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Official NeoGAF servers for Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - NOW ONLINE


All I can say is the server should switch to birthday/party mode some day, maybe if we do some official GAF TF2 night once a week or something in the Steam Community group.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
the TF2 server is driving me mad. I've been unable to change the level at all, via normal means (running out the time), rcon changelevel (even though other rcon commands work...), sourcemod rockthevote, or sourcemod admin. I wiped the server and reinstalled and it's still not functioning, really pissing me off.

edit: disregard, the wipe function didn't kill the mod installs, after deleting those changelevel started working again.
Sciz said:
Significantly different from castle3, and better. It's still in beta, but I'd suggest it over its predecessors anyway.

I haven't advertised this map at all due to it still being beta, but if you guys play it let me know. I'm still wanting some feedback on point 3-2 before I call it cp_castle4. Message me on Steam (vilepicklee (2 e's)) if you get a game going.


We ran a game of it with about eight of us last night. I wouldn't say it was terribly productive for generating constructive feedback, but we had fun.


I'm not much for removing the CTF maps, since I like CTF more than CP or other modes. 2fort = awesome. I'd prefer if they were kept in the rotation, but voting was allowed in order to skip them.
Vilepickle said:
I haven't advertised this map at all due to it still being beta, but if you guys play it let me know. I'm still wanting some feedback on point 3-2 before I call it cp_castle4. Message me on Steam (vilepicklee (2 e's)) if you get a game going.
Can't believe you're a gaffer. Anyways, props to you man, castle has come a long long way. It's the best custom map atm. As far as feedback goes, haven't played the new version enough to pass judgement on it. I'll keep an eye out for 3-2 the next time I play it.
Sciz said:
We ran a game of it with about eight of us last night. I wouldn't say it was terribly productive for generating constructive feedback, but we had fun.
All I can say is standing in that corner and sniping BLU team members as they descend the stairs from their spawn is incredibly fun. Especially when one of them attempts to snipe you back, ducks to be able to see you, and promptly gets a bullet in the head. :lol


Vilepickle said:
I haven't advertised this map at all due to it still being beta, but if you guys play it let me know. I'm still wanting some feedback on point 3-2 before I call it cp_castle4. Message me on Steam (vilepicklee (2 e's)) if you get a game going.

Awesome. I had no idea you were one either. I snatched your castle4b3 off your site last night and we ran a couple of rounds. It's on there ready to go whenever anyone else wants to play. Kudos on the mapmaking Vilepickle!

Kak got the vibe that it's a lot more defense friendly (maybe a little too easy to defend) then castle3 but that was mostly during a 1player run through. We really hadn't played it enough to get a good feel yet, but if it's 1/2 as good as castle3 it's better then most of the stuff out there. :)
Yeah, so this is cool. Good job, Evil.

That TF2 map rotation is tits. Just played cp_warpath2 for the first time a few days ago and it was awesome.

I'll definitely be participating in both the CS:S and TF2 servers in a couple of weeks.
Javaman said:
This is totally wishful thinking, but is CS playable on CS:S servers? The latter runs like a dog on my computer

Crazy. You should be able to run CSS if TF2 works decently. Have you tried lately with new drivers or anything?


Javaman said:
This is totally wishful thinking, but is CS playable on CS:S servers? The latter runs like a dog on my computer

CS and CS:S are two different games. And plus, if TF2 runs fine, CS:S should.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
http redirect for map downloads is working and rockthevote is working, so you guys should be able to jump on and try it out when you're up for it.

Swapped in the newer version of castle as suggested:

Javaman said:
Awesome. I had no idea you were one either. I snatched your castle4b3 off your site last night and we ran a couple of rounds. It's on there ready to go whenever anyone else wants to play. Kudos on the mapmaking Vilepickle!

Kak got the vibe that it's a lot more defense friendly (maybe a little too easy to defend) then castle3 but that was mostly during a 1player run through. We really hadn't played it enough to get a good feel yet, but if it's 1/2 as good as castle3 it's better then most of the stuff out there. :)

Mostly regged here 'cause I saw some incoming traffic a few months ago.

It may be more defensive in that the stage 1 and 2 spawns are a lot less camp-able now. I've made it so offense has a lot more ammo/health options (larger) on stage 2. 3-1 is really simple to take on offense for the most part. Overall, I'd say stage 1 and 2 are very similar to the way they were. 3 is the big change, and I've found 3-2 with the CP location where it is in beta 3 is fairly offense friendly with a decent assault. I'm actually adding a way for defense to get onto the big attacking ramp without going all the way around, because atm it feels kind of like a fishbowl.


he's Virgin Tight™
I was having so much fun and the game crashed on me. DAMMIT. I think something got overheated... my GPU is very slightly overclocked and the temp is high today here so maybe that was it. Now the game is full, dammit =P
Vilepickle said:
Mostly regged here 'cause I saw some incoming traffic a few months ago.

It may be more defensive in that the stage 1 and 2 spawns are a lot less camp-able now. I've made it so offense has a lot more ammo/health options (larger) on stage 2. 3-1 is really simple to take on offense for the most part. Overall, I'd say stage 1 and 2 are very similar to the way they were. 3 is the big change, and I've found 3-2 with the CP location where it is in beta 3 is fairly offense friendly with a decent assault. I'm actually adding a way for defense to get onto the big attacking ramp without going all the way around, because atm it feels kind of like a fishbowl.
We just played the map and offense took the first section really easily, the second one with some amount of difficulty, but we held them off on 3-1 for the longest time. 3-2 they didn't ever really get too close to capping, although very few people used the ramp around.
That sounds like a new scenario. I've always seen 3-1 capped really quick in the castle4 betas. I've also seen 3-2 with the CP where it is now capped fairly quick, but that's with large use of the side route.

