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Official 'I'll never own or buy an Xbox' rollcall thread!

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I got a:

-Cube for Nintendo games
-GBA SP: for my portable needs, and the great classic 2-d games
-GOOD PC: for RTS, FPS, and MMORP games
-PS2 for RPG's and everything else

why would I buy an Xbox ? I just can't find any reason to do so ..

User 406

Minotauro said:
Have you even bothered to look into Nintendo's history? They did some truly awful things to customers and retailers alike when they were on top during the 80's.

Yes, and it's good to see they won't be on top again. ^_^

Minotauro said:
Or, what about their fail to approve games that don't fit into their strict idea of what gamers want?

Just as a sidenote, I posted before about how Sony's approval process seems to be based off a machine that can read my mind. I got Katamari Damacy, Lifeline, RAD, and other obscure weird shit, plus the added bonus of hearing Metal Slug fans squeal like piggies. XD

Minotauro said:
All I'm saying is, Microsoft is no worse than the other two.

In much the same way the Playstation 2's userbase utterly dwarfs that of the Xbox and Gamecube, Microsoft's history of wrongdoing towers over the other two. Maybe you should bother to look into their history. Not to mention, they're in a business making products that have major effects on the real world, not just fuckin' toys.

But hey, if you want to use individual examples to just break it down to a soundbite, who actually got convicted of breaking anti-trust laws and only narrowly escaped being broken up a-la Ma Bell and Standard Oil? No worse, indeed. :p

But this is really off topic, and has nothing to do with the list that Cockless is compiling for his American masters. ^_^
Minotauro said:
Have you even bothered to look into Nintendo's history? They did some truly awful things to customers and retailers alike when they were on top during the 80's.

How about Sony and their propensity for release first-run hardware that is absolute shit? Or, what about their fail to approve games that don't fit into their strict idea of what gamers want?

All I'm saying is, Microsoft is no worse than the other two. If Sony or Nintendo were in the position Microsoft has been in, I can guarantee that they would both conduct business in exactly the same manner. Well, maybe they'd do it a bit more intelligently but my point remains.

IAWTP. How easily people (fanboys) overlook Nintendo's scare/strongarm tactics with retailers in the late 80s/early 90s.


Nintendo's next atrocity would be to use the considerable monopoly they had to control the consumer. Because of the game shortages, consumers would be more concerned about getting a particular title than the price. And because of Nintendo's domineering stance with the retailers, they were able to dictate the expected prices for their games.
In the electronics and computer industry, you can expect equipment to reduce in price over time. When new devices are created that make older ones obsolete, the older devices are reduced in price to compete with the newer ones. This is clearly evident if one simply peruses the want-ads in their local paper and notes the prices of computer systems that were considered state of the art a year previous. This logic applies to all aspects of the computer and electronics industry, including video games. Why then between 1985 and 1989 did the Nintendo Entertainment System only lower $10 in its price?

This was exactly what Attorney Generals from all fifty states were wondering when they began investigating the activities of Nintendo of America in 1989. They found that Nintendo had been fixing the price of systems and games in the stores, using intimidation to influence retailers to abide by their wishes, and were making astronomical profits. Nintendo had been doing this since they first brought out the NES in 1985. They had strived to construct the system inexpensively, however, it was being sold at the same price as the competing systems. An antitrust action was brought up against Nintendo by these same Attorney Generals, and on October 17, 1991, District Court Judge Sweet granted approval of settlement agreements. [775 F.Supp. 676 (S.D.N.Y. 1991)]


Drek said:
Bah, anyone who says the Xbox doesn't have any games that interests them either has shit taste or just doesn't actually like games.

Well, that's both my reasons covered.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"So if you dont like these games then its not a good reason? i dont understand the logic here.

Your idea of a good game != Definition of a good game."

If you don't like those genres, I can understand.

However, to say you like those game genres, but like none of those games shows blatant bias.


force push the doodoo rock
teh_pwn said:
"So if you dont like these games then its not a good reason? i dont understand the logic here.

Your idea of a good game != Definition of a good game."

