Gully State
Even if they wanted to trade Taylor Mays, sending a mass email devalues their returns. I don't get what Baalke is doing here.
That's what I thought, but I get the impression that you need to wait for a game to archive and thus it's like MLB.TV with no live options.Futurevoid said:
Yes. Games will usually appear a day after the initial broadcast. The nice part about rewind is you get the ability to change angles on certain plays, track stats etc. as you watch. It's a VERY nice service that I've subscribed to for the past two seasons - the shit part is the waiting.Manos: The Hans of Fate said:That's what I thought, but I get the impression that you need to wait for a game to archive
Gully State said:Even if they wanted to trade Taylor Mays, sending a mass email devalues their returns. I don't get what Baalke is doing here.
A Day? Damn, I mean what's being offered sounds great, but a day kind of sucks. I mean at least with MLB it's 90 minutes.Futurevoid said:Yes. Games will usually appear a day after the initial broadcast. The nice part about rewind is you get the ability to change angles on certain plays, track stats etc. as you watch. It's a VERY nice service that I've subscribed to for the past two seasons - the shit part is the waiting.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I wonder how nuts the NFL (well more with Direct TV) is with multiple people using the same Sunday Ticket Mobile Account (not some crazy amount of course).
NFL SUNDAY TICKET Online for 2011
For 2011, we're offering NFL SUNDAY TICKET To-Go for non DIRECTV customers. This allows you to see every NFL SUNDAY TICKET game on your PC or Mac as well as your Smartphone. This online package is now available for purchase. More details can be found at
Gully State said:Even if they wanted to trade Taylor Mays, sending a mass email devalues their returns. I don't get what Baalke is doing here.
I'm on the phone with them now. I'll update you shortly.Manos: The Hans of Fate said:EDIT: Now I can't actually find the details on the page though lol
NFL Rewind is excellent. It's the only NFL product I will spend money on this season.Futurevoid said:Yes. Games will usually appear a day after the initial broadcast. The nice part about rewind is you get the ability to change angles on certain plays, track stats etc. as you watch. It's a VERY nice service that I've subscribed to for the past two seasons - the shit part is the waiting.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:How long does it take for a game to become available?
Awesome, let me know.Futurevoid said:I'm on the phone with them now. I'll update you shortly.
yeah this is what i was talking about. sorry for leaving everyone up in there, my last few posts were from my phone, and i'm on my laptop now.Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Wait, here is what zychi meant.
EDIT: Now I can't actually find the details on the page though lol
My wife loves cable and hated when we had Dish (it would go out regularly during bad weather). It pretty much soured any ability I have to convince her to switch.Rorschach said:Wow, DTV has free Sunday Ticket? 2 year contract, but I'd probably still get it if I was allowed to have it here. :|
Futurevoid said:Just got off the phone. You can absolutely sign up for the NFL Sunday Ticket To Go option without having to be a DTV customer. The cost is $350. One pay option. You cannot do it monthly.
It will available to order on September 9th and you will want to call this number 800-670-7288 to order. I'm mulling it but man $350 is a serious hit as opposed to $40 bucks for Game Rewind ...
My wife loves cable and hated when we had Dish (it would go out regularly during bad weather). It pretty much soured any ability I have to convince her to switch.![]()
$350 is LULZSTUPIDMUNIES.Futurevoid said:Just got off the phone. You can absolutely sign up for the NFL Sunday Ticket To Go option without having to be a DTV customer. The cost is $350. One pay option. You cannot do it monthly.
It will available to order on September 9th and you will want to call this number 800-670-7288 to order. I'm mulling it but man $350 is a serious hit as opposed to $40 bucks for Game Rewind ...
My wife loves cable and hated when we had Dish (it would go out regularly during bad weather). It pretty much soured any ability I have to convince her to switch.![]()
Or the NHL, MLS, and even the NBA.Drek said:$350 is LULZSTUPIDMUNIES.
I'll be settling for the $40 deal. NFL getting owned on this by the old stodgy boys at MLB. Get it sorted Goodell.
direct tv paid mucho dinero for the rights to sunday ticket, i'm too lazy to google and find out when its up, but i'm hoping the nfl smartens up and realizes they can sell the whole shield to people, just like mlb sells the whole league with The Hans of Fate said:Or the NHL, MLS, and even the NBA.
Heck only Euro soccer goofs it more.
Gigglepoo said:Wait, Richard Dent got in the HoF before Charles Haley? That's strange.
yacobod said:Was charles haley a super bowl mvp or anchor of the best defense in nfl history?
Futurevoid said:I'm on the phone with them now. I'll update you shortly.
I know they reupped it recently, I'd bet directtv would still pay stupid money the same rights minus streaming. I mean MLBs is the best thing to counter streaming and everyone in the US besides the NFL seems to following MLB. Its so infuriating.zychi said:direct tv paid mucho dinero for the rights to sunday ticket, i'm too lazy to google and find out when its up, but i'm hoping the nfl smartens up and realizes they can sell the whole shield to people, just like mlb sells the whole league with
if i had a ps3/xbox app like i do i would gladly throw down $300 for the app. give me archived games ~1 hr after the game like has, and let me do multiview like they do on and I'd be in heaven.
It's awesome isn't it? I've rewatched Game of Thrones more than I care to admit. Carnivale would be there as well but I've already worn out my DVD's.GQman2121 said:Yep. I think HBO Go has spoiled me.![]()
Take a look here:Buckethead said:How does the online Sunday Ticket thing work?
Soroc said:350 isn't bad depending on how much football you gonna watch
I was on the phone with directtv and they actually suggested for me to use a friends sunday ticket or go in half with someone that has it and use their login credentials.
I forgot my sister just changed over to DirectTV earlier this yr. I'm gonna have her try and call back and get the sunday ticket added for free. If she can't get it added for free I'll just split the cost with her![]()
Hell, if multiple computers can connect at the same time - I'd be willing to split the cost among other interested parties.Sunday GAF Ticket
I will.Futurevoid said:Take a look here:
It doesn't like there's any streaming limitations per device, but you may want to check the FAQ's. I'm seriously considering it but god that price..
I like the way Snrub thinks!Mr. Snrub said:Manning Truth
Futurevoid said:I'm checking with Direct TV on the IP limitation question...
EDIT: One device at a time.If a second login is attempted with the same account information - it will fail.
Man, I'd just like to watch Giants games on the computer. I'll worry about the others later. :jnk I get maybe 6 Giants games a season living in Central PA. That's mainly thanks to the Prime Time games. So streaming was the only outlet I had to watch the rest.yankeehater said:I would love to watch non-Eagles games on the computer.
Futurevoid said:Man, I'd just like to watch Giants games on the computer. I'll worry about the others later. :jnk I get maybe 6 Giants games a season here mainly thanks to the prime time games living in Central PA, so streaming was the only outlet I had to watch the rest.
Rorschach said:Wish there was like It's a pretty awesome app. Greedy bastards.
I could, but I'd prefer not to. I'm usually at the computer chatting with folks with my little girl on my lap while my wife is at work. I've got a second one on the way which will make it even less of an option.yankeehater said:You cant just do a sports bar?
Futurevoid said:I could, but I'd prefer not to. I'm usually at the computer chatting with folks with my little girl on my lap while my wife is at work. I've got a second one on the way which will make it even less of an option.