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Official "I need a new PC!!" 2009 Edition


Hawkian said:
Love the bottom-mounted PSU, firestorm! Also, the 260 rocks don't it? ;)
275 actually =P I used to game on a 7600 Go. I went from 20 - 30 fps on my laptop with everything on low to v-sync on for 60 constant with all settings maxed out. So yes. Yes it does.
Instead of setting up a server I decided to just get an external esata enclosure but my case doesn't have any esata ports. Should I buy a card or just use USB.? Will I notice a big difference between USB and esata when using Green (5400) Harddrives?
MWS Natural said:
Instead of setting up a server I decided to just get an external esata enclosure but my case doesn't have any esata ports. Should I buy a card or just use USB.? Will I notice a big difference between USB and esata when using Green (5400) Harddrives?

Absolutely you will notice a huge difference with E-SATA over USB. Most new motherboards come with a e-SATA back panel connector, in case you recently purchased one. You could also just take the drive out of the case and plug it in internally, if that's an option...
SuperEnemyCrab said:
Absolutely you will notice a huge difference with E-SATA over USB. Most new motherboards come with a e-SATA back panel connector, in case you recently purchased one. You could also just take the drive out of the case and plug it in internally, if that's an option...

Hmmm now that you mention it there is a piece I can unscrew that leaves and opening at the back of my case. I guess I can just run the SATA cable from the inclosure to inside? I have a SFF case so there is not much space to put more drives in internally.


After trying for some time now to fix graphical errors during gameplay (have a Sapphire X1900XT) I decided to give up and buy a new graphic card. But since I got the PC from my brother I am fairly new to this and don't really know what I should be looking at.

I got some suggestions from friends:

ATI 3850 [€91]
ATI 4850 [€97]
ATI 4670 [€67]
ATI 3870 [€110]
Nvidia 9800GT [€90-110]

For me these are just names without any meaning. I put the prices from a local retailer behind the cards to help you decide me to decide which card I should get. Mostly wanna play Dragon Age: Origins and Fallout 3 and Mass Effect /2 in the near future.

Also sometimes there are different versions of grahic cards like with the Nvidia 9800GT there is a version with 512MB and one with 1GB.

My PC specs are as follows AFAIK:

Asus motherboard P5B
Intel Core 2 6400 @ 2,13 GHz
Windows XP SP3

Please HELP!, elite GAF agents! THANKS!!
masterkajo said:
After trying for some time now to fix graphical errors during gameplay (have a Sapphire X1900XT) I decided to give up and buy a new graphic card. But since I got the PC from my brother I am fairly new to this and don't really know what I should be looking at.

I got some suggestions from friends:

ATI 3850 [€91]
ATI 4850 [€97]
ATI 4670 [€67]
ATI 3870 [€110]
Nvidia 9800GT [€90-110]

For me these are just names without any meaning. I put the prices from a local retailer behind the cards to help you decide me to decide which card I should get. Mostly wanna play Dragon Age: Origins and Fallout 3 and Mass Effect /2 in the near future.

Also sometimes there are different versions of grahic cards like with the Nvidia 9800GT there is a version with 512MB and one with 1GB.

My PC specs are as follows AFAIK:

Asus motherboard P5B
Intel Core 2 6400 @ 2,13 GHz
Windows XP SP3

Please HELP!, elite GAF agents! THANKS!!

Get a 4770, you shouldn't be paying more than 100 Euros, otherwise go with the 4850.

I'd recommend grabbing another couple of gigs of RAM and OCing that processor to 3ghz, should make all the difference.


relies on auto-aim
masterkajo said:
After trying for some time now to fix graphical errors during gameplay (have a Sapphire X1900XT) I decided to give up and buy a new graphic card. But since I got the PC from my brother I am fairly new to this and don't really know what I should be looking at.

I got some suggestions from friends:

ATI 4850 [€97]
That is the best value on there. See if the store will be expecting any 5770's and the price on those. (Or 5750's)


Thanks for the quick reply! But like with so many other graphic cards, when I ask my local retailers website I get 3 different results for the 4770:


Which one should I take?

Regarding the RAM update. My motherboard has 4 RAM slots and they are all used by 4x512MB. Should I just upgrade all to 1GB or do 2x512 + 2x1GB? Short, do I have to pay attention to anything special?

Also OClocking... I guess I have to use some program to do that. But how save is this? Can I damage my CPU or will it just not work properly if I do it wrong?

EDIT: No word on the 5770 or 5750 on the website. But I will ask in the store. Are these the newest? (I am kind of confused by the numbering).


Yes, the 5xxx series is the newest. The 57xx have performance similar to the 48xx series from last year, but with new features (DirectX 11) and lower power usage. xx90 > xx70 > xx50.
masterkajo said:
Thanks for the quick reply! But like with so many other graphic cards, when I ask my local retailers website I get 3 different results for the 4770:


Which one should I take?