If you don't like those genres, I can understand.

However, to say you like those game genres, but like none of those games shows blatant bias.

no it doesnt.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Whatever. No point in arguing with people like you.


force push the doodoo rock
teh_pwn said:
Whatever. No point in arguing with people like you.

It doesnt even make sense to say that.


i could give a shit what system they are on. No matter how much fanboy spin you can put on it, kotor's battle system was shit. Ninja gaiden was repetitive and had boring level design. Fable was just a poor mans zelda and halo cant come close to unreal tournament or half life.


I'll never own a Xbox because there aren't enough good games on it to justify the $150. However, I do currently have one under loan to play Halo 2 on. If it ends up being merely average like it's predecessor, I'll feel even better about not owning one. :D


sp0rsk said:
Ninja gaiden was repetitive and had boring level design.

Level design, I could give you. But repetitive?

See, this is what paints you as bias. What game isn't repetitive? Probably just party games because of all the different mini-games, but you play them a few times and it's just the same mini-games over and over again. If you're going to fault a game for being repetitive then you must not like *any* games.
oh man this thread is classic..

the only posts that dont make me laugh are the ones where someone goes "i dont have space or money for another system, i wouldnt mind it, in fact i'd like it, but it jus tdoesnt make sense right now to own 2/3 systems when I dont even finish the games I currently get..."

all the ones with "no good games" and what not are friggin hilarious... and the ones where people say they rarely even play games anymore.. what the hell are you doing on a gaming message board talking about an xbox youll never buy?!


force push the doodoo rock
rastex said:
Level design, I could give you. But repetitive?

See, this is what paints you as bias. What game isn't repetitive? Probably just party games because of all the different mini-games, but you play them a few times and it's just the same mini-games over and over again. If you're going to fault a game for being repetitive then you must not like *any* games.

Games can be repetitive and not *feel* repetitive. the deal with ninja gaiden is the lack of really "good moves" you can go through the whole game using maybe 2 or 3 moves over and over again without a problem. (roll jump dashing attack thing, roll shuriken or block and counter) Its the lack of depth (hello Dead or alive) that makes it repetitive. Take a game like mr driller for instance, of course its "repetitive" int eh sense that theres only one button and one goal (to get to the bottom) But there is depth in that and creativity plays into the skill needed to get to the bottom. This is good game design.

dont assume my reasons are as petty as some ascinine preference for a soulless company.


oh man this thread is classic..

the only posts that dont make me laugh are the ones where someone goes "i dont have space or money for another system, i wouldnt mind it, in fact i'd like it, but it jus tdoesnt make sense right now to own 2/3 systems when I dont even finish the games I currently get..."

all the ones with "no good games" and what not are friggin hilarious... and the ones where people say they rarely even play games anymore.. what the hell are you doing on a gaming message board talking about an xbox youll never buy?!

Why is it so funny that some people think Xbox doesn't have any good games? We're talking titles exclusive to the system. Sure it has good games on it (PoP, Kotor, Splinter Cell, etc,) but those are all available on other systems as well.

The big 3 exclusive games (Halo, Fable, and Ninja Gaiden) are all average games IMO. Certainly not worth owning the system for. It's just a personal opinion.

PDO is really the only game I'd ever consider owning the system for, but even though that game is outstanding, it's not $150 outstanding. Hopefully Halo 2 will be something special.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I own an Xbox, but if you're also compiling a list of people who don't care for your system zealotry, then put me on it, Cockles.
Bristow said:
The big 3 exclusive games (Metroid Prime, Zelda:WW, and Super Mario Sunshine) are all average games IMO. Certainly not worth owning the system for. It's just a personal opinion.

Fixed. Just my personal opinion too.


See, you're missing the point. In Mr. Driller I can just press down and keep digging over and over again. Sure I won't do well or get that far but that's still the way I can play the game. Same thing goes for NG. You can just use the same few moves over and over again, and you might even be able to beat the game, but it'll take you a long time to do that and you'll struggle because you'll have to continually get more gold to buy potions from getting hit so much. Just like Mr. Driller, to play NG well requires constant concentration and adapting to the situation at hand and using the tools and methods that suit your play style.

