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Official Fable! (released tomorrow)


Chili Con Carnage!
theres some good stuff in those chests, one had a health augmentation (obvious benefits), not that useful you might think with the millions of health potions available, except it was worth 50000 gold to the north bowerstone shop :D


Someone want to give me a tip. Sometimes I see ponds with ripples in the water, but I can't get to them to fish. Is it possible to fish over fences?

Seth C

Ghost said:
theres some good stuff in those chests, one had a health augmentation (obvious benefits), not that useful you might think with the millions of health potions available, except it was worth 50000 gold to the north bowerstone shop :D

I think the main problem is that when I found those chests I didn't have enough keys to open them. Now that I have 13 or 14 keys I just teleport everywhere so I don't see the chests. I'm sure I'll go back and get them all, but right now I'm too busy running my hometown. I've become a real estate tycoon.


Chili Con Carnage!
Soul4ger said:
Someone want to give me a tip. Sometimes I see ponds with ripples in the water, but I can't get to them to fish. Is it possible to fish over fences?

Yeah you can fish over fences and bridges, just wander around the area until the fishing icon comes up on the d-pad menu.


Fleming said:
In the Seeress mission,how do you sneak around guards?

I just shot them with arrows when no one was looking. As long as no one sees, it's perfectly stealthy. Also, you can click in the left analog while you're walking, and you enter "Sneak Mode." That makes you move quietly, too, if you want to go without killing.
Soul4ger said:
Outside the Temple of Avo, up on a cliff above it. Same area, though.


Sorry didn't see your thief comment....

I just ran up to the big rock right outside the gates (or could be a tree Nyquill makes me see things) wait for the third guard to walk past, he's a bit of a stragler. Then go in. That is IIRC

Seth C

Great Wasabi Man said:

Sorry didn't see your thief comment....

I just ran up to the big rock right outside the gates (or could be a tree Nyquill makes me see things) wait for the third guard to walk past, he's a bit of a stragler. Then go in. That is IIRC

I did the same thing. Well, after I killed the first 12 guards. :)


Seth C said:
I did the same thing. Well, after I killed the first 12 guards. :)

Nothing is quite as fun as completely murdalizing everyone in the Bandit camp and not getting given evil points for it. If you let Twinblade survive, do you get evil points for that or what?
Soul4ger said:
Nothing is quite as fun as completely murdalizing everyone in the Bandit camp and not getting given evil points for it. If you let Twinblade survive, do you get evil points for that or what?

Probally I didn notice after I killed him I got good points then when the mission ended I got a bunch of bad points.

Seth C

Soul4ger said:
Nothing is quite as fun as completely murdalizing everyone in the Bandit camp and not getting given evil points for it. If you let Twinblade survive, do you get evil points for that or what?

No clue. I whacked him and enjoyed it.


Great Wasabi Man said:
Probally I didn notice after I killed him I got good points then when the mission ended I got a bunch of bad points.

What? You did? I wonder how that happened? I don't recall getting any bad points for it, but all that stuff flashes up onscreen so fast I can never tell. Some of the killing is so arbitrary. Like Whisper is a bandit half the time you see her. Does that mean killing her on the Arena is a good thing or a bad thing? Or are we supposed to believe she's turned a new leaf, and spare her? Or perhaps hang onto sentimentality? Crazy shit, this game. Love it, though.

Seth C

Soul4ger said:
What? You did? I wonder how that happened? I don't recall getting any bad points for it, but all that stuff flashes up onscreen so fast I can never tell. Some of the killing is so arbitrary. Like Whisper is a bandit half the time you see her. Does that mean killing her on the Arena is a good thing or a bad thing? Or are we supposed to believe she's turned a new leaf, and spare her? Or perhaps hang onto sentimentality? Crazy shit, this game. Love it, though.

I just wanted the bonus prize....




