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Official Raw 5/23 Thread!

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I predict that HHH will show up during the Edge/Batista match


First tragedy, then farce.
Naw, this is Kanes run in.. to set up the Kane/Edge match at the next PPV..

Batista's match with Trips is going to be centered around Flair and his (non) face turn.
I predict that Maria will say something intelligent and thought provoking. And that her tits will look nice.

...Also, I wonder if Big Vis' hit it last Monday night :p
I loved last week after Kane chokeslammed Christian

Maria: Christian, Can I Ask You A Question??

Christian: What?? What??

Maria: After Your Match With Kane Are You Hurt?

What? Did You Get Your Journalistic Skills Of The Back Off A Box Of Coco Pops!

*Maria Stunned*

*Christian Walks Away*

Ok, this Edge/Lita angle is in REALLY poor taste...

Nice to see McMahon has ome compassion...

Let's see... fire him, push his slut fiancee and formber best friend to the top. And for toppers rub itin your face on national, prime time TV.

Nice, real nice.
Oh shut up. The fans wanted her heel, and they got it. Both Edge and Lita are way more interesting in this angle than they would be otherwise.

I hate it when you people just echo the opinions of Internet dirtsites. Who cares if this shit mirrors real life situations? Do you get upset when war movies reenact real scenarios?
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Oh shut up. The fans wanted her heel, and they got it. Both Edge and Lita are way more interesting in this angle than they would be otherwise.

I hate it when you people just echo the opinions of Internet dirtsites. Who cares if this shit mirrors real life situations? Do you get upset when war movies reenact real scenarios?

How about you stuff it and knock off the pointless trolling?

Turn the tables.. say you had a friend and found out he was pounding YOUR woman while you were at home nursing an injury. How would you feel?

Hurt? Destroyed? Betrayed? I'm sure you would.

There's a difference though, your relationship wouldn't be utilized as a plot device on national TV and rubbed in your face week after week.

The "fans" didn't want her heel, they (WWE) were deflecting heat for her being responsible for a FAN FAVORITE being canned. Why was he canned? For venting his broken heart on HIS PERSONAL WEBSPACE.

She was a face and was getting OWNED to the point of tears by the crowd, so they did what they had to do.

If it weren't for this situation coming about both would have been doing the status quo.

Now i understand he's a public figure and that type of action rings badly on the company. So I can see both sides of the coin.

The fans as a whole are A LOT smarter than you give them credit for.

I feel it's in poor taste, there are certain things that should not be made into a prime time soap opera. A person's personal affairs are something that should be kept private.

Oh well, WWE's loss is ROH/TNA's gain. They are getting a talent with nothing ut upside...
Outcast2004 said:
Turn the tables.. say you had a friend and found out he was pounding YOUR woman while you were at home nursing an injury. How would you feel?

Hurt? Destroyed? Betrayed? I'm sure you would.
Matt Hardy is not your friend, and he's not my friend.

We all have relatives and ancestors that have fought in wars. We never complain about movies that reenact scenes from those wars. We never complain about Paris Hilton getting fucked in the dark and having the tape released on the Internet. Two people complained in the Lindsay Lohan thread about giving her the privacy she deserves for her anorexia, everyone else said those two people were being retarded.

Seriously, knock off the "I care about these wrestlers' feelings" bullshit. It does suck a lot for Matt, and the angle can be creepy when you analyze it, but it really, really doesn't matter. Stop being stupid and overdramatic about it like it happened to you. It's just an angle. Stop reading Matt Hardy's website and all these pro wrestling dirtsites and absorbing opinions from them as if they were your own.
Outcast2004 said:
A person's personal affairs are something that should be kept private.
Then Matt shouldn't have said anything.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Matt Hardy is not your friend, and he's not my friend.
Never said he was, does't mean what has happened to him lately doesn't suck.
Let's chalk it up shall we?

Get's injured
Injury just won't heal
Finally heals and gets ready to come back only to find out via a phonecall that his fiance is screwing around on him with his BEST FRIEND
Gets fired from his dream job for ventng
Damn near get KILLED in a car crash that Shannon Moore took the brunt of.
(Following Shannon home from show... car goes left of center and plows into Moore's Hummer. Hardy was ahead of him in his Corvette for the most part. Taken from news reports)
Mentions of suicide(!) in radio interviews
Now gets this rubbed in his face some more....

The guys has had a pretty shitty couple of months. No one deserves that, doesn't matter who you are

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Seriously, knock off the "I care about these wrestlers' feelings" bullshit. It does suck a lot for Matt, and the angle can be creepy when you analyze it, but it really, really doesn't matter. Stop being stupid and overdramatic about it like it happened to you. It's just an angle. Stop reading Matt Hardy's website and all these pro wrestling dirtsites and absorbing opinions from them as if they were your own.Then Matt shouldn't have said anything.

This kind of rings hollow coming from you of all people. You're being QUITE overdramatic over my opiions. Let's not forget you attacked and did just plain general trolling, something you seem to be quite proficient at anymore.

Something of poor taste is going to be of poor taste, angle or not.

It's poor taste and utterly classless.

These are my opinions, so do ME a favor and stop trying to analyze what I feel is right or wrong. It has NOTHING to do with someone elses filtered opinions from some website. It's my own moral compass, I think it's wrong.

(And as I type this Viscera just dropped clothing down to his boxers... now THAT is in poor taste.)

EDIT: THAT'S a new chant...

"F@#K YOU SLUT!" Ouch.... that just isn't going to die anytime soon.
Outcast2004 said:
EDIT: THAT'S a new chant...

