Definitely check in to it, their drivers seem better to me now. The Windows 7 CCC isn't nearly as annoying, I successfully uninstalled them completely for a driver upgrade with no issues, and I'm slowly running through my 200+ games, of which 50 or so have no issues preventing me from playing them on max settings.
The 9.12 drivers which are due out any day have reported improved performance by quite a bit, and the 9.13 drivers will be adding in 3D support in videos (a start anyway). Combined with the extremely low temperatures and idle power usage, it was a simple decision for me to go with ATI, the only real drawback is the whole 3D Vision thing, which who knows, maybe they'll add it in one day, or even if it's not until the 6000-series cards, it wouldn't be the worst thing, since my 24" MVA is quite nice, and I'd hate to by a new 120hz monitor just for a feature that really can't run at 60fps anyway.
Plus I get audio + video over a single cable to my Kuro, which nVidia doesn't allow for.