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Okamiden |OT| The SQUEE-quel! Put down your Pokeymans!

I just finished Okamiden this weekend. Overall it was kind of disappointing. The combat is pretty bad, and the puzzles are as simplistic as they were in the first Okami. The sidequests were also extremely simple; most simply boiled down to finding some dumb item for an NPC. Only the village populating quest was interesting, but having to return there to upgrade weapons over and over again was obnoxious as was the upgrade system itself. I really would have preferred the gold dust system from Okami. I did like the bosses, but I always ran out of ink during the fights, which was just annoying. I shudder to think at how long those fights would have taken if I hadn't stocked up on tons of items. When you do actually have ink, the brush works fantastically on the touchscreen, but it's become pretty clear, through Okami PS2, Wii, and Okamiden, that Capcom and I have a different idea of what a circle is. Also, way too many cutscenes, and most of them are just characters talking, which is annoying because you can't speed up the dialogue during cutscenes. The story progression is very stop-start-stop in that regard. That said, it's still better than Phantom Hourglass, which is the nadir of this genre. Despite the apparent dislike for it among a number of GAF members, I would probably recommend Spirit Tracks over Okamiden to someone who wanted a DS Zelda experience.
Just how long is this game? I just got to the underwater place.
9 months ago.
I feel like they game should have ended after the King Fury fight. Deja vu. I felt like the first Okami should have been over after killing Orochi.
Oni Link 666 said:
Just how long is this game? I just got to the underwater place.
9 months ago.
I feel like they game should have ended after the King Fury fight. Deja vu. I felt like the first Okami should have been over after killing Orochi.

It took me about 25 hours, but I did everything. You're a few hours from the end.

Regarding your second comment:
I agree if you're talking about the second fight.


Futureman said:
Did some of the key members from the Okami team go to other studios instead of Platinum?

Late reply, but:

Not all Clover staffers went on to Platinum, although most of the leads and directors did. Possibly relevant to your interests is that one of Okami's character artists is heading up El Shaddai - it's an action game, but like Okami it's a spectacularly beautiful and idiosyncratic one.

Is this one of the reasons so many on here express dislike for that one Capcom dude? Was he responsible for shutting down Clover? How do you shut down a studio that produced a game like Okami?!

Clover was formed while Capcom was undergoing financial troubles and looking to offset development risk - it was an independent, but fully-owned, 'boutique' studio whose titles could tank without directly hurting Capcom's bottom line. Obviously there was only so much money that Clover could afford to lose, though, and so ultimately they were dissolved.

Okami in particular took years to develop and went hugely over budget. But god, it was worth it.


nckillthegrimace said:
It took me about 25 hours, but I did everything. You're a few hours from the end.

Regarding your second comment:
I agree if you're talking about the second fight.

Okami spoilers:
When I killed Orochi, and the game wasn't over that shit blew my mind. However, if Okami had ended there, you'd have missed the entire Ryoshima Arc - which was probably my favorite of the whole game! Culminating with the epic battle against the Nine-tailed Fox, I expected it to end there, and found the Kamui Arc to be somewhat anticlimactic and a bit of a drag.
Getting impatient that my copy hasn't arrived. Really looking forward to playing this.
Giolon said:
Okami spoilers:
When I killed Orochi, and the game wasn't over that shit blew my mind. However, if Okami had ended there, you'd have missed the entire Ryoshima Arc - which was probably my favorite of the whole game! Culminating with the epic battle against the Nine-tailed Fox, I expected it to end there, and found the Kamui Arc to be somewhat anticlimactic and a bit of a drag.
Wow, I completely agree with this.

The Ryoshima MUSIC alone was holy shit awesome.
I just finished it with a little over 27 hours on the clock. I really enjoyed the story much more than the actual game. If there is one thing that makes this a must play for Okami fans is the story and dialog. I think they did an awesome job with all of the partners and Chibi's expressions. I especially enjoyed the last few hours of the story and how they brought
into it and also how well they set up a sequel.

The music is really good but, I think most of it is from Okami anyway.

The graphics are pretty cool if you can appreciate the low poly style. I think they were trying to do a little too much for the DS though. The framerate can get pretty bad and separating open areas with portals is weird. How would it look if Nintendo separated a 3D Hyrule field with portals?

