One of the toughest things I've ever had to do. I'm sorry Trasher
Thanks, guys. =/
My parents put my dog down while I was in college. I had wanted to go home and see him one last time before they did but I was taking my hardest class an had a project that was due after spring break and my asshole partner went to Cancun. I cried a lot after my parents called and told me.
The dog was a rescue though and I'd had him since middle school. So it was comforting to think about how I'd helped that dog have a long and happy life.
Oh jeeze, that's really rough.
The one we are about to put down was sort of a rescue for us as well. She had run away from her home (which was in a city like 40 miles away) and my mom had found her on some back trails that she would use for horse riding. Poor thing was limping so bad from being on the run for so long. She was exhausted. Anyways, I forget all the details, but we had figured out who her breeder was and ended up talking to them. Turned out she used to be used for breeding, and then was sold to a different family later on (the one she ran away from). I guess she wasn't treated very nicely at this home and she was scared off by the owner that abused her. The people who initially bred her and sold her told us that we could keep her since we were a much better alternative than the other family. My parents had gotten two other dogs since her, and she has always been a good momma dog to them. You can tell she's been bred a lot just by the way she defends our other dogs. She has those good protective mother instincts haha.
Over the past couple years she started going downhill. She has an issue with her spine that's made her go partially limp in her hindquarters (this past year we have had to carry her up and down the stairs because of it). And it's gotten a bit worse now. I think her painkillers aren't working as well anymore. My mom told me last night that she hasn't eaten in six days. They've tried feeding her everything. We've switched up her dog food brands so many times over the past year trying to find something she would like better, but this time she won't even eat human food either. I guess a couple weeks ago she was doing really really bad and my mom gave her some of a stew she had made, and all of a sudden it was like she snapped out of it. She was doing really awesome after that. Apparently that's a thing that happens with older dogs before they are getting ready to go. They rebound for a little while and all of a sudden everything is fine again, but a few days later they are back to where they were.
Oh well I guess. I'm gonna miss her a lot. I guess I just need to be happy that we gave her a really good life once we found her. Ugh, sorry for turning this into the Depression Thread.
Here's a picture of her and our other dog. She's the sheltie in the back. Not the greatest picture of her haha, but they really are beautiful dogs.
Damn that sucks trash. Putting an animal down is the worst. Marley & me is the saddest movie
Watching Marley & Me was one of the worst decisions in my life.