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Official 'I'll never own or buy an Xbox' rollcall thread!

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pilonv1 said:

There should be a "pro-Xbox thread" drinking game..

1 drink
- Everytime someone mentions bad art
- Somoene mentions Sega's poor business decisions re:Xbox games
- Someone mentions how big it is
- Types "M$"
- Makes Blinx joke

2 drinks
- Someone mentions 30fps racers
- Someone brings up no significant Japanese support
- Pays out Itagaki/J Allard
- Mentions enjoying Gamecube so much they can't tear themselves away from the packed schedule of one game a month

3 drinks
- Hates a good game due to it being on Xbox (ie Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, Fable)
- Says Gamecube has a better Q4/2005/xxxx lineup
- Plays down third party support

Whole drink
- Compares lineups and includes niche games like Odama or Kururin Squash cause they are "GCN" exclusive


We would all die of alcohol poisoning with in a few hours :lol


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
signet said:
We would all die of alcohol poisoning with in a few hours :lol
Hours? Do you visit the same GAF as the rest of us?


Bah, anyone who says the Xbox doesn't have any games that interests them either has shit taste or just doesn't actually like games.

Halo, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and Chronicles of Riddick are five of the best games ever made, all five are exclusive except two that appear on PC as well, all five are drastically different too, appealing to pretty much any taste.

Xbox Rox. PS2 I'd say is better in terms of overall library, but the 'Box has some really great content.

Kon Tiki

Drek said:
Bah, anyone who says the Xbox doesn't have any games that interests them either has shit taste or just doesn't actually like games.
You can say that about anyone who does not own all three consoles. Even the console with games like Odama and Kururin Squash. :)


Chili Con Carnage!
Saying "theres no games i like on xbox" does beg the question, what is that you like? You'd have to be pretty picky to find nothing at this point, unless you really really love platformers and nothing else.

That said, feel free to continue not owning an xbox.


DCharlie said:
Only terrorists own Xboxes.


*copyright Newbie

As for the topic, uh... "there aren't any exclusives that I'm interested in/warrant the price". That's the logic I use to justify my non-ps2 owning. Well, that and "the controller sucks".. :x


force push the doodoo rock
MrAngryFace said:



Some reasons!

Is on ps2, not interested, hate fps, ditto, kotor was shit, what the hell is this game, same here, crap, awesome, havent played it but want to, probably will suck like the first one, awful.

There are likable games on the xbox, just not many.
PS2 has that Isuka garbage. #reload is the ultimate edition. Unless there's some ps2 import of reload I dont know about.

More Reasons!




force push the doodoo rock
MrAngryFace said:
More Reasons!



no, no, reason im getting my xbox fixed, what happened to richard jaques :(, barf, MEGA BARF, mortal kombat adventures anyone?


I have a PS2 for console games, and the type of games I would play on Xbox, I more or less play for the PC. I played KOTR and Halo for the PC...and I'll get the PC version of Riddick, and Halo 2 (I know it'll be in 2007 sometime..don't bug me :p)


Still Tagged Accordingly
MrAngryFace said:
Syberia I and II are some of the best adventure/puzzle gaming. A dying breed. Sony rejected it cause their dumbasses.
"they are" or "they're"

You're welcome. :)

User 406

Oooo! Oooo! Me! ME!

Well, first off, Microsoft will never get a dime from me directly. I've seen how they've conducted business since they started, and they are the leading experts in the field of fucking everyone over in the end, including their customers. A rabid dog doesn't make a good pet.

That aside, after years of owning lots of cluttered game hardware, I realized that a single console with more games that I like than I have time to play is ideal. I'm one of those ONE CONSOLE WORLD guys. So naturally, I only have the console that has the overwhelming advantage in game library and userbase -- the Playstation 2. No point in owning the lesser ones. :D


One day Cockles, the naysayers will see the light. They don't realize that all MS wants to accomplish with Halo 2 is peace and unity. MS wants to bind all the gamers of the world together, and have us put our difference aside, for the greater good of the industry. MS doesn't want any more bickering between fanboys. And while the movement is still early, we must push on. Day by day, hour by hour, more and more fanboys are turning to the light and realizing the utopia which can be had. They don't want any more arguing. They don't want any more screaming. They are slowly finding the peace and happiness which can be had with Xbox and Halo 2 and the joyous wonders it will bring.

Come over to the light. It'll make you feel better. I promise.


ArcadeStickMonk said:
And fighters lost their overall appeal around when nobody can beat me, even if I used a goddamn Wavebird.
Is the Wavebird really that much worse? Damn, maybe that's why I always lose the fishing game in Mario Party 4.

I don't think I'm ever gonna get an Xbox - too many games to play on the GBA, Gamecube, PC (well only KOTOR in the last year) and Xbox. I only really like long adventury sorts of games, and I'm pretty much sick of action; I can honestly say through minimal research that there are hardly any Xbox games that interest me. KOTOR yeah, but it came out on PC anyway. Fable does slightly I must admit. If there were any must-have Zelda-like games or RPGs, or if Rare started kicking arse again like they were on N64, I'd get one - I have nothing against Microsoft or anything.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I really don't understand how anyone can not like any system. Every system has good games. Xbox has Ninja Gaiden, DOA3, Halo, Fable, Crimson Skies, Project Gotham Racing 2, and soon Conker and Halo2. Why hate that?

Not enough money/time is the only good answer I see.