The combat, puzzles, and exploration are not anything special but, I guess I can let them slide. They get the job done but, don't even come close to anything in a Zelda game.

What really gets to me is stuff like the extremely far away camera angles and inaccurate brush. I'm already playing the game on a tiny screen and then they have to pull the camera that far back. And the brush just acts really stupid. How the hell does the brush actually work better on PS2 when you're drawing with an analog stick? I literally had to redraw moves like 5 times to get them to work sometimes.
I bought this from Amazon today. I've never played Okami (PS2 died long before its release) but I've always been intrigued by it, so I figured I'd bite while it's still available.

It's a rarity in the UK now. There are no copies in the shops in Liverpool. They were probably snapped up or they got pretty small shipments (it was probably the latter).

I'd definitely pick up a copy while you still can!
MarshMellow96 said:
I bought this from Amazon today. I've never played Okami (PS2 died long before its release) but I've always been intrigued by it, so I figured I'd bite while it's still available.

It's a rarity in the UK now. There are no copies in the shops in Liverpool. They were probably snapped up or they got pretty small shipments (it was probably the latter).

I'd definitely pick up a copy while you still can!
It was an online only release in the UK.

That said it does seem to be rare. I ordered a copy from one place and they said they ran out of stock, now I am experiencing the same thing with this new place; it's so frustrating! Maybe I should cancel that order and buy from Amazon... but Amazon is also £5 more expensive lol.
Wait, what? Online release only? How strange..

I just went for Amazon. I didn't want to wait for The Hut/Zavvi (nor do I trust them much with my orders after Castlevania:LoS). I think the best prices were My Memory (£21), that didn't have it in stock, and shopto (£23
- can I name that site?
) who had it available for 'pre order'. It's a case of simply getting a copy - if a fiver is the difference between that I'd say go with Amazon!
Yep. I think HMV was the only place you could reliably pick it up in-store. Now though, not a chance.

I am seriously considering Amazon. Especially as I placed my order on the 18th of last month :eek: Still 'awaiting stock-pick' :/


Oni Link 666 said:
I can confirm that it's total bullshit.
Really? Are you sure, because I've seen quite a few people (on other foruns) claiming it's true. But then again, some also said they didn't notice.


I'm playing on 3DS and there are definitely still noticeable framerate drops at times. It's subjective whether it looks better I guess, I think it's just blurrier.
heringer said:
Really? Are you sure, because I've seen quite a few people (on other foruns) claiming it's true. But then again, some also said they didn't notice.

I don't have 2 copies of the game to compare side by side but, I have played the game enough on both DSi and 3DS to say that the framerate is the same. The 3DS also makes DS games look a bit washed out and a little orange or yellow. The colors look a lot better on DSi.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
After spending 80+ hours on Black and White, I finally picked this up!

Last spring I played Okami (Wii Version), and it was the first game in a long while that I played so extensively...while I didn't play every sidequest, I loved to explore as opposed to rushing through the main quest like usual. So, I still have the game fresh in my mind so I enjoy all the nods to it in Okamiden.

The only problem I have so far is the dialog...well, the dialog is good, but what is with all the typos? Seriously, it seems like every scene so far has had a weird error, be it wrong-tense or having Kuni say another character's line.

And I know you switch characters, but is it like in Yoshi Islands DS where you can switch back and forth depending on the situation? Or is it linear, and once you switch you can't switch back?
Finally started playing through this for real now and I'm really enjoying it. It's like seeing an old friend again. They've managed to adapt the PS2 controls and simplify them enough for the DS. It works well. I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying the story and characters. Whoever they got doing this really loved Okami, it really does feel like a continuation.
Crewnh said:
Finally started playing through this for real now and I'm really enjoying it. It's like seeing an old friend again. They've managed to adapt the PS2 controls and simplify them enough for the DS. It works well. I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying the story and characters. Whoever they got doing this really loved Okami, it really does feel like a continuation.
About 10hrs in and I feel roughly the same. Obviously the beauty of Okami has been lost in transition and it does feel like a bite sized, miniature adventure compared to the sweeping epic of the original, but the ambition is to be admired and I find myself enjoying the brush strokes and the puzzles a little more here. The music is also great.
Anyway, I beat the game. While I liked the ending and the game overall,
it was kind of BS that you didn't find out where Kuni came from when Capcom was going to explain how Susanoo and Kushi had a son only 9 months later. I mean you get an explanation, but it's half-assed. And then they tell you "hey guys, wait for the sequel".

