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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Still frames and camera pans ahoy! Wish this section was well animated, so many great scenes that were never done justice...

I wish they animated that Marineford the way Water 7 was handled, limited but still very good.

I feel One Piece anime is having the same problems Dragon Ball had. When the characters were more rubbery, no pun intended, the show looked good. As soon as Oda started making the characters more hard edged the show got so stiff.


Mammoths were hunted to extinction by hairy men with sharp sticks. If Luffy can find a hairy man with a pointy stick then it's all over for Jack.

Don't worry guys, Chopper has the perfect backup for this.



Idk why the hell Marco went to fight the Blackbeard. If he's not sitting in some old western timey bar drinking himself to death then he oughta be dead. I see some not giving enough credit to blackbeard in this thread need to watch this


Yea Magellan hyrda'd his whole crew, but at the end lost and was so demoralized he wanted to kill himself. All of level 6 was destroyed and what was left, left with blackbeard. Level 6 had shichibukai's, a former warden of the prison and god knows what Catarina, Avalo and Vasco are. What's a one armed Jozu and Marco+whatever other commanders gonna do against the only man with two devil fruits? We've never even seen blackbeard go all out, we know his defense is trash but the dude somehow scarred Shanks(still the no. 1 enigma to me in One Piece)!.

About the rest of the chapter, I'm liking the info dump and don't find the log poses to be a retcon, otherwise any old dude with a logpose can go and find raftel. I don't think the elephants gonna fall over, I think it'll just kneel down and sit there becoming a new real island. Then again it has to have the longest legs ever to reach down to the bottom of the ocean. Other than that I think the elephants already dead guys, Jack blew a giant hole in it and he's coming to fuck your shit up, we aint going to no happy samurai colony or cake land without a fight.


Get Inside Her!
I wonder if it's not a retcon, and Crocus really did just Lie to them, to simplify their quest. "Sure, Raftel's at the end, go there." Wanting to make sure they don't try and skip ahead.

Though it probably is a retcon, since Nami says "I assumed it was Raftel" to place the ignorance on her, when in the original chapter Crocus definitely says it to them straight-up, no assumptions necessary.

It's bugging me, really, the idea of it being a retcon. Goda is Goda due in no small part to his masterful use of Chekov's Gun, it'd be a shame for one of those bullets to land inaccurately.


It's a retcon but it makes a reasonable amount of sense. Crocus couldn't have imagined they'd pick up the only person in the entire world that was able to translate the Poneglyphs.

Under the retcon, nothing Crocus said is "untrue". Yes, Raftel is at the end, but it's not necessarily the final island on the chain. It's just that the path of the "grand line" leads to it.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I wonder if it's not a retcon, and Crocus really did just Lie to them, to simplify their quest. "Sure, Raftel's at the end, go there." Wanting to make sure they don't try and skip ahead.

Though it probably is a retcon, since Nami says "I assumed it was Raftel" to place the ignorance on her, when in the original chapter Crocus definitely says it to them straight-up, no assumptions necessary.

It's bugging me, really, the idea of it being a retcon. Goda is Goda due in no small part to his masterful use of Chekov's Gun, it'd be a shame for one of those bullets to land inaccurately.
Raftel is still technically at the end. It's just become more complicated. Instead of Reverse Mountain -> Paradise -> New World -> Raftel it's now RM -> Paradise -> New World -> Map -> Raftel. Still the same general idea.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I hope the Thriller Bark monster comes back at some point. I know it was most likely an "OoooOOOoooOohhHHh spooky~" moment, but I really want to know what that huge shadow was.

can you imagine what type of zoan the other two are.

I am thinking sabertooth tiger or a bear.
Jack is the Ancient form of the Zou fruit right, the fruit Spandam'a sword ate.

Off that, we might be able to assume that there are ancient forms for all Zoan fruits out there. Even Sengoku's Buddha is a mythical form of Chopper's Hito Hito.

Ancient form of the Neko Neko would definitely be a Sabertooth.
Was joking earlier about a Neanderthal but maybe there is an ancient form for Chopper's Hito out there too.
I wonder if it's not a retcon, and Crocus really did just Lie to them, to simplify their quest. "Sure, Raftel's at the end, go there." Wanting to make sure they don't try and skip ahead.

Though it probably is a retcon, since Nami says "I assumed it was Raftel" to place the ignorance on her, when in the original chapter Crocus definitely says it to them straight-up, no assumptions necessary.

It's bugging me, really, the idea of it being a retcon. Goda is Goda due in no small part to his masterful use of Chekov's Gun, it'd be a shame for one of those bullets to land inaccurately.

