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Official Madden '10 Xbox 360 Online Franchise: A World Without Favre


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
bluemax said:
James has a QB on his team so he doesn't have to carry the load.

Besides int's and I'd say at least 9 of them have come off times where he should have been sacked and instead the ball popped out, Schaub has decent numbers considering I do run most of the time. Oh and the fact I believe I lead the league in dropped passes which isn't my QB's fault.

My D and special teams are usually why I lose games.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Rorschach said:
Don't kid yourself, Matrix. While Bjoern was a steal, BronBron is in a league of his own. He's better than AD.



Matrix said:
:| I'm not joking! I've played both and that was pre-progression LeBron! He's unstoppable. You can only try to contain him or wrangle him towards the sideline. Just because you use Bjoern better, doesn't mean that LeBron isn't better in every possible way.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Rorschach said:
:| I'm not joking! I've played both and that was pre-progression LeBron! He's unstoppable. You can only try to contain him or wrangle him towards the sideline. Just because you use Bjoern better, doesn't mean that LeBron isn't better in every possible way.

You played Bjoern? I can't recall :lol


Matrix said:
You played Bjoern? I can't recall :lol
I mean I played both AD and LeBron. Lebron > AD.

I'll own Bjoern too! I drafted him. I'll take him out of this world. Just finish second in your division kthx.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Rorschach said:
I mean I played both AD and LeBron. Lebron > AD.

I'll own Bjoern too! I drafted him. I'll take him out of this world. Just finish second in your division kthx.

Oh I totally believe Lebron is better than AD in this game and Tank!. Maybe it is the way I use Bjoern that makes him better than Lebron this season. I faced Lebron last season and using Lions this season and the dude is amazing, but I don't see him being better than Bjoern. Of course imo. Now I'm curious about what others here think who have faced both?

I can't wait to see with progression what Bjoern is like. I'm kinda worried he's going to pull a Slaton on me and be a bust next season.

I carved you up with Moats, you don't want Bjoern! :p


96 speed
70 strength
78 agility
96 acceleration
99 trucking
67 elusiveness
90 stiff arm
66 spin move
68 juke move
77 carrying

97 speed
65 strength
99 agility
99 acceleration
78 trucking
94 elusiveness
85 stiff arm
95 spin move
96 juke move
99 carrying

LeRon only trails in strength and trucking. I think if he had 99 trucking he might be beyond broken.

And while I don't have 2000 yards rushing I still have a healthy 6.5 YPC, and last I checked I was among the top 5 in 20+ yard rushes.

I also recall breaking a Polamalu tackle in the backfield where LeRon was falling over backwards (!) and then scored a TD. That game may have been lost to a connection error though.


Matrix said:
I carved you up with Moats, you don't want Bjoern! :p
But I destroyed Slaton. I kick Slaton's ass in scrims too. For some reason, your OL and the Raiders defenders like Moats more because he even gashes me in scrims. They don't even want to tackle him. :(

[edit] Oh shit Bjoern has 77 carry? Time to hit stick!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I don't go completely by Madden ratings, like Rors said it's also how you use the player. Case in point, Slaton does jack shit against Rors, but Moats owns him.

I simply don't think Lebron is better than Bjoern. Even with the better ratings. I guess I'm a Bjoern homer since I'm the one who has him and is playing well with him.

Again Bjoern has been hit sticked plenty Rors and he's coughed it up only 5 times all year and most of those were at the beginning of the season. As for injuries, people hit stick him and he's usually out a play or two. Most he was out was a whole 4th quarter. I think his injury rating is 90 or something close.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ramirez said:
Are we bragging about who has the better fantasy Bo Jackson now?

Yea and you can complain all about him when I face you in a couple of weeks.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ramirez said:
I look forward to many flats passes and tosses, can't wait.

I don't throw to the flats, I hardly throw to Bjoern at all. Also I average like 2 tosses a game.

