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Ok, so Nintendo might actually be going online finally. . .

Bluemercury said:
where did he said that?its not on the nintendojo website....

Doesn't matter now...Dean from N-sider PIZZOWNED him:

"NINTENDOJO DOES NOT KNOW. They are riding the coattails of this phenomenon - I'll say it agian, THEY DO NOT KNOW."


Queen of Denmark
krypt0nian said:
Doesn't matter now...Dean from N-sider PIZZOWNED him:

"NINTENDOJO DOES NOT KNOW. They are riding the coattails of this phenomenon - I'll say it agian, THEY DO NOT KNOW."
Hahah, that's hilarious.

I would say -1 Nintendojo, but I don't think you can take any more away from them.

Kon Tiki

I do not see anyone from Nintendojo saying such things. Only krypt0nian saying such. I know some dojo staff, they said that quote is bs.
neptunes said:

It's odd, after thoroughly reading the patent, it seems as if this was for the Gameboy Color but then it says it was filed March 24th 2004 and renewed(?) on september the 9th of 2004.

Original provisional filing was 1999. It's old and referring to the IR port on the GBC.


Dragona Akehi said:
Original provisional filing was 1999. It's old and referring to the IR port on the GBC.

interesting nonetheless.

They had the idea of gps and online before the GBA was released.

Kon Tiki

WiMax is referred to as "WiFi on steroids". It has the potential to enable even more millions to access the internet wirelessly, cheaply and easily. The WiMax wireless coverage is in square km (miles) while that of WiFi is in the medium range. A WiMax base station would beam high-speed Internet connections to homes and businesses in a radius of up 50 km (30 miles); these base stations will eventually beam to an entire metropolitan area, making that area into a WMAN and allowing true wireless mobility within it, as opposed to hot-spot hopping required by WiFi. The proponents are hoping that the technology will eventually be used in notebook computers and PDAs. Although true roaming cell-like wireless broadband is IEEE standard 802.20, which is compatible with WiMax.

Could it be Wimax?


rollin' in the gutter
I know, i'm just saying that they've emphasized groups. I'm sure there are going to be things revealed that they haven't hinted at and we are going to be way off on some of the speculation. I'm just trying to use the info they've given us.
deadlifter said:
I know, i'm just saying that they've emphasized groups. I'm sure there are going to be things revealed that they haven't hinted at and we are going to be way off on some of the speculation. I'm just trying to use the info they've given us.

No no, you're right. They've been hinting at groups. That's for sure! I was just keeping hotspots in the game until they've been ruled out. =)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
When the fansites start bickering that's when it's time to get the fuck out. Fansites are generally pretty respectable these days, but occasionally something comes along that causes their true nature as a group of fanboys to show through.
From Nintendojo's William Jaques on the n-sider thread:

I hate to break it to you Dean, but being granted an exclusive doesn't ensure you're the only one who knows what the content of the exclusive is. Nintendojo has been around for eight years, and it isn't going anywhere.

While we won't be breaking the story any time soon -- that'll be your job -- we will add to the hype tomorrow. I'm surprised the hype is as great as it is already.


I rather have an online nintendo console, not portable... eh. Only if pigs flew, oh and I don't mean having one fucking third party online game.


rollin' in the gutter
Posting like an
Uninformed Retard

I love GAF

Society said:
WiMax does not use a hotspot. Read the description.

What i'm getting from it is that a large area would be WiFi compatible, whereas the hints are pointing to DS's connecting to one another. Although something like this cannot be ruled out yet.


Gold Member
Alright, one down (IGNton), one to go.

I have a feeling this one will end up in a major disappointment, as all Nintendo speculation:

1 - The technology for a practical, usable huge ass adhoc network utilizing portable devices just isn't there. If it was, we would have seen mass market test applications prior to NDS.

2 - If there would be an exclusive with any real significance to the consumer, it would be given to Wall Street Journal, USA Today Wired or EDGE, instead of fansites called "N-Sider" or "Nintendojo".

