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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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I just can't imagine any Straw Hat Fleet being a constant presence story-wise until the final arc. It would be such a huge change.

I don't think anyone specifically feels the fleet would actively travel with him,

we might get some story stuff akin to Shanks intercepting kaidou during the Whitebeard War, where Luffy's allies help dwindle down the numbers of Kaidou's army off screen for example.


Oh, they won't go sailing around with the straw hats or anything like that. They'll just pledge to help luffy later down the line, like when he fights a Yonkou or during the final arc. Whitebeard's alliance didn't travel with him, they just came to the war with him.

In terms of new crew members, I don't think I want any more. It's already hard enough for oda to keep them all relevant.

RIP Sanji


I don't think there'll even be any official pledge of joining a fleet or anything apart from a 'We are friends!" declaration much like with Bon Kurei.

We might get some updates from them between arcs or in cover stories and then they'll show up either randomly in some arc or all together as a freshly crafted alliance when Luffy really needs them.
RIP Sanji

Dammit I miss Sanji. He would've been useful on the island; he's the guy who works best and gets shit done during such confusion.


Super Baseless Fanfiction-Tier Speculation Fun Time: What if the third Ancient Weapon, Uranus, is a giant dragon?

  • This would fit with the whole Uranus = Sky part of the equation.
  • Vegapunk created several dragons, including a fake fruit that turned someone into a dragon. What if the World Government was trying to re-create that original dragon?
  • The Dragon could be sleeping in Elbaf, and the Elbafians (read: vikings) believe that if the dragon is awakened, it'll bring about the end of the world (read: Ragnarok)
This is entirely baseless and will most likely not be the case. Just a fun thought.
Seriously though they need to go to Elbaf
Super Baseless Fanfiction-Tier Speculation Fun Time: What if the third Ancient Weapon, Uranus, is a giant dragon?

  • This would fit with the whole Uranus = Sky part of the equation.
  • Vegapunk created several dragons, including a fake fruit that turned someone into a dragon. What if the World Government was trying to re-create that original dragon?
  • The Dragon could be sleeping in Elbaf, and the Elbafians (read: vikings) believe that if the dragon is awakened, it'll bring about the end of the world (read: Ragnarok)
This is entirely baseless and will most likely not be the case. Just a fun thought.
Seriously though they need to go to Elbaf

love this idea. I can't really imagine the scale of Elbaf, though. The crew would be like the tontattas there...

Wonder what conflict will they have there...


Get Inside Her!
So I was reading VIZ volume 69 tonight, and came across this panel (fan-translation, for convenience):


A silhouette of Vegapunk! I didn't remember it. So I'm trying to make out what exactly it is that I'm looking at here. I'm guessing that's his arm on the bottom right, his shoulder specifically. His collar above it, and an... ear above that? Or maybe just more shirt. But then just a bulging line to the top of the panel. Do we think that's Vegapunk's head? Does he have a head twice as tall as his body? A kinda stereotypical enormous-headed-genius-man kind of thing? Or is the silhouette just of an entirely different part of his body? Maybe the collar is actually his nose, the "ear" is protruding glasses, and the "arm" is... a mustache? All below a still-huge noggin?

I wonder! Let's keep this panel in mind whenever we actually get a look at the guy, to see if Oda really did plan how he'd look right here.

Super Baseless Fanfiction-Tier Speculation Fun Time: What if the third Ancient Weapon, Uranus, is a giant dragon?

  • The Dragon could be sleeping in Elbaf, and the Elbafians (read: vikings) believe that if the dragon is awakened, it'll bring about the end of the world (read: Ragnarok)

Also in volume 69, Kin'emon told Brook that he has a grudge against dragons, driven by something "very close" to a need to avenge his parents. Maybe we'll see some dragons once we get to Wano?

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I think Kaido's Devil Fruit might actually be a Dragon Zoan

That would explain why the Doffy/Ceasar had made a singular dragon devil fruit for themselves (while mass producing other zoan fruits) and had it more or less stored away. It probably was part of a plan by Doffy to eventually fight fire with fire against Kaido and why they want to get momo so bad.

