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Official Madden '10 Xbox 360 Online Franchise: A World Without Favre


I've got [another] question.

How does player progression work? Right now me and my friends are about half way through our season, and I was wondering what happens at the end of the season. Do players stats improve at all or will they remain the same going into the next season?


MrPliskin said:
I've got [another] question.

How does player progression work? Right now me and my friends are about half way through our season, and I was wondering what happens at the end of the season. Do players stats improve at all or will they remain the same going into the next season?
They improve marginally in a seemingly random way. No joke!

Except if its a backup guy that only plays special teams and may have seen a snap or two because of fatigue.... then he goes up 6 points in OVR.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Rorschach should be in charge of Item Management

I could help in stat tracking, and playbook designs should be easy. Just draw a bunch of bootlegs and L-Run diagrams. I could do some great work on the Retirement code.


My console is getting shipped out today.



Hail to the KING baby
Wellington said:
They improve marginally in a seemingly random way. No joke!

Except if its a backup guy that only plays special teams and may have seen a snap or two because of fatigue.... then he goes up 6 points in OVR.
Yes, there is no rhyme or reason to it. It's not even alphabetical!


LiveWire said:
Question for the player ratings system: Do we just steal Madden's and make adjustments based on the groups' preference? Do we drastically reduce the number of attribute categories for the game (like saying getting rid of Catch In Traffic and Spectacular Catch and just making it Catching)?

I think as long as each rating actually has an impact during gameplay, it doesn't matter how many we have. The general Pass and Run Block attributes could be replaced by Strength and Footwork for each type. Ideally one would be able to see the difference in ratings on the field.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I can draw a picture of DCX drawing up the logos and menus.


A GAF football game is a nice pipe dream. Even big dev teams with all the resources at their disposal can't make a great one, though. :<

Btw- have you guys seen the previews for Backbreaker? The game looks horrible, but it looks like there is no suction blocking or suction catching! I'd kill for that in Madden.

Lonestar said:
Rorschach should be in charge of Item Management

I can draw a picture of DCX drawing up the logos and menus.
:lol I can be matrix's assistant!


Rorschach said:
A GAF football game is a nice pipe dream. Even big dev teams with all the resources at their disposal can't make a great one, though. :<
Yeah I was just messing around when I said it. The 32 of us don't have near the skill capable to make a game work. :lol

Bob, game after LOST? :D

I am surprised I have not yet been subject to the typical bob BS.

Opponent: Bob I can go anytime except for when I am at work
Bob: I can't play ever, sorry.

3 PM on a work day

Bob: Opponent, I can play in 10 minutes, if not, it will have to wait until 2015.

20 minutes pass

Bob: See! I was here opponent wasn't!

6 PM after getting off from work

Opponent: :|


While I feel the defense is underpowered overall, I still think their reaction speed is simply too good sometimes. I'm tired of guys with their backs turned 7 yards away from a play suddenly breaking on the ball all at once, it's stupid.

I'd like to see the stone hands of most defensive players reduced greatly too, I know CBs and Safeties aren't WRs, but when a ball hits them right in the chest about 5 times in one game and they drop all of them, that is a little dumb as well. I know it would probably sky rocket the INT numbers even worse than they are already, but whatever.


intangibles, motherfucker
Wellington said:
Yeah I was just messing around when I said it. The 32 of us don't have near the skill capable to make a game work. :lol

Bob, game after LOST? :D

I am surprised I have not yet been subject to the typical bob BS.

Opponent: Bob I can go anytime except for when I am at work
Bob: I can't play ever, sorry.

3 PM on a work day

Bob: Opponent, I can play in 10 minutes, if not, it will have to wait until 2015.

20 minutes pass

Bob: See! I was here opponent wasn't!

6 PM after getting off from work

Opponent: :|



DCX beating Somnia 28-3. Shit's about to get serious in the NFC East if Somnia can't come back and win. It would be:

Cowboys - 9-4
Eagles - 7-6
Giants - 7-5-Bobbed

Somnia still has a game left with both me and Cold. Fucking alphabet soup tiebreaker!!!

It would actually be better for me and the other wildcarders if DCX lost and dropped out of the race!


Haha let's not get carried away with the indie football game concept. IF I was to work on such a project I'd want to plan it a bunch first, set some realistic goals and milestones. And also spend at least a month or more with the project only being programmers developing/learning an engine and creating tools. Artists would only come on once the code was ready and designers would be the last group brought on.

