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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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Post them in spoilers pls

Doffy's birdcage continues to close in on the townspeople. Zoro uses observation Haki to try and figure out the trick to the birdcage. Doffy uses a technique called "Arabian Nights / 1000 Nights" to make hundreds of string clones out of the buildings...but due to the huge number of them the clones aren't as strong as usual, but still are strong enough to beat the crap out of the gladiators. Meanwhile Franky uses all of his Cola reserves at once to shoot a huge Radical Beam...but the beam is split up by the birdcage and Franky thinks it failed...but Zoro notices something when he does that and figures out the birdcage, launching a ranged attack that blows a hole in the cage (which is the "road/path of hope"). At the end of the chapter there are 2 mins left until the cage closes. No mentions of Luffy in the spoilers at all.

What do you guys think? Sound fake? Usually fake stuff is labeled as "predictions" in Japanese, but this one isn't and the poster claims that there are images....but none on the page. I think it's well-written if it's fake, but that's still pretty likely.
cliche maybe? But what exactly is cringe worthy about Law sacrificing himself for Luffy? Especially if their bond keeps growing?


whoa. WHOA.

Just saw a spoiler pic with someone from reddit attempting translation. If true, it had me like O.O

EDIT: fake translations
Luffy obtaining immortality to sidestep the consequences of the choices he's made on his climb to the top? Not a fan.

The choices he's made involve him sacrificing part of his lifespan for other, not getting an illness. It seems more based on the idea that Luffy will eventually get whatever disease killed Gol.
There is nothing out on whether there will be a chapter or not next week, where are you getting that from?
spoiler pics up on reddit/Onepiece. Doesn't spoil much IMO.

I'm sure it'll feel better when I re-read the entire arc over in a couple sittings, but this is really feeling like it's dragging now. I am happy, Luffy's 10 minutes isn't 5-6 weeks of chapters, but, I just kinda want things to get a bit serious. Doffy is seriously about to lose his country, his place in the world, not only to Law, but to this crazy new comer who he's been watching all along. It's about time he has that "serious" talk with Luffy and their ideals clash, and we get down to it.
Luffy obtaining immortality to sidestep the consequences of the choices he's made on his climb to the top? Not a fan.
Yeah, I can see your point. I wouldn't be bothered by that though, I mean, it's luffy, he's the least imposing character ever. His immorality would be nothing but becoming a wanderer.


spoiler pics up on reddit/Onepiece. Doesn't spoil much IMO.

I'm sure it'll feel better when I re-read the entire arc over in a couple sittings, but this is really feeling like it's dragging now. I am happy, Luffy's 10 minutes isn't 5-6 weeks of chapters, but, I just kinda want things to get a bit serious. Doffy is seriously about to lose his country, his place in the world, not only to Law, but to this crazy new comer who he's been watching all along. It's about time he has that "serious" talk with Luffy and their ideals clash, and we get down to it.

I was referring to his comment on how there won't be a chapter next week. The spoiler picture or translations don't say anything about that.
No break.
Full chapter spoiler below.
Whole Summary by Aohige_AP

Chapter 788 "My fight"

3 minutes left until the Birdcage reaches the center of city.
Bunch of nameless gladiators tries to stop Doflamigo, but are obliterated instantly.
Gatz runs carrying Luffy even though Lucy's recovery won't make it in time
Law uses shambles to appear in front of them, and says he'll take care of him now.

South-Eastern city of Sepio:
Barto uses his indestructible barrier in front of the birdcage, and the gladiators all push the barrier to stop the progress.
Leo is seen pushing the barrier as well, and explains to Robin what the princess is doing.

"Chiyupopo" (Healing-Sunflowers)
She can turn her tears into sunflower shape and float the air, covering the whole city.
We see a man who broke his ankle and cannot run from the birdcage instantly getting healed ad runs
But the power is not limitless... it has a big glaring problem.

The heal is temporary.

After a few minutes, the power will wear off, and the state of the person recovers back to what it was before the heal.
The gladiators are moving now due to the heal, but they will revert back to severely injured state afterwards.

Princess is on the back of Kabu, flying above the city pouring the Chiyupopo all over the city.
She says she has no power to fight bad guys, but her tears won't stop flowing. But THIS is her fight.
On the ground people are praising at the miracle, screaming god has come to this land in the time of crisis.

God Usopp yells at the citizens while being carried on the back of Hack.
He orders them to head to East and West, to help push the birdcage back.
They are at first reluctant, thinking it's no use, but he hollers at them to trust his teammates and go!

Rebecca heads to stop Doflamingo, in case the birdcage is unstoppable.
But Viola has arrived first. Viola tells Rebecca to not do anything foolish, she needs to stay alive after this.
Dofla asks Viola "Then why did you com here, Viola?" Viola takes her coat off, and faces off Doflamingo.
She means to settle the score, as the final member of Donquixote family still standing. She means to fight him to the death.