So fucking accurate. This is probably the only hard mission in the game (until you realize that you can leave the kid be in the focus chamber, then rush ahead and kick ass)


Scars are fucking annoying. I realize I tweak my characters appearance too much, but it's not cool to have multiple disfiguring scars, including one that spans from my left check and goes diagonally up to just under my right eye.

Either way, I take back what I said about the difficulty, in part at least. I've gotten a fair few ass kickings lately.

Totally forcing my character into the upper two "Skill" selections (Speed and Accuracy, although I toss a little physique in there too to add a little to my axe skill, thus completing my FFXI-style Ranger) has left my character quite frail, and forced to take on every task with the bow (longbow, Christ I hate the crossbows.)

Which of course, has started to take their toll on me, especially with all the loud mouthed boasting I do.

I read some spoilers, but personally I don't care, just wondering, do you really get a chance to kill Whisper later on? I'm playing a complete saint morality wise (going against all my pre-game claims, blah), but I HATE WHISPER.


belgurdo said:
So fucking accurate. This is probably the only hard mission in the game (until you realize that you can leave the kid be in the focus chamber, then rush ahead and kick ass)

I just failed that mission early tonight. I fucking stomped everything until I got to the damn entrance and that dumb kid got killed as I was about to head out. Apparently one hobbe got past me and killed the stupid little fucker. I retried it, and I got to the chamber, but I didn't have that stupid key to open the door! WTF? The quest is still listed there, but I don't have the key now? I guess I had to go back to the old woman at the Orchard, but I didn't feel like doing the quest anymore.

Then I went into Oakvale again, got me a wife, and finally got me some lovin'. Twice. :D


I have yet to fail anything or die, and I have done that rescue kid from cave quest. I dunno... Using the "Wait" command REALLY helps.


4 hours in, and i've only done 1 quest, im just exploring the world watching villigers daily routines and generally trying to take in "Albion".

Got to say, the night/day cycles are just so beautiful. Best sunrise ive seen, i was walking through the forrest when the sun just out and cast its light upon the world. The mist clears and the butterflys start fluttering. Watching the sun go down at the peer, with the ambiant sound FX adding to the atmosphere, small detail, but very, very effective. Now, im off to buy a house and some armour and clothes (groups of villigers gathered around me and started pointing at me while laughing at my attire :( ), gonna try out my second quest.

Im hooked on the card game in the tavern, lost 100 gold on that fooking game.
I beat it being evil and well...ok 13 hours and I missesd a bunch of stuff. I started my good guy path and noticed that when you start out on your quests there are 3 other missions that you can't select cause you not famous enough yet. But after you finish the frist mission the other 3 disappear....how do I do those missions?


Great Wasabi Man said:
I beat it being evil and well...ok 13 hours and I missesd a bunch of stuff. I started my good guy path and noticed that when you start out on your quests there are 3 other missions that you can't select cause you not famous enough yet. But after you finish the frist mission the other 3 disappear....how do I do those missions?

I wondered the same thing, actually. I guess you have to just spend time killing bandits and wasps so you gain enough experience and recognition to do them.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Whoever said that last boss was really easy, well...let's say I didn't find it to be that way.

My guy was a pure melee character, and it made it little tough when I had to use arrows, while being hit by three guys and all those fucking beam weapons. A very satisfying and long battle for me, had to use a few resurection vials. Also, you can continue the game after you beat the guy.

Seth C

GashPrex said:
Whoever said that last boss was really easy, well...let's say I didn't find it to be that way.

My guy was a pure melee character, and it made it little tough when I had to use arrows, while being hit by three guys and all those fucking beam weapons. A very satisfying and long battle for me, had to use a few resurection vials. Also, you can continue the game after you beat the guy.

It still shouldn't be a problem...

