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Official Little King's Story Thread of Tiny Conquistadors


I'm doing a write-up for a related game right now. I apologize for redirecting the topic, but do any of you have a favorite humorous line or event in the game? I might include them.
GhaleonQ said:
I'm doing a write-up for a related game right now. I apologize for redirecting the topic, but do any of you have a favorite humorous line or event in the game? I might include them.

Related game? One we know of?
GhaleonQ said:
I'm doing a write-up for a related game right now. I apologize for redirecting the topic, but do any of you have a favorite humorous line or event in the game? I might include them.

"Aren't earthquakes caused by a guy with a trident?"

The line was something like that. Thought it was pretty funny.


I bought this game a few days ago and I'm quite enjoying it, I was just wondering if the quest you don't complete because they're time-limited (I couldn't complete them because I still didn't have miners when I got them) are forever lost or if there will be the possibility to redo them later?


Everything is tsundere to me
Not really funny, but i particularly liked the big stuff that's put to the sides as though it's no big deal
specifically how Bouquet occasionally talks about her father (Duvroc) and how she wish he would stop drinking
. it's the profound moments like that which really make me love the game.




That Joystiq interview is a good read. Kimura seems like a really chill guy.
I need to give Chulip another shot.



Thanks, all.


GhaleonQ said:

Thanks, all.[/QUOTE]

Fuck fuck fuck. For some reason I interpretted this as FUCK FUCK FUCK MOON IS COMING OUT IN ENGLISH? then I realized youre probably just writing about the Japanese release, no? :(
GhaleonQ said:
I'm doing a write-up for a related game right now. I apologize for redirecting the topic, but do any of you have a favorite humorous line or event in the game? I might include them.

"Princess Spumoni is so kind. She let me go to town on that big mound of hers." The innuendo in this game is great and comes out of nowhere.


batbeg said:
Fuck fuck fuck. For some reason I interpretted this as FUCK FUCK FUCK MOON IS COMING OUT IN ENGLISH? then I realized youre probably just writing about the Japanese release, no? :(

Now, I feel bad.

*laughs* Yeah, but I WILL be updating the Wikipedia entry and posting 6 game playthroughs, so people will at least have a better sense of what's going on. Maybe that'll spur the various translation sites to get on it?


A man can dream, a man can dream. I look forward to it all the same, Moon has always looked so incredible and I wish I could play it.


I really had a blast, and still do, playing this game. Haven't beat it yet as I keep getting distracted by other games like Dragon Age and World of Warcraft (finally made it to Northrend for the first time :D). I just hope this game did well sales wise. I don't think the game did massive numbers at release. Very few Wii games do and the sales numbers have to bee looked at in comparison to how much it took to make. 100K for one game might be a huge success due to the money it took to make game.

Do we know how well LKS did sales wise? Was it successful when one looks at the investment to make it? Any chance of a sequel?


GhaleonQ said:
I'm doing a write-up for a related game right now. I apologize for redirecting the topic, but do any of you have a favorite humorous line or event in the game? I might include them.

I like the description for merchant "Useful for opening purses and finding treasure, but not capable of doing REAL work." :lol


JosM88 said:
I remember him saying it was 12k for the first few weeks. I'm pretty sure it'll sell enough to break even either way.

Well I don't know about what it would take to turn a profit, but based on what we do know, I don't think Marvelous will come anywhere close to their forecast/expectation of 289k worldwide.
AniHawk said:
It's up to 20k now! Just 1k ahead of Klonoa.

I've just gotten some more hands on time with the game, and I find it to be quite charming. The graphics really blend with the overall tone of the game, and the music really makes it a pleasure to play. Everything fits so damn well that it makes most other third party games feel like a joke.

Ahh, shit...I don't even want to imagine A boy and his blob sales.

Oxx said:

The North American target was 120k.

Slow and steady wins the race...



JosM88 said:
Ahh, shit...I don't even want to imagine A boy and his blob sales.

At least one. Although I got it at free at TRU, so I don't know, maybe it doesn't count. Or maybe it counts as a negative sale.


Oxx said:
You never know, LKS might have sold 100k in Canada...