Regarding the RAM update. My motherboard has 4 RAM slots and they are all used by 4x512MB. Should I just upgrade all to 1GB or do 2x512 + 2x1GB? Short, do I have to pay attention to anything special?

Also OClocking... I guess I have to use some program to do that. But how save is this? Can I damage my CPU or will it just not work properly if I do it wrong?

EDIT: No word on the 5770 or 5750 on the website. But I will ask in the store. Are these the newest? (I am kind of confused by the numbering).

The cheapest should be fine, if you're happy to wait a 5750 will be a better buy and should be in the same pricerange.

I'd just get a nice branded 2x2GB kit.

You OC in the BIOS, its perfectly safe, just do your research beforehand.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
masterkajo said:
Also OClocking... I guess I have to use some program to do that. But how save is this? Can I damage my CPU or will it just not work properly if I do it wrong?

There is a good guide on Tom's Hardware if you want to learn about overclocking.

This thread was priceless to me on my first attempt at OCing my processor. It is quite a read though.

As for the cards you linked they all look to be the same hardware. There are many different graphic card manufactures the important thing to look at is the version of the card (4770). Sort of like the different computer mfg's you know like (dell, sony, gateway, ect)


relies on auto-aim
masterkajo said:
Thanks for the quick reply! But like with so many other graphic cards, when I ask my local retailers website I get 3 different results for the 4770:

Regarding the RAM update. My motherboard has 4 RAM slots and they are all used by 4x512MB. Should I just upgrade all to 1GB or do 2x512 + 2x1GB? Short, do I have to pay attention to anything special?

Also OClocking... I guess I have to use some program to do that. But how save is this? Can I damage my CPU or will it just not work properly if I do it wrong?
As brain_stew said, grab a 4770. I thought those were the only ones your local store carried.

Get a 2x2GB kit.


MWS Natural said:
Instead of setting up a server I decided to just get an external esata enclosure but my case doesn't have any esata ports. Should I buy a card or just use USB.? Will I notice a big difference between USB and esata when using Green (5400) Harddrives?
I don't see why you don't pick something like this up. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812226006
I know it's a little pricey but if you work with your budget you might be able to squeeze it in.
I need help, I put in my new cooler and it kept doing a constant beep when I was turning it on. I kept unplugging things thinking something was loose and then it squealed and turned itself off. Anyone know what's going on? Could it have to do with the cpu?


testicles on a cold fall morning
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
I need help, I put in my new cooler and it kept doing a constant beep when I was turning it on. I kept unplugging things thinking something was loose and then it squealed and turned itself off. Anyone know what's going on? Could it have to do with the cpu?
did you make sure to plug the cpu fan into the proper header?
scorcho said:
did you make sure to plug the cpu fan into the proper header?

I'm not sure? I plugged it into the 3 pin connector like back fan runs on. Do I have to use the one on the mobo? The one on the heatsink is a 3 pin connector where as the mobo has a 4 pin connector.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
I'm not sure? I plugged it into the 3 pin connector like back fan runs on. Do I have to use the one on the mobo? The one on the heatsink is a 3 pin connector where as the mobo has a 4 pin connector.

Sometimes the beeping is cause the fan monitoring is turned on/off in the bios, check that maybe?

MWS Natural said:
Yeah I seen those already but I was wondering could I just pop off the small cover on my case and plug the cable onto my onboard internal SATA port.

Ya it should work, just look kinda ghetto =)
SuperEnemyCrab said:
Sometimes the beeping is cause the fan monitoring is turned on/off in the bios, check that maybe?

Ya it should work, just look kinda ghetto =)

Meh fuckit I'm just going to go over my budget and get a damn HP media server. So much for saving for a new car :lol
Terrifyer said:
Have you tried connecting the HSF directly to the mobo cpu header?

No, but it was giving me a picture before and now it isn't. I would think something else is wrong too at the least.

EDIT: It still won't give video and still continuos beeping after correctly plugging into cpu header. Fuck me, what's going on.


So I guess I shouldn't be too happy about this, but recently (this past week) there was a death in my family and my mother was left with a pretty hefty sum of cash. She's willing to lend me some to cover some college costs and get a new PC. It won't get here for a while, probably not for another month or so, but I'm hoping I'll be able to upgrade to a considerably strong laptop by Christmas. Right now I'm stuck between two Asus notebooks: the W90vp and the G71Gx. Any recommendations? I'm looking for a machine I'll be able to use for at least four years, so modularity is a big plus. Open to any suggestions. A desktop isn't out of the equation, but a laptop would be far more convenient, considering I live off campus and they're easy to carry around.