I took part in way too many failed projects like this in college, I learned you always start small and scale later.

Anywho, Storybook when can you play?


Fifty said:
I could in the next couple of hours. I see you're not on AIM though. Otherwise, tomorrow at 10:30 eastern maybe?

Tomorrow would be better for me anyways because I'm not really feeling well tonight.. I'll plan for 10:30 tomorrow, but let me know if something changes.


Wellington said:
45-19 DCX.

C'mon son!

What can I say...DCX schooled me hard that game. My defense let everything succeed, my oline let him through on every single play, I got a damn clipping play on a 100 yard kick off return and Pennington blows balls (except against CB apparently).

Either way DCX destroyed me.


NFC East is gonna be crazy here at the end.


MrPliskin said:
I've got [another] question.

How does player progression work? Right now me and my friends are about half way through our season, and I was wondering what happens at the end of the season. Do players stats improve at all or will they remain the same going into the next season?
They improve and decline, but there is no rhyme or reason to them (as Wellington pointed out in his post). Stats from the previous season do seem to help in some cases, but not in others. I know they aren't preset because they are different in every league, but we can't find what the heck progression or regression is based on.


intangibles, motherfucker
Its based off the EA Formula. Which is locked away in a vault with the Coke recipe and the 21 spices that go on KFC Chicken


CB3 said:
Its based off the EA Formula. Which is locked away in a vault with the Coke recipe and the 21 spices that go on KFC Chicken
I've gotten real close to replicating that KFC recipe. I'm gonna crack this Madden code!


When is the advance? Saturday? Wednesday?

Are we holding up the league for Crow or something? And no one outside of the High Council knows?


LukeSmith said:
When is the advance? Saturday? Wednesday?

Are we holding up the league for Crow or something? And no one outside of the High Council knows?
The league isn't being held up for any one person since we have tons of games left to be played. I'm going to guess it's a Saturday advance.


Rorschach said:
The league isn't being held up for any one person since we have tons of games left to be played. I'm going to guess it's a Saturday advance.

Bob can take his time, the shadow council will protect him


intangibles, motherfucker
LiveWire said:
Can I get a sub for the Lions? Sinistar doesn't seem to be checking the thread. :/

CB said:

thecoldone33 8:05 pm
(8:05:37 PM): lets see if livewire lets me sub
(8:05:49 PM): my guess is that its conveniently ignored
(8:05:51 PM): Ramirez style

bluemax said:
Haha let's not get carried away with the indie football game concept. IF I was to work on such a project I'd want to plan it a bunch first, set some realistic goals and milestones. And also spend at least a month or more with the project only being programmers developing/learning an engine and creating tools. Artists would only come on once the code was ready and designers would be the last group brought on.

I took part in way too many failed projects like this in college, I learned you always start small and scale later.

Anywho, Storybook when can you play?

I might be able to play late tonight but we'll see. My brother and his family are in town this week. He'll be leaving for Korea for a year next month so I'm trying to get in as much time as possible with them.
Rorschach said:
The league isn't being held up for any one person since we have tons of games left to be played. I'm going to guess it's a Saturday advance.

K if its a Saturday advance, DM i won't be able to get our game in until Tuesday or later. I'll be out of town from Friday-Monday


WTF I don't watch Christian Slater crap! :lol I missed LOST last night too. Gonna have to catch up on ABC DOT COM some time this week.

Wellington said:
Bob, are you going to be able to play tomorrow? It's the deadline. :|

Dunno about tonight (Wed), but tomorrow night (Thurs)should be pretty good chance. Depending on when I get home, but I should be home later in the evening.


Mrbob said:
WTF I don't watch Christian Slater crap! :lol I missed LOST last night too. Gonna have to catch up on ABC DOT COM some time this week.

Dunno about tonight (Wed), but tomorrow night (Thurs)should be pretty good chance. Depending on when I get home, but I should be home later in the evening.
Alright let me know. As it stand Friday looks like no go at all for me and Saturday anytime before 4:30 PM as I am hosting a surprise party.


CB3 said:
thecoldone33 8:05 pm
(8:05:37 PM): lets see if livewire lets me sub
(8:05:49 PM): my guess is that its conveniently ignored
(8:05:51 PM): Ramirez style[/IMG]

Yea, because I have the power to boot Sinistar who's already logged in as the Lions. :lol

Sinistar, I'm around all night tonight to play. PLEASE check the thread more often if you're going to be taking control of a team. You have my AIM now too, so message me there if that's more convenient for you.
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