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Ok, so Nintendo might actually be going online finally. . .

deadlifter said:
I can't make anything out in that pic, but here are three distinct icons in the bottom right hand corner.


One is a headset and i'm not sure about the other two.

NDS TO HAVE SEMEN DETECTION! YES YES! Portable paternity tests? Maybe!
Newest oddness from MrHeartRobot on the N-Sider forums:

"Okay, I looked at the picture upside down to and got the letters hfrb on the top row. A quick google search brought me to this page http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/do...ym/h/02113.html
which says..
high frequency regional broadcast
JP 1-02

and that's it. I don't really know what I means if anything.... But it was the first page google brought up. Strange for such a blank page."

Add that to this:

"[0128] Pager compatible games played with pager-equipped portable game machines may be configured to automatically capture a player's address and persona information. The ability to capture and transmit a player's address and persona information can enable communications (e.g., to and from other players, to and from a game content provider, etc.) that are (or appear to be) on an individual basis.""

Tushar likes it Shaken not stirred?




just so you know, he's talking about the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlolinian conditioning. look it up yourselves, i already got done explaining it at ign.
Copied over my N-sider posts:

Pavlovian conditioning is the process whereby an organism learns the associations between stimuli.


Some sort of reference to causation?

"The Rescorla Wagner Model of Pavlovian conditioning

The theory is summarised in a single equation and this allows one to model Pavlovian conditioning.

It explains conditioning itself, extinction, blocking, the effects of contingency and other effects.

Because the model is summarised into one equation, you need to master what the symbols of the equation mean and the concepts that bring them together."

Once we realize what symbols we've been given we just need to bring them together. That's in a way what we've been attempting thusfar


unconditioned stimulus (US) > unconditioned response (UR)

conditioned stimulus (CS) > conditioned response (CR)

What what what? =)

Now...how will this apply? Thinking...



MattCoz said:


just so you know, he's talking about the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlolinian conditioning. look it up yourselves, i already got done explaining it at ign.

Apt, considering IGN often plays the roll of the bell. ;)
Chad posted:

",enorht ruoy ton si hcuoc ruoy
senoj nosaj dna 'setag eht ssap

tis ro dnats uoy lliw?

evitpeced erom s'ti ylno ,noitalosi ekil tol a si noitalosi



isolation is a lot like isolation, only it's more deceptive

will you stand or sit?

pass the gates' and jason jones
your couch is not your throne


Jason Jones = Halo's project lead and Bungie co-founder Jason Jones is a legendary recluse. He works long hours in his shadowy lab, emerging only under cover of darkness to perform unholy sacrifices to the eldritch gods of coding. Usually these sacrifices involve an unlucky journalist who pressed too hard for an interview.

gates = billy bob

And more love for gaming outside!
Magellan Bot 2.0 sends his love -

"isolation is a lot like isolation, only it's more deceptive"

"Halo 2 is a lot like Halo 1, only it's Halo 1 on fire, going 130 miles per hour through a hospital zone, being chased by helicopters and ninjas ... And, the ninjas are all on fire, too." —Jason Jones, Bungie Studios
New clue at the rss feed at demasked.com:

RSS transmission 2 -

yats ti ekam nac uoY .thgirlA .nus nellaf eht nI .snoisneherppa fo srorrim era sevlesmeht ohW .sworc fo hceeps eht dna syad gnirps gnol fO .yranoitcid a s'niarb ym esuaC .yrassecen s'noitavrats erehw ecnanetsus sdneL .ssenyadyreve ym ni seloh eht hguorhT .tsurt otni mrof nam eht gnirb nac uoY .nedrag deteiuq eht dnoyeb tuO .ot smrofnoc ydob ruoy sriahC nekorB

Broken Chairs your body conforms to. Out beyond the quieted garden. You can bring the man form into trust. Through the holes in my everydayness. Lends sustenance where starvation's necessary. Cause my brain's a dictionary. Of long spring days and the speech of crows. Who themselves are mirrors of apprehensions. In the fallen sun. Alright. You can make it stay

Built To Spill
Keep It Like A Secret

Lyrics here


You know, these last clues just make it sound like it isn't really that major a device. If it's built in or whatever, I think everything so far has been hyping up the wireless capabilities of the DS. The whole thing of not sitting down and people going outside makes it sound less and less like a huge wireless online network.
Yup Anihawk...under the same impression...and its not out of line with what Iwata said in the past. (quote included)

'I don't think the current online games have adopted the right business model, and people will not pay money for them,' he said, before explaining how Nintendo would prefer to use new technology. 'We may think about using the wireless communications to enhance the enjoyment of a videogame.'


"Halo 2 is a lot like Halo 1, only it's Halo 1 on fire, going 130 miles per hour through a hospital zone, being chased by helicopters and ninjas ... And, the ninjas are all on fire, too." —Jason Jones, Bungie Studios

love that quote. though, if halo 2 doesn't offer flaming ninjas, then 8/10.


rollin' in the gutter
Chad said:
This has nothing to do with GPS for launch. Although I cannot make that promise for phase II. This is a multi-layered offering with a plethora of possibilities. A canvas to be marked by both by gamers and game makers.