Ask around and look at my total catches with Bjoern.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'd just throw deep on you CK.... oh wait, I can't do that anymore :(


Matrix said:
I'd just throw deep on you CK.... oh wait, I can't do that anymore :(
Cousin David. :|

It is kind of cool how an 85 SPD CB can keep up with #1 WRs on fly routes though. Means I have less to worry about on the field. :D

DM will you become a Knicks fan if Tracy McGrady gets traded to us? :lol


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Wellington said:
Cousin David. :|

It is kind of cool how an 85 SPD CB can keep up with #1 WRs on fly routes though. Means I have less to worry about on the field. :D

DM will you become a Knicks fan if Tracy McGrady gets traded to us? :lol

Grrrrrr >_<

Of course he will, he was never a fan of the Rockets. Dm doesn't have a team. As soon as Tmac starts bad mouthing the Rockets in future interviews Dm will follow right along.

We all make fun of Konex for being in love with Kobe, but Dm is just as bad and even worse his player isn't even an all-star anymore. I will say DM does stand by his man.


Matrix said:
Grrrrrr >_<

Of course he will, he was never a fan of the Rockets. Dm doesn't have a team. As soon as Tmac starts bad mouthing the Rockets in future interviews Dm will follow right along.

We all make fun of Konex for being in love with Kobe, but Dm is just as bad and even worse his player isn't even an all-star anymore. I will say DM does stand by his man.
:lol :lol :lol

I am glad the Yankees were finally able to overcome the curse of A-Rod/Konex. :( Peyton didn't stand a chance.


Finally got around to writing down my wishlist ideas. Feel free to agree/disagree.

1) The online franchise has to be fixed to include basic NFL functions, in particular the tie breakers for playoff seeding, the salary cap, and being able to trade for draft picks. Frankly, I don’t think this needs explanation. If it’s in the game, it should be in the game.

2) The QB’s ability to get rid of the ball while taking a hit has to be toned down. Everyone that has played me knows my defense is predicated on pressuring the QB but at this point I don’t even care about getting sacks, I’d rather the QB throw the ball up for grabs, that’s just what I get from the game. I guess a sack + fumble is close to a hit + int… I guess. The downside is that you lose the strategic edge of keeping the clock running when you get a sack. Look at the end of SB 42 when Jay Alford (who wasn’t even in the game at all to start this year before he got injured) blasted Tom Brady forcing him to use a TO.

3) The defense *has to* be overhauled. Offenses are far too overpowered because of problems with defensive AI and the inflexibility of the defensive engine as opposed to the O. On offense I can send anyone that’s an eligible receiver into almost any route from the LOS, on defense I have to go to the guy, press A, then I have a limited set of options – how are you supposed to keep up on defense? There are a number of changes I’d love to see implemented, including but not limited to:

a. Defensive shading on pass routes. Being able to shade inside would stop the BS post/in/drag/slant routes that CBs usually do not stand a chance with. The only route I can stop on a consistent basis is the slant, and that’s only because Webster is a beast in this game. I’m going to get fucked next year. This year the outside passes take timing to nail, which is the way it works in real life, but the inside game is way overpowered.

b. I don’t understand how on outside routes defenders keep up step for step and can make plays, but on inside and drag routes suddenly SPD/ACC/MCV don’t matter and the WR will always get an edge. Why is that? That shit should be fixed. I’ve seen plenty of DBs make plays on those routes after slipping or making late breaks.

c. Can we please get double teaming audibles back the way we used to have them? I understand that double teaming audibles are still in the game, but it’s some impossible button combo and apparently a secret as well. Whatever, it’s not like double teaming would work to bracket receivers anyway, both defenders would likely trail the receiver and be in lockstep with each other. :lol

d. Fix man lock/defensive assignment. I don’t know what happened with this but it is fucked up to the point where it can’t even be used. Further, the options should be expanded and they should work. Right now I have a game coming up with Bob and I would love to assign Kenny Phillips to cover Greg Olsen one on one, but if I did that, it would put either Michael Boley or my rook LB at the safety spot whenever the play called for the LB to cover the TE. WTF is that shit?

The kicker on all of the above? Every last bit of it was fixed at one point in a previous Madden game. We had shading, working man-lock, double teams that worked, etc. We miss you PS2 version. :(

4) I’d really love additional formation packages on both O and D. Some of the shit that’s in there now is totally useless and some stuff that should really be in isn’t. Who here uses the DLine Sub formation package? Fuck that noise. There should be a package where, if you have the personnel, you can put an additional S at an LB spot, similar to putting the S at the CB spot with big nickel. I want to do this because it would provide me a boost in terms of both ZCV and MCV ratings for my team on the field. What’s the disadvantage? I would likely get run over by an O that recognized it. That’s just one of the many things that NFL teams do that should be easily accessibly via the formation packages.