3 - If Nintendo had accomplished anything significant in the online gaming side, they would have bragged the hell out of it all the way. All they have for the time being is local wireless play, which isn't even halfway of the global GPRS wireless gaming with voIP devices like Ngage can do.

4. - If they had some stunning software in their sleeves, word would have slipped out somewhere. They must have already got it agerated at several bodies, worked on manuals and packaging, talked with retailers.

I stick with my original predicition:

- On 7.10. Nintendo will announce 3-4 first-party games for launch, rest for next year and beyond
- Most likely games for launch are Super Mario 64x4, Wario Ware DS and Animal Crossing DS
- The innovative features Nintendo will hype are touch screen, second screen usage and wireless local multiplayer, not wifi.
- Games announced for next year and beyond are Metroid Prime: Hunters, Mario Kart DS, Nintendogs, New Super Mario Bros.
- Whatever Warppipe is doing, if anything, relates to a way of connecting through a cable or ADSL connection, and is not associated with Nintendo themself.

Daydreams are lovely, especially for a Nintendo fan who in reality is only treated with GC-GBA connectivity in reality. There is a time to snap out of it, however. There is no trump card Nintendo is still hiding. Stop kidding yourself.

And yes, I have my Nintendo DS preordered from play-asia and look really forward playing the above mentioned games, as well as the Sega love game and the surgical game.
Planetgamecube with the Warp pipe interview:


We spoke with Paulson to obtain some kind of clarity on what is going on with his company and with all the crazy rumors. He refused to go into details about specifics of his project, but he did have the following to say:

PGC: Can you comment on the rumors revolving around Warp Pipe right now?
Paulson: I can confirm to you that Warp Pipe Technologies is working on a service that will launch globally. North America and Japan Q4 of 2004. And the rest of the world Q1 - Q2 of 2005.

PGC: Is your involvement in the current swirl of DS rumors related to your project?
Paulson: The DS rumors... There are so many. The majority of which are simply ridiculous, but I guess that's what you get with the Internet.

PGC: Let me be more specific. Did you create the picture of the guy with no eyes holding a DS?
Paulson: Yes. The child in the woods, the "findsme", and the "no eyes" are all clues from us.

PGC: Is this a project Warp Pipe is releasing independently?
Paulson: I can’t comment on that. I can confirm that there are a handful of publishers / developers are in the loop and their involvement will prove beneficial to both parties. …I can confirm what this isn't. It is not tunneling.

PGC: Is Warp Pipe a licensed Nintendo DS developer?
Paulson: I cannot comment on that.

PGC: Is this project primarily or wholly intended for Nintendo platforms?
Paulson: I cannot comment on that.

PGC: Is there anything else you can say about the project at this time?
Paulson: Although this service will greatly surprise gamers, it is not what they would traditionally expect. We (Warp Pipe Technologies) feel that online communities have been commoditized, with publishers and developers focusing on the technology instead of the social and personal aspects that truly make a multiplayer experience unique. In launching this service, we will be addressing these issues.

Planet GameCube is following this story closely, though hard facts are unlikely to surface before Nintendo lifts the rest of its DS information embargo in October. Around that time, Warp Pipe will be fully announcing their new project, and we’ll be sure to catch up with them for a detailed follow-up.

Michael Cole contributed to this story.

Reported by: Jonathan Metts

Far more official sounding than before.


Can anyone post a list of games that are currently/will be compatible with Warp Pipe. The only game I use XBC for is Halo, and was wondering if there's a reason to use download warp pipe for myself.


Still Tagged Accordingly
If he couldn't make comment on so many things I wish he'd just kept his mouth shut till he could talk about it. ah well, guess we'll just have to sit back and watch megaton #2 go off in front of us.
Scrow said:
If he couldn't make comment on so many things I wish he'd just kept his mouth shut till he could talk about it. ah well, guess we'll just have to sit back and watch megaton #2 go off in front of us.

Hell no, I've loved every min of this. And he was asked direct questions, its not like he posted "no comment" on his own website. Sometimes that's all you can say to a direct question. Its common practice when cornered.