That's true. Canadians are good, but strange people what with their hitlerish health care system and ties to the tyrannical British empire.
AniHawk said:
At least one. Although I got it at free at TRU, so I don't know, maybe it doesn't count. Or maybe it counts as a negative sale.

Same here.

Niche titles tend to have niche budgets so I'd imagine the devs made the game with low sales expectations in mind. I'm looking forward to seeing the boost the holidays will give Muramasa(especially this), and ABAHB.

thanks for the numbers btw.

Oxx said:
I'll probably get Muramasa when it comes out here next week.

After LKS and No More Heroes I imagine that I make up a depressingly high percentage of Rising Star's European revenue.

Heh, I've actually bought HOTD:O, NMH, Muramasa, and LKS at full price. Niche devs are rolling in my cash.



I'll probably get Muramasa when it comes out here next week.

After LKS and No More Heroes I imagine that I make up a depressingly high percentage of Rising Star's European revenue.
So I finally got this thanks to Amazon's buy 80 get 20 deal thing they had going. Got Muramasa too actually, but popped this in first and now I don't think I'm going to be getting to Muramasa or anything else any time soon.

This game is amazing, it is so simple yet so addictive. I put in about 8 hours in the last two days which for me is a ton of play time. I haven't had this much fun with a game in a long time. The graphics are great, the story is funny, the gameplay is pure crack. It's got that "just one more day" element that My Life as a King and Pikmin and few other games seem to get. I can't believe I waited so long to pick this game up.

I really can't praise it enough, this game needs to be bought by more than 20K people. I understand a game like this doesn't have the appeal of something like MW2 but it is really sad the disparity in sales between a game like this and something like MW. I'm not bagging on MW, I like MW too, it just seems like the appeal of a game like this would be a little broader in scope than the sales numbers bear.

Is there really not 50k people in the US who want to play a game like this? There has gotta be at least 100k Pikmin fans out there that this game would appeal to. Right? Are Nintendo fan(boy)s really that averse to third party games? I just don't get it. (actually I do, marketing)

Anyway, TL;DR...the game is amazing, needs to be played by a whole lot more people.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
I really should get started on a second playthrough on Tyrant mode. Decisions decisions...
GhaleonQ said:
How far are you, by the way?

I'm trying to clear The Sunflower Plains I think. Beat the Oni King, since then been collecting stuff for money so I could buy all of the upgrades. Got everything that I can buy at the moment, now working on clearing the quests. Taking my time probably, but I am having fun.


Runner-up for Wii Game of the Year (that honour goes to NSMBWii). It's an excellent game rivalling Nintendo's own in quality. Buy this game.


Dascu said:
Runner-up for Wii Game of the Year (that honour goes to NSMBWii). It's an excellent game rivalling Nintendo's own in quality. Buy this game.
Heartily agreed.

I really didn't think this would sell out (price isn't really that great compared to what it's popped up for recently), but it might have a shot!
botticus said:
Heartily agreed.

I really didn't think this would sell out (price isn't really that great compared to what it's popped up for recently), but it might have a shot!

Yep, it's now at 56% with just over an hour left! :O

lol @ Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes for Wii only selling 37%. :lol
Hero of Legend said:
Yep, it's now at 56% with just over an hour left! :O

lol @ Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes for Wii only selling 37%. :lol
Even its reviews were slightly better than 37%!

I'm a fan of The Clone Wars, but it seems the type of thing that will be sub-$20 even without a lightning deal soon enough. I bought Lightsaber Duels too soon last year.


i stink at this game.

i can't hit enemies with my people cannon. i can barely beat any of the quests without massive casualties, and i'm not sure what kind of strategies to be using other than "don't let your guys hit the enemy for more than one second before recalling them or they'll be crushed".

i'm playing on "normal" and my rpg pride won't let me downgrade to easy. some basic pointers?


Well, you should have more than a one-second window before the enemies counter-attack, but the basic strategy of attack and retreat is pretty sound.

Apart from that:

- be aware of jobs and what they do - certain jobs are 'super-effective' against some enemies
- if not, make sure you're only using the soldiers to fight
- archers are awesome at whittling down health without getting involved
- build-up your kingdom to get new jobs
- use items and armour

I found most of the game fairly straightforward, but I had a lot of problems with bosses and dropped the difficulty level down towards the end of the game.
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