You're incorrectly making a statement about lack of depth by saying because you don't *need* to use the full arsenal of moves and abilities that they're totally useless. The fact that people can make it through the entire game without getting hit and others can barely make it to the end is evidence of its depth. One last example. In VF I could make it far by just pressing PPP over and over, or cheesing the same combos all the time, does that mean the game doesn't have depth? I think we'd both say no, because the skills to become better are there for those that look for it. Just like NG, and just like Mr. Driller.

So sorry, your comment about depth doesn't hold. So I ask again, why is NG repetitive and not other games?


force push the doodoo rock
rastex said:
See, you're missing the point. In Mr. Driller I can just press down and keep digging over and over again. Sure I won't do well or get that far but that's still the way I can play the game. Same thing goes for NG. You can just use the same few moves over and over again, and you might even be able to beat the game, but it'll take you a long time to do that and you'll struggle because you'll have to continually get more gold to buy potions from getting hit so much. Just like Mr. Driller, to play NG well requires constant concentration and adapting to the situation at hand and using the tools and methods that suit your play style.

You're incorrectly making a statement about lack of depth by saying because you don't *need* to use the full arsenal of moves and abilities that they're totally useless. The fact that people can make it through the entire game without getting hit and others can barely make it to the end is evidence of its depth. One last example. In VF I could make it far by just pressing PPP over and over, or cheesing the same combos all the time, does that mean the game doesn't have depth? I think we'd both say no, because the skills to become better are there for those that look for it. Just like NG, and just like Mr. Driller.

So sorry, your comment about depth doesn't hold. So I ask again, why is NG repetitive and not other games?

You dont need to use the full arsenal because there are moves so much better and efficient than all the others. That is depth my friend. Finding the best way from point A to point B. Sure you can make it far by mashing ppp in VF single player, but play against anyone whos worth their shit in the game and youll see they play in a very compact and refined way. The great thing about VF is that there are so many moves that are usefull (unlike NG\DOA\MK) I'm not a button masher, i wouldnt say this shit without actually playing the game and finding out on my own.

In NG you dont have to adapt to too many enemies cause if they dont throw something or throw you, you can just sit and block\counter the whole time. this is the point im trying ot make, which somehow you skipped over. If i can figure this out within a day or two of playing, the game isnt very deep is it?


DJ Demon J said:
Fixed. Just my personal opinion too.

You can have your opinion, but from the looks of your tag, you're a blatant troll against anything Nintendo. I actually like the Xbox as a system - I'm just not crazy about its current game library.


MrAngryFace said:
digital pad for gamecube sux, and analog for fighters. haha wtfever. if you find a good stick youre safe, but otherwise it sucks.

Personally the s-controller for xbox is my current favorite pad for fighters since the pad itself has good definition, much like the dreamcast pad. Sure, defined edges are sharp, but veteran console fans shouldnt be pussies about it.

Id play with a stick but I dont play tournament and im more familiar with a pad.

Bullshit. The D-pad for both the stock Xbox controller and Xbox controller S are both shit. The original's d-pad is just horribly shaped and the controller S's (while better) is very unresponsive. The best stock d-pad is the PS2's (and even that one is somewhat unresponsive). The best pad out for any of the systems is the SF Aniversary pad. The d-pad is very responsive and as a (necessary) bonus, it has six face buttons.


Fable was just a poor mans zelda and halo cant come close to unreal tournament or half life.

Now this an intriguing statement. You just pitted Halo against two extremely different FPS games. Not saying your opinion is wrong (It's your opinion) but to bring Halo, UT, and Half Life all together in one general statement would help if you went a little more in depth. :D
:lol This thread is off the comedy scale ...

Lets get this straight people.

Opinion does not equal fact.

If 1 million people loved a game and 1 person hated it, it doesn't make that single person wrong. Why? Because it's their OPINION.