5) I’m asking for a lot here because I know that the ground game is likely already overpowered, but getting lead blocker control back would be the most amazing thing in my life. I’m sick of my 94 rated guard letting guys run right by him when he’s out in space on a toss, screen, power O run, etc. Please put this feature BACK in the game.

That's all I ask.

Oh I forgot to mention that the Giants should be 99 rated. That would solve a lot of problems for me. :D


I agree with most of Wellie's points. Online franchise would be so much better with the additions mentioned. I'd also like to see the ability to scrimmage with your online franchise team and a spectator mode even if it's just for the playoffs (or even if it's just the Super Bowl). A new draft roster without so many overpowered speed backs would be nice too.


Matrix said:
I don't go completely by Madden ratings, like Rors said it's also how you use the player. Case in point, Slaton does jack shit against Rors, but Moats owns him.

I simply don't think Lebron is better than Bjoern. Even with the better ratings. I guess I'm a Bjoern homer since I'm the one who has him and is playing well with him.

Again Bjoern has been hit sticked plenty Rors and he's coughed it up only 5 times all year and most of those were at the beginning of the season. As for injuries, people hit stick him and he's usually out a play or two. Most he was out was a whole 4th quarter. I think his injury rating is 90 or something close.
Only 5 times? :p That's a lot! McFadden had 1 fluke fumble and over 1k yards. Too bad the Bills somehow break people. Lost 2 players that game. :<


Yeah i do want the ability to practice with the OF team, but the on-field stuff takes precedence (Working Franchise before that tho). Sorry bros!


Agree with Wellington's comments about making defensive adjustments. It's possible to make nearly any adjustment, but it takes so long to switch to the right defender to adjust their coverage when an offense only has to shuffle through 4 or 5 players max (the game skips over the linemen as selectable players). Perhaps a Dragon Age-style "tactics" screen is in order? Kinda like the current defensive adjustments pre-game screen where you can assign coverage based on players, but expanding it for situational coverage (3rd and long). Or if a team lines up in a certain formation (2 WR 2TE 1 RB let's say), the game automatically audibles a single position (say, the MLB) to spy or blitz or whatever based on your preferred tendencies. You could end up shutting down an offense, but you'd have just as good a chance as getting burned if they're running a different play than you expect, just disguised in a vanilla formation. Basically, some way of emulating how teams in the NFL adjust after seeing game film (particularly, division opponents who play each other year after year twice a year).

Watching game film would be awesome too, but don't see how they could do that as that's a lot of data to save for all 32 teams. Maybe just saving "polaroids" of coverages at the snap, at the release of the pass (or the handoff), and at the tackle/reception or interception/fumble would be possible? Even just limiting that suggestion to scoring plays or turnover plays would be helpful for team owners to learn from mistakes--or to adjust and ensure they don't become too predictable.

Finally, the option to completely shift an offense or defense into a new style. Using the West Coast offense has greatly improved my passing offense, but it's really just a playbook change currently. Same with defense. I can draft more players appropriate for a 3-4 defense, but it's just a playbook. The depth chart doesn't change to show proper position depth. There's an issue with the game substituting the wrong players for NT, ILB, DE, etc. A full scheme change option (NCAA has this IIRC) would be great.

Continuing on the scheme switching; I recall in NHL, EA put a "synergy" bonus or something similar where if you combined compatible players on your various lines (or paired certain defensemen), each player would individually get a bonus as well as the line's overall rating. Perhaps something similar where if you switch your defense from a 4-3 to a 3-4, certain players would get ratings boost/drops depending on the position they were slotted into. Right now of course you can see a player's rating change if you put him in a different position (Orakpo at DE instead of LB for example). But an adjustment for playing in a different scheme completely would be interesting. Even perhaps a line chart of some sort that would estimate a player's performance if you played them at certain positions or in certain situations (3rd and long, 2nd and short, etc). Even something as simple as "Good Match" "Poor Match" "Excellent Match" showing up in the player management franchise tab would be helpful in gameplanning and player drafting.


Wellington said:
Finally got around to writing down my wishlist ideas. Feel free to agree/disagree.

