weapon and calls for his mates.

A hoard of bandits come running towards me, punching thier sword in the air. im like ooohhhh shit!

So i pull out my brand new sword i bought from the blacksmith in town an hour ago, my Hero drops the sword as its too heavy, so im surround by bandits, trying to swing my sword, i make a feable attempt to take a few down, the weight of the sword knocked a some bandits down which opened up a gap for me to run through. I sheath (sp?) my sword and equiped my bow, ran right through the gap, found a great spot for some arrow action and went loco on their ass. Lagolos more like, taking them all out (a precise head shot would result with their head being ripped from their body)

After i took them all out i was rewarded with chests filled with tresure, weapons and gold (chests and barrels were scttered around the camp) . im now off to buy a house and rent it out, i need a steady stream of cash to pay for my gambling. Im addicted to the card matching game!

6 hours in, completed about 2 quests. Im just walking around Albion trying to do side quests and help out citizens. No rush to complete the game, im loving it


Looking for Pants
I just started the game yesterday. However, the whole introduction has left a very sour taste in my mouth thus far. I've found the game to be very very constricting and I almost got sick from the jerkiness.

I'll be playing it more today, hopefully it opens up a bit more after the 2nd quest.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Well I just finished the game as evil. The ending leaves a lot to be desired (not the boss, but what comes after). Four years and that was all they could come up with?


Chili Con Carnage!
I'd be supprised if they spent 4 years coming up with the ending for the game. I think at least 1 year must have been spent on all that stuff you did before the boss...maybe im just crazy though.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Ghost said:
I'd be supprised if they spent 4 years coming up with the ending for the game. I think at least 1 year must have been spent on all that stuff you did before the boss...maybe im just crazy though.

Oh come one. You know what I mean. Overall the game was pretty good, but the ending just sucked.
You kill your sister and the end consists of, "You take over everything and no one can stop you. The end."
They probably spent more time designing the credits than coming up with the ending. I really liked when they felt the need to mention all the babies born at Lionhead during the making of the game.


Just finished the game, I guess i was a expecting more for a conclusion, but overall it was a great experience, I will replay it again as evil, and theres tons of stuff i skipped over.

Final shuri score: 9/10 - a classic of this generation


Chili Con Carnage!
I got a little "curious" in fable today....


One thing lead to another


However things quickly went sour after the wedding, there was a fight about his parents not giving me a dowry, i said shit and stuck my middle finger up a lot...upsetting stuff, anyway it all ended badly....for him


And i was quick to re-assert my heterosexuality...


...with the first thing that came along

I quickly realised however, that this new marriage was a sham...which left me with only one option


thats right...bloody murder

Later on i got this tatoo, which made me question things again...


Briefly, a third alternative presented itself.....


After much soul searching i realised that i was going to hell unless i did something drastic and down right crazy...


...so i gave all my money to the church and begged for forgiveness, they gave me some cool stuff and i wont be having such disgusting thoughs again.

though my bloody murder habit MAY be a bit harder to beat..



Chili Con Carnage!
Hauppauge capture card connected via s-video

running d-scaler in tomsocomp with gamma filter, gets the job done when i want images.


Lil' help

I'm looking for that damn necklace. I was told to look for thieves in Oakvale. Where the hell are they?

Also, having a wife kicks ass. The one in Oakvale gave me two sweet weapons. I wonder if the one in Bowerstone will give me something when I return.

Seth C

Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Anyone who has finished the story part of the game, can you tell me how much longer I have to go?

I just spent time in jail and then rescued my mother from the jail

By the time you read this reply you've probably already finished the game.


Son of a bitch. I saved over my endgame Good Hero save file on accident and I was at the VERY END OF THE GAME.

Anyone know how the fuck you can continue the game after beating Jack of Blades? The credits rolled and I didn't want to beat him again JUST YET.

Overall I'd say this game is quite good, but lacks the "heart" of a game like KotOR. I felt more urged on to murder the little kids and stupid whores who kept bugging the living fuck out ot me. I didn't even care for any of the main characters either except for Jack of Blades, who, despite his lack of character development, was pretty badass regardless.


Good game, but what the heck is up with the aging process. Only 1 game day has pass and I already aged 4 years. From what I can tell, you age a year or so everytime you learn magic skill or selecting a core quest. I am trying to stay young, but it's impossible even w/o learning magic.


myzhi said:
Good game, but what the heck is up with the aging process. Only 1 game day has pass and I already aged 4 years. From what I can tell, you age a year or so everytime you learn magic skill or selecting a core quest. I am trying to stay young, but it's impossible even w/o learning magic.