Just because you think the Xbox is the best thing ever and you love games like Halo, NG, Fable, etc, doesn't mean that the people who disagree with you have "shit taste in games". They simply have different tastes or preferences. Haven't you ever heard of the phrase "One man's garbage is another man's treasure"? This isn't exclusive to Xbox gamers though, the same goes for GC and PS2 owners as well.

Of course, there are those of you who wear fan goggles or have biases that are obviously distorting your comprehension of this thing called an "Opinion". To you, the Xbox may have a boatload of amazing games, but why the fuck is someone an "idiot" because they can't find a game on the Xbox that's worth throwing $200 for?

I own an Xbox, but my personal opinion is that it wasn't worth the money I shelled out for it. Halo is very overrated in my opinion, as is Ninja Gaiden and KOTOR and Fable. I do enjoy Crimson Skies and JGRF and PD: Orta though.
Bristow said:
Why is it so funny that some people think Xbox doesn't have any good games? We're talking titles exclusive to the system. Sure it has good games on it (PoP, Kotor, Splinter Cell, etc,) but those are all available on other systems as well.

The big 3 exclusive games (Halo, Fable, and Ninja Gaiden) are all average games IMO. Certainly not worth owning the system for. It's just a personal opinion.

PDO is really the only game I'd ever consider owning the system for, but even though that game is outstanding, it's not $150 outstanding. Hopefully Halo 2 will be something special.


Bristow said:
You can have your opinion, but from the looks of your tag, you're a blatant troll against anything Nintendo. I actually like the Xbox as a system - I'm just not crazy about its current game library.

Hey, if you can have an opinion, I can have one too. Did I enjoy Metroid Prime, yep, but I still considered it an average game compared to the other console experiences (PS2, Xbox). Played WW and SMS and didn't like them at all, but I still recognize them as slightly above average games.

On one hand people say that most of Xbox's library is always available on other platforms, and the exclusives aren't any good. On the other hand, then they say the GC's library (again, most titles are available on other platforms, the overwhelming majority of exclusives being Nintendo games) has great exclusives and are all top notch. What does that tell you about them? They're biased towards Nintendo games. Which is fine! Just admit it and don't bullshit and say Xbox has no good exclusives and that it's library is all available on other consoles when I could say the same thing about Gamecube, YET I'M CONSIDERED TROLLING. Fucking bullshit.


My reason to buy X-BOX

1. DOA3

Not Halo, not Fable, not anything else, ha ha ha ha ha !

Talk about personal opinion. Ha ha ha ha ! :D
maskrider said:
My reason to buy X-BOX

1. DOA3

Not Halo, not Fable, not anything else, ha ha ha ha ha !

Talk about personal opinion. Ha ha ha ha ! :D

My original reason to buy xbox:

-Displaced SEGA fanboy, knew of future SEGA games on system

Then I had to find some games to buy since most of sega games I wanted werent out yet, so I bought HALO..

then came a new reason:


and now its:
-XBOX LIVE <---best feature of xbox
-many games (Grabbed by the Ghoulies, DOA3, PD Orta, hell I even love Silent Scope Complete)

Of course I have owned MANY xbox games over the lifetime of my xbox, such as PGR 2, RSC2, MechAssault, etc etc.. many great games, but i choose to keep a smaller collection of 15-20 games or so and they are mostly compilations, biggest releases and sega games.
Games that tempt me to get an X-Box:

Outrun 2
Guilty Gear XX#Reload
Ninja Gaiden

For the most part, I'm into JRPGs and Nintendo games. I don't have enough money to buy a system that has niether. Besides, a lot of kids in my dorm have one, so if I ever want to play Halo multiplayer, I can.


Yeah, Xbox Live is awesome. I'm just waiting for a great game to play over it (hopefully Halo2.) ESPN NFL2k5 is alot of fun, but I get tired of all the people who use cheese tactics and exploit the games.
Bristow said:
Yeah, Xbox Live is awesome. I'm just waiting for a great game to play over it (hopefully Halo2.) ESPN NFL2k5 is alot of fun, but I get tired of all the people who use cheese tactics and exploit the games.

yah there is alot of cheese, but i kinda enjoy that too when you get good enough and can counter alot of it.. but if you play a really good cheese player who plays as the eagles, they are near impossible to beat... but espn 2k5 on xbox live is pretty amazing.. i gotta give nba 2k5/nhl 2k5 a chance sometime soon.

halo 2 should be pretty amazing on xbox live...