1) The online franchise has to be fixed to include basic NFL functions, in particular the tie breakers for playoff seeding, the salary cap, and being able to trade for draft picks. Frankly, I don’t think this needs explanation. If it’s in the game, it should be in the game.
Agreed. I bet there's something missing again, though. And videogame journolistz will never know about it, much less tell us in advance.
2) The QB’s ability to get rid of the ball while taking a hit has to be toned down. Everyone that has played me knows my defense is predicated on pressuring the QB but at this point I don’t even care about getting sacks, I’d rather the QB throw the ball up for grabs, that’s just what I get from the game. I guess a sack + fumble is close to a hit + int… I guess. The downside is that you lose the strategic edge of keeping the clock running when you get a sack. Look at the end of SB 42 when Jay Alford (who wasn’t even in the game at all to start this year before he got injured) blasted Tom Brady forcing him to use a TO.
They did tone it down a little. QBs with strong arms and/or fast releases can do it and guys like Pat White can't. :\ I'm guessing they tone it down more next year.

3) The defense *has to* be overhauled. Offenses are far too overpowered because of problems with defensive AI and the inflexibility of the defensive engine as opposed to the O. On offense I can send anyone that’s an eligible receiver into almost any route from the LOS, on defense I have to go to the guy, press A, then I have a limited set of options – how are you supposed to keep up on defense? There are a number of changes I’d love to see implemented, including but not limited to:

a. Defensive shading on pass routes. Being able to shade inside would stop the BS post/in/drag/slant routes that CBs usually do not stand a chance with. The only route I can stop on a consistent basis is the slant, and that’s only because Webster is a beast in this game. I’m going to get fucked next year. This year the outside passes take timing to nail, which is the way it works in real life, but the inside game is way overpowered.

b. I don’t understand how on outside routes defenders keep up step for step and can make plays, but on inside and drag routes suddenly SPD/ACC/MCV don’t matter and the WR will always get an edge. Why is that? That shit should be fixed. I’ve seen plenty of DBs make plays on those routes after slipping or making late breaks.
a would fix b. They also need to bring back the old DB controls AND real man lock, not this bullshit system they have now.
c. Can we please get double teaming audibles back the way we used to have them? I understand that double teaming audibles are still in the game, but it’s some impossible button combo and apparently a secret as well. Whatever, it’s not like double teaming would work to bracket receivers anyway, both defenders would likely trail the receiver and be in lockstep with each other. :lol
They actually interfere with each other sometimes and if you're controlling one of them manually. The other defender won't even TRY to follow the WR. He'll just abandon the coverage and leave you hanging. -_-

d. Fix man lock/defensive assignment. I don’t know what happened with this but it is fucked up to the point where it can’t even be used. Further, the options should be expanded and they should work. Right now I have a game coming up with Bob and I would love to assign Kenny Phillips to cover Greg Olsen one on one, but if I did that, it would put either Michael Boley or my rook LB at the safety spot whenever the play called for the LB to cover the TE. WTF is that shit?
Nothing like seeing a DE on a WR. GG, EA. I don't think anyone uses this shitty version of man lock anymore because it doesn't make any sense. If I'm running the nickel against a 3 wide set, and I have Nnamdi on Randy Moss, it should put the third DB in the place where Nnamdi was and Nnamdi in the slot where Randy is. What it does instead is put Nnamdi in at safety, Morrison in at LCB and Routt on the HB. wtf is this shit?

One other thing: If I run the fucking Quarter against a 4 wide bunch set, don't shift my fucking LB to the 4th WR and have my extra CB cover the HB. Are you fucking kidding me?! Put all the DBs on the bunch side, you piece of shit AI!

The kicker on all of the above? Every last bit of it was fixed at one point in a previous Madden game. We had shading, working man-lock, double teams that worked, etc. We miss you PS2 version. :(
Let's go back.

5) I’m asking for a lot here because I know that the ground game is likely already overpowered, but getting lead blocker control back would be the most amazing thing in my life. I’m sick of my 94 rated guard letting guys run right by him when he’s out in space on a toss, screen, power O run, etc. Please put this feature BACK in the game.
I'm against lead blocker, but on the topic of overpowered run, they need to fix pursuit angles, less protak bullshit, and suction blocking. Instead of lead blocker, they should just fix the blocking. I don't understand how my WR is so much better than my pulling guard or TE at picking up guys. WRs are fierce this year. :lol

Oh I forgot to mention that the Giants should be 99 rated. That would solve a lot of problems for me. :D
They practically are. :D

Maybe I'll type up my list later.


