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Official 'I'll never own or buy an Xbox' rollcall thread!

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being watched
With the NPD numbers, the stacks of great exclusives, LiVE and best versions of multiconsole titles, that the Xbox is on a roll.

But despite the planet unifying event that will be Halo 2. Despite Outrun2, Fable, Riddick ect...still there are lonely souls on GAF who will hate the Xbox with their last dying breath, spiteing thee.

You don't want to be a member of the family.

So.....give your reasons for not buying an Xbox.


Tamanon said:
I just don't see any games that are worth the price tag. Pretty simple:)
Me too, i'm interested in Panzer Dragoon Orta and Conker but that's not enough to warrent the purchase of a new console. I might get an Xbox 2 if it's backwards compatable though, sometime down the road.

Mr Gump

Because i dont spend that much time playing games as it is nowadays and i already own a ps2 and a gamecube.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Everytime I go to the store planning to pick up an Xbox, I walk out with PS2 games. And I think the DS launch is going to kill getting an Xbox this November...


Already have a ps2 and a gamecube, and i'm not interested in any of the xbox exclusives yet- simple as that. (Though i would have picked one up for fable if it was as good as it was made out to be)
I don't have the funds for an xbox so basically i sign up for every get a free xbox crap i find online.

Wish i lived in Japan though, over there you can get an xbox for free :D


I just sold my Xbox because FPS and racers are bleh. I like Japanese games. I have a PS2, GC, GBA, a Ds on preorder and will be getting a PSP when the bugs are worked out. No time or money or inclination for what I perceive as less interesting games onXbox.




Me, I dont feel the need. I have a PS2, GC (which I semi-regret) and soon a great PC, an Xbox would just seem unnecessary.
I also have a DVD that is capable of playing XviD and DivX movies, so I really have no need for a modded Xbox, yet. :)
I won't be buying an Xbox or a Gamecube.

I decided this generation that I would only have one console, the PS2.

I transitioned from my PS1 to PS2 at launch back in November 2000.

In the last generation I had a Sega Saturn and N64 as well.

It is too much hassle to have more than one console. I don't have enough time to play the PS2 games I like, let alone worry about titles on other machines.

I certainly don't hate the Xbox or the Gamecube. If you were going to buy a console today I would recommend the Xbox because it gets the best of the multi-format titles.

The ideal outcome is to have friends that have Gamecubes and Xboxes so that you can experience things like Halo, Zelda, Super Monkey Balls, Fable, etc.
I've owned all sorts of things from Commodore 64 through to my Atari, NES, Megadrive, SNES, PlayStation, N64 etc. I'm currently a GC only owner and I'm perfectly happy with what I've got. I am definately interested in Xbox and PStwo, but as things are I have so little time already, and in a library of 40 GCN games (small for the likes of this board) I still have a backlog. I have very little interest in FPS outside of Goldeneye/Timesplitters, Half Life and other FPS like things.. I'm not big into sports games or racing. I prefer party games like Monkey Ball and Fusion Frenzy, playing with people I know in person, to playing online (although I like that too. I still play PSO when I can). But basically I've got my gaming fill at the moment. Everything I need is on this system. When it becomes viable in terms of my time and money I'll buy. Definately.


Why is it Xbot-shit threads like these pop up every time Xbox sees a new release that's managed to gain a few positive reviews?

Xbots are officially worse than Nbots and Sonybots put together.

Anyway, I'd probably own an Xbox if I could afford one. But as things are right now, Nintendo will be stealing all my money next month. (Metroid Prime 2, Baten Kaitos, NDS, Mario 64 DS, Feel the Magic = 350$)


Tritroid said:
Why is it Xbot-shit threads like these pop up every time Xbox sees a new release that's managed to gain a few positive reviews?

Xbots are officially worse than Nbots and Sonybots put together.
Yeah I really want one right now but its wayy to expensive here in Canada.

PS2 is getting Ace Combat V so I can't get trade it in for Xbox.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I highly doubt I'll ever get one.

Then again, I've been considering quitting gaming in general...


Still Tagged Accordingly
If MS release a smaller version of the xbox (ala PSTwo) at a cheaper price*, I'd consider buying one.

*not going to happen

With the NPD numbers...
I find it interesting you make that your first reason to buy an Xbox. Why would NPD numbers make me want to buy a console?


I've already got at PS2 and a Gamecube, and getting the games I want for those consoles is killing my wallet. Right now whenever I buy games they just go straight into the backlog unopened, and that's with me only purchasing limited editions that come with bonuses, or games I judge to be extremely difficult to find. So owning an Xbox would be a waste for me.
I am no fanboy and have no plans to ever own an xbox.
No games interest me on that system and i rarely play games anyway, the ps2 is suficient for me ie. until THE PS3 is released.


