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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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Cool to see Zoro giving everyone a reality check and kinda scolding Sanji in the process. He knows the heat is on and he wants the others to take it seriously. Also love that Chopper found a possible love interest on Zou.


they said the same about comic movies

just give the same amount of budget the marvel universe movies have to make a onepiece movie and you will se how good you can translate a fantasy cartoony world in live action.
the technology is here and has been for a while,both in make-up,practical effects and cg

why a noble family would dedicate themselves to assassination?
why would they work at all?

also,the only kind of people who can influence the WG to do something just by their "pure nobility" are the tenryuubito..a "simple" noble title doesn't have enough leverage..not fro what we have seen so far

Well yes it is true that the "tenryuubito" have influence and status but the one we saw at sabaody archipelago are the lazy and dumb example of nobels, who take life granted and never make any commitment neither do they do any work. There must be someone behind who controls and makes decisions and those parsons need to be strong/have a lot of connection etc... The average tenryuubito is just for the show of dominance.


I still think that Big Mom and Kaidou are going to be linked in some way. I think Luffy's going to team up with Mom to take down Kaidou.

Zoro's kind of highlighted how, even though we're getting wrapped up with Big Mom, Kaidou remains the most pressing threat. One side can't really be ignored for very long.


Fantastic chapter, Zoro is of course right, but he had to know nobody would be the patient sane one to just let Sanji do this.

I am really interested in Sanji's family, maybe we will see Sanji fighting with his hands again? He only did it once, and when he did we saw he was truely dangerous fighting with a knife, so I imagine this would be how he would fight if he was an assassin.

Maybe the Vinsmoke family will also be finally the group of people being strong enough to warrant those high bounties on pirates, maybe they are the strongest assassins and bountyhunters.

Brook has to spill the beans though, and kinda suprised Robin doesn't know more about them


Zoro being the voice of reason was nice to see again. He's right about the pickle the crew is already in. Two yonko are already on them thanks to the actions by the SHs and jumping into another situation with Big Mom seems like a real questionable thing to do at this point, but we all know where this is going.

Sad we didn't get more info from Brook on Vinsmoke family, but next week seems to be when a good amount of their history will come out. Wonder just what Brook does know though. He's either being quiet because he didn't want to reveal to the crew that Sanji's from an assassin family or he somehow has ties to that family as well. At this point option two seems like the better bet.

Is the Lasagna joke really in the original Japanese, or is it another "crucify and chill" joke from the translators?

Might be a play on Garfield from Oda, but not sure how big the comic or the cat is in Japan.
Don't want to spoil, but given Brooke's reaction, is anyone else thinking Sanji's family is connected to what happened to Brooke's crew?

Wasn't Brook also a captain in the navy of some kingdom before he became a pirate? Maybe the Vinsmoke family has something to do with what happened there.
Wasn't Brook also a captain in the navy of some kingdom before he became a pirate? Maybe the Vinsmoke family has something to do with what happened there.

True, something could have happened then as well. It's the way his crew died that made me think it could have been some kind of hit.


I feel it's unlikely that Sanji's family trained him or anything. He's been with Zeff since he was a kid and takes after his fighting style.
Unless they trained him from young on and he had basic training in some stuff. Like, the kicks, the good nature and the cooking are from Jeff, but sneakyness, acting, tenacity and quick decision making remnants of family training.


I mean, he DID pretty well with electroshocks. Just saying.


I feel it's unlikely that Sanji's family trained him or anything. He's been with Zeff since he was a kid and takes after his fighting style.
You misunderstood. It's just a call back and perfect set up again by Oda 10+ years in advance. Even hough he could've been trained for a small small portion with his family as a child but that is most likely not the case.
I can easily see Sanji not wanting to be a part of his family history and wanting to be a chef. The part people pointed out about the ship he was on is strange to me. Given the bottle of wine on the front of the ship, you would think now that it was his families' ship. That doesn't make sense to me that he would run away or reject the family and be working on a ship of thiers


get some go again


get some go again
I still think that Big Mom and Kaidou are going to be linked in some way. I think Luffy's going to team up with Mom to take down Kaidou.

Zoro's kind of highlighted how, even though we're getting wrapped up with Big Mom, Kaidou remains the most pressing threat. One side can't really be ignored for very long.
well depending on how much big mom dislikes kaidou she might end up letting luffy go without trying to destroy him if she thinks he can damage him enough to where she can take him out. if lola really is her daughter then she might be the one that convinces big mom to let things go. if there is some altercation i hope luffy ends up getting his gear 4 swatted away like nothing by big mom just so luffy can see what he is really up against.


