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Ok, so Nintendo might actually be going online finally. . .

Firest0rm said:
Mic is built in. Thats for something else

DS will be online out of the box free of charge, thats what I'm getting this atleast.

The headset explains the VoIP I read about a few days ago. Warppipe software may be apart of the game allowing you to connect through your home wireless router and all have to do is just setup a hotspot with a password.


rollin' in the gutter
I also like the idea of VoIP being integrated into this, still. I should've asked Chad if it was playing a role in this, last night. -_-


Here's more to back up my claims:

This is a multi-layered offering with a plethora of possibilities. A canvas to be marked by both by gamers and game makers.

multi-layered offerings = wireless, touch screen, dual screen, mic

canvas to be marked by gamers = touch screen?

canvas to be marked by game makers = DS itself

It just sounds like advertising. I'm not expecting anything big at all.


rollin' in the gutter
no VoIP.

DXUNC (4:58:01 PM): hey chad this is deadlifter from the forums
DXUNC (4:58:09 PM): do you mind if i ask you one question
DXUNC (5:00:54 PM): I'll ask anyway and you can answer if you like. Does this integrate VoIP in any way?
chadlnx (5:02:23 PM): The technology is not important
chadlnx (5:02:31 PM): no, it does not
DXUNC (5:02:34 PM): ok
chadlnx (5:02:46 PM): When this launches, you will have something to talk about other than technology.
DXUNC (5:02:59 PM): thanks


If this is true that the DS will be online (wireless online) out of the box then can Revolution almost be guaranteed to launch with free wireless online out of the box also?


WordofGod said:
If this is true that the DS will be online (wireless online) out of the box then can Revolution almost be guaranteed to launch with free wireless online out of the box also?

It is not wireless online out of the box, thus assuming so for Revolution is entirely premature. This is all just speculation; if you're expecting online for the DS from this, I'd prepare for disappointment.

I'm all about crushing your hopes today, man.


rollin' in the gutter
WordofGod said:
If this is true that the DS will be online (wireless online) out of the box then can Revolution almost be guaranteed to launch with free wireless online out of the box also?

It depends, we don't even have the specs for Revolution yet, so we can't jump to conclusions. If DS has wireless capabilities I can't see why Revolution wouldn't, though.


deadlifter said:
It depends, we don't even have the specs for Revolution yet, so we can't jump to conclusions. If DS has wireless capabilities I can't see why Revolution wouldn't, though.

Didn't Iwatasan say that the DS would be a small example of what Revolution would be like?


rollin' in the gutter
Another good question and an answer on the warp pipe boards.

Chad said:
one question for chad (if you would answer)- Do you think this "announcement" will end up being bigger the Xbox Live; in both how popular it is, and what it will do to gaming in general?

It will certainly be much more accessible. Whether it will have a broader appeal is strictly based on limitations you impose on yourself.

If you had the chance to demand convince give your humanity back, would you?
Okay, so it's going to be announced between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Let's shut up about it until then. This baiting is bad enough, but what makes it worse is that all these intelligent GAFers are falling for it. The announcement will happen at the appointed time whether you obsess about it or not, and the chances of you actually figuring out what it is before then are very small...remember, he doesn't want you to figure it out before then, and he's holding all the information.

Kon Tiki

Jonnyboy117 said:
Okay, so it's going to be announced between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Let's shut up about it until then. This baiting is bad enough, but what makes it worse is that all these intelligent GAFers are falling for it. The announcement will happen at the appointed time whether you obsess about it or not, and the chances of you actually figuring out what it is before then are very small...remember, he doesn't want you to figure it out before then, and he's holding all the information.
No anywhere from Oct 31st 2004 to Oct 12th 2005?

Long way to wait. :(


Jonnyboy117 said:
Okay, so it's going to be announced between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Let's shut up about it until then. This baiting is bad enough, but what makes it worse is that all these intelligent GAFers are falling for it. The announcement will happen at the appointed time whether you obsess about it or not, and the chances of you actually figuring out what it is before then are very small...remember, he doesn't want you to figure it out before then, and he's holding all the information.

IAWTP (my 1st time saying this)

Society said:
No anywhere from Oct 31st 2004 to Oct 12th 2005?

Long way to wait. :(

Their thanksgiving is different from ours. Ours is in 2 weeks. :D


rollin' in the gutter
Jonnyboy117 said:
Okay, so it's going to be announced between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Let's shut up about it until then. This baiting is bad enough, but what makes it worse is that all these intelligent GAFers are falling for it. The announcement will happen at the appointed time whether you obsess about it or not, and the chances of you actually figuring out what it is before then are very small...remember, he doesn't want you to figure it out before then, and he's holding all the information.