Franky and co are pushing the Factory in north east, while behind the factory Zoro and the two samurai are pushing the birdcage with their swords.
They aren't sure if it's working.
Fujitora shows up, lending himself and his sword to push back.

The marines, the citizens, all rush to each corner of the city to help Zoro, Franky, and and Gladiators push back the birdcage.
With the whole city helping out, the birdcage comes to a halt with a crashing, booming sound!

It starts moving right away again, but now they know for sure this can be stopped and slowed down.
Hope is in the air, and everyone pitches in to carry on the pushing fight.

Meanwhile, Rebecca breaks down in tears crying out Viola's name.

1 minutes left until Lucy is back up!

End of chapter


Master of the Google Search
What a terrible chapter. Like Bleach levels of bad. Everything is occurring to further the preordained plot rather than for any understandable reason.

  • Instead of focusing on Doflamingo, everyone is worrying about the birdcage. And the two who are smart enough to focus on Doflamingo are the jobber sisters of all people. Had anyone else gone, this arc would be over already.
  • Mr. My Daughter Can't Fight has managed to lose track of his daughter and allowed her to confront Doflamingo. Which makes his claims during the Diamante fight look even stupider.
  • Viola is going after Doflamingo for no reason but to complete her allusions to Robin in Alabasta. She's even trying to use a knife! Except at least Robin was smart enough to try a sneak attack rather than facing the Warlord one-on-one.
  • Manshelly's tears are avoiding Doflamingo because reasons.
  • Admiral Do-Nothing is living up to his namesake despite his reluntance to act having become unreasonable ages ago.
  • This arc's allusions to the Namek saga have reached their inevitable conclusion by having its own stupid "Namek will blow up in 5 minutes" situation. Can't wait for Toei to get their hands on this!
  • Law's stamina only exists based on the plot's convenience.
  • Couldn't people be evacuated underground or through the drawf's tunnels or hide in the factory or really anything but crowd a million people in one location?

Let's just get to the part where Law shambles Luffy and Rebecca and end this arc overdrawn arc already.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Nothing happened :|

Well... Oda demonstrated again what a beast DoFla is, seeing the chapter and realizing that the whole country right now is trying to take down one heavenly injured DoFla. Sure the arc has been going for a long ass time and it gets boring from time to time...but i love that Oda still takes his time with the details and isnt ready to move on until he perfectly set up the scenario. DoFla is a big deal, he has been hyped for years and him being defeated is mayor deal in OP. This will be the first time in this Gen that the "Rookies" Supernovas are able to take out one of the established OP Big Shots...not just anywhere but in his frigging home.
What a terrible chapter. Like Bleach levels of bad. Everything is occurring to further the preordained plot rather than for any understandable reason.

  • Instead of focusing on Doflamingo, everyone is worrying about the birdcage. And the two who are smart enough to focus on Doflamingo are the jobber sisters of all people. Had anyone else gone, this arc would be over already.
  • Mr. My Daughter Can't Fight has managed to lose track of his daughter and allowed her to confront Doflamingo. Which makes his claims during the Diamante fight look even stupider.
  • Viola is going after Doflamingo for no reason but to complete her allusions to Robin in Alabasta. She's even trying to use a knife! Except at least Robin was smart enough to try a sneak attack rather than facing the Warlord one-on-one.
  • Manshelly's tears are avoiding Doflamingo because reasons.
  • Admiral Do-Nothing is living up to his namesake despite his reluntance to act having become unreasonable ages ago.
  • This arc's allusions to the Namek saga have reached their inevitable conclusion by having its own stupid "Namek will blow up in 5 minutes" situation. Can't wait for Toei to get their hands on this!
  • Law's stamina only exists based on the plot's convenience.
  • Couldn't people be evacuated underground or through the drawf's tunnels or hide in the factory or really anything but crowd a million people in one location?

Let's just get to the part where Law shambles Luffy and Rebecca and end this arc overdrawn arc already.

Most people don't know about the underground port and the time has pass for them to use it looking at the cage .
Yes hide in the factory that was getting push down until they push it back up a short while ago.
The admiral already said why he not doing anything vs don , it not that hard to understand .
I can do others but that would make no sense.

chapter was okay .

Metal B

What a terrible chapter. Like Bleach levels of bad. Everything is occurring to further the preordained plot rather than for any understandable reason.
Do you people, who call this chapter boring, have any idea of setup, build-ups and arcs? After all the fighting, Oda slows down the action to give the reader time to breath, have characters reflect on the situation and have those 10 minute really feel like an eternity.
This is also the payoff of Doflamingo trying to spit his poison. Through the arc he tried to have people fighting each other and not working together. Finally the whole kingdom, the marines, the pirates, everybody units to stop him. His final effort to have people follow his will, didn't works in this chapter anymore. The kingdom is free of his influence.