Wow, this thread kinda makes me think all the fanboy in fighting on this board stems from people trying to convince themselves they are not missing anything when they don't want/can't afford all 3 current systems.

People still think the Xbox has no good game?

Oh and this one slays me:

Why is it Xbot-shit threads like these pop up every time Xbox sees a new release that's managed to gain a few positive reviews?

Don't know what cave these people live in but dam, its a good read!

might as well join the winning team while they're winning. For that matter... let's make it a green bush.

fuck the haters. XBOXEN rocks.


Hitler Stole My Potato said:
I expect to see 95% of GAF members post in this thread.


There should be a "pro-Xbox thread" drinking game..

1 drink
- Everytime someone mentions bad art
- Somoene mentions Sega's poor business decisions re:Xbox games
- Someone mentions how big it is
- Types "M$"
- Makes Blinx joke

2 drinks
- Someone mentions 30fps racers
- Someone brings up no significant Japanese support
- Pays out Itagaki/J Allard
- Mentions enjoying Gamecube so much they can't tear themselves away from the packed schedule of one game a month

3 drinks
- Hates a good game due to it being on Xbox (ie Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, Fable)
- Says Gamecube has a better Q4/2005/xxxx lineup
- Plays down third party support

Whole drink
- Compares lineups and includes niche games like Odama or Kururin Squash cause they are "GCN" exclusive

pilonv1 said:

There should be a "pro-Xbox thread" drinking game..

1 drink
- Everytime someone mentions bad art
- Somoene mentions Sega's poor business decisions re:Xbox games
- Someone mentions how big it is
- Types "M$"
- Makes Blinx joke

2 drinks
- Someone mentions 30fps racers
- Someone brings up no significant Japanese support
- Pays out Itagaki/J Allard
- Mentions enjoying Gamecube so much they can't tear themselves away from the packed schedule of one game a month

3 drinks
- Hates a good game due to it being on Xbox (ie Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, Fable)
- Says Gamecube has a better Q4/2005/xxxx lineup
- Plays down third party support

Whole drink
- Compares lineups and includes niche games like Odama or Kururin Squash cause they are "GCN" exclusive


My liver would be pickled after 5 minutes if I played that around here.


signet said:
Wow, this thread kinda makes me think all the fanboy in fighting on this board stems from people that can understand that they are not missing anything much when they don't want/can't afford all 3 current systems, especially the worst one of the lot, i.e. Xbox. This is especially true when taken in the context that two new exciting handhelds are on the near horizon and will warrant time and money. The Xbox is the redheaded stepchild of gaming.

Yes, many people still think the Xbox has no worthwhile exclusives games especially over rated FPS and less than stellar racers.


Corrected for accuracy. ;)

king zell

Xbox is a great system.. but Racers and FPS are not my type of games

also I don't have much time with PS2+GC+GBA+DS to play


i have just seen the light.. bought an xbox last week.. provided you get a mod chip and use it as your entertainment centre (like MS probably envisioned) it's awesome.
My crew, as a group, has got much more use out of the Xbox than any other system, even though most of us have all three. The reason is that we really enjoy the easy team-play and co-op options. Halo, Mech Assault, Rainbow Six, and Pandora Tommorrow all proved to be games that we could have great fun playing together and against each other.

The vast majority of the group cannot be depended on to work out their own PC and network shit, so all that's out. Only a few can stand Smash Bros. and even fewer Mario Kart. And fighters lost their overall appeal around when nobody can beat me, even if I used a goddamn Wavebird.

So, certainly, as a group we have some serious limitations; and personally I'd be much happier if even half of em bothered to learn SF or even SC2 competently. But Dark10x and I can't be expected to wipe everyone's ass for them to set up their PCs and teach them combos so in the end the easy-cheesy network options and team-play of the Xbox meant that eventually everyone bought one, and we had some damn good times.


"Enjoy's popcorn while some of the posters convince themselves they don't need a Xbox." November 9th all these guys are gonna be saying I suck because I said I wouldn't buy an Xbox. :) No real exclusives left on PS2 or Gamecube and answer for everyone coming out. GT3 VS Forza ex....

Kon Tiki

WULFER said:
"Enjoy's popcorn while some of the posters convince themselves they don't need a Xbox." November 9th all these guys are gonna be saying I suck because I said I wouldn't buy an Xbox. :) No real exclusives left on PS2 or Gamecube and answer for everyone coming out. GT3 VS Forza ex....

One point at a time. What did you say?
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