Osorio said:Also fuck this MLS shit talk, I guarantee you nothing is worse than being a fan of this team.
Osorio said:Also fuck this MLS shit talk, I guarantee you nothing is worse than being a fan of this team.
I always will but I never know why. Maybe one day, who knows. All I know is that this year has been terrible. I've driven 2 and a half hours on my PROM WEEKEND to watch them lose 5-1 to chicago. I drove 5 hours from Manhattan to Annapolis to watch them lose 2-0 to a USL 2 team. I gave up my job because I got season tickets. In the end it just bit me in the ass. Today was disheartening to watch another home game where I'm outnumbered like 15:1. And yet all I want is for us to beat DC on Sunday.Daigoro said:its gotta get better eventually. keep on supporting brotha.
Aw. I'm sorry Osorio. Don't worry though, hope is on the way. You've got got an owner with money to throw around (though you do have that name...), and you've got a gorgeous stadium opening up... someday.Osorio said:Also fuck this MLS shit talk, I guarantee you nothing is worse than being a fan of this team.
:lol :lol :lol Like the Red Bulls have been any better than the Metrostars.the disgruntled gamer said:Aw. I'm sorry Osorio. Don't worry though, hope is on the way. You've got got an owner with money to throw around (though you do have that name...), and you've got a gorgeous stadium opening up... someday.
Everything's going to be okay.
I wouldn't call "going to three games a year even while the team sucks, buying loads of team apparell, and following the team religiously even while they suck" being an armchair fan. In fact, I think that if there were more people in New England who actually went to see the best team in the league once, you guys might bring in more than 10k per game.Daigoro said:do you even read what you post?
you were calling out Revs "fans" as you put it. i am one. you are an armchair "fan".
thanks for wishing us luck (sarcastic douchebag that you are), at least we'll have a shot.
have fun enjoying your teams hopes end in the playoffs from your fucking couch. twat.
I dunno me and Daigoro are in pretty similar situations. It's rough to love a team so much and not have anyone around you give a shit. So at least give props to him and his 15 friends, it's the ones who don't come that should be dissed.the disgruntled gamer said:I wouldn't call "going to three games a year even while the team sucks, buying loads of team apparell, and following the team religiously even while they suck" being an armchair fan. In fact, I think that if there were more people in New England who actually went to see the best team in the league once, you guys might bring in more than 10k per game.
I'm not really sure why you're taking this so personally, I wasn't insulting you or your 15 friends that make up your supporter's section. I mean, I don't like the Revs because they're always good, and their attendance makes the MLS look bad. A guy on the internet doesn't like your sports team of choice. Get the fuck over it.
We do but at the same time it's just like any other league. We don't like each other or we're neutral about each other. Just cuz we're not that successful doesn't mean we're buddy buddy. I was about to deck some dude today because he came in a screaming eagles jersey. That shit is not cool with me at all but there's a ton of security in our section =/h0pper said:even the mms fans are beefing now LOL. You guys need to stick together!
Ummm, Colorado. We have the players IMHO to win, we have the money, we have the ties to fucking Arsenal, and we have the Man God Clavagina as our manager...yet we are 2nd from the fucking bottom.Osorio said:Also fuck this MLS shit talk, I guarantee you nothing is worse than being a fan of this team.
Osorio said:I was about to deck some dude today because he came in a screaming eagles jersey. That shit is not cool with me at all but there's a ton of security in our section =/
Hey, I agree. I hate the Revs because they're always good, because they always play well against the Crew, and because they kicked the Crew out of the playoffs in 2004, breaking my heart (Matt Reis saved two penalty kicks, wtf.) I also closely watch attendance in the MLS, so when the #1 team in the league struggles to bring in 10k, its something I notice and worry about, which is why I brought up the ownership, the stadium, and the area.Osorio said:I dunno me and Daigoro are in pretty similar situations. It's rough to love a team so much and not have anyone around you give a shit. So at least give props to him and his 15 friends, it's the ones who don't come that should be dissed.
