Here's a mild poser. I've been toying with getting the prebuilt (going against *every single* geek bone in my body, but hey) Warbird system from Yoyotech mentioned by Brainstew back in Post #9780; at the moment I'm holding out a little because 7 is *so* imminent I may as well wait until they come with it by default rather than having to install Vista and then a short time later install 7.
However, there's a small issue, and the issue is my bedroom. It's unusually hot; not stifling, but rather warm, particularly in the height of summer - I'd estimate 26-29 degrees C; it doesn't help that I share the room with the house hot water tank. My current PC is prone to overheating, although I'm well aware that it's quite poorly cooled. I'm wondering if, in light of all that, I ought to avoid a system that's overclocked by default.
However, there's a small issue, and the issue is my bedroom. It's unusually hot; not stifling, but rather warm, particularly in the height of summer - I'd estimate 26-29 degrees C; it doesn't help that I share the room with the house hot water tank. My current PC is prone to overheating, although I'm well aware that it's quite poorly cooled. I'm wondering if, in light of all that, I ought to avoid a system that's overclocked by default.