Maybe it's my bitter hate that prevents it. (I have the money to get one, I just spent $200 yesterday on an iPod)
Of course, seeing how Sega is raping the Cube of the games, I assume the Xbox library is to follow, eventually.
And the only Xbox games that even matter to me are Sega's. So, uhm. Probably never.


force push the doodoo rock
teh_pwn said:
I really don't understand how anyone can not like any system. Every system has good games. Xbox has Ninja Gaiden, DOA3, Halo, Fable, Crimson Skies, Project Gotham Racing 2, and soon Conker and Halo2. Why hate that?

Not enough money/time is the only good answer I see.

So if you dont like these games then its not a good reason? i dont understand the logic here.

Your idea of a good game != Definition of a good game.


I was on this roll call until last week.

Didn't want my GBA SP anymore, and I've been itching to mod a Box and use it for XBMC etc.
pilonv1 said:

There should be a "pro-Xbox thread" drinking game..

2 drinks
- Mentions enjoying Gamecube so much they can't tear themselves away from the packed schedule of one game a month

3 drinks
- Says Gamecube has a better Q4/2005/xxxx lineup

Whole drink
- Compares lineups and includes niche games like Odama or Kururin Squash cause they are "GCN" exclusive

:lol :lol :lol

Brilliant! *applause*
I'll never understand console fanboys.

theres good stuff on each system. I have all 3 and have games I like for all of them.

Multiconsole I usually get Xbox, due to no memcards, usually better graphics and occasional custom soundtracks

PS2 is eserved for whatever is exclusive, like my yearly Smackdown fix, GTA & GT4 when that hits

GCN, MP, Wind Waker, Ultimate Muscle, and those quirky titles I couldnt get anywhere else.

Out of the 3 I;d say the Gc is my least fave, just not enough that suits my likes. But I play it nonetheless.

BTW, GCN needs a larger controller for us gorilla handed people. Love my Xbox Dukes.
snaildog said:
Is the Wavebird really that much worse?
No, the Wavebird is better than a standard Cube Pad, however, look who you just quoted.

I honestly thought that if I played Soul Calibur 2 with a gamepad, a GC pad at that (ugh), instead of a stick, that it would be a sufficient handicap so that the five players present, ranging from super casual to intermediete, would stand a chance and have a good time. However I mopped the floor with the lot for a good twenty minutes and then nobody wanted to play anymore.

Even so, it served as the one true bout of Round Robin play (pass the controller when you lose, don't re-configure the default controls) that we ever engaged in.
Bought one with Halo, Morrowind, Ghost Recon & later got KOTOR.

Loved Halo, like KOTOR.

Sold it. Haven't missed it one bit.

I have over 30 PS2 games in my backlog.


I'm not really into FPS and the only game I would get for the system would be Ninja Gaiden. All other games are either also available for PS2/GC or are PS2/GC exclusives.
digital pad for gamecube sux, and analog for fighters. haha wtfever. if you find a good stick youre safe, but otherwise it sucks.

Personally the s-controller for xbox is my current favorite pad for fighters since the pad itself has good definition, much like the dreamcast pad. Sure, defined edges are sharp, but veteran console fans shouldnt be pussies about it.

Id play with a stick but I dont play tournament and im more familiar with a pad.


force push the doodoo rock
MrAngryFace said:
digital pad for gamecube sux, and analog for fighters. haha wtfever. if you find a good stick youre safe, but otherwise it sucks.

Personally the s-controller for xbox is my current favorite pad for fighters since the pad itself has good definition, much like the dreamcast pad. Sure, defined edges are sharp, but veteran console fans shouldnt be pussies about it.

Id play with a stick but I dont play tournament and im more familiar with a pad.

SF special edition pads.


Drek said:
Halo, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR, Panzer Dragoon Orta, and Chronicles of Riddick are five of the best games ever made, all five are exclusive except two that appear on PC as well, all five are drastically different too, appealing to pretty much any taste.

Three of those are PC games. Halo, KOTOR, and Riddick. I guess you could not count Halo considering the long delay and poor quality of it.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Sea Manky said:
Well, first off, Microsoft will never get a dime from me directly. I've seen how they've conducted business since they started, and they are the leading experts in the field of fucking everyone over in the end, including their customers. A rabid dog doesn't make a good pet.

Have you even bothered to look into Nintendo's history? They did some truly awful things to customers and retailers alike when they were on top during the 80's.

How about Sony and their propensity for release first-run hardware that is absolute shit? Or, what about their fail to approve games that don't fit into their strict idea of what gamers want?

All I'm saying is, Microsoft is no worse than the other two. If Sony or Nintendo were in the position Microsoft has been in, I can guarantee that they would both conduct business in exactly the same manner. Well, maybe they'd do it a bit more intelligently but my point remains.
Sadly what it comes down to is in order to be on top, you need to be a monster, because almost every company out there is willing to do the same. Those that aren't will never be NEAR the position to need to continue do it, or exist at all. That is capitalism as it exists today.

However, the validity of standing against it, its there. While the way big companies behave is a natural outcome of our system, I believe fighting against it is as well.

So whatever. Ill play the dumb consumer whore because im too lazy to 'fight' the system. I have enough trouble just existing in it these days.


Minotauro said:
Have you even bothered to look into Nintendo's history? They did some truly awful things to customers and retailers alike when they were on top during the 80's.

How about Sony and their propensity for release first-run hardware that is absolute shit? Or, what about their fail to approve games that don't fit into their strict idea of what gamers want?

All I'm saying is, Microsoft is no worse than the other two. If Sony or Nintendo were in the position Microsoft has been in, I can guarantee that they would both conduct business in exactly the same manner. Well, maybe they'd do it a bit more intelligently but my point remains.

Yeah but... M$ is the DEVIL!!!




It's too expensive to go multiplatform, especially if you're already a PC gamer. GC is good enough for me.

Oh yea, I hate the Xbox, too. Just because ;)
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