CB3 said:FMT isnt around during the day to make a rulling. Guess its up to the Teen Titans!
Dude, FMT is Old Locke. Dead and Busted.
DM Is FLocke/MIB/Demon Locke. He's in charge. Also a bit Smarmy.
CB3 said:FMT isnt around during the day to make a rulling. Guess its up to the Teen Titans!
CB3 said:I would argue there is no way to fact check something that only your a witness to. Besides that, id claim Encal is the best in 2k currently.
CB3 said:thecoldone33 (9:05:40 PM): i would be for banning that menu
thecoldone33 (9:05:45 PM): ive never even been in it haha
? (9:06:04 PM): ya, i hope smokey decides to ban it
? (9:06:13 PM): poeple should only be adjusting the ones you can adjust in-game
? (9:06:18 PM): this other stuff fucks up the game
? (9:07:01 PM): i can basically guarantee you he used it in 2k9 though
? (9:07:10 PM): people always used to say "man, his guys move so much faster"
? (9:07:11 PM): etc
thecoldone33 (9:07:12 PM): now that you mention it his defenders always seemed to have spidey sense shit
? (9:07:16 PM): yep
? (9:07:35 PM): but 2k9 you could save coaching profiles, so there was really no way to know 100%
? (9:07:56 PM): but since 2K is so retarded, you have to go into the coaching profile in-game, allowing your opponent to see if you do it or not
CB3 said:Just relaying what people tell me! Im a man of the people.
me said:Haters gonna hate and until I lose when it matters, keep on hating.
Smokey said:Tell that to your people.
CB3 said:Didnt you lose just recently on a fake punt?
Smokey said:Didn't you lose in the SuperBowl after going 15-1 with a fantasy team?
CB3 said:Im not the one claiming to win when it counts friend.
CB3 said:Then why were you bitching about it to me and others during and after the game?
Smokey said:Yes I lost, but it wasn't because of a fake punt. Besides my GAF career > you, so this really isn't a battle you want to get into.
Lonestar said:This text should cause the removal of you from MaddenGAF. Isn't this like your first game in MaddenGAF? I sure don't remember you on XBox1/PS2.
CB3 said:I think Livewire hacked your account. Your arguments are quite similar.
Another similarity would be that im undefeated against the both of you in Madden 10
Matrix said:Please keep the NBA 2kshit talk out of this thread, that game is not worth arguing about.
CB3 said:I think Livewire hacked your account. Your arguments are quite similar.
Another similarity would be that im undefeated against the both of you in Madden 10
CB3 said:Shhhhh.
give me namndi
AstroLad said:someone take the rams and play daw now pls
Matrix said:I'd give you my left nut first.
The Lakers are undefeated against the Bobcats too in the NBA.
Oh wait
So what's your point?
CB3 said:Im not sure if your ethering Livewire or yourself there. I dont know why you'd compare yourself to the Bobcats but hey im not here to judge.
We could go at this all day but since you like numbers we'll go with this
Madden Disks Broken By Smokey Because Of A CB Beatdown -1
Madden Disks Broken By CB Because of a Smokey Beatdown -0, Because its never happened.
CB3 said:PM me about that
Im not sure if your ethering Livewire or yourself there. I dont know why you'd compare yourself to the Bobcats but hey im not here to judge.
We could go at this all day but since you like numbers we'll go with this
Madden Disks Broken By Smokey Because Of A CB Beatdown -1
Madden Disks Broken By CB Because of a Smokey Beatdown -0, Because its never happened.
Yeah doesn't really matter to me but when you're the last game, your opponent has been ready to play, and you haven't been heard from in days it's time to escalate to Threat Level Midnight.Matrix said:I think only Fmt/ DM have control to boot Zep.
Btw everyone needs to stop blaming the storm, this is part of Zep's legend. He vanishes once a year only to resurface a year later acting like he was here the whole time.
Smokey said:I didn't compare myself to the Bobcats. YOU are the Bobcats. I'm the Lakers. So what you beat me in the regular season, how many SuperBowl's have you won.
And yes, I am a man I flung my disk across the room. More to do with BS Madden than you outright owning me.
Lonestar said:No one remembers who won a Superbowl in Madden GAF, except the guy who won it. Besides, this version of Madden has a busted playoff system, so none of you winners are TRUE Winnas.
CB3 said:Thats it? Really?
I thought we had something good going here. Game over folks, shows over.
Smokey said:Spoken like a true loser.
Yeah I'm getting hungry anyway:lol .
I love a good shit talk though ! Way to be a man CB !
Lonestar said:100% of the time in MaddenGAF History that I reached the playoffs, I did so outright and legitimately. YOU CAN'T SAY THIS.
Smokey said:I love a good shit talk though ! Way to be a man CB !
'Hug it out, bitch.' That is what men say to each other after a fight. They hug it out, in doing so they just let it go, and walk away, and they're done
Mrbob said:Poor Daw, have to play Wellie instead of Zep possibly. :lol Let him play the CPU, this is about Zeps skill in madden.
For the last game of last season, Rors stomped me with your Cards against Story's Rams. Proof positive I am garbage.AstroLad said::lol I refuse to play Wellie with a chip on his shoulder.
Back to waiting for Zep....
Smokey said:At least your chances of getting there are increased exponentially this season Lonestar. It only took LJ gutting his entire team and deciding to roll with 3rd stringers to make the division fair.
Lonestar said:Nah, fucker is my own personal White Whale. He can go and beat a revamped FMT Team using nothing but a 82 Rookie QB and a bunch of below 70 scrub WR's by going 23-25 397 yards and 3 TD's. Dude is sick. Disgustingly sick. But continue to believe that it was just a fake punt that did you in.
I'm telling you...
Is Truth
CB3 said:http://gfx.gaminator.pl/data/game/2352/2352.2.jpg[IMG]
Can you play tonight?[/QUOTE]
Yessir. I'll be home from work around 5 PST. Gonna watch Chuck from 8-9, but I can play after that as well.
Lonestar said:It's not to say that every game was a blowout, but I think every game has been close. 2 or 3 times I just about had the game in hand, then some crippling shit would happen, and I'd be done.
Oh Snap, I get the Okoye Show next!
Better stock up on my Wheaties!