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Official "I need a new PC!!" 2009 Edition


Rodent Whores
Crunched said:
Oh man, that would be awful :lol

I think I'll just stick it out. I've ordered two parts so far: an LG GGW-H20L and an Antec Twelve Hundred. I swear, that LG drive is almost as hard to find as a 5870, and I may have some searching to do yet... the place I bought it from has had my order listed as pending for ten days. They've charged me, so I hope that's of the drive being moved and not me being ripped off :lol
Well, you just have to be vigilant and check your order status and email a lot.

That's how I got my 5870. I ordered two different ones that were out of stock and quickly canceled the one that didn't ship first. Amazon doesn't charge you until the item ships.


So, just got my 2x2GB today, installed and now the computer restarts on the "Starting Windows" screen.
I had the same problem with the first kit I got, if I only put one in, it would work fine, if I inserted the other one, it would restart on boot. I thought it was a damaged stick so didn't give it much thought, and everything worked fine with one stick so I didn't mind (didn't want to spend any more time without PC, by returning and waiting for another kit).

Now, I installed the 2 new sticks, and it's all the same, BIOS detects the 4GB, but it restarts during boot.
Tried leaving only one, still restarts. Tried putting the old one alone, still restarts.

Any clue one what's the problem? Mobo is a Asus P5Q Pro P45, RAM I'm using are OCZ Gold Edition DDR2 6400.


Maybe try to up the RAM voltage a bit in BIOS? Some OC sticks (OCZ is definitely OC-friendly) require a higher RAM voltage than these motherboards provide by default.


I'm finally able to get a new monitor today, and there are two that I'm looking at.

The first one is a 1080p 21.5'' ASUS: LINK

The second is a 1080p 23'' Acer: LINK

The Acer is actually cheaper for me (184 vs. 186) because of free shipping, but 186 is the absolute tops I can spend (including tax/shipping, which living in California, tax fucking sucks). They both seem to be pretty good at what they do, but the Acer has over 500 reviews, while the ASUS has 29. I plan to use it with my PC, obviously, but I really want it so I can use it with my PS3. Both have HDMI and HDCP support, so I should be covered there, right? I think my biggest problem is the Acer doesn't have internal speakers, so how would I get sound? Thanks again GAF for any help!


Rentahamster said:
Well, you just have to be vigilant and check your order status and email a lot.

That's how I got my 5870. I ordered two different ones that were out of stock and quickly canceled the one that didn't ship first. Amazon doesn't charge you until the item ships.
Yeah, probably have more of a solid chance with a preorder. I don't like the idea that I may get charged for two of these cards, though. I'll try holding out.

Just ordered this from amazon. Bought the $244 one with free shipping. I've been told it won't get here til after Christmas, so I'm in no hurry :lol

Looks like sapphire 5850s are in stock at newegg right now. I'm going to regret not jumping on one, I know it D;

Aaaaaaand it's gone.
KillerAJD said:
I'm finally able to get a new monitor today, and there are two that I'm looking at.

The first one is a 1080p 21.5'' ASUS: LINK

The second is a 1080p 23'' Acer: LINK

The Acer is actually cheaper for me (184 vs. 186) because of free shipping, but 186 is the absolute tops I can spend (including tax/shipping, which living in California, tax fucking sucks). They both seem to be pretty good at what they do, but the Acer has over 500 reviews, while the ASUS has 29. I plan to use it with my PC, obviously, but I really want it so I can use it with my PS3. Both have HDMI and HDCP support, so I should be covered there, right? I think my biggest problem is the Acer doesn't have internal speakers, so how would I get sound? Thanks again GAF for any help!

Plug in headphones or speakers? I don't think I have ever owned a monitor with internal speakers, seems like it takes an element away from the game (good sound).


making up your own theme song and singing it is better than any speakers that have ever been put on a monitor. get external speakers or headphones.


Kintaco said:
What processor and videcard offer the most bang for the buck? I don't need the best, just a nice hardware for the price. I currently have an AMD Athlon X2 3200+, 3GB ram, Geforce 9800GT (512mb), and dying Gigabyte mobo.
brain_stew said:
What sort of budget are we talking about? What resolution?

Hmmm, I'd say something like $300, the video card can wait if that budget is just too low. I don't mind something a little over that budget as it will give me something to consider. I have dual 19" Samsung monitors with 1440x900 resolution.


Trucker Sexologist
I had an issue on my new build. My rear panel doesn't line up correctly with the motherboard, blocking the sound ports and some USB ports. I have an Antec 902 and a Biostar T5 XE CFX-SLI. The risers lined up fine and they didn't seem any larger than normal risers. It's screwed in tight so I don't know what else to do.