Rorschach said:
They practically are. :D
You sonofa-

:lol :(

Edit: We should take GAF proper's lead on Dude Bro and create our own football game. :p


Wellington said:
You sonofa-


Edit: We should take GAF proper's lead on Dude Bro and create our own football game. :p
Is it sad to say I've dreamed of that in the past? I wish we could design a football game. It would still be broken as hell, but then when we complain, we'd only have ourselves to blame.


Rorschach said:

Is it sad to say I've dreamed of that in the past? I wish we could design a football game. It would still be broken as hell, but then when we complain, we'd only have ourselves to blame.
If anything I just want there to be some sort of coherent logic to some of the player behaviors. From our (joint) days on #ga you know how crazy I was about Kohan, but that was just my nerd love of D&D style damage formulas and the like. I wonder if someone with access to a dev kit or whatever could take a glance at wtf the coding is for say, blocking in open space. As you alluded to, most WRs are fucking ELITE blockers in space while linemen are confused..... Luke help us out here...? :D


Rorschach said:

Is it sad to say I've dreamed of that in the past? I wish we could design a football game. It would still be broken as hell, but then when we complain, we'd only have ourselves to blame.

I guess now is a good time to admit that I actually day dreamt once where I got a job on the MLB the Show team, and then in my spare time while working for them I used their engine to prototype a NFL game and got a bunch of guys from the league to consult on it. Then Sony liked it and decided to fund me and gave me a dev team to make NFL the Show or whatever.

Wellington said:
If anything I just want there to be some sort of coherent logic to some of the player behaviors. From our (joint) days on #ga you know how crazy I was about Kohan, but that was just my nerd love of D&D style damage formulas and the like. I wonder if someone with access to a dev kit or whatever could take a glance at wtf the coding is for say, blocking in open space. As you alluded to, most WRs are fucking ELITE blockers in space while linemen are confused..... Luke help us out here...? :D

If only it were that easy. We'd have to know someone at Tiburon to actually see the code. Having already put a copy of Madden into a devkit, the only thing it does is let me play the game like a retail PS3.

Still your other proposal gives me an idea, I wonder how many people would be down to work on a Dudebro type project for football? We could always start small and make it a simple 2d game in terms of graphics and then just focus on making the gameplay as accurate as possible.


bluemax said:
Still your other proposal gives me an idea, I wonder how many people would be down to work on a Dudebro type project for football? We could always start small and make it a simple 2d game in terms of graphics and then just focus on making the gameplay as accurate as possible.

I think you're on to something here.


bluemax said:
I guess now is a good time to admit that I actually day dreamt once where I got a job on the MLB the Show team, and then in my spare time while working for them I used their engine to prototype a NFL game and got a bunch of guys from the league to consult on it. Then Sony liked it and decided to fund me and gave me a dev team to make NFL the Show or whatever.

If only it were that easy. We'd have to know someone at Tiburon to actually see the code. Having already put a copy of Madden into a devkit, the only thing it does is let me play the game like a retail PS3.

Still your other proposal gives me an idea, I wonder how many people would be down to work on a Dudebro type project for football? We could always start small and make it a simple 2d game in terms of graphics and then just focus on making the gameplay as accurate as possible.
Remember that one year of the Show, I think it was MLB the Show 2007, where simple ground balls were not detected by the outfielders and subsequently rolled all the way to the wall?!? That caused me to break a few controllers as well. :lol Such a horrible glitch, how did they let that pass. I saw that in like 1 game. I think passed balls were also a major issue.

I used to regularly do the 162 game seasons. One year I lost Mussina and Wang to injuries, so I had to trade for a pitcher and got Francisco "Beast" Liriano for like a relief pitcher and a backup catcher. :lol His slider was monstrous in that game, without the elbow breaking!

I'd be down to help make DudeBro Football. All I know is math though. :(


bluemax said:
Still your other proposal gives me an idea, I wonder how many people would be down to work on a Dudebro type project for football? We could always start small and make it a simple 2d game in terms of graphics and then just focus on making the gameplay as accurate as possible.
I'd be down! I've been looking for a reason to get back into coding.