I feel really weird talking about this like it's no big deal, like it's a plus that I lost this relative, but I'm not sure how I should feel. She was never nice to me and we weren't expecting anything from her, but I'm so appreciative that she left us what she did. Anyway, I don't want to seem like an asshole here, like I'm taking advantage, this is just the first time in a long time I feel I have any significant budget to work with.

Also wondering about the practicality of getting a quad core processor. I have an X9000 right now, not sure how well served I'd be going from a 2.8 GHz core 2 duo to the 2.0 GHz quad that's standard in the W90vp.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Okay I need help on getting a good quality monitor, cause I have no idea what to look for, so three things:

Bigger than 17" which is the size of my CRT monitor
Price: Anywhere from 120-150 (USD)
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Crunched said:
So I guess I shouldn't be too happy about this, but recently (this past week) there was a death in my family and my mother was left with a pretty hefty sum of cash. She's willing to lend me some to cover some college costs and get a new PC. It won't get here for a while, probably not for another month or so, but I'm hoping I'll be able to upgrade to a considerably strong laptop by Christmas. Right now I'm stuck between two Asus notebooks: the W90vp and the G71Gx. Any recommendations? I'm looking for a machine I'll be able to use for at least four years, so modularity is a big plus. Open to any suggestions. A desktop isn't out of the equation, but a laptop would be far more convenient, considering I live off campus and they're easy to carry around.

I feel really weird talking about this like it's no big deal, like it's a plus that I lost this relative, but I'm not sure how I should feel. She was never nice to me and we weren't expecting anything from her, but I'm so appreciative that she left us what she did. Anyway, I don't want to seem like an asshole here, like I'm taking advantage, this is just the first time in a long time I feel I have any significant budget to work with.

The machines you're considering aren't though. A laptop just isn't a good bet to last 4 years, obviously they're much less upgradable but they're inherently less durable as well.

Not considered going for a netbook + desktop? Even with a nice 23" 1080p monitor thrown in it should still be cheaper than either of hose laptops and yet do both jobs much better.

You can build a $500 desktop with better components than those laptops, and it'll be much easier and cheaper to upgrade, worth considering imo.


brain_stew said:
The machines you're considering aren't though. A laptop just isn't a good bet to last 4 years, obviously they're much less upgradable but they're inherently less durable.

Not considered going for a netbook + desktop? Even with a nice 23" 1080p monitor thrown in it should still be cheaper than either of hose laptops and yet do both jobs much better.

You can build a $500 desktop with better components than those laptops, and it'll be much easier and cheaper to upgrade, worth considering imo.
The weight doesn't bother me at all, my current notebook is about 10 lbs. and has never been a problem. I'm open to getting a desktop because I'm fine with keeping my current laptop. Pretty much the only two issues with getting a desktop would be lack of mobility and lack of space-- my apartment is pretty small. Those are things I can work around, though.
Crunched said:
The weight doesn't bother me at all, my current notebook is about 10 lbs. and has never been a problem. I'm open to getting a desktop because I'm fine with keeping my current laptop. Pretty much the only two issues with getting a desktop would be lack of mobility and lack of space-- my apartment is pretty small. Those are things I can work around, though.

You'll end up with crippled back by your 30s if you keep on carrying a 10lb laptop with you everywhere!!

What do you use to display your consoles? No reason your monitor can't double as your TV as well these days, if you do that, you're not really taking up any extra space at all, you already have a desk presumably?
Plywood said:
That one does sound good, but I really can't go over my budget, I was thinking this one, especially after the mailin rebate.


Well you asked for a 16:9 monitor, that's 16:10.

What's this to be used for, just a PC? If so, by all means go with a 1680x1050 monitor, its what I would have suggested, if you're planning on hooking anything else up to it, then you really should be going with a 1080p solution.


Neo Member
NCIX is awesome. I order something from them at least once a month....yes I have a problem.

Make sure you remember to price match when you do order from them. Check around using sites like shopbot.ca, newegg.ca and redflagdeals to find the cheapest prices and then just get ncix to match.

Lots of times I find a deal on a shady site that I am not too confident in so I just get it price matched at ncix and I haven't had any problems to date.


brain_stew said:
You'll end up with crippled back by your 30s if you keep on carrying a 10lb laptop with you everywhere!!

What do you use to display your consoles? No reason your monitor can't double as your TV as well these days, if you do that, you're not really taking up any extra space at all, you already have a desk presumably?
I have a 46" Samsung for my consoles, the desk I use for my computer is shared with my girlfriend and really doesn't have much room to spare. It's covered with her shit. I'd like to get a new one but there is absolutely no room for that :lol

What I'm thinking is that I could just hook a PC up to my TV for gaming/media and use my laptop for writing and editing.

Also just double checked weight of my current notebook; it's 7 lbs, not 10. Either way, it's much lighter than a bag full of textbooks :lol


NeoGAF's smiling token!
brain_stew said:
Well you asked for a 16:9 monitor, that's 16:10.