Anyone else have a similar problem before?
drkOne said:
So, just got my 2x2GB today, installed and now the computer restarts on the "Starting Windows" screen.
I had the same problem with the first kit I got, if I only put one in, it would work fine, if I inserted the other one, it would restart on boot. I thought it was a damaged stick so didn't give it much thought, and everything worked fine with one stick so I didn't mind (didn't want to spend any more time without PC, by returning and waiting for another kit).

Now, I installed the 2 new sticks, and it's all the same, BIOS detects the 4GB, but it restarts during boot.
Tried leaving only one, still restarts. Tried putting the old one alone, still restarts.

Any clue one what's the problem? Mobo is a Asus P5Q Pro P45, RAM I'm using are OCZ Gold Edition DDR2 6400.

This may sound obvious but make sure everything is CLEAN, one spot of dust can ruin things. This happened to me and I simply cleaned off the ram and the mobo and it worked :D


keep your strippers out of my American football
Great thread. I will be throwing $600 at a new PC next month. This thread has been a good resource for research.
KillerAJD said:
I'm finally able to get a new monitor today, and there are two that I'm looking at.

The first one is a 1080p 21.5'' ASUS: LINK

The second is a 1080p 23'' Acer: LINK

The Acer is actually cheaper for me (184 vs. 186) because of free shipping, but 186 is the absolute tops I can spend (including tax/shipping, which living in California, tax fucking sucks). They both seem to be pretty good at what they do, but the Acer has over 500 reviews, while the ASUS has 29. I plan to use it with my PC, obviously, but I really want it so I can use it with my PS3. Both have HDMI and HDCP support, so I should be covered there, right? I think my biggest problem is the Acer doesn't have internal speakers, so how would I get sound? Thanks again GAF for any help!

You really (like really, really) wouldn't want to be using those internal speakers anyway, they're basic laptop speakers, which means horrible tinny hell. The PS3's mult AV port will let you hook the audio upto any speaker setup/headphones you desire. I'd just go with the ACER seems perfect for your needs and you'll appreciate the bigger screen size in games.
Kintaco said:
Hmmm, I'd say something like $300, the video card can wait if that budget is just too low. I don't mind something a little over that budget as it will give me something to consider. I have dual 19" Samsung monitors with 1440x900 resolution.

Is that just bog standard DDR RAM? If its DDR2 you could probably save some cash by getting something that'll let you reuse that.

hmm? $300, for a motherboard, CPU AND posibly RAM upgrade? Definitely go AM3 I'd say.

This combo is good value:


Then get 4GB of DDR3 and you're sorted.

Strapped for cash this is a nice way to save a little:


If you're willing to spend a little time OCing there's no reason performance should be any different, even if you don't its only going to be a ~5% difference anyway.


Neo Member
hello, i'm a starving college student who recently got a hold of an XFX Radeon HD 4650 with 1GB GDDR2 memory. my friend didn't want it anymore so he gave it to me for $40. although i've always been interested in computers and pc gaming, i've never built one before. i was hoping to get a little advice on how to build a computer around this graphics card. best cheapest mobo and cpu if possible, ideally taking advantage of any black friday/cyber monday deals coming up. thanks in advance!
blehh said:
hello, i'm a starving college student who recently got a hold of an XFX Radeon HD 4650 with 1GB GDDR2 memory. my friend didn't want it anymore so he gave it to me for $40. although i've always been interested in computers and pc gaming, i've never built one before. i was hoping to get a little advice on how to build a computer around this graphics card. best cheapest mobo and cpu if possible, ideally taking advantage of any black friday/cyber monday deals coming up. thanks in advance!

He ripped you off then, you can get a DDR3 4670 for that much after rebate and it'll be a good 50% faster in a lot of circumstances.

You don't want to be building a "gaming" rig around a 128 bit DDR2 card.


Neo Member
i'm not looking into getting into hardcore pc gaming. not really a priority right now (emphasis on STARVING college student) but a quick bullet list of things that are required just to get this thing working would be fine (like the obvious pci-e slot for example.) i'm mostly doing this for the experience of building my first computer. and please excuse my ignorance. even though i've read the op and have been following this thread for quite some time now, it can get a bit overwhelming.
blehh said:
i'm not looking into getting into hardcore pc gaming. not really a priority right now (emphasis on STARVING college student) but a quick bullet list of things that are required just to get this thing working would be fine (like the obvious pci-e slot for example.) i'm mostly doing this for the experience of building my first computer. and please excuse my ignorance. even though i've read the op and have been following this thread for quite some time now, it can get a bit overwhelming.