Zoro is being an apple hole. He's right in bringing up the facts but he's being a real jerk with some of his other words. And while Sanji went directly to Big Mom, it's not like Luffy didn't egg her on just a couple of weeks ago while Zoro stood there smiling about it.

I don't like what he said but it's nice that he said it, giving the crew lots to discuss. Zoro is giving the impression that he would be ok with taking on Kaidou without Sanji. I don't buy it. I suppose like with Usopp returning to the crew he wants it to happen but you really couldn't tell how much he was glad to have Usopp back until it actually happened.
Zoro is being an apple hole. He's right in bringing up the facts but he's being a real jerk with some of his other words. And while Sanji went directly to Big Mom, it's not like Luffy didn't egg her on just a couple of weeks ago while Zoro stood there smiling about it.

I don't like what he said but it's nice that he said it, giving the crew lots to discuss. Zoro is giving the impression that he would be ok with taking on Kaidou without Sanji. I don't buy it. I suppose like with Usopp returning to the crew he wants it to happen but you really couldn't tell how much he was glad to have Usopp back until it actually happened.
Im with you im a big fan of zoros "vice captain" style speeches(water 7,thriller bark,punk hazard are goat) but this felt alil off to me like it was too! Cold this time idk.


Zoro is being an apple hole. He's right in bringing up the facts but he's being a real jerk with some of his other words. And while Sanji went directly to Big Mom, it's not like Luffy didn't egg her on just a couple of weeks ago while Zoro stood there smiling about it.

I don't like what he said but it's nice that he said it, giving the crew lots to discuss. Zoro is giving the impression that he would be ok with taking on Kaidou without Sanji. I don't buy it. I suppose like with Usopp returning to the crew he wants it to happen but you really couldn't tell how much he was glad to have Usopp back until it actually happened.

Isn't that just Zoro in general since entering the New World? He told Luffy to take things seriously in Punk Hazard and I think in Dressrosa was something similar.

Now he's just giving the others a hard time to keep them focussed and not losing their heads about Sanji.
I really want to know just how strong Zoro has really gotten since the timeskip. He hasn't really shown anything of his true strength. Maybe Oda is planning is something with Zoro, there have been subtle hints since Fishman Island.
He commented on Luffy having to at least knock out 50,000 fishmen to keep being captain. He took Monet down with ease. He took down Pica with relative ease. Could be that Oda is planning a little bit of tension between Luffy and Zoro in a future arc because Luffy is not serious enough.
Isn't that just Zoro in general since entering the New World? He told Luffy to take things seriously in Punk Hazard and I think in Dressrosa was something similar.

Now he's just giving the others a hard time to keep them focussed and not losing their heads about Sanji.
I really want to know just how strong Zoro has really gotten since the timeskip. He hasn't really shown anything of his true strength. Maybe Oda is planning is something with Zoro, there have been subtle hints since Fishman Island.
He commented on Luffy having to at least knock out 50,000 fishmen to keep being captain. He took Monet down with ease. He took down Pica with relative ease. Could be that Oda is planning a little bit of tension between Luffy and Zoro in a future arc because Luffy is not serious enough.
Dear god no. What like an argument? Sure I'll take that anything further or on the scale of them resulting to fight im going to call bullshit.

1.because we already know the outcome of the fight.

2.zoro getting overly mad about luffy now all of a sudden after what? Like 2 and some change years of being a crew and knowing how luffy is would be completely out of character.


Dear god no. What like an argument? Sure I'll take that anything further or on the scale of them resulting to fight im going to call bullshit.

1.because we already know the outcome of the fight.

2.zoro getting overly mad about luffy now all of a sudden after what? Like 2 and some change years of being a crew and knowing how luffy is would be completely out of character.

It must get pretty tiring to tell the others to shape up every arc.

Metal B

Isn't that just Zoro in general since entering the New World? He told Luffy to take things seriously in Punk Hazard and I think in Dressrosa was something similar.

Now he's just giving the others a hard time to keep them focussed and not losing their heads about Sanji.
I really want to know just how strong Zoro has really gotten since the timeskip. He hasn't really shown anything of his true strength. Maybe Oda is planning is something with Zoro, there have been subtle hints since Fishman Island.
He commented on Luffy having to at least knock out 50,000 fishmen to keep being captain. He took Monet down with ease. He took down Pica with relative ease. Could be that Oda is planning a little bit of tension between Luffy and Zoro in a future arc because Luffy is not serious enough.
In my opinion Zoro just does his job as a vice-captain. His job in the crew is always the hardest to understand, since he doesn't directly work on the ship. But as a vice-captain, he always has to question decision, look after the rules and try to point his captain in the right direction. The opposite of this would be a yes man or someone, who challenges his captain over everything. Zoro knows, when to follow rules and when to question them. You want someone like him in your team as a leader.

