You sir are a good soldier! are you in on next year too
I guess I could post the thread now (it's ready) but I wanted to wait till tuesday. what say my hockey fellows?
DOTA is dead. Long live Payday, the new King.
DOTA is dead. Long live Payday, the new King.
Im ok with you thinking that dota is dead.
Was Ror's ever doing that Yahoo FF league?
Who is around for some Payday? i have yet to play.
You can largely go up whatever you want, but I suggest at least unlocking the points for ammo bag and medical bag. At a minimum, you're usually going to need someone carrying at least one of those options.Should we generally have 1 of each class in Payday? Or is each tree doable by the same guy, just go up whichever you want?
No place like home!
I'll send the money for Payday 2 tomorrow livewire. We should get some games in tomorrow, pals! Also, I am craving doto like crack D:
time to check out what the computer drafted for me. This should be good!
I love how the draft grades are just based on Yahoo's rankings. So if you just let it pick their default next in line you'll get the best grade. lol
I know this might be a long shot because most of the people will be buying the Anniversary Edition of Madden for the Sunday Ticket, but is there anyone here buying the regular edition that wouldn't mind upgrading and selling me the Sunday Ticket inside?
I don't play Madden myself--haven't in years. But I also don't get cable where I live (and the price for satellite is astoundingly overpriced) so Sunday Ticket is really my only means of watching it over the Internet.
If upgrading to the Anniversary edition isn't appealing to anyone, how about buying the Anniversary Edition from me sans the Sunday Ticket? I'm just hoping to find a solution. I'll be taking this to the buy/sell thread as well.
Dota 2 is god tier
Dotas time is just about over buddy!
Dotas time is just about over buddy!
Dotas time is just about over buddy!
I know this might be a long shot because most of the people will be buying the Anniversary Edition of Madden for the Sunday Ticket, but is there anyone here buying the regular edition that wouldn't mind upgrading and selling me the Sunday Ticket inside?
I don't play Madden myself--haven't in years. But I also don't get cable where I live (and the price for satellite is astoundingly overpriced) so Sunday Ticket is really my only means of watching it over the Internet.
If upgrading to the Anniversary edition isn't appealing to anyone, how about buying the Anniversary Edition from me sans the Sunday Ticket? I'm just hoping to find a solution. I'll be taking this to the buy/sell thread as well.
Dota or payday, don't matter to me. Either or both tonight bros. got a mean dota itch but man I want to fucking finish that politician mission.
Tip for you newer guys, the key to playing Lone Druid is to download the entangle hack.
Im down for dota tonight. I had one of my worst games in recent memory last night. I need redemption.
Red Dead Redemption.
Tip for you newer guys, the key to playing Lone Druid is to download the entangle hack.
Why the hell has it been a year and a half since we played RDR?
I probably need to. Entagle never procs for my bear.