Hold L trigger to target him plus left or right to constantly strafe. Hold X to charge a shot, and then when he fires the wave of energy, release X just before it gets to you and then hit Y to roll to the side. The wave will miss. When he fires the balls of energy, do the same and the balls will fly over you (you have to roll at the last second). When he sends the guys out after you just keep doing the same thing. I ignored them completely and they never hit me. Easy. It might take you longer do to hitting for less damage, but that's it.

Seth C

Soul4ger said:
I wondered the same thing, actually. I guess you have to just spend time killing bandits and wasps so you gain enough experience and recognition to do them.

Dummy quests. If you manage to get enough renown they'll disappear. You can't play them.


Chili Con Carnage!
Just watching the credits as i type, noticed Ed Fries gets a special thanks.

Er.....My name is in the credits under work experience testers....Josh Butterworth

funny i dont remember doing it.


Seth C said:
Dummy quests. If you manage to get enough renown they'll disappear. You can't play them.

Kinda weird to me that they had dummy quests and the beginning of the game, but never at any other point? What's the purpose of that?

Deku Tree

I got Fable yesterday and I've played it for like 2-2.5 hours and I'm having fun so far... but I have a question too. When you load an auto-saved game, why does it save the game again (after its done loading and before you actually do anything)? I can't see any point to this (other than to make me wait an extra 10 seconds)... is there a point to it? Or is it just a sign of the devs being lazy?


Chili Con Carnage!
Has anyone completed fight club yet? Ive gotten to the Knothole Vale club but the chief kicks my ass in 2 hits and i must have been beating on him for 5 minutes before he knocked me on my ass :-/


Ghost said:
Has anyone completed fight club yet? Ive gotten to the Knothole Vale club but the chief kicks my ass in 2 hits and i must have been beating on him for 5 minutes before he knocked me on my ass :-/

I beat it last night. It's quite easy. All you have to do is block and as soon as he punches, roll to the side and wait for a small amount of time in case he decides to throw another punch, then you hit him. Rinse and repeat.

The whole fight club was quite cool. I really love the detail in the game, and the living world within it. While the main quest is short, I am at hour 26, own about 80% of Oakville, have more than 40 people in love with me, and still haven't beaten the game (quite close to beating it though.)
Ghost said:
Has anyone completed fight club yet? Ive gotten to the Knothole Vale club but the chief kicks my ass in 2 hits and i must have been beating on him for 5 minutes before he knocked me on my ass :-/
a) Roll around his 1-2 combos with L-targeting and punch him in the back of the head.

b) You should now have a flourish, strafe around him as he's getting up and time the flourish so that you hit him in the back without him having a chance to strike. Repeat.


Chili Con Carnage!
thanks for the tips i think i have it down, still havent beaten him though, i just get bored and end up doing something stupid :-/


^ Yes it was. It was a goddamn joke. Four years and that's all they could come up with?

Might as well warn everyone who hasn't finished it yet to complete all your quests before you beat the game because you won't have the opportunity to do them afterward.

The longer I play this game the more pissed off I get at it (or at Lionhead, I should say).


Chili Con Carnage!
You cant take missions from the guild after the credits, you can still complete the other side-quests.


Only if you initiated the quests to begin with. I left a bunch of them to do after I had beat the game and found that I had no access to them afterward.


Well that is stupid because I had a current quest at the guild. And even though the game is short I had fun with it. I'm going to start a good hero tomorrow.

What happens if you dont kill Whisper? Do you win Arena champion?


Chili Con Carnage!
Redbeard said:
Only if you initiated the quests to begin with. I left a bunch of them to do after I had beat the game and found that I had no access to them afterward.

I started (and completed) the doll hunt quest after i finished the game.

why not find out for yourself.


Alright, I was thinking of the silver-colored guild quests then. I left like six of them to do later but there was no way to get them.

Coop - here's a hint: "For every choice, a consequence" is bullshit.


That quest stuff sounds fairly silly. Question concerning that, quests seem to come and go as you progress through the main campaign. Do they ever reappear, or is it shit I have to work enough fame for and do right then...?
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