Not necessarily. People are taking the "after you demask" to mean halloween, but it's already been stated that the story will break between mid-late october. I really don't see what we're falling for, since all of the clues pretty much sum up what this is going to be.


Yeah I thought that too, but he's been in America for quite a while, even attended university for a while.

I don't know which one he's referring to, why don't you ask him? :lol

Kon Tiki

neptunes said:
Yeah I thought that too, but he's been in America for quite a while, even attended university for a while.

I don't know which one he's referring to, why don't you ask him? :lol
Canadian Thanksgiving makes a lot more sense.

The time from being unmaked Oct 8/9 (Nintendo DS convention) to Thanksgiving oct 12th? (Nintendo Conference).

Kon Tiki

LinesInTheSand said:
He obviously means the America thanksgiving or he would have said in between thanksgiving and halloween and not the other way around. Duh.
It has nothing to do with halloween. Plus by the time American Thanksgiving comes DS would of launched.

It all happens before the end of Oct.


Gold Member
All the most recent clues point towards standard, already known DS features. Wireless play for free against people you can see as they have to be close range.

The question is then what is Warp Pipe involvement in it - did they do the multiplayer middleware for developers, perhaps?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
All this talk of humanity etc, seems to me to mean something about getting people to meet each other face to face.

This will work great.

For kiddie fiddlers.


Gold Member
catfish said:
All this talk of humanity etc, seems to me to mean something about getting people to meet each other face to face.

yep, sounds a lot like the DS close range wireless play - it's within 10 m so you definately can see the opponent usually. Close range multiplayer is to Nintendo DS what four controller ports was for N64. Nintendo likes simple things like the four controller ports. Not complex things like access points and such.




Has problems recognising girls

There's a little theory over at N-Sider forums that the ghost was wanting help in the first pic, then in the 2nd pic has seen someone, hence dropping his sign a little.. now with this he's found somewhere to stick his sign.. or something.

Chad still thinks that the ghost will move later tonight.


rollin' in the gutter
Chittagong said:
yep, sounds a lot like the DS close range wireless play - it's within 10 m so you definately can see the opponent usually. Close range multiplayer is to Nintendo DS what four controller ports was for N64. Nintendo likes simple things like the four controller ports. Not complex things like access points and such.

Jump to conclusions much? Why don't you wait till the warp pipe secret is revealed, then you can bash the hell out of it.
Chittagong said:
yep, sounds a lot like the DS close range wireless play - it's within 10 m so you definately can see the opponent usually. Close range multiplayer is to Nintendo DS what four controller ports was for N64. Nintendo likes simple things like the four controller ports. Not complex things like access points and such.

4 controller ports was brilliant!!!!!!
Transmission 3:

".swonk ydoboN ?tahw tub ,gnihtemos tnaw htob yehT .desoppo yllacirtemaid ,sedis owT "



I believe the music is from "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" by The Postal Service. (manipulated)

I had it playing an hour ago co-incidentally.

How about synchronicity....


Anybody know where that last pic was taken? First thing that jumped out at me was the two antenna on the tall building in the middle...


If someone had the address, maybe they could determine the name of the building across the street (the one with the antenna) and then maybe find out what said antenna are used for. Maybe there is a hint in that.


Gold Member
deadlifter said:
Jump to conclusions much? Why don't you wait till the warp pipe secret is revealed, then you can bash the hell out of it.
Huh? The fact that my expecatation is more down-to-earth than that of the average fanboy hardly counts as bashing. Being a middleware vendor for Nintendo's close range gameplay wouldn't be a bad merit for Warp Pipe, either.
So I had my field trip to the location the last HELP ME photo was taken...

No ,never got inside but I was there...no doubt.

Here's my pic of the view from down below where the pic was snapped:


And here's the two locations that I narrowed down as the locs the pic was snapped. As they are residential/commercial condos, I was thwarted my some silly receptionist that was channeling David Spade (And you aaaaare?) but then I got to talk to their Commmercial Leasing head and he was a bit more helpful, but still zero zip nada.



So I'm out the morning, and parking but it was worth it as I got the local clerk at one of the many bookstores VERY into it.....in fact after I asked about stackten in relation to Printer's Row, etc she came out onto the street later on and suggested that I go to the Sears Tower observatory and look back this way. =)

Nice but i didn't take her up on it.