It wouldn't be implausible to say that Crocus withheld some of the truth from them the same way Rayleigh didn't tell his interpretation of the true history.
The former members of Roger's crew have seen and learned some shit and really have no obligation to give a lot of information, even to good folks like the Straw Hats.

Let's just see what the official translation is like on Monday before assuming something is a retcon or not.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You still need to follow the log pose to get to Raftel. It just leads you to the maps to the island proper
Was talking to Dawg on twitter 2 days or so ago and wanted to bring it up in here, anyone else upset Oda more or less got rid off Garp's dog mask?

Hope Oda bring it back, I know it was used in the first place to hide his identity but look at his ship lol


it actually was nothing

well,it was a way for oda to explain how the legend of the florian triangle didn't start with moria,and there was something else before,that's all

It may not be nothing, but not everything needs to be explained. Some things are more interesting as a mystery.


it actually was nothing

well,it was a way for oda to explain how the legend of the florian triangle didn't start with moria,and there was something else before,that's all

I disagree, I think the legend of the Florian Triangle will play into end game stuff. I am gonna put fourth the totally baseless theory that the mysterious figure in the fog is related to the void century.


I hope the Thriller Bark monster comes back at some point. I know it was most likely an "OoooOOOoooOohhHHh spooky~" moment, but I really want to know what that huge shadow was.


An interesting theory is that they are elephants like Zunisha. Elephants do travel in herds right? And the incidents in the Florian Triangle have been going on for far longer than when Moriah was stationed there They could accidentally be sucking people up off of ships or stomping on them. Zunisha is surrounded by fog just like these things and since they are the creators of said fog it could explain why there is so much in the Florian Triangle. The Florian Triangle and Zoe aren't too far form the red line it seems. The water could be so deep near around the Florian Triangle that what was seen in that final Thriller Bark panel could have just been their trunks. Elephants are great swimmers you know and use their trunks like snorkels.

But then Oda showed what looked to be shinning eyes at the tips of those "trunks" so unless there was some local who was stationed on the tips of the trunks it would be weird for Oda to portray eyes there.

This does make me wonder if we'll ever have Space Pirates.

We have them already, we'll see if they fly down to the blue planet. And I do think Sanji has blood relations to extra terrestrials.

You still need to follow the log pose to get to Raftel. It just leads you to the maps to the island proper


And all this "kind of a lot of talking" has been absolutely amazing! Barely any punches thrown, lots of character(mainly Straw Hat) interaction and exposition! These Zoe chapters have been soooooooo good!

Ray Down

Alright cast your votes people


Dragon is Luffy father and the son of the strongest Marine ever Shone logic dictates he s top tier plus being considered the most dangerous person alive helps him a bit. Unlike Blackbeard we still have no idea about Dragon:
-How he fights?
-Does he have a DF?
-What is with him and weather can he control it?

Along with Roger he is the most mysterious/inspiring man in the manga to lead a huge organization against the WG and seemingly take over/Liberate two seas (South Blue and East Blue if the operations continued after saving Robin) and possible leading Kuma down a path that resulted with him losing his humanity and not regretting it.

Sabo is Luffy brother and the direct inheritor of Ace will/DF who was not only able to beat Burgs ass but stalemate an Admiral only after just getting his fruit. Plus he was probably trained by Dragon.

Iva is no fool him/herself being one of Dragon generals and being able to not only survive Impel Down but the War.

Blackbeard was afraid to fight Shanks and Akainu even after his power increase he might be reluctant to fight the Revos head on.

I imagine Dragon will just send BB and his crew away and somehow move the Island to prevent BB from exploiting the info of its location. Revos still have awhile before we focus on them.

Besides we still have to learn Dragon past so I don't think anything bad will happen to him, unlike Shanks who will most likely be fisted.


I feel like the recent chapters have been interesting, but I wouldn't say "good". It's kind of just a lot of talking...

These past 35 chapters or so have been a string of massive reveals and end game set ups. Fans have been waiting for some of these explanations for years, I don't how the series could be more exciting right now.


I'm presenting what fan told a friend, who told me. I looked into every reference and the coincidences could be just that, coincidences, but boy does it all make me think twice.
All this is assuming that Sanji could have a connection with Vegapunk. At one point the crew calls Sanji a genius. Absolutely nothing or foreshadowing? Yeah I know.

1)On Thriller Bark Sanji reveals he read the encyclopedia on Devil Fruits, the book Vegapunk created. Yeah so did a few other characters like Teach. I know but keep going.