Oda throws moments like this in the comic, so that we can see Zoro doing his job and why he has his position.
We haven't had a wise Zoro speech in a while. I enjoyed him letting the others know that Kaido is an enemy that's no longer waaay on the horizon. Once Big Moms Tea Party/Wedding Reception is out of the way, I suspect Kaido will immediately make his presence known.

Unless by some unknown miracle, Hawkins, Apoo and Kid managed to keep his attention focused on them.


Chapters like this are my favorite. The kind of chapters where the crew actually talk to each other, have conversations, react to each other, etc. These chapters always feel longer as well which is extra nice.


One Piece 814:

I almost thought Zoro was going to go into an anti Sanji rant that I'm used to seeing online. Other than wanting to know Brooke's connection to Sanji's family and the assassins revelation though the chapter was just ok. I'm glad that the Sanji rescue is already being approached as a "get in get out" thing, vs any needless speculation on a long arc with Big Mom right now, with Zoro putting everyone's (the fans) focus on Kaidou. I'm not sure how I feel on Sanji's family being assassins. From a story perspective, it's more interesting than his family being in the World Government, but it's also a little too close to Sanji's character and personality in One Piece, as a few posters have pointed out. Example, Sanji not using his hands can now be linked by Oda to him not wanting to kill anyone/be like his parents vs just wanting to dedicate his hands to cooking which was just fine on it's own.
One Piece 814:
I'm glad that the Sanji rescue is already being approached as a "get in get out" thing

We all know that isn't going to happen. Luffy will likely get them caught at one point and he even said that he's sick of running away from enemies, which is why he punch Fujitora. They'll definitely try and sneak in though.

Since Kaido and Big Mom got so much attention in this chapter, I feel like Jack or another one of Kaido's top men is gonna follow or find out the Strawhats location and subsequently will start some shit with Big Mom. Whether that leads to some form of alliance, I don't know.


He needs to relax they got this. Nobody ever listens anyway lol only time ever was in water 7. Punk hazard luffy went right back to goofing

The thing is, they have to be serious now. Luffy screwing around and beating people with his brute strength won't work anymore because enemies like the Yonkou are undoubtedly more powerful than the SH and would wreck them. Zoro is just telling everyone to be smart because if they aren't they'll be killed.


Isn't that just Zoro in general since entering the New World? He told Luffy to take things seriously in Punk Hazard and I think in Dressrosa was something similar.

Now he's just giving the others a hard time to keep them focussed and not losing their heads about Sanji.
I really want to know just how strong Zoro has really gotten since the timeskip. He hasn't really shown anything of his true strength. Maybe Oda is planning is something with Zoro, there have been subtle hints since Fishman Island.
He commented on Luffy having to at least knock out 50,000 fishmen to keep being captain. He took Monet down with ease. He took down Pica with relative ease. Could be that Oda is planning a little bit of tension between Luffy and Zoro in a future arc because Luffy is not serious enough.

It's not the exact same. It is something that should be said to have the crew a'buzz and consider their situation but he's being unreasonably harsh on Sanji I'd say especially after seeing genuine tears from Nami and Chopper. I'm glad they stuck up for Sanji though because they have a better understanding of the situation. When Nami tried to stop Zoro's speech on Usopp, Zoro shut her down immediately and good because he was 100% right. Here though, while Zoro does make a point, to say who cares, being upset over no apologies and not up for retrieving Sanji after all they've been through is just a bit douchie.

Where was this attitude when the decision to go after Kaidou was made? He was there when Luffy threatened to kick Big Mom's butt and take her territory. Granted much more has happened since then, the point still stands.

Of course this is Sanji he is talking about. Zoro will 9 times out of 10 be unreasonably harsh towards him. It's just that for such a serious situation he is in I think Zoro is being a bit too Zoro right now.


The thing is, they have to be serious now. Luffy screwing around and beating people with his brute strength won't work anymore because enemies like the Yonkou are undoubtedly more powerful than the SH and would wreck them. Zoro is just telling everyone to be smart because if they aren't they'll be killed.
Yes he is but the thing is the way he said it which was completely off.
Sanji didn't put a fight with big mom, luffy did it in fishman island when he announced that he will take Fi under his custody and declared war on her. Later then he joined Law's alliance to take down kaido and in a way he is going against 2 emperors at the same time.
At this moment sanji did the smart thing, let's say if he managed to save nami & co and kick away Benge not only would they have kaido at the neck but Big Mom and his family as well.
At the end we still don't know what Vito whispered to sanji because that was the final nail for sanji's decision whatever it was something personal or regarding the crew.
His reaction was way off in this regard
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