Either way, all the current GPS hints and suggestions are completely irrelevant; even for future phases of this offering.

Chad said:
Did you ever expect this to spread so heavily, Chad? When you started this whole puzzle thing, did you know people would go so incredibly off the deep end and take this as far as they have? Become so heavily obsessed?

lla ta detubirtsid ylediw ti llac t'ndluow I

I just want to know if the DS is going online or not

No-Line my friend, No-Line indeed.

I just wanna know when the offical annoucment is so I have a date to look foward to

After you've been demasked and before you carve your turkey.

Chad, since you are working on the DS, Nintendo has to be involved with you, and you have been working for this over a year, how deep are you with Nintendo?

Why didn't anyone tell me this? I need to call HR. I'm certainly not getting my paychecks.

Chad said:
Chad, if you're still here I'd just like to know when you say the "ghost" will move on Sunday, does that mean we'll see another still or this time will it be a video? And what's with them being so freaky!? One guy on this board was scared to guess of your de-masked mascot man!

The "ghost" will move on Sunday. I'd rather just say that and let your imagination run wild until then. Don't be afraid, there is a happy ending eventually. It is "scary" for a reason.

Fair enough, is the big "picture" that has been rumored to come this weekend, still coming?

I'm not quite sure what you are talking about. Try to elaborate if you can.

Alright, I got a question if you're still here. Are we overanalyzing "HELP ME!"? Is there more to it other than the general idea of a masked man with shades and the sign?

There is surely more to it. You'll be seeing more of the "ghost' as time goes by. He has a friend on "the other side" who will make his debut on Sunday.

Chad said:
Chat a quick question, have you seen the back of the DS? it has never been shown. Anything maybe worthy of mentioning?

I'll just cut to the chase. Allow the camera rumors to pass away.

Chad said:
Chad, since the DS can run GBA games, any chance some of the GBA games might include online?

I'm not sure what this online talk is all about. Anyway, we have sketched in plans to support the GBA depending on initial user behavior and feedback.

Chad said:
I'd just like to thank you, Chad. happy This has been fun. Thanks for not forgetting us IGN goonies, we're just as interested as the users on your forum and N-Sider's forum.

No need to thank me. I'm just a gamer like everyone else. IGN (GCNGB) just happens to be the first place I announced Warp Pipe. It is only fitting I come back and do what I can to the community that started it all.

Community is important, remember that.

Chad said:
I wonder if this will alllow for you to register a user name and no one else can have your name or if it will varry from game to game or serve rif it is an online/noline tech.(ala Xboxlive)

Hurry up and reserve your name.

Will there be an "announcement" in relation to the DS in mid october, official or otherwise, or is that just when N-sider will publish their exclusive?

After you are demasked and before you carve your turkey.

A lot of people are making a fuss about "canes" in your pictures, or "J"s, is that intentional or isn't it?

Over analyzing.

And finally, you can "unmask" with just a DS, right?

149.99 USD (Canadian/ JPN equiv) is all you need.

Chad said:
How many people know about your secret?

A handful of game developers outside of WPT. The entire WPT staff (of course) and Dean who just signed an NDA last week and is working on the story for ds.ign / n-sider.

Chad, why do you believe playing "no-line" outdoors (as hinted) will revolutionize multiplay? Could this backfire if people refuse to spend long periods of time just to play "no-line" with others? Basically, what makes you so confident this will be a revolution?

noline will revolutionize multiplay. So many possibilities for gamers and game developers. noline is multifacited.

I will not be in Japan in Oct / Nov. I will be working in our Chicago office. Who else can help the "ghost"?

Chad said:
Was the "Help me" picture taken in your Chicago Office?

.sey .etad retal a ta dlot eb lliw taht tuoba yrots ynnuf a

Chad, Is this whole thing one big project, or many projects by many people/companies?



rollin' in the gutter
The current thinking around the backwards type is that it's more important than regular type. Kind of like bolding or italics but not as obvious.


Chad, since the DS can run GBA games, any chance some of the GBA games might include online?

I'm not sure what this online talk is all about. Anyway, we have sketched in plans to support the GBA depending on initial user behavior and feedback.

What do you mean what's this "Online Talk is about"

I have a fealing that it wont be online at all!


A huge wireless network using "signal repeating" or whatever the hell is being speculated, has nothing to do with being online.

aoi tsuki

i'm actually more excited about the idea of creating a wireless mesh network (which is what noline sounds like) than creating an DS verison of Warp Pipe. The main disadvantage is the number of DSs needed to make it work. An interesting side effect of it would be that you'd need to be outside to get better range, which means more people playing DSs in public view, making the DS more visible to casuals. It's like free marketing for Nintendo.


aoi tsuki said:
An interesting side effect of it would be that you'd need to be outside to get better range, which means more people playing DSs in public view, making the DS more visible to casuals. It's like free marketing for Nintendo.

That would suck! :(
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