I just can't go ahead and recommend building a rig thats going to be doing any amount of gaming around that card, you want to cut your losses on it asap. Athlon ii X3 + 4GB DDR3 + AMD socket AM3 770 chipset mobo + 500GB Samsung F3 is the way to go on the low end, check out the $550 PC thread for an idea of some good quality low cost components.

It just doesn't make sense spending $300+ on other components if you're going to gimp your system with that card, you can build some very nice machines on a really tight budget but that thing will be undoing all your good work as its so insanely bandwidth starved.


Neo Member
your budget pc thread is great! thanks a lot.

yeah, i know i can build a great pc for cheap and have it held back with this 4650, but if you knew how much of a screw up i am with these sort of technical things, i'd rather practice and risk ruining this 4650 before really getting into building serious rigs.

...so whats the ABSOLUTE cheapest way i can use this 4650??


I've finally got my i7 920 locked in where I want it and 100% stable.

4.05GHz w/1.2625V (BCLK 211x19) on ASUS P6T SE
1686 on the DDR w/1.64V
EIST and C1E on for less wattage (stability tested with these features)
*If anyone has issues overclocking, make sure you set your uncore 2x memory manually, and not on auto. This was the roadblock that stopped me from hitting 4GHz.

Sapphire 5850 @775/1125 (load) <- kept it here for power saving features to function

It's been fun, now I can just use my PC for boring shit.


Need some advice, I'm about ready to pull the trigger on an Radeon HD 4670 (I'm cheapass). So would like some advice regarding the amount of memory. If I understood correctly brain_stew mentioned on a previous thread that an HD 4670 would not be able to take advantage of the extra 512 of memory so since both cards below cost about the same I am wondering if the 512mb model would actually run more efficiently. Please advice.

512 MB


1 GB


btw, if you can point me out to a better deal on this model I would appreciate it. I've been saving the 512 mb link for a few weeks now, waiting for a chance to get it.


pestul said:
Sapphire 5850 @775/1125 (load) <- kept it here for power saving features to function

It's been fun, now I can just use my PC for boring shit.

If you OC outside the official tools limit the card won´t go into idle/2d mode anymore, right?

But then again I don´t plan on really using the pc for non-gaming stuff, so it shouldn´t idle a lot, anyways. And by the time it finally arrives Germany will probably be fully powered by green energy :lol And I´m an old man :/


blehh said:
your budget pc thread is great! thanks a lot.

yeah, i know i can build a great pc for cheap and have it held back with this 4650, but if you knew how much of a screw up i am with these sort of technical things, i'd rather practice and risk ruining this 4650 before really getting into building serious rigs.

...so whats the ABSOLUTE cheapest way i can use this 4650??

What do you already have besides the GPU? Do you already have a monitor? kb/m? optical drive? etc... You can build a rig dirt cheap if you already own some of the small parts that still eat up quite a bit of your budget.
pestul said:
I've finally got my i7 920 locked in where I want it and 100% stable.

4.05GHz w/1.2625V (BCLK 211x19) on ASUS P6T SE
1686 on the DDR w/1.64V
EIST and C1E on for less wattage (stability tested with these features)
*If anyone has issues overclocking, make sure you set your uncore 2x memory manually, and not on auto. This was the roadblock that stopped me from hitting 4GHz.

Sapphire 5850 @775/1125 (load) <- kept it here for power saving features to function

It's been fun, now I can just use my PC for boring shit.

Very nicely done! :D

You'll be back fiddling in a couple of weeks though, i guarantee it. :lol
Anyone have tips for overclocking a Phenom II 955 3.2Ghz?
Or tips for overclocking in general. I've attempted it before on this machine, but it never seems to work out.


ACE 1991 said:
Any comments on the laptop I linked at the top of this page?

Doesn't seem like a sale price to me. I priced a similar laptop with the athlon II M300 (Very slightly slower) and 3 GB of ram yesterday for 500$ CAD. If this is in the states it might even be a bit of a cold deal considering how everything is cheaper down there. I also can't tell if the integrated video is using the HD4200 or if it's using something older. If you're looking for a good deal I'd keep on looking.

Edit: Looks like it also has the HD4200 on it. It's no dedicated GPU but it still stomps all over Intel's IGP. I also can't find the model on either the United States or Canadian website. Again 600$ CAD is a fair price, 600$ USD you could do better if you wait it out.