For every level you enhance your character, you age a year. 65 is the ceiling for your looks. 80 is the roof for your age. I think.


Chili Con Carnage!
how fast you age is to do with how much you learn and use the Will, Avo willing, you may be able to reverse the process.


Ghost said:
how fast you age is to do with how much you learn and use the Will, Avo willing, you may be able to reverse the process.

You can reverse it by five to 10 years if you give like 50K or 60K gold at the Temple of Avo.
how high dose your combat multiplier have to be for the combat multiplier doom door to open?

The only enemy in that area is the Tree Troll I can only get my CM to 12 and thats with a stick, other wise he dies too quickly. It's pretty funny though, the kids in one town pretend to beat up tree trolls when I walk by.

Whats up with marring lady grey? She won't follow me and she won't do much of anything except wander around he part of town.

Miburou said:
If you attack the people at the temple, are you screwed forever?

no they get better
Screaming_Gremlin said:
Oh come one. You know what I mean. Overall the game was pretty good, but the ending just sucked.
You kill your sister and the end consists of, "You take over everything and no one can stop you. The end."
They probably spent more time designing the credits than coming up with the ending. I really liked when they felt the need to mention all the babies born at Lionhead during the making of the game.

that like Kotor evil ending which actully was less...."your evil...hahah"


LMAO @ Ghost!! Evil guy lecturing kids lol

Good god i fucking love this GAME!! Hired a goon just to keep me company, kept laught with the shit he came out with, he's so gungho. He was like "I see that! Lets massacre them!!! ............. oh, its just a shadow..."

10 hours in, donr about 4 core quest, bought a house in Brownstone , married the girl next door, she gave me an obsidian cleaver, fucked her twice to say thankyou.

But already im planning how im going to go through the game as a evil bastard, you dont know how many times i had to resist unleashing my fury on villligers and passers by, Im going to steal so many books, i love reading about the insinificant things in Albion. Also, when i lose my money at Black Jack, i see the dealer just sitting there dealing his cards, im a sore loser so i want to fuck him up... but man, i had to walk away.

Oh! Found out the fight club too, loved that part.

And Ghost, how did you become so buff? My Physique is at level 4, but im still real skinny. And how do i tan in the game?


Great Wasabi Man said:
how high dose your combat multiplier have to be for the combat multiplier doom door to open?

You need at least 14. Thus, need to start out by killing stuff in Hobbe Cave, exit (only loose 5 multi), and then, kill stuff next to door. It's pretty hard because bomb throwing things can easily mess you up by hitting you once.


Lol. Just found out easiest way to save kid in Hobbe Cave Quest. After you get him, just block/roll until you can exit to next area. Keep on doing that until you exit the cave. You and the kid won't be hurt at all.


myzhi said:
Lol. Just found out easiest way to save kid in Hobbe Cave Quest. After you get him, just block/roll until you can exit to next area. Keep on doing that until you exit the cave. You and the kid won't be hurt at all.

Yeha, but you miss ot on all that EXP. I think i gathered aroun 17000 EXP, not including the strength, will and skill EXP


All I do is tell the kid to wait and clear the path alone. On a side note this time around I'm an archer and Ihave to say that this is by far the easiest way to kick major ass!!! I'm hitting around 650 points of damge per arrow shot!! It takes one or two hits to kill anything but the rock monsteers. And my multiplier is always around 22-24! This is crazy.


My wife in Bowerstone was a douche bag. I went back, gave her all these gifts, she didn't give me anything. So I started hitting her. I got charged with assault and hit with a 500 gold fine. So I beat her again. Slapped with another 500 gold fine and we got a divorce.

I should have just killed that bitch.


Prine said:
Yeha, but you miss ot on all that EXP. I think i gathered aroun 17000 EXP, not including the strength, will and skill EXP

You can get Exp anywhere. As to cave item, I get them first before getting the kid. Thus, I am not missing out on anything. Since not using any Will, hard to keep kid alive, especially in last area before exit when like 10-15 bum rush you.


Rodriguez said:
My wife in Bowerstone was a douche bag. I went back, gave her all these gifts, she didn't give me anything. So I started hitting her. I got charged with assault and hit with a 500 gold fine. So I beat her again. Slapped with another 500 gold fine and we got a divorce.

