Khold said:
Naw it's been bad. I don't think we got a LOT worse, but seeing how many balls that bounced our way last year aren't going to bounce the same way, it will seem like we got a lot worse.
On paper we'll likely go from an 11 win team to a 7-8 win team, but we played like an 8-9 win team last year.
Of course, the season is played for a reason, though.
I like the Okoye signing, and im not sure what the numbers were on the williams signing but as long as we got him cheap it was a decent low risk pick up as well. the same goes for Vernon Gholston.
We didn't do anything bad (except for not resigning Kreutz. dumb fuckers give him the 500,00 he fucking wants and have one more year of stability if nothing else jesus) but the signing we did make were like i said, low risk with a small small chance that one of the four guys does something good (gholsten, barber, williams, and okoye)
Oh yeah and if they don't resign Matt Forte long term I am going to flip a shit. he could have been like desean jackson and held out, but no he's a quality stand up guy who makes less than his backups do and who comes to camp works hard and gets he job done. resign him or else!