Edit 2: It also doesn't exist on amazon.com which means that it's another model and they just threw in another 2GB of ram to be able to call it a different model number to prevent price matching and/or finding information about it online. One of the reasons I hate BB.
Caoz said:
Need some advice, I'm about ready to pull the trigger on an Radeon HD 4670 (I'm cheapass). So would like some advice regarding the amount of memory. If I understood correctly brain_stew mentioned on a previous thread that an HD 4670 would not be able to take advantage of the extra 512 of memory so since both cards below cost about the same I am wondering if the 512mb model would actually run more efficiently. Please advice.

512 MB


1 GB


btw, if you can point me out to a better deal on this model I would appreciate it. I've been saving the 512 mb link for a few weeks now, waiting for a chance to get it.

Neither get the ASUS model that's only ~$40 after rebate.


brain_stew said:
Neither get the ASUS model that's only ~$40 after rebate.

Thanks brain_stew,

Color me intrigued by this $40 4670 that you mention. I only see this one asus 4670 for $60 after rebate :


This one MSI for $54 after rebate


and a couple of 4650's around $38 after rebate, but after reading one of your previous posts, I don't think thats the one you are talking about.
Caoz said:
Thanks brain_stew,

Color me intrigued by this $40 4670 that you mention. I only see this one asus 4670 for $60 after rebate :


This one MSI for $54 after rebate


and a couple of 4650's around $38 after rebate, but after reading one of your previous posts, I don't think thats the one you are talking about.

Eh, well it was there a few hours ago, crap, not surprised they were snapped up straight away it was a great deal, had pretty beefy cooling as well. I'd probably go with the MSI model now then, still really good value imo, you'd be surprised with what that card can pull off. Great for 720p-1440x900 gaming.

Funky Papa

Simple question: what is the best 23"-24" gaming monitor out there? I'm about the cave in and purchase a Samsung SyncMaster XL2370 LED, but I'm not sure if there are better alternatives.


brain_stew said:
Eh, well it was there a few hours ago, crap, not surprised they were snapped up straight away it was a great deal, had pretty beefy cooling as well. I'd probably go with the MSI model now then, still really good value imo, you'd be surprised with what that card can pull off. Great for 720p-1440x900 gaming.

Well that is how it goes sometimes.

Ended up buying the Sapphire 4670 512 MB model since it had free shipping and the $7 shipping charge for the MSI pretty much canceled out the $10 rebate.

Looking forward to receiving it. :) Thanks a bunch.


I was wondering if anyone here could provide me with some links to good AM3 socket motherboards? I'm thinking of upgrading my CPU and don't see the worth in going to a quad core on my am2+ board since eventually I'll have to upgrade to DDR3 memory and am3 eventually. I have the money for it now so may as well do so now.


Alright, Brain Stew (or anyone else!), one more question for ya!

I have decided on a quad core. I'm gonna go at least one level up from the Q8400. Looking at the Q9400 or the Q9550. I'm searching hard to find comparisons for these two chips and it is a bit difficult. Got a 1080P 23" monitor incoming, couldn't resist and the prices on them are dirt cheap right now.

I'm trying to use this benchmark as a guide:


But I have a couple issues with it. First one is they are using a 5870 (I have a GTX 260) for a card, and secondly they are running their benchmark at a lower resolution. But it is using more AA than I'll probably throw at the game and the cpu benchmarks are lower than what I would have with my overclock. If I get the 9550 I'll be able to overclock it to at least 3.4ghz, which is faster than the Q9650 benchmarked. If I go the Q9400 route, I'll get it to 3.2 ghz which is faster than the Q6600 benchmark. The truth is I know I'll be able to hit well over 60fps on an overclocked q9400 with my system, at this point am I wasting my money on a Q9550? I can get a Q9400 for about 70 dollars cheaper, and I don't have a microcenter near me to get a cheap 9550.

I know the q9550 will be the better performer overall, but I do try to make balanced builds. I could spend the extra money on the chip, but I hate wasting money for what could very well be little performance increase.


Funky Papa said:
Simple question: what is the best 23"-24" gaming monitor out there? I'm about the cave in and purchase a Samsung SyncMaster XL2370 LED, but I'm not sure if there are better alternatives.

I've read the Asus monitors are pretty good (scored well at maximum PC too), but seem to have quality control issues in terms of build. The XL2370 is a nice monitor, LED backlighting is nice.

I would just make sure to get it from a place that doesn't hassle about returns. I'm somewhat of a stickler for dead pixels in LCDs, and each place has different return policies. If you are ordering online I would almost look at amazon first versus newegg for LCD screens since Newegg has a firm 8 dead pixel policy for returns. Buying locally helps too then there isn't any cost for shipping and quicker turnaround if you need a replacement.