Also some the retcons are also pretty BS. Like Mr. Fruit being the one planting the Konohana tree when it was Camelia and Camille's ancestors that did that. Hello Capcom, do you play your own games? The whole thing with Dragon Orb quest in the first game is made pointless if Otohime could just transform like she did here. Chibi helping cutting off Orochi's heads was unnecessary, as is Akuro being the one who killed Shiranui. Also the whole Akuro story just undermines the entirety of Okami and Amaterasu's victory over Orochi and Yami. Especially with a freakin' pup beating the being stronger than both of them when Amaterasu had to struggle against both and needed help from others.

Anyway, this isn't really the sequel Okami deserved but I guess it's the one it needed.


Crewnh said:
Anyway, this isn't really the sequel Okami deserved but I guess it's the one it needed.

That pretty much sums up how I feel about it; it's one of my favorite DS games and I think at least gameplay wise it did some things better than Okami, but overall it definitely didn't quite live up to its namesake, be it from being on an underpowered system or because it was made by different people or both. I'm glad it exists though, and with the multiple different angles they left open for a potential sequel, I'm hoping we finally get our true, Celestial Realm sequel starring Ammy, be it on 3DS or (dare I dream) any of the HD consoles


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Well, I kinda puttered around this game for a past three months, but I've finally beaten it. Honestly, I kinda forced myself to beat it.

There's a lot of thing about it that make it inferior to its predecessor. The original game was a big audio/video experience and so being on the DS hurts it in that regard. Fair bit of technical issues like a choppy framerate and a fair bit of loading. About half the game is recycled assets from the first. Combat doesn't feel near as good, mostly because the animations are a bit crap. Less variety in the brush techniques, pretty much half of them or more are about drawing lines from point A to point B. Localization is sub-par, seems like the only editing they did was run the dialogue through a spell checker. There's more than a few errors like dropped, repeated, or extra words. This game is the absolute worst I've played for script errors of that kind.

Honestly, the game is in a weird spot because I think anybody that is interested in this game but hasn't played the first, should play the first. But people who do play it and don't play the first will be the ones that get the most out of it.

I have trouble blaming the creative people on the dev team for the game failing to live up to the original, though. They absolutely nailed the style of the original. It's mostly just technical stuff that brings it down. If they put out a sequel on the HD systems that's more polished and doesn't reuse assets, I will be there day one.

If there's a bright spot it all of this, it's that the game is freaking adorable. Chibiterasu is so much more well developed as a character than Amaterasu was, and the game does his personal relationships with the other members of the cast extremely well. The characterization is extremely strong here. And there's so many "AWWWWWWW" moments in the game that you can't play through it and not have your heart melt at least once. I want Chibi as my dog.


So I bought this the other day after buying my 3DS because my DSi and DS Lite both have shitty shoulder buttons. :p I'm about 10 hours in and it's pretty good. I feel like I'm constantly realizing that I can't do things I could do in the prequel, though. Double jump, pee on enemies (lulz), swim, tackle, jump off cliffs, create lily pads, wall jump, dig, the list goes on. I feel incredibly gimped.

I will say this is the best-looking 3D DS game I've played. That could partially be because of the blur on my 3DS, since it kind of looks like the paper filter from the prequel. :p


I hate how some people in this thread don't use the spoiler tags properly (and I usually don't care that much about spoilers).

I have been playing this lately... I can't believe how charming the companions are, seriously, they're great. Chibiterasu is so cute.

It feels like Okamin-lite, but I'm liking it so far (except for the not refilling ink) =]


Just finished it. Eh. I was ready for it to be over like four or five hours before it actually was, which is a little nuts because Okami went on forever but it didn't feel too long for me. The fact that Chibi can't do nearly as many things as Ammy continued to annoy me right to the end. Honestly, I was kind of glad
they skipped the snow area.