[*]Instead of focusing on Doflamingo, everyone is worrying about the birdcage. And the two who are smart enough to focus on Doflamingo are the jobber sisters of all people. Had anyone else gone, this arc would be over already.
Most characters don't know, what actually is happening right now. Only the Gladiators are aware of the situation. Also Doflamingo was already shown to be still able to fight a bunch of people without problems. Technically it would be better for Doflamingo, if everybody would focus on him and waste there time instead of trying to successful stopping the Birdcage.

[*]Mr. My Daughter Can't Fight has managed to lose track of his daughter and allowed her to confront Doflamingo. Which makes his claims during the Diamante fight look even stupider.
Diamante was about more. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It was about a killing rage, what made her father into a murderer and criminal. Rebecca only needs to KO Doflamingo, which she is trained in.

[*]Viola is going after Doflamingo for no reason but to complete her allusions to Robin in Alabasta. She's even trying to use a knife! Except at least Robin was smart enough to try a sneak attack rather than facing the Warlord one-on-one.
First your pissed, that no one is focusing on Doflamingo and now your complaining, if somebody actually does.

[*]Manshelly's tears are avoiding Doflamingo because reasons.
Or it could be, that she has control over it. Like targeting the leg of somebody.

[*]This arc's allusions to the Namek saga have reached their inevitable conclusion by having its own stupid "Namek will blow up in 5 minutes" situation. Can't wait for Toei to get their hands on this!
Like all the events in this arc happen in a day. Time is bendable in a comic, there can be ages or just seconds between panels. Also in the Dragon Ball manga the "five minutes" didn't felt weird. That's the problem of adoption into another medium.

[*]Law's stamina only exists based on the plot's convenience.
Luffy needs ten minutes to be able to use his abilities again. Law had more time to get back some of his strength. I also don't see him doing back flips.

[*]Couldn't people be evacuated underground or through the drawf's tunnels or hide in the factory or really anything but crowd a million people in one location?
It was already shown, that you can't go under the Birdcage, the factory isn't big enough for everybody, were still in state of ultimate chaos and people believe in stopping the Birdcage.
People keep saying Laws sword is a possessed blade so I'm wondering if that will do anything. I really don't think he's gonna do that Ope technique where you give up your life to grant immortality to the other. It would be cool so Luffy will be immortal but it aint happening, kinda a boring chapter imo.

Metal B

Thinking about it, i also could see, Luffy refusing of selfish reasons. Nothing is really an adventure any more, if you're immortal.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
People keep saying Laws sword is a possessed blade so I'm wondering if that will do anything. I really don't think he's gonna do that Ope technique where you give up your life to grant immortality to the other. It would be cool so Luffy will be immortal but it aint happening, kinda a boring chapter imo.

Nothing would be cool about that...and no Law is going nowhere or sacrificing his life.

Thinking about it, i also could see, Luffy refusing of selfish reasons. Nothing is really an adventure any more, if you're immortal.

...eh well and the fact that he would sacrifice Laws life...doesnt sound like something Luffy...or any Shonen hero would do anyway.

Metal B

...eh well and the fact that he would sacrifice Laws life...doesnt sound like something Luffy...or any Shonen hero would do anyway.
I also mention this point in an older posts. But don't have real adventures anymore, would piss Luffy even more of in my opinion :p
Oda still has to show us sometimes, why Luffy is a pirate and not a common hero .


Nah, there was tons of build-up in the previous chapters, we know the story of almost everybody involved and right now the sheer crazy scale of the entire arc is biting Oda back in the ass in my opinion.

I think nobody has something against chapters with no fights or chapters that focus on preparing stuff, but this is just felt like a filler chapter working towards a huge finale and it was just not fun to read. And that Viola stuff not only felt unnecessary, but also will probably take another bunch of panels the next few weeks.

And pretty sure Mansherry can't control the flow of those healing things, lol. I just assume that they are flying above the crowd that is far away from Dofla, that is all.
Nah, there was tons of build-up in the previous chapters, we know the story of almost everybody involved and right now the sheer crazy scale of the entire arc is biting Oda back in the ass in my opinion.

I think nobody has something against chapters with no fights or chapters that focus on preparing stuff, but this is just felt like a filler chapter working towards a huge finale and it was just not fun to read. And that Viola stuff not only felt unnecessary, but also will probably take another bunch of panels the next few weeks.

And pretty sure Mansherry can't control the flow of those healing things, lol. I just assume that they are flying above the crowd that is far away from Dofla, that is all.

I think this chapter was to show the citizens fighting back .
Just a hour ago they found out the last ten years have been a lie and they have been manipulated by don.
They back on the feet trying stop what happening which much better than what normally happens.
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