Full disclosure, I'm a bit partial to samsung for LCD screens. I think they make some of the better ones. But you can find decent ones from LG or Acer too. One of my friends has the 2370 and loves it. Pretty sexy screen.


Mrbob said:
I've read the Asus monitors are pretty good (scored well at maximum PC too), but seem to have quality control issues in terms of build. The XL2370 is a nice monitor, LED backlighting is nice.

I would just make sure to get it from a place that doesn't hassle about returns. I'm somewhat of a stickler for dead pixels in LCDs, and each place has different return policies.

Full disclosure, I'm a bit partial to samsung for LCD screens. I think they make some of the better ones. But you can find decent ones from LG or Acer too. One of my friends has the 2370 and loves it. Pretty sexy screen.

The XL2370 is impossible to find. Something weird is going on because Best Buy isnt ordering that model anymore.

i want it so bad. I may have posted these already but fuck it.. keep in mind the screen can be set extremely bright, has really good contrast ratio and no ghosting in games:

Druz said:
The XL2370 is impossible to find. Something weird is going on because Best Buy isnt ordering that model anymore.

i want it so bad. I may have posted these already but fuck it.. keep in mind the screen can be set extremely bright, has really good contrast ratio and no ghosting in games:

Damn that monitor looks beautiful.
Aurarian said:
I was wondering if anyone here could provide me with some links to good AM3 socket motherboards? I'm thinking of upgrading my CPU and don't see the worth in going to a quad core on my am2+ board since eventually I'll have to upgrade to DDR3 memory and am3 eventually. I have the money for it now so may as well do so now.

This is the one I'm getting.
ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO AMD 785G PC3-14400

And then if you buy this cpu with it, you get an awesome combo deal.
AMD Phenom II x4, Black Edition 3.2Ghz

And if you're looking for ram to go with it, this was the best deal I could find.
A-DATA 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)

ACE 1991

Shambles said:
Doesn't seem like a sale price to me. I priced a similar laptop with the athlon II M300 (Very slightly slower) and 3 GB of ram yesterday for 500$ CAD. If this is in the states it might even be a bit of a cold deal considering how everything is cheaper down there. I also can't tell if the integrated video is using the HD4200 or if it's using something older. If you're looking for a good deal I'd keep on looking.

Edit: Looks like it also has the HD4200 on it. It's no dedicated GPU but it still stomps all over Intel's IGP. I also can't find the model on either the United States or Canadian website. Again 600$ CAD is a fair price, 600$ USD you could do better if you wait it out.

Edit 2: It also doesn't exist on amazon.com which means that it's another model and they just threw in another 2GB of ram to be able to call it a different model number to prevent price matching and/or finding information about it online. One of the reasons I hate BB.

Okay, thanks for the putting the time in. Do you have any recommendations for solid $600 and under laptops? I'm not interested in netbook, not gaming (not on this laptop, I'll be building a PC for that) just for web browsing, watching movies, and writing papers.
quick question. Does it matter how I have my power supply flipped? I ask because I'm getting a case that has the power supply on the bottom. I don't need a special power supply for that, right? It doesn't matter which way I have my unit flipped?

Also, can I get an SLi AM3 MoBo, without it having a nvidia chipset?


ACE 1991 said:
Okay, thanks for the putting the time in. Do you have any recommendations for solid $600 and under laptops? I'm not interested in netbook, not gaming (not on this laptop, I'll be building a PC for that) just for web browsing, watching movies, and writing papers.

Tigerdirect sends me a couple of emails a day, today they sent out one for a "laptop liquidation sale", guess it wouldn't hurt to look at the laptops included. This one below looks good to me for $599.

MSI A6005-201US Notebook PC - 2.2Ghz, 4GB DDR2, 320GB, DVD-RW, 16" Screen, Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, ATI Radeon HD 4330 512 MB, Blue



brain_stew said:
Very nicely done! :D

You'll be back fiddling in a couple of weeks though, i guarantee it. :lol
Probably, but I'll also have my wife driven with wanting another 5850 for CF-X and a SSD HDD. :lol

ACE 1991

Caoz said:
Tigerdirect sends me a couple of emails a day, today they sent out one for a "laptop liquidation sale", guess it wouldn't hurt to look at the laptops included. This one below looks good to me for $599.

MSI A6005-201US Notebook PC - 2.2Ghz, 4GB DDR2, 320GB, DVD-RW, 16" Screen, Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, ATI Radeon HD 4330 512 MB, Blue


Wow, that's actually really nice. You could do some light gaming on that thing.
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