Wellington said:
I'd be down to help make DudeBro Football. All I know is math though. :(

Coding the gameplay engine is definitely important, even more important, network coding. Everyone who's not a programmer would have to contribute to statistics gathering and outlining the game's modes and features in a very detailed manner so our talented coders could actually put it into play. What would we be looking for in our perfect sim?

Art Direction: Rorschach
Gameplay Engine: Bluemax
Network/Online Code: ?
Player Ratings: ? (everyone?)
Playbook Creation: ?
Salary Cap/Free Agency: ?
NFL Official Rules (possessions, fumbles, challenges, replays from officials, tiebreakers, playoff system): ?


BigAT said:
6) Practice/Scrimmage capabilities with Online Franchise teams.

If we had this I would actually do more scrims with league members. When I have a decent internet connection at my disposal. :(

LiveWire said:
Finally, the option to completely shift an offense or defense into a new style. Using the West Coast offense has greatly improved my passing offense, but it's really just a playbook change currently. Same with defense. I can draft more players appropriate for a 3-4 defense, but it's just a playbook. The depth chart doesn't change to show proper position depth. There's an issue with the game substituting the wrong players for NT, ILB, DE, etc. A full scheme change option (NCAA has this IIRC) would be great.
Oh god. If this was in I would switch to anything similar to a 4-2-5 base(this is why I like NOS). I love this in NCAA 10 but I don't know if it will transfer well to Madden.
LiveWire said:
Coding the gameplay engine is definitely important, even more important, network coding. Everyone who's not a programmer would have to contribute to statistics gathering and outlining the game's modes and features in a very detailed manner so our talented coders could actually put it into play. What would we be looking for in our perfect sim?

Art Direction: Rorschach
Gameplay Engine: Bluemax
Network/Online Code: ?
Player Ratings: ? (everyone?)
Playbook Creation: ?
Salary Cap/Free Agency: ?
NFL Official Rules (possessions, fumbles, challenges, replays from officials, tiebreakers, playoff system): ?

I could help code in my off time


LiveWire said:
Coding the gameplay engine is definitely important, even more important, network coding. Everyone who's not a programmer would have to contribute to statistics gathering and outlining the game's modes and features in a very detailed manner so our talented coders could actually put it into play. What would we be looking for in our perfect sim?

Art Direction: Rorschach
Gameplay Engine: Bluemax
Network/Online Code: ?
Player Ratings: ? (everyone?)
Playbook Creation: ?
Salary Cap/Free Agency: ?
NFL Official Rules (possessions, fumbles, challenges, replays from officials, tiebreakers, playoff system): ?
I'd help with art and anything else needed.

yeah anything that requires using the left side of my brain...forget it. my colleagues and I could barely figure out how to split a bill between 3 people (not that we got the same thing but still) totally embarrassing

I'll help with composing the game's music!


ph33nix said:
yeah anything that requires using the left side of my brain...forget it. my colleagues and I could barely figure out how to split a bill between 3 people (not that we got the same thing but still) totally embarrassing

I'll help with composing the game's music!
It's weird how different people are. My artistic/creative side is non-existent. I have a hard time creating lies when I'm in a jam or even drawing a straight line. My stick figures look like shit. :|


Art Direction: Rorschach, DCX
Gameplay Engine: Bluemax, DCX
Network/Online Code: Bluemax, DCX
Player Ratings/Historical Stats: ? (everyone?) / LiveWire
Playbooks/Offensive/Defensive Schemes: ? (LJ11?)
Salary Cap/Free Agency: ?
NFL Official Rules (possessions, fumbles, challenges, replays from officials, tiebreakers, playoff system): ?
Stat Tracking Code In-Season/Off-Season Player Progression Algorithms: Sableholic

I'm happy to spend the time gathering all the historical player statistics for all current NFL players. In this case it would be all currently active NFL players through the end of SuperBowl XLIV.

Question for the player ratings system: Do we just steal Madden's and make adjustments based on the groups' preference? Do we drastically reduce the number of attribute categories for the game (like saying getting rid of Catch In Traffic and Spectacular Catch and just making it Catching)?
Wellington said:
It's weird how different people are. My artistic/creative side is non-existent. I have a hard time creating lies when I'm in a jam or even drawing a straight line. My stick figures look like shit. :|

It's kinda like languages...the less you use it the worse you get at it. I never really gave a shit when it came to subjects in school that really used the left side so as time as passed I've become basically stupid that area.
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