2)Sanji’s blood type is RH- and if you look that up online there are a lot of conspiracy theories regarding that blood type. Theories about RH- people being smarter than normal people and being descendant of aliens.

3)Sanji’s most famous nick name is Mr Prince and he’s fantasized about being Robin or Nami’s prince riding in to save them. A French writer, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, wrote a book called The Little Prince. The prince is little blond boy from outer space who lives on a little asteroid which looks a little like Sanji stuck on that rock for 80+ days starving to death. Hmmm…

4)Zeff is said to be modeled after a sailor/cartographer/explorer, Captain James Cook. He commanded HM Bark Endeavour. The NASA Space Shuttle would inherit it’s name directly from the ship Captain Cook commanded. Nah...

5)The ship that Sanji worked on before it was attacked by Zeff. The Orbit. That can describe a lot of outer space related things as well as the design of Sanji’s eye brows.

6)Sanji’s eyebrows are important enough that he was originally going to be named after them. The name isn't important to this theory but it was Naruto.

7)SBS Ch 55
Q: Why do Sanji’s eyebrows circle up at the ends? Is it a fashion statement? If you ask me, it’s lame!!
A: Hey!! Sit down, now!! Listen!! All people owe their lives to circling!! The Sun and the Moon and the Earth all go around in circles. What if the circling of the Earth suddenly stopped!! The whole world would be deluged by gigantic waves and there would be a terrible disaster!! So remember that Sanji’s eyebrows have that kind of energy!! Repent!! Dismissed!

Joke? I don’t know.

R: Oda-chan!! Today is the day for you to answer this!! What about Sanji's left eye?!
O: There it is... again. I get a lot of these. So many, in fact, that I usually just ignored them... all right. I will finally answer one of One Piece's 7 great mysteries, "Sanji's Left Eye"!! Come on out, Sanji!!
S: Hey. You called? What? You want me to show you my left eye?! THAT'S what you called me for? Honestly... fine, fine. You wanna see it? There you go, take a good look. See?

Sanji's left eye is finally revealed to the world and suddenly he is Wanted Alive Only. Maybe just a coincidence. Someone who was familiar with Sanji finally got the confirmation they needed and want him back for the connection that even he isn't aware of. Someone like Vegapunk who would be one of these people who may know of Sanji's importance. Only someone of importance within the marines or government would be able to make the call that Sanji should be wanted only alive.

9)Volume 47, Oda straight up calls Sanji an alien and no one pays it any mind.

I'm on board with everything aside from the Vegapunk connections. Too loose at the moment but everything else is something I'm considering.


All that was posted before the Vinsmokes were revealed. I don't think it changes anything to be honest. I actually think the Vinsmokes came into power generations ago because of their other worldly origins.

One thing I would like to add is one poster here(sorry I forgot who) gave me another neat little coincidence.

10)Sanji went and trained with Ivankov on his home island. Ivankov is inspired by who? Dr Frank-N-Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Dr Frank created this super blond handsome guy who could really pass for that movies Sanji. Well everything but the suit and parted hair. Anyway, at the end of the movie Dr Frank and his people are all revealed to be aliens from the planet Transexual... Coincidence? I think not...

11)Then one thing that I was aware of for years now is Sanji's illusions to being a devil. Basically a counterpart to Zoro's living demon. Many of his attacks are based around fire, the devil, or hell in general. Several characters throughout the story have called him a devil or demon, he trained in "hell" for 2 years and he has 2 6's on his face. I know three sixes are needed but G66 doesn't look to far off. And depending on who you talk to, who is the devil but a fallen angel? And what are angels in One Piece but extra terrestrials? Even in real life some folks theorize angels are flesh and blood aliens. Who knows?!

I mean just look at the cover page with Sanji and the goat I have above. It's titled "scorching heat hell" and there is an actual flying saucer in the sky while they are looking for UFOs.
Was talking to Dawg on twitter 2 days or so ago and wanted to bring it up in here, anyone else upset Oda more or less got rid off Garp's dog mask?

Hope Oda bring it back, I know it was used in the first place to hide his identity but look at his ship lol

To be honest the hat is kinda dumb. Garp probably just wears it when he's sleeping or being lazy.
He looks better without it.

I feel like the recent chapters have been interesting, but I wouldn't say "good". It's kind of just a lot of talking...

Exposition about Wano , Raftel, the poneglyphs, and the endgame of the story isn't good?
How is it anything but?
I'm presenting what fan told a friend, who told me. I looked into every reference and the coincidences could be just that, coincidences, but boy does it all make me think twice.
All this is assuming that Sanji could have a connection with Vegapunk. At one point the crew calls Sanji a genius. Absolutely nothing or foreshadowing? Yeah I know.