Still Tagged Accordingly
krypt0nian said:
And he was asked direct questions, its not like he posted "no comment" on his own website. Sometimes that's all you can say to a direct question. Its common practice when cornered.
I meant "keeping his mouth shut" in terms of not making those posts on the WP forums or showing those pictures in the first place.

Kon Tiki

Justin Bailey said:
That doesn't sound good, as pretty much everyone expects online gaming.

Well not really. We know what it will be sold separately ... so maybe GBA cart? That is not traditional. :p
Justin Bailey said:
That doesn't sound good, as pretty much everyone expects online gaming.

I think its just a reference to "thinking outside of the box" After all, Seaman, Made in Wario and EyeToy weren't what everyone expected either.

Society said:
Well not really. We know what it will be sold separately ... so maybe GBA cart? That is not traditional. :p

They've stated its a "service" I haven't seen mention of an add on at all. But who knows?

Kon Tiki

krypt0nian said:
I think its just a reference to "thinking outside of the box" After all, Seaman, Made in Wario and EyeToy weren't what everyone expected either.

They've stated its a "service" I haven't seen mention of an add on at all. But who knows?

Somone in that thread it was mentioned it would be seperate. I will search for it.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Ok well I'll just assume for a second that it's not online gaming (which I'm beginning to think is the case). So what is it? Here's an idea:

There's still an unused port on the DS that could possibly be used for a camera. Warp Pipe Technologies is developing software that utilizes the camera and microphone for voice and video chat to be used in games. They will license this out to devs to use as they please. The bottom screen could be used for the game and the top for video chat. It would still be up to the devs to incorporate online play into their own games, but all communication could be handled by the Warp Pipe software.

This idea fits the "no money from end consumer," "unmask yourself!", "social and personal aspects," and "it's not tunneling" things we've heard straight from Chad himself. It also fits well with the picture hints (you can find people with voice and video chat, the man with no eyes is given the ability to see with the DS, you are no longer isolated, etc). While this would be cool, I'd be a bit disappointed since I'm not sure how many devs want to go the online route without support from Nintendo themselves.

Also I wanna play Animal Crossing online, damnit!


If it's about online community then perhaps it is simply a finder sort of program. Connect to the net, find your friends to play with.
Oh my, this even made it Slashdot under completely incorrect terms: http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/28/2012202&tid=207&tid=193

Seriously though, I probably would have more of a genuine hype for this news had it just been mentioned straight out, and none of this silly cat and mouse crap was done. Heh, but it's always going to happen, this is not just an IGN thing, your local news and even national news do this too, with minor boring news The nice thing is they don't try to drop hints and clues, they just leave out enough information to keep you listening.

Anyways, this is nothing major. I would expect another tunneling device, or perhaps a physical device that let's you connect through hotspots and whatnot without your computer, which many others in this thread had already mentioned numerous times. I wish people would stop mentioning "Nintendo" and leave it at "Warp Pipe". Not exactly you guys here, but people outside of here that buy into the hype.


Found this.....

Yesterday, GamersMark received word of Warp Pipe Industries becoming a legit company and addressed a possible conspiracy concerning the company and Nintendo itself. Well, today we can exclusively confirm what seems to be explosive news. Apparently, Nintendo, Warp Pipe Industries, and Panasonic are working currently working on an Online gaming service for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo’s next home platform, codenamed “Revolution”

Our information comes from contacts close to Nintendo, the closest they can be and what we can reveal is that Nintendo’s collaboration with Warp Pipe and Panasonic’s Online Center, Purog, plans to deliver a free online gaming service for both of Nintendo’s future platforms.

In addition to this, on October 7th Square-Enix will be making some interesting announcements, one of which concerns an MMORPG developed by Nintendo second party and developers of Sword of Mana Brownie Brown.

You heard it here first.

Hard to believe, we'll see.


Queen of Denmark
It would make sense that it was for the Revolution as well, considering that the word "revolution" has been a big part of this hint campaign.
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