Then again I also think they want to take momo hostage because he is really the shogun's son.

knowing Oda there is a chance it could be both,
I'm more wanting to see Elbaf then anything else.

Also I remember Kaido's epithet being "The Strongest Creature in the World" or Monster or something like that, and he's also called "King of Beasts" which makes me wonder what his Devil Fruit, which he probably has, will be.

Strongest Creature would imply something kind of above a typical Zoan, maybe a Mythical or Ancient variety. Oda draws from all kinds of mythologies so it's hard to determine what kind of "creature" he would be, but I'd be willing to bet he either just straight up is not a human, or even humanoid like a Giant or Fishman, and has some kind of overwhelmingly strong Zoan.
King of Beasts sounds like something a little more grounded like a Lion or Gorilla which isn't really fitting of his place in the story, considering Zoan's are usually the weakest of the types outside of the Ancient and Mythical ones.


Master of the Google Search
The logical connection of all the above posts is that Kaido ate the Dragon-Dragon fruit or is an outright dragon himself. Would explain a lot of the Wano subplot going on right now as well as all the dragon foreshadowing.


No Scrubs
The logical connection of all the above posts is that Kaido ate the Dragon-Dragon fruit or is an outright dragon himself. Would explain a lot of the Wano subplot going on right now as well as all the dragon foreshadowing.

That would be one hell of a fruit to eat.


holy fuck I caught up.

last thing I remember was some blind guy getting ripped off inside a casino. in other words, the very beginning of the Dressrosa arc, which must have been late 2012 or early 2013? For whatever reason, I just stopped reading my favorite manga week to week, and before I knew it, months and years went by. I blame school.

Anyways, I decided in September 2014 that I was going to catch up again, so I started re-reading starting from the time skip. Fishman Island arc was as boring as I remember. Punk Hazard wasn't amazing, but way better than Fishman Island and marathoning it felt a lot easier than waiting a week for a new chapter.

Now, I'm at Dressrosa, and I can say with complete certainty that I totally fucked up when I stopped reading. This arc has been incredible. I know it's pushing 80 chapters at this point (honestly, I was a bit shocked when I found myself caught up and the arc that I gave up on years ago was still ongoing), but it's been such an easy read for me. I struggled to read more than one or two chapters a day of the Fishman Island and Punk Hazard arcs... they were just boring. Dressrosa on the other hand, especially when it started to pick up, I found myself reading 5+ chapters a day. I'll never know what it was like to wait a week between each chapter, but the marathon experience for this arc has been so great. It honestly reminded me of my original One Piece marathon back in... Summer 2006? I'd literally wake up, watch One Piece all day, go to sleep... for like a month straight. From the beginning to Enies Lobby. Those were good times :)

I'm excited to participate in this thread now =D


That would explain why the Doffy/Ceasar had made a singular dragon devil fruit for themselves (while mass producing other zoan fruits) and had it more or less stored away. It probably was part of a plan by Doffy to eventually fight fire with fire against Kaido and why they want to get momo so bad.

Then again I also think they want to take momo hostage because he is really the shogun's son.

knowing Oda there is a chance it could be both,
Vega Punk made this dragon devil fruit.


Guys, stop speculating because it sounds really fucking awesome and it's making me hype for what we are going to be reading a year or two from now.


yeah the dragon theory for the third ancient weapon is really awesome.

but then I'm wondering did gold Roger have it? Becuase we can see on some scenes an giant egg on the Oro jackson


yeah the dragon theory for the third ancient weapon is really awesome.

but then I'm wondering did gold Roger have it? Becuase we can see on some scenes an giant egg on the Oro jackson

I had to go look this up. Holy shit. I never even realized there was an egg on his ship.

I dunno, dragons are going to be important, Oda seems pretty obsessed with them. We have Monkey D. Dragon, Celestial Dragons, Momo's fake devil fruit, the dragons on Punk Hazard, and Kin'emon's grudge against dragons...

This is why I love Oda, nothing is ever frivolous. I can speculate all I want but I'm usually wrong because Oda is so unpredictable. Unlike other shows that do this though, I don't get burned because what he thinks of is often better than anything I could have speculated.


