Official Football•Soccer•Fútbol Thread 2008/2009

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Maybe he was seen at the Manchester airport, and was rumour to be going to the wrong Manchester team? There's always space for injury-prone strikers at COMS


h0pper said:
tons of new stuff on FIFA09 over at

I have to admit, it looks VERY good. I just got into PES like this year, but if they don't make some huge improvements, EA will kill that franchise off. The gameplay in FIFA09 looks very fun.

Animations are very realistic as well.

They even got Ronaldo's free kick stance into the game

Looks great, loved the falling animations when they brought the player down.

PES will be the same old boring shit. Fire Seabass and let the Wii team give it a shot.



I must say, these 2-3 last pages have been great. Almost on the same level as it was in december-january last year.
Man City are a damn mess, no way this is going to have a nice or easy conclusion for City fans. Whilst as a Sunderland fan its great that we might be picking up talented players like Ireland on the cheap but it does pain me to see such a great club and loyal support to be taken for such a ride. They've been through a lot of crap in the last couple of decades just like ourselves, so I do feel for them but still, wouldn't mind picking up Richard Dunne as well if the firesale goes ahead.

Edit: According to some other forums Chorluka's agent has been on SSN saying that City are lying? Not seen it myself but it wouldn't really surprise me.
liquid_gears said:
Nice OP.

So if anyone wants to make any predictions about this year then now is the time. :D

Stoke, Hull and West Brom will go down. Shinawatra will get sent down. The top four will finish in the same positions (Despite 'it 's our year' etc) and the Champions League will remain in England.

I can't think of too much right now.

:lol :lol :lol

Well I don't like to post wild speculation, but, holy shit, if true. Its been posted on a few forums now and I first saw it on our fans' forum:

Alledged City Employee said:
"I'm sorry to say this, as a life long fan and - for the last few (for me at least) unforgettable months - employee, MCFC as we know it is finished. Here are the FACTS, for those who really want to know. Thaksin is, as of midlnight 10th August, 2008, an international fugitive. He now has to be found guilty of corruption in Thailand in his absense, offering no defence. Extradition requests will surely follow. The PL will then have to find him short of the fit and proper ownership rules (and believe me, the pressure for that from fellow 'members' has been growing since June). Thaksin is trying to palm off City onto whoever will now take it, an insolvent mess of a business, completely incapable of sustaining itself. The truth is that the only interested party (until recently) - Wardle - is not now able to bail City out now , he cant come close on his own and no partners have been found. The wage bioll and committments due on the last 2 years' transfers have spiralled out of control. The Corluka affair is the last straw - I personally worked on the deal and can assure anyone interested that he has already been transferred to Spurs. Spurs have this evening started legal action, and he will be barred from playing for City following an injunction in the courts tomorrow. Personally I expect Hughes to then resign on principal (he has no choice now, he is on record as saying that he wilol have final say on all transfers). Many wont believe any of this, but a few will. I am very close to this situation (readers will never know who I am or how close - a few would know my name but it isnt appropriate to for me to come 'out') - trust me, I am close enough to know what has happeneded in the last fortnight, I am pissed off with it (as a fan, and as someone who has worked hard for the club durinig the ast 18 months or so) and it must be said, a little drunk. I am posting this message on a few sites - apologies for those that keep reading it, but I want City fans to know what is happening. The sad truth is we are finished, and that as a result, the PL will be facing its biggest challenge since inception within 2 weeks of now."

Forgetting about my own selfish agenda, I really, really hope things aren't quite as bad as that, a club such as City steeped in such tradition can not be allowed to just fold up and die like this.


Extracts from Ronaldo's book 'Moments' - which I sadly own :D

I like yoghurt. I have it with a cheese-and-ham sandwich every morning before training.

It takes me 25 minutes to drive to Manchester United’s training ground and I always get there very early because I like to play with the balls.

After training I go home and help my friends and family cook lunch. I am very good at making salad. I eat everything but I do not like alcohol - never!

I like my teammates. They make me laugh. Rio Ferdinand is a joker and I have taught him some Portuguese words. He is a crazy guy!
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I live a very quiet life. I watch television and listen to music. Sometimes I go out, but not very much.