I should have just killed that bitch.

haha, have you done up your house? Mine is pretty exclusive you know, we're the celebrities of Bowerstone. I started hitting on some girl in the tavern infront of my wife, she starting calling the other girl names. I got her drunk after that, tried to take her home, but she didnt want to follow me. She was pretty messed up, gave her 8 beers


Prine said:
haha, have you done up your house? Mine is pretty exclusive you know, we're the celebrities of Bowerstone. I started hitting on some girl in the tavern infront of my wife, she starting calling the other girl names. I got her drunk after that, tried to take her home, but she didnt want to follow me. She was pretty messed up, gave her 8 beers

I did up both of the houses (Oakvale and Bowerstone). I had to sell the crib in Bowerstone, though. After the divorce, I got a text box saying that I can live in the house, but I have to pay rent to that bitch. WTF? I bought the place, improved it and now I have to pay her rent? I was gunna smack that bitch up again right there. But I was saving my coinage for a kick ass sword, so I didn't want another fine.

BTW, anyone else's stats mess up? I drank 9 beers and threw up 3 times in Oakvale, but the game has me down as throwing up 35 times.


I've only opened 1 devil door, in Darkwoods.

You tries them out yet? And man, what do i need a spade for, i tried it a few times, keep turning up with nothing. Fishing is fun though

The Balverines are a sight to behold. Animations is just fantastic, very sinsister in their movement, kinda creepy. And the walking dead, when you kill them, their bones shatter and you hear their soul screaming as they leave their bodies. Fucking awesome
Prine said:
I've only opened 1 devil door, in Darkwoods.

You tries them out yet? And man, what do i need a spade for, i tried it a few times, keep turning up with nothing. Fishing is fun though

The Balverines are a sight to behold. Animations is just fantastic, very sinsister in their movement, kinda creepy. And the walking dead, when you kill them, their bones shatter and you hear their soul screaming as they leave their bodies. Fucking awesome

the spade you need later on...you'll get another one. Also for (as far as I know) 2 side quests and one weapon...which aren't really quests more like helping 2 people out.

I liked fighting out the hobby cave, that was one of the chotic fightinghighlights of the game....the kid was annoying the entire way through tho. How do you save the kid formt he nyph without getting evil points?


Just finished the game (under 10 hours), and I'm glad I rented it, but I'm also glad I didn't buy it.

The game has nice graphics and music, and some nice ideas here and there, but there are several important areas where it falls flat.

- Lack of challenge: I rushed through the game, did only 2 side-quests, and still never died, and beat the last boss in a matter of minutes.

- Plot and characters are under-developed and cut-scenes are functional at best. It's really hard to care much for what's going on, and "tough" choices such as killing someone important in the game aren't really that tough because of that.

- The Good vs Evil seems to me to be mostly superficial, unless I'm missing something. And it's retarded for villagers to be dropping their stuff and screaming in horror when I'm a "very famous" Hero who's very attractive but also scary.

- There seems to be an almost complete lack of puzzles, at least in the main quests.

- The marriage thing should've been integrated somehow into the main quest.

I still had fun playing it, but it's nowhere near the epic that it was made out to be.


Anyanka said:
Where can I find the items I need to put on the body in the Graveyard? all I've found is the armor.

The helmet is in the hut by the gate.
One of the items is in a grave that has some green light shining above it.
Another one is in a pond, also with green light marking it. You need to fish it out.
And another is in a crypt, similar to the one with the skeleton in it.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Great Wasabi Man said:
how high dose your combat multiplier have to be for the combat multiplier doom door to open?


I did it by going into the hobbes cave, running to the back end of the main room, turning on physical shield then cutting my way back out. This left me with about 8x when I re-enter the area with the door (it automatically cuts your mulitplier in half when you zone) which I then buffed up by killing the earth troll. Gave me just enough to open the door, you get a pretty nice 1-handed sword from it.


fable is becoming my GOTFY!!!! holy shit this game owns! i'm still on the same mission i asked help about because i keep screwing around. i love ransacking peoples houses. how the hell do you guys get so much damn money???


Chili Con Carnage!
I sneak around at night killing people in their sleep, then buy their houses, owning a whole town is worth 12-15k every three days in rent. (just sleep a few times then pick it up) Taverns especially are a gold mine but they are expensive, Oakvale is the best short term investment as the houses are the cheapest.

Also theres i always had legendary weapons so never had a use for any augmentations i found other than to sell them (few K a time) and couple of silver chests have Health and Mana augmentations which are worth 40-50k each if you find the right vendor.

Schafer...you got a sword from that demon door? I got a Mace. That door is was the hardest one for me though, i couldnt do it untill id completed the game and maxed out my stats (id get 14x or 15x in the hobb cave, then when greatwood caves loaded it was down to 6 and it only went up to 13x from killing the troll) then i managed to get a 16x multiplier just off the earth troll.
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