"F@#K YOU SLUT!" Ouch.... that just isn't going to die anytime soon.


too bad they cant botch a 69 and take each other off raw

I keeeed I keeed

No no really...


keep your strippers out of my American football
Chill out about the Matt/Lita stuff.

Matt made his bed and now he has to lie in it. He knew he would be gone if he talked about the situation on his site, so now he is. As an adult you have to learn to live with the consequences of your actions. So I feel no pity for Matt as far as that is concerned and I do not blame WWE for firing him.

As far as poor taste. This is the WWE, not Masterpiece Theater. This is wrestling, poor taste pretty much has a permanent address there.

For me, the biggest news of the night was the admission that WWE was bankrolling ECW back in the day. Everything I have read indicates that was not kayfabe at all. Dave Meltzer said to watch that segment and it didn't disappoint.
dskillzhtown said:
For me, the biggest news of the night was the admission that WWE was bankrolling ECW back in the day. Everything I have read indicates that was not kayfabe at all. Dave Meltzer said to watch that segment and it didn't disappoint.


ecw was funded by the wwf?
This was all common knowledge. ECW invaded WWF on Raw, remember? We already knew Vince was giving Paul some help in the form of talent by having Lawler and some WWF guys show up to give them exposure and name power. We've all known about them working together for years, but ECW hasn't been in the news for a while so I think you guys just forgot about it. I swear I read something about Vince giving him money a long time ago, because it was no surprise to me at all.

evil ways

ZombieSupaStar said:

ecw was funded by the wwf?

Yeah. I even remember RVD becoming a regular at Raw and the weekend shows, and even that incident with Sabu leaping off the Monday Night RAW logo into Taz.

Sad thing is that this is probably about 4 years too late, as McMahon should've done this angle back when they bought WCW and hired the ECW talent. I think back to that night when ECW guys invaded Raw in 2001 and Heyman declared war on WWF, with Raven, Taz, Tommy Dreamer, The Dudley's , Storm & Credible etc., in the same ring wearing ECW shirts, the near perfect set up, and then they totally shat on everything by adding Stephy McFatty to the equation and calling it the ECW/WCW Alliance.


As cool as the ECW revival teasing they're doing now is, I hope it fails. If it turns out to be a smash success, they're most likely going to run with it by making a separate ECW brand which will no doubt bomb hard or at very best, be significantly less meaningful and entertaining as the original ECW was. An ECW brand now will most likely just look an hour of WWF circa 1999 hardcore matches.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
If the WWE crowds were smart they'd start cheering Lita now.

Also Christian is the man.

Finally I dont feel bad for Matt cuz he is now in a better place. :D
Brian Fellows said:
Also Christian is the man.

Quoted for truth.

I'm really liking what they are doing with his character lately. But knowing WWE as I do, HHH will find someway to bury him if he gets too big.

SEE: Chris Jericho

kIdMuScLe said:
nobody have seen the "rise and fall of ecw" dvd that wwe released 1-2yrs ago? i thought everyone knew this.........

Yep, bought it. While it did leave a few things out (ok, A LOT) it was a pretty good covering of what the problems were that lead to it's demise. Some damn fine matches too.

As for Vince bankrolling it, that was pretty much common knowledge. It wasn't very popular with the people in his office though. Many WTF's abound.

Well we see who had the last laugh.

(Fanboy goggles on)I'm lookng forward to the PPV, I just hope they don't royally fuck this up. I have a feeling if this does well you could see a 3rd brand spin out of this and have a smaller, grittier ECW back full time. It's a long shot at best,but the possibilities are there.

Have them run the 3rd level markets like Akron and Youngstown. Small venues, a few ECW vets and a few on-the-cusp OVW guys who need to cut their teeth. A mix of hardcore and pure technical matches.

It could work, really... I swear! (Fanboy goggles off)


If they do it, they need to do it right.

They need to have the Dudley Boys come out and tell a random fat chick in the front row to "suck D'Von's big black dick", They need to pass out 100 "RVD 420" signs and have him proclaim that hes the "Whole Fuck!in show", they need to have New Jack come to the ring to Dr Dre and Ice Cube's unedited "Natural Born Killer's" song and beat someone bloody with a vacum cleaner. They need Balls Mahoney and the legendary chants he got from the crowd, I want Tommy "The Innovator of Violence" Dreamer back, the guy would diamond cutttered guys off two ladders, not the useless jobber that the wwe turned him into. I want Simon fucking Dean to die his hair black, come out in his Nova gear, and senton someone off a ladder through a table.

As it stands now, they are going to have none of that. Its going to be a WWE show in a gritty atmosphere with hardcore rules. No way I'll order it, lucky if I waste my time finding an internet stream.


LakeEarth said:
Simon Dean is Nova?!!?? Holy crap I didn't even realize!


Yeah....But obviously he needs to go back on the Simon System...
Nameless said:
As it stands now, they are going to have none of that. Its going to be a WWE show in a gritty atmosphere with hardcore rules. No way I'll order it, lucky if I waste my time finding an internet stream.
Why? Because Tommy Dreamer is in control of it and Paul Heyman is writing all of it, and Vince isn't doing shit except funding it? What makes you think the two of them will make it a WWE version? Did you even hear Heyman tell Bischoff last night about everything ECW represented instead of the garbage wrestling Bischoff thinks it is?
from the dvd Shane douglas seemed to cut the most intense promos.

and LMAO@ raven telling SAndman's kid "your father caused the divorce" :lol
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