Last week I went shopping with my cousins and we bought some candles. I like candles. I enjoy the tranquillity and peace of candles.

When I look in the mirror I see an ordinary man. Someone who likes to have fun and someone who hates liars. I hate disloyalty but I like beauty and intelligence. I am a funny boy, just like you!

I read somewhere that the number seven represents “perfect totality”. That is interesting but I don’t want you to think that I am perfect - I just thought I would mention it.

Do you know the world has seven wonders. Strange, no? Somebody once said I was one of the world’s sporting wonders. I say thank you. I accept this with pleasure and pride.

Manchester United fans are the best in the world but sometimes my life becomes very crazy.

One day I woke up and there was a girl camping in my garden! She had jumped over the fence. My cousin went to speak to her and she said she was Dutch and had seen me in Holland. She said she was saving herself for me because I had looked at her in a very special way.

My friend took her to the airport and put her on a plane to Holland but she came back less than a month later. When we said we were going to call the police she went away. We went back into my house.

I have squirrels in my garden but because it is cold in Manchester I only look at them from my window.

In a nutshell: I’m not a winker.


Probably do a Leeds... I would hate for it to actually happen, but I wonder what will happen if all of this is true... what would the FA/Premier League do?

Anyway, can we has Dunne, Petrov and Sturridge please? :D

edit: "I have squirrels in my garden but because it is cold in Manchester I only look at them from my window."

:lol :lol


The Translator
I mean it's funny and all, but if this really is destroying Man City the fun ends.

I feel sorry for the supporters :(

And again it's another reminder why you do not want to be taken over by dodgy foreign investors. Let this be a lesson for those Arsenal supporters who wish Usmanov, another extremely dodgy character, would take over Arsenal. Nothing good comes from it, the other clubs that have been taken over will notice it as well sooner rather than later.


Those Ronaldo quotes are hilarious:

I have squirrels in my garden but because it is cold in Manchester I only look at them from my window.


EDIT: see Hixxx already quoted that one. It's just so good.


Fair-weather, with pride!
velvet_nitemare said:
I'm not too worried about Citeh. There's no shortage of business men wanting in on that prem action. Hey, maybe Usmanov will buy them.

Two birds.

One stone.
hadareud said:
I mean it's funny and all, but if this really is destroying Man City the fun ends.

I feel sorry for the supporters :(

And again it's another reminder why you do not want to be taken over by dodgy foreign investors. Let this be a lesson for those Arsenal supporters who wish Usmanov, another extremely dodgy character, would take over Arsenal. Nothing good comes from it, the other clubs that have been taken over will notice it as well sooner rather than later.

Which is what makes me so glad we have a real football man at the head of our club. There's an awful lot of money in the Drumaville Consortium but with Niall Quinn at the helm I know that we'll never be allowed to go tits up like City seem to be. We're probably on more sound financial footing than the vast majority of Premier League clubs and that makes me really relieved when you see crap like this happen at other clubs.


The Translator
velvet_nitemare said:
I'm not too worried about Citeh. There's no shortage of business men wanting in on that prem action. Hey, maybe Usmanov will buy them.
City have a considerable amount of debt and haven't been profitable in a long time iirc.

It won't be that easy to find somebody that will pump cash in a club that doesn't return you money. Unless you cut your losses and sell your most valuable assets and operate on a smaller budget.

Let's hope you're right though.
QVT said:
Two birds.

One stone.

Are you insinuating i have an agenda?:lol

hadareud said:
City have a considerable amount of debt and haven't been profitable in a long time iirc.

It won't be that easy to find somebody that will pump cash in a club that doesn't return you money. Unless you cut your losses and sell your most valuable assets and operate on a smaller budget.

Let's hope you're right though.

I know it's abnormal and probably makes little business sense, but Chelsea are a constant money sink for Abrahmovic, and i seem to recall they were in debt when he bought them.

Usmanov might be in it for the love of the game:lol


Wes said:
Picture him crying and wailing as he says them and it's even funnier.
I picture him tarted up, skin so tanned it could pass as leather, and using crutches as the latest fashion accessory, its pretty funny.
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