1)On Thriller Bark Sanji reveals he read the encyclopedia on Devil Fruits, the book Vegapunk created. Yeah so did a few other characters like Teach. I know but keep going.

2)Sanji’s blood type is RH- and if you look that up online there are a lot of conspiracy theories regarding that blood type. Theories about RH- people being smarter than normal people and being descendant of aliens.

3)Sanji’s most famous nick name is Mr Prince and he’s fantasized about being Robin or Nami’s prince riding in to save them. A French writer, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, wrote a book called The Little Prince. The prince is little blond boy from outer space who lives on a little asteroid which looks a little like Sanji stuck on that rock for 80+ days starving to death. Hmmm…

4)Zeff is said to be modeled after a sailor/cartographer/explorer, Captain James Cook. He commanded HM Bark Endeavour. The NASA Space Shuttle would inherit it’s name directly from the ship Captain Cook commanded. Nah...

5)The ship that Sanji worked on before it was attacked by Zeff. The Orbit. That can describe a lot of outer space related things as well as the design of Sanji’s eye brows.

6)Sanji’s eyebrows are important enough that he was originally going to be named after them. The name isn't important to this theory but it was Naruto.

7)SBS Ch 55

Joke? I don’t know.


Sanji's left eye is finally revealed to the world and suddenly he is Wanted Alive Only. Maybe just a coincidence. Someone who was familiar with Sanji finally got the confirmation they needed and want him back for the connection that even he isn't aware of. Someone like Vegapunk who would be one of these people who may know of Sanji's importance. Only someone of importance within the marines or government would be able to make the call that Sanji should be wanted only alive.

9)Volume 47, Oda straight up calls Sanji an alien and no one pays it any mind.

I'm on board with everything aside from the Vegapunk connections. Too loose at the moment but everything else is something I'm considering.


All that was posted before the Vinsmokes were revealed. I don't think it changes anything to be honest. I actually think the Vinsmokes came into power generations ago because of their other worldly origins.

One thing I would like to add is one poster here(sorry I forgot who) gave me another neat little coincidence.

10)Sanji went and trained with Ivankov on his home island. Ivankov is inspired by who? Dr Frank-N-Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Dr Frank created this super blond handsome guy who could really pass for that movies Sanji. Well everything but the suit and parted hair. Anyway, at the end of the movie Dr Frank and his people are all revealed to be aliens from the planet Transexual... Coincidence? I think not...

11)Then one thing that I was aware of for years now is Sanji's illusions to being a devil. Basically a counterpart to Zoro's living demon. Many of his attacks are based around fire, the devil, or hell in general. Several characters throughout the story have called him a devil or demon, he trained in "hell" for 2 years and he has 2 6's on his face. I know three sixes are needed but G66 doesn't look to far off. And depending on who you talk to, who is the devil but a fallen angel? And what are angels in One Piece but extra terrestrials? Even in real life some folks theorize angels are flesh and blood aliens. Who knows?!

I mean just look at the cover page with Sanji and the goat I have above. It's titled "scorching heat hell" and there is an actual flying saucer in the sky while they are looking for UFOs.

Wow. Impressive! Thank you for this compilation!

I'm convinced now that Sanji's trivia is really inspired by all those things, but I think it's still unlikely that he is literally an alien.
Q: Why do Sanji’s eyebrows circle up at the ends? Is it a fashion statement? If you ask me, it’s lame!!
A: Hey!! Sit down, now!! Listen!! All people owe their lives to circling!! The Sun and the Moon and the Earth all go around in circles. What if the circling of the Earth suddenly stopped!! The whole world would be deluged by gigantic waves and there would be a terrible disaster!! So remember that Sanji’s eyebrows have that kind of energy!! Repent!! Dismissed!

Ahaha amazing.


I was just reading the end of Reverse Mountain when people wondered if Oda messed up with Crocus's words. When Luffy told Laboon he was his new rival it made me cry knowing all that we know now.

The official VIZ release says:

Crocus: "Using this mountain as your start point, you must pick one of seven magnetic fields. No matter which island you begin from... All routes become one. And the last island of them all is... Rafael."

No contradictions with the latest info at all. They are so far away from the New World and they had all only just met, there really wasn't any reason for Crocus to give more specific info for the crew or the readers.
Yeah, based on that I don't see much contradiction. Raftel is the last island, that doesn't meant it is the island you arrive when all the routes becomes one.
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