Get Inside Her!
Guys, stop speculating because it sounds really fucking awesome and it's making me hype for what we are going to be reading a year or two from now.

Well, ALSO in Vol 69, Oda in an SBS muses on how he's been waiting to draw the Wano arc for years, and it'll be driven by a ton of his own interest in samurai flicks and whatnot. Kin'emon and Momonosuke are already references.


I had to go look this up. Holy shit. I never even realized there was an egg on his ship.

I dunno, dragons are going to be important, Oda seems pretty obsessed with them. We have Monkey D. Dragon, Celestial Dragons, Momo's fake devil fruit, the dragons on Punk Hazard, and Kin'emon's grudge against dragons...

This is why I love Oda, nothing is ever frivolous. I can speculate all I want but I'm usually wrong because Oda is so unpredictable. Unlike other shows that do this though, I don't get burned because what he thinks of is often better than anything I could have speculated.

Yeah it is never really brought up or was mentioned by word in the manga.

It is just there in images and even on an microsculpture to buy of the oro jackson it is featured.

It has to have some meaning, I mean it is One Piece after all
Yeah it is never really brought up or was mentioned by word in the manga.

It is just there in images and even on an microsculpture to buy of the oro jackson it is featured.

It has to have some meaning, I mean it is One Piece after all

If it were anyone but Oda, I'd just write it off.


I had to go look this up. Holy shit. I never even realized there was an egg on his ship.

I dunno, dragons are going to be important, Oda seems pretty obsessed with them. We have Monkey D. Dragon, Celestial Dragons, Momo's fake devil fruit, the dragons on Punk Hazard, and Kin'emon's grudge against dragons...

This is why I love Oda, nothing is ever frivolous. I can speculate all I want but I'm usually wrong because Oda is so unpredictable. Unlike other shows that do this though, I don't get burned because what he thinks of is often better than anything I could have speculated.

Which chapter? Where?!


AAh I forgot from where the second picture is but yeah there it looks like its two thing or something already came out of the egg and has the same pattern on its body


Get Inside Her!
Goin through Viz vol 70 now, and I see the panel where people were saying earlier they got the impression that Robin has observation haki. The S.A.D. room blows up, and Robin looks up in a tiny panel before it and says "huh?"

However, I don't think this was anything special. I like that Viz translates all the sound effects, you can get a much better idea of some scenes that way. In this case, it says DRMMM above her head, a sound that she's hearing and reacting to. It's a rumbling that leads to the explosion. It's just a standard transitional panel before the big explosion one so it's not too jarring a thematic transition. Definitely don't think it's implying anything about Robin, other than Oda just choosing her to notice the rumble since she's one of the most observant Straw Hats. I don't think haki works that way in the first place, the only things we've ever seen sensed from a distance with haki are living things.

Not to say Robin won't end up with Haki! But I don't think this scene implies anything. I think only the monster trio have both main types, which Luffy has said outright and they've all shown. And now Usopp after his latest snipe. But that's it for now.


No Scrubs
Another chapter where nothing happens.

You kidding? Oda just set up what is probably the biggest checkov's gun of the arc, she can heal people and Law can give his own life to make someone immortal. No way these two characters with these two powers are in the same arc by accident. Something big is gonna happen before this is done.


Mancherie's (shouldn't it be Moncherie?) devil fruit is so damn op Luffy should kidnap her (they are pirates, damn it). She is the Orihime of OP but without tits, I wonder if that's a jab at Tite or something.

And as usual Robin has gone back to being useless. One chapter every two hundred must be too many for her.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
That was my first thought. That power is bullshit.
Too soon for a final conclusion, we don't know much about it yet there will probably be negative side to it as well. But it's not that outlandish to think that the OP world would have a person with healing abilities.


You kidding? Oda just set up what is probably the biggest checkov's gun of the arc, she can heal people and Law can give his own life to make someone immortal. No way these two characters with these two powers are in the same arc by accident. Something big is gonna happen before this is done.

I agree that something big is gonna happen. Eventually.


Oh man Mancherie's power is total bullshit, hahahaha.

Glad we got that subplot out of the way. I'm really pleased that we'll probably get several chapters of nothing but X vs. Doflamingo.
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