I find it real boring but no one wants to buy my copy even at US$10 here. (My copy of Splinter Cell was sold at only US$6.5 in an auction)

-XBOX LIVE <---best feature of xbox

Bill Gates will never get my money for the matching service.


I sold mine (used to own Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta and Shenmue 2) because Sega stopped making games for it, I'm a japanese games only kind of guy (they suit my tastes better), and I can borrow my friends Xbox to play Halo 2.
maskrider said:
I find it real boring but no one wants to buy my copy even at US$10 here. (My copy of Splinter Cell was sold at only US$6.5 in an auction)

Bill Gates will never get my money for the matching service.

thats cool about the $6.50... not sure what your point is. do you have a point? or just wanted to tell everyone about your $6.50?


by the way, nobody wants to buy your used copy of halo on this gaming forum because EVERYONE ALREADY OWNS IT and you are on a heavily non-xbot forum! WOW.


thats cool about the $6.50... not sure what your point is. do you have a point? or just wanted to tell everyone about your $6.50?

by the way, nobody wants to buy your used copy of halo on this gaming forum because EVERYONE ALREADY OWNS IT and you are on a heavily non-xbot forum! WOW.

The point is very simple, not everyone wants Halo (and Halo != everything), people even like Splinter Cell more than Halo here (in Hong Kong, not this forum, sorry), Halo starts only at US$6 but no one bid it. Ha ha ha !

Everyone has different reasons to buy a game machine !
maskrider said:
The point is very simple, not everyone wants Halo (and Halo != everything), people even like Splinter Cell more than Halo here (in Hong Kong, not this forum, sorry), Halo starts only at US$6 but no one bid it. Ha ha ha !

Everyone has different reasons to buy a game machine !



teh_pwn said:
I really don't understand how anyone can not like any system. Every system has good games. Xbox has Ninja Gaiden, DOA3, Halo, Fable, Crimson Skies, Project Gotham Racing 2, and soon Conker and Halo2. Why hate that?

Not enough money/time is the only good answer I see.

Lack of time was the main reason i sold my Xbox in Feb 2004 (a dying Thompson drive was the 2nd reason). I had owned that Xbox since summer 2002, but i also had a PS2 (my main system), GBA, and even a cheap GC i picked up on sale 3 months earlier. I didn't have time to play all my systems, so i decided to drop the Xbox and keep the GC and give its game lineup a chance. Unfortunately, i haven't liked most of the GC games i've tried, and while the GC had a poor 2004 the Xbox actually had a good year. Me = owned :(

After Metroid Prime 2 and RE4, i think i'm done with the GC. The Crystal Xbox might tempt me back to the dark side, but the PS2 will remain my #1 system.


Gold Member
maskrider said:
Bill Gates will never get my money for the matching service.

If you think Xbox Live is just a "matching service" like Battle.net or GameSpy Arcade, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Yeah Santa, youre interested in shitty games. Sorry. Fresh outta those. Oh wait, Xbox has Azurik, it has lots of colors and it sucks. Should be familiar territory!



My reason is as good a reason as you post to this thread "Official 'I'll never own or buy an Xbox' rollcall thread!", did you even read the title ?


There aren't any games that I'm interested in, other than KotoR, which I'll be picking up for PC eventually. I prefer Timesplitters to Halo, so I wouldn't get much out of buying it for that. I'm mostly into RPGs, so the Xbox just isn't that enticing.

I will be picking up a Gamecube sometime though. Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, and Ikaruga need to be played.


ManaByte said:
If you think Xbox Live is just a "matching service" like Battle.net or GameSpy Arcade, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Well, to me, it is just a matching service, nothing more than that. I don't need anything more than my e-mail for communications.
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