The retcons bug me a little, but I'm glad they at least stopped short of having Chibi be the one to kill Orochi. Well, mostly. :p

Ending wasn't too bad. Susano is a dick.

It was ok, I guess. Not great. Not a worthy successor to Okami. I'd probably give another sequel a try anyway, though. It's certainly not a bad game.


Playing this right now, about half-way through I think. Pretty cool, but it sticks way too close to the original. I wish they'd done something like the handheld Zeldas; that would make sense.


Melhisedek said:
Do I need to have played the first game before this one?
You probably should. It makes a lot of references to the events of the first game without really explaining them very well.


Sold out completely only four months after release? Now I remember why it's better when NoE publishes Capcom games over here...
And it's not localised? English-only? Then it at least doesn't matter if I import or if I buy it here.


Sorry for the bump, but I just bought this game in a sale on Amazon, and I need some advice. I have Ōkami for Wii, but I haven't finished it yet. I probably won't get around to finishing it anytime soon, either. Am I missing out or spoiling anything big if I play Ōkamiden first? Or should I just wait until I've beaten Ōkami to play it?


Play and beat Okami first, then play Okamiden.

Okamiden is a direct sequel, it spoils A LOT of Okami [and explains some things about it too, making a lot of references and flashbacks to the events of Okami... also, some events happen at the same time in both games].


Sagitario said:
Play and beat Okami first, then play Okamiden.

Okamiden is a direct sequel, it spoils A LOT of Okami [and explains some things about it too, making a lot of references and flashbacks to the events of Okami... also, some events happen at the same time in both games].
Ergh...damn it, I was expecting that. How long of a game is Ōkami? I've only played, like, an hour of it. Maybe I'll get it out and play some before Skyward Sword...
Tyeforce said:
Ergh...damn it, I was expecting that. How long of a game is Ōkami? I've only played, like, an hour of it. Maybe I'll get it out and play some before Skyward Sword...
Around 30 to 40 hours. The extra 10 can come from sidequests. I hit 50 since well, I just liked fucking around in the game and it's probably the only game where I don't fast travel since I love seeing Amaterasu run across the field while grass and flowers sprout behind her.


Crewnh said:
Around 30 to 40 hours. The extra 10 can come from sidequests. I hit 50 since well, I just liked fucking around in the game and it's probably the only game where I don't fast travel since I love seeing Amaterasu run across the field while grass and flowers sprout behind her.
...Fuck. I knew I should have finished it during the summer game drought! ._. Oh, well. I'll enjoy the game, I'm sure. I just hope I can find time for it among all the other games that I'm still playing or will be playing soon when they're released.

Thanks for the help!


I think I'm almost at the end of the game (
I just went to the past, I'm on the ship
). If I really am, then the game is about half as long as the original.
So far, I can say that it's a pretty good game but nowhere near as good as Okami. The slowdowns are really annoying though.
Gameplay feels like a simplified version of Okami.
The cutscenes are pretty funny.
Music is good.

But it's definitely better than Phantom Hourglass.
I pressed on and finished it today.
The last sections are terrible, everything from the Ice Cavern to the boss rush before the final boss were awful and unneccessarily drawn out and a lot of it (your final partner especially) just screamed 'filler'
I loved most of it though, great humour and probably the most impressive graphics of any DS game.
I did all the side quests though managed to miss 1 antique and 1 masterpiece piece :-( my 3DS says I played for 30:41 though the in-game clock was slightly lower.


Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
I pressed on and finished it today.
The last sections are terrible, everything from the Ice Cavern to the boss rush before the final boss were awful and unneccessarily drawn out and a lot of it (your final partner especially) just screamed 'filler'
I loved most of it though, great humour and probably the most impressive graphics of any DS game.
I did all the side quests though managed to miss 1 antique and 1 masterpiece piece :-( my 3DS says I played for 30:41 though the in-game clock was slightly lower.
Well your 3DS records would include stuff like the title screen and file select screen. :p


So I just started playing this game....

...is there NO WAY to speed up the text in this game?! The buttons do nothing.
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