I did scan all the windows for any signs of the HELP ME sign but no luck. Not sure what I could've done if I would have seen it. LOL

So that's my big contribution to this. I'm going to take a break and see how things pan out I think. All signs were leading to Help being needed at WPT offices, and I even asked for confirmation before the trek but hit a wall. =(

Good luck all!


Gold Member
Okay, here is my official prediction of October 4th:

Many clues seem to point towards the ability of DS to be in sleep mode and then wake up when another DS is in the proximity. This has been discussed by Nintendo before, as far as I know. How does it fit some of the clues?

No Eyes - you don't need to see the opponent, your DS beeps for you
Eye on the DS - it keeps on "watching" for you
Find(s)Me - the other DS finds your device
Help Me - helps you by letting your presence be known by the other DSs near by
Isolation - the opposite of being together with other people, close by
Demasked - you can't hide behind a virtual identity since you are in close proximity

Obviously you can twist the clues to fit multiple thories. But if my theory turns out to be the thing they are hyping, I demand to know the name of the viral marketing agency behind this. This is actually brilliant.

Like I said in my earlier post, simplicity is everything for Nintendo. Easy, intuitive, user friendly.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Chittagong said:
Okay, here is my official prediction of October 4th:

Many clues seem to point towards the ability of DS to be in sleep mode and then wake up when another DS is in the proximity. This has been discussed by Nintendo before, as far as I know. How does it fit some of the clues?

No Eyes - you don't need to see the opponent, your DS beeps for you
Eye on the DS - it keeps on "watching" for you
Find(s)Me - the other DS finds your device
Help Me - helps you by letting your presence be known by the other DSs near by
Isolation - the opposite of being together with other people, close by
Demasked - you can't hide behind a virtual identity since you are in close proximity

Obviously you can twist the clues to fit multiple thories. But if my theory turns out to be the thing they are hyping, I demand to know the name of the viral marketing agency behind this. This is actually brilliant.

Like I said in my earlier post, simplicity is everything for Nintendo. Easy, intuitive, user friendly.
Well that feature is already built into the DS, so a seperate product is not needed (which is what this is all about).


Gold Member
Justin Bailey said:
Well that feature is already built into the DS, so a seperate product is not needed (which is what this is all about).

Well, somebody still has to do the firmware and middleware for it. I tried to track down the comments of a specific product, but the ones I managed to find could be understood so that DS is the product you need to buy and that will launch.

I realize that many people would be disappointed after the wild speculation, but that's always the case in such. "No news can compete with imagination", like IGN tried to save their ass in the Psychonauts case.

Still, even if not awfully practical in real world, it does not reduce the fact that it changes the dynamic of multiplayer gaming, especially as it's included in every device.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Chittagong said:
Well, somebody still has to do the firmware and middleware for it. I tried to track down the comments of a specific product, but the ones I managed to find could be understood so that DS is the product you need to buy and that will launch.

I realize that many people would be disappointed after the wild speculation, but that's always the case in such. "No news can compete with imagination", like IGN tried to save their ass in the Psychonauts case.

Still, even if not awfully practical in real world, it does not reduce the fact that it changes the dynamic of multiplayer gaming, especially as it's included in every device.
Well it would seem strange for Nintendo to subcontract that one feature of the DS out to a small company in the US. I'm sure Nintendo's own internal hardware team is capable of writing that software themselves, making it cheaper for them to do it that way.


Justin Bailey said:
Well that feature is already built into the DS, so a seperate product is not needed (which is what this is all about).

Are you sure it's about a separate/third-party product? Chad/Dean have stated repeatedly that you'll only need $149.99 to use this new Warp Pipe thingy. So I'd assume that means you DON'T have to purchase any other hardware...

Justin Bailey

------ ------
New product doesn't mean hardware neccesarily.

PGC: Can you comment on the rumors revolving around Warp Pipe right now?
Paulson: I can confirm to you that Warp Pipe Technologies is working on a service that will launch globally. North America and Japan Q4 of 2004. And the rest of the world Q1 - Q2 of 2005.


Zilch said:
Are you sure it's about a separate/third-party product? Chad/Dean have stated repeatedly that you'll only need $149.99 to use this new Warp Pipe thingy. So I'd assume that means you DON'T have to purchase any other hardware...

PGC: Can you comment on the rumors revolving around Warp Pipe right now?
Paulson: I can confirm to you that Warp Pipe Technologies is working on a service that will launch globally. North America and Japan Q4 of 2004. And the rest of the world Q1 - Q2 of 2005.

Whatever's being done, it'll be in the DS from the start.

At this point, I think it really just is the DS.
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