What's this to be used for, just a PC? If so, by all means go with a 1680x1050 monitor, its what I would have suggested, if you're planning on hooking anything else up to it, then you really should be going with a 1080p solution.
Oh sorry, I'm terrible at this. But yeah 16:10 is fine. Just using it for PC. I'll guess I'll go for it. Thanks for the help.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Ok, I got video back but still getting short continuos beeps. Any idea what causes this?

If the video came back on its own just over time it sounds like the CPU is overheating preventing your PC from starting. Are you sure the HSF is seated properly and the fan is working and everything? If you did something to allow your PC to post then what was it?
Terrifyer said:
If the video came back on its own just over time it sounds like the CPU is overheating preventing your PC from starting. Are you sure the HSF is seated properly and the fan is working and everything? If you did something to allow your PC to post then what was it?

All I did was take everything out and put it back in and I got video back. It reads 16C in the bios with regards to the cpu temp. I did a shittier job on my cpu heatsink last time and this didn't happen. :/


good credit (by proxy)
My stuff should be here tomorrow and I'm nervous cause I've never done this before. I bought the components but is there anything else I need for the build that won't come with the motherboard or case? Hdd cable? I have some old sata cables but im unsure if the newer sata standards use different cables. Wire plastic zip tie thingies? Any cable management tips?

I looked at a bunch of videos of installing the CPU and it looks super easy. I was worried about it cause that's the only thing I haven't done before. Hopefully the i5 isn't much different than other CPUs.

Last time I installed a DVD drive I think I got the slave master settings fucked up when there was 2 drives on the machine. Didn't cause anything bad to happen, just the drive I wanted to be a slave was the master, which was an arbitrary decision anyway. Hopefully I can't mess this machine up since there's only 1 drive!


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Minsc said:
What's your take on the new i7 chips showing up in laptops all over now? I saw a few benchmarks of the typical software they run and they obliterated your average laptop CPUs, are they worth the premium? It seems so, things are much more responsive with 4 cores, than with 2, and they run more efficiently too right?

Well, hmm, the Clarksfield are interesting. They have those "low" clock speeds, but in benchmarks they obliterate the current mobile CPUs.

Plus they have Turbo Mode, which is detailed here:


My current verdict is that I must have one. There's speculated to be a faster refresh coming in Q1 of next year, but I'm not 100% on that.

Regardless, here's my next mobile setup:

Clevo W860CU barebones w/ 1080p + wireless
2x2GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM
320GB Seagate Momentus 7200.4

I can't wait.


Is 38C a good idle CPU temp? I left the PC run in the BIOS last night for about an hour and it never seemed to go above that. I cant test it after gaming or in the OS yet since I dont have one but Im just making sure everything is in check beforehand.

Any other tests I can run from the BIOS to see if theres any problems?

I got a mobo speaker since my case didnt have one. Once that comes in, Ill be able to hear the post codes on startup.


Hawkian said:
It's not bad, not ideal. What's the CPU, is it OCed at all?

Intel Core i5 750 2.66GHz Quad-Core LGA1156
Not OCed at all.

Theres a fan bracket on the side of my case for another 120mm fan that would blow some air right on the CPU. Would that help any? I can also bump up the other 4 case fans to a medium setting but it starts to get a little loud then.

What about a different heatsink or thermal paste? Im using the one that came with it.

If I can, Id like to drop that temp some.


Trucker Sexologist
Salaadin said:
Is 38C a good idle CPU temp? I left the PC run in the BIOS last night for about an hour and it never seemed to go above that. I cant test it after gaming or in the OS yet since I dont have one but Im just making sure everything is in check beforehand.

Any other tests I can run from the BIOS to see if theres any problems?

I got a mobo speaker since my case didnt have one. Once that comes in, Ill be able to hear the post codes on startup.
If you want to drop your idle temp just change the settings in the OS power management control panel ("cool and quiet" or whatever it is called now). But the full burn temps are what really matter.


So I should just wait it out and see how it is when its actually doing something other than idling?

Ive been looking at some 1156 compatible heatsinks and keep hearing good things about this one Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus. Any experience with this? I also hear its tough to install and, since Im relatively new at this sort of thing, do you think Id have a huge problem?

Or is going with something other than the stock cooler stupid if I dont ever plan on OCing?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Crush it with something to see your full load temps, like Prime95. Those are really what are important. If it can stay under 60C I'd say you don't have to worry about anything.
Hawkian said:
Crush it with something to see your full load temps, like Prime95. Those are really what are important. If it can stay under 60C I'd say you don't have to worry about anything.
Under 70 is probably ok with the core i5. I doubt you can get anything under 60C with stock cooling under full load.

Ok in the interest of not being a jack ass. When running prime95 with the stock cooler that came with the core i5 the temperature stays around 64C for me.
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