My number one concern is the MLS' success. At the same time, we can hate each other.h0pper said:even the mls fans are beefing now LOL. You guys need to stick together!
I don't plan on logging in until I'm done watching. We never use spoiler tags here for football scores - if it's happened, it's fair game.the disgruntled gamer said:I'm planning on watching the game tomorrow. Should those of us who watch the game use spoiler tags when discussing the game?
Yeah, we're #1 in allocation now.Cornballer said:Sounds like the Galaxy might be lining up Cory Gibbs if he makes his return. Not sure how you'd work out the money issues, though.
gigapower said:I think he could be alright in Germany, but he'd get eaten alive in England.
If the Galaxy was smart, they'd crap can Lalas and get someone in that actually knows business and football. Let Gullit run things for a bit and actually build a team. The interview with Gullit from when he first started were he talked about not having enough money for a practice squad and using office workers shows why this league will never advance and always be the joke of the footballing world.I think Lalas is first in line to get canned, but it is an interesting debate if it'll be him, Gullit, or Donovan that abandons ship first.
yep, got sand in his pussy and ran home. I don't think he honestly gave it a real go.velvet_nitemare said:Wasn't he at Bayer Leverkusen?
Supposedly a couple other providers have the the hookup already, but DTV is slacking.gigapower said:DirecTV still haven't put up the Olympic Soccer HD channel and according to their CSRs it won't be up until 8/8/08 when the tournament starts :lol So that means the Golden Girls loss today didn't count to DirecTV.
Cornballer said:I think if Donovan put his mind to it he could compete, but it's an issue of motivation for him. The guy likes hanging out in LA with his wife and his dogs...
I want the Olympic Triplecast back. Sucks that ABC didn't get the Olympics because then they could show stuff on ESPN8 all night long.Karakand said:The tape delay shit is annoying. I'm probably going to watch maybe a handful of events on NBC because of it.
My friend that you met at the game and I always go back to this interview and joke about it.velvet_nitemare said:Primadonovan indeed.
"What about my dogs, man? The f**k am I going to do with the dogs?!?!?!"Soccernet from last Summer said:ESPNsoccernet: Do you ever want to return to Europe? Is it something on your mind and now that you have grown up?
LD: Sometimes it's tempting to watch a game and go like; I think I can play there. It'd be fun to play in that situation at that level where it is constantly competitive. If it did happen, good, but I don't think it would be for a while, because I'm happy where I am.
You also have to remember I'm married now; I have the dogs now too. It's not just what I think. I have to consider people around me. Does my wife want to go when her work is mainly in Los Angeles? What do we do with the dogs if that happened? If that could work out, I would consider it, but my guess is it wouldn't be for quite a while.
:lolCornballer said:."What about my dogs, man? The f**k am I going to do with the dogs?!?!?!"
I wasn't baiting anybody.Karakand said:someone clearly baiting him.
Zoolaga said:The Olympic football kicks off in about an hour.
1000-1200: Australia v Serbia, Japan v USA, Brazil v Belgium, Honduras v Italy
1245-1445: Ivory Coast v Argentina, Netherlands v Nigeria, China v New Zealand, South Korea v Cameroon
All of the matches are on BBCi btw. Eurosport are showing two games as well.
Maverick said:I saw the Dutch squad play an Olympic warm-up game at Hong Kong Stadium last weekend, and I was pretty impressed with the skill they had in the team.
Especially in the midfield with Evander Sno and Emanuelson.
But, of course, with the Dutch it's never the technical ability that's the problem, and they only few Ivory Coast 1-1.
You were either baiting or you are credulous. I was trying to be nice... shoulda taken me up on my offer!hadareud said:I wasn't baiting anybody.
It was a normal question to ask and my rating was an honest one, I swear I wasn't trying to bait anybody.
Yazan said:Where do you guys buy your shirts?
Hootie said:Holy crap they have soccer/football in the Olympics? How did I not know that :lol
Japan is playing the US on MSNBC right now. I don't know if it's live or not but I haven't seen it yet so oh well.
Zoolaga said:Its live.