Other stages seem about on target.


Honestly, out of all the points, 2-2 seems to be the one the offense consistently has trouble with.

Fun games everyone. Hopefully we can fill it up like that on weekdays, too.


Sciz said:
Honestly, out of all the points, 2-2 seems to be the one the offense consistently has trouble with.

Fun games everyone. Hopefully we can fill it up like that on weekdays, too.

shit I'm hoping it's still full all night, after I grab some grub I'm hoping to play most of the evening.


Server needs ctf_casbah...it gets tiring doing cp maps constantly, and thats the only CTF that doesn't stalemate in 5 seconds.


Vilepickle said:
I haven't advertised this map at all due to it still being beta, but if you guys play it let me know. I'm still wanting some feedback on point 3-2 before I call it cp_castle4. Message me on Steam (vilepicklee (2 e's)) if you get a game going.


It's not cheap if they stand on them like morons :(


No Means Nomad said:
We just played the map and offense took the first section really easily, the second one with some amount of difficulty, but we held them off on 3-1 for the longest time. 3-2 they didn't ever really get too close to capping, although very few people used the ramp around.

That was my first time playing the new layouts and that first CP on that map is kind of messed up IMO. The defense seems to have all the cover. So you finally get your way through the grinder and the CP is blocked from the offensive side and is open on the defensive side. It either shouldn't be there or it should be reversed. You really should be rewarded for taking that ground, not funneled into a shooting gallery for the defense.
n0b said:
Server needs ctf_casbah...it gets tiring doing cp maps constantly, and thats the only CTF that doesn't stalemate in 5 seconds.
The trouble with Casbah is that, at least from what I saw, RED always has the advantage. It gets the windows and the balcony overlooking BLU's spawn, while BLU gets nothing quite equivalent. It does have the one balcony, but it's not quite as accessible as RED's.
LouieGeetoo said:
The trouble with Casbah is that, at least from what I saw, RED always has the advantage. It gets the windows and the balcony overlooking BLU's spawn, while BLU gets nothing quite equivalent. It does have the one balcony, but it's not quite as accessible as RED's.
Solution: MACH4.
I'm excited about being able to play on a drama free east coast server. Conker's has a lot of good people playing on it, but my ping kills it for me.
vultureparade said:
I'm excited about being able to play on a drama free east coast server. Conker's has a lot of good people playing on it, but my ping kills it for me.
SexConker (bw_bloodletter) has had Love Me Sexy moved to the East Coast. Here's the new IP:

(I realize I just posted this in the official thread, but this begged for a response.)


LouieGeetoo said:
SexConker (bw_bloodletter) has had Love Me Sexy moved to the East Coast. Here's the new IP:

(I realize I just posted this in the official thread, but this begged for a response.)

Took him long enough :lol

Checking it out now.


might get on later, gaf or conker's. (definitely like the idea of an official server, but ping is even worse than the ~200 i get on conkers [not to mention he's a great guy], so yeah, not going to abandon him just yet) :)

LouieGeetoo said:
The trouble with Casbah is that, at least from what I saw, RED always has the advantage. It gets the windows and the balcony overlooking BLU's spawn, while BLU gets nothing quite equivalent. It does have the one balcony, but it's not quite as accessible as RED's.
yep. playing red is definitely muuuch easier on casbah.


Setec Astronomer
They'll probably be no reason to abandon anyone. Being a private server, NeoGAF's is great for weekend games with lots of people available, but otherwise a pub server that probably has a few gaffers is good too.


LouieGeetoo said:
The trouble with Casbah is that, at least from what I saw, RED always has the advantage. It gets the windows and the balcony overlooking BLU's spawn, while BLU gets nothing quite equivalent. It does have the one balcony, but it's not quite as accessible as RED's.
Actually I've been pinned in spawn a lot more as RED. >__>


n0b said:
Server needs ctf_casbah...it gets tiring doing cp maps constantly, and thats the only CTF that doesn't stalemate in 5 seconds.

Casbah: The only good CTF map.

(Though convoy is fun occasionally, and the other one... with the uh... there's two identical sides, in the middle is a big bridge and some cliffs and underground there are tunnels and there are side entrances and stuff. I like that one. What the hell is the name!)


TheOneGuy said:

Casbah: The only good CTF map.

(Though convoy is fun occasionally, and the other one... with the uh... there's two identical sides, in the middle is a big bridge and some cliffs and underground there are tunnels and there are side entrances and stuff. I like that one. What the hell is the name!)



No, warpath sucks. Might as well be a deathmatch map for all the progress anyone makes. Also it's not CTF!


TheOneGuy said:

Casbah: The only good CTF map.

(Though convoy is fun occasionally, and the other one... with the uh... there's two identical sides, in the middle is a big bridge and some cliffs and underground there are tunnels and there are side entrances and stuff. I like that one. What the hell is the name!)
mach? (mach2 now that its been updated)
[Map Update] CP_Castle4

The map cp_castle3 has, at long last, been updated to cp_castle4. This version fixes many of the troublesome issues of version 3 such as campable spawn doors, overly large stages (stage 3), and adds features like another CP to stage 1. The map also looks much better than version 3, which should be a welcome change. If you are running Castle right now or have stopped running the map, I encourage you to check out this version, because it is quite a bit different.

README (full changelist):


http://vilepickle.com/map/cp_castle4.7z (7-zip)
http://vilepickle.com/map/cp_castle4.zip (zip)

If you're interested in a collection of all of my levels (including the new Castle4), you can download "The Pickle Jar" from my maps page at http://vilepickle.com/maps.php



readme said:
-Added tunnel for defense to get up to the side attacking ramp

I assume that's the side ramp on the 3-2 point? If so, that's good. It basically becomes a base for the attackers without it.
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