In regular traffic I'd say I'm a 7/10. I'm good at handling a car, diligent in checking my mirrors and whatnot and don't take risks, but I haven't owned a car in about ten years, get absentminded easily and am not the best at reading other traffic. Having a discussion while driving isn't good for me, I'll drive past where I was supposed to turn etc. One thing I'm good at safety-wise is noticing when I'm tired or distracted, and being proactive in switching drivers or stopping for a break when necessary.
In controlling the car in difficult situations I'm 8/10. Used to poor visibility, sliding around on ice, working the clutch and handbrake when starting from a parking spot on an icy slope without stalling or tire slip. I learned to drive in icy Finnish conditions with an old RWD with no ABS, a fucked up weight distribution, easy-to-stall engine and of course manual. Every car I've ever driven after that one has felt super easy to handle.
Never had a crash despite some close calls (total brake failure going downhill, had to pass someone via the grass verge next to the road in order to not crash, etc). Also once drove 200km in Lapland during what the news retroactively called the worst snowstorm of the year, though that was with a good new car.