Cindi Mayweather
Really hoping my girl Nami beats Brulee.
LASERS.Speaking of which, we still need to see Pudding's third eye ability.
Speaking of which, we still need to see Pudding's third eye ability.
A pretty woman who can cook sweets and shoot beams, that must be Luffy's ideal woman.It's a beam! She's going to shoot a beam
A pretty woman who can cook sweets and shoot beams, that must be Luffy's ideal woman.
But yeah really expecting this arc will result in an ally in Big Mom. Big Mom has problems but doesn't seem outright evil (comparatively to guys like Akainu in the World Government in the very least), and her dream is a noble and peaceful one similar to Whitebeard's. I'm really willing to bet the Vinsmokes somehow sabotage the wedding ceremony and turn it against Big Mom, like a coup against Totland or something. Afterall it was directly stated from Sanji's father he's only doing this to get more power so he can conquer the North Blue afterall.
The big fakeout I feel for this arc will be Big Mom will appear to be the big bad, but it'll turn out to be Vinsmoke Judge instead in a TWEEST, and Sanji kicks his ass in the final battle.
I also think Big Mom's power might be essential in defeating Kaidou so it's possible Luffy and Law will get under her wing out of necessity more than anything.
I also think Wano is going to be a Marineford-style arc where everything "explodes" so to speak. It's possible there won't be a big fight this arc but instead will result in Big Mom, Luffy, and etc. all going to Wano for a Yonkou vs Yonkou battle.
On consideration, yeah, I don't think Big Mom will be an ally.
I think what Oda's going for: Whitebeard didn't go after One Piece because he just wanted family and friends. Shanks has a similar thing going on.
Therefore, Big Mom and Kaidou's motivations and dreams must be unrelated to One Piece, otherwise they would go after and probably get it.
While there are ways for which Big Mom could become an ally, I don't want it to be the case. Or atleast I don't want it to happen without going through the motions.
I think one of the reason I'm liking this arc more is that a lot of my complaints about how the series depicts women are being addressed with her. Women are consistently reduced to tokenism in Pirate crews, usually to be sexual objects for the audience to oogle, and there is always some contrivance for why they don't get into a straight up, drawn out fight where they hit and get hit like any other member of the crew. They're always in the crushing minority of any group, and always on the weaker side of the group they are a part of.
I don't want to get too optimistic because I don't want to be disappointed, but thus far, Big Mom has been the answer to a lot of the complaints I have. She's not sexualized (cuz she's ugly, I guess, but still), she has demonstrated to be powerful, she's properly respected as her position is dictates, and she seems like she's on the smarter side of OP characters, and seems to have a more diverse pirate crew in general.
But other than that, she's just typical OP villain that's being treated same as any other. I like that. Granted, we're still in the introduction phase of the arc, and even Hancock was a 'normal' villain until the rest of the plot happened. But I want this to be followed through to the end. I want her conclusion to have a drawn out and epic battle with Luffy where she beats his ass as much as he beats hers before she falls or whatever. As far as I can see, there is no reason not to do this.
Imo, female characters like Big Mom should have been the norm, rather than the only of her kind. But if she has to be the only of her kind, I'd rather not see her turned into an ally or given some pretense about why she should not have a final battle like any other villain or anything. I'd rather she just be treated like all the other villains were.
Alvida was in the second chapter and Crocodile's crew each have a female and male partner. I think One Piece has problems with women depictions but not as bad as you make it. I think the major problem is this is the first female villain since Alvida.
Alvida was in the second chapter and Crocodile's crew each have a female and male partner. I think One Piece has problems with women depictions but not as bad as you make it. I think the major problem is this is the first female villain since Alvida.
I really don't want to start, as the rest of the people here know, this is a topic I can go on for hours over, but you pretty much struck my counter argument there at the end. Alvida was literally, over 15 years ago, and so was Alabasta. OP goes out of it's way to not depict women combat scenerios, even when they supposedly have the power to do so, which is not great when the driving force of the OP universe is violence. A quick and typical example is just one from a chapter ago: All of Sanji's siblings bullied him, but Reiju was for some reason just depicted as laughing on the side lines. There is no reason she shouldn't have been kicking Sanji's shit in along with the rest of her brothers, but for no distinct reason, she's separate from them.
But that's exactly what Judge said in the end of chapter 833, that Big Mom, "only she possesses the keys to all of those devices".The biggest problem for me with a potential Big Mom and Luffy fighting right now is how Oda treated/has been treating Kaidou. In comparison to Big Mom, Oda has been hyping Kaidou up as this "whole different level" opponent for Luffy to get us excited about their fight. None of this is happening with Big Mom, and I don't think it's because Oda thinks lesser of Big Mom, as opposed to Oda trying to tell us that Big Mom isn't going to directly confront the Straw Hats in the same way (which would make even more sense if Kaidou is supposed to be Luffy's first Yonkou fight). Then there's the fact that Luffy only has part of his and none of the back up he had in Dressrosa. Then you throw in the whole "Year of Sanji" comments and I still think there's a chance the Straw Hats will just escape and not fight Big Mom at all/will just end up knocking off a couple of members in her crew.
That said, my theory will depend on who has Sanji's cuff keys. If Big Mom herself has them, I'm throwing all of this out the window.
But that's exactly what Judge said in the end of chapter 833, that Big Mom, "only she possesses the keys to all of those devices".
And the first Yonkou fight teased was Big Mom in Fishman Island and she swore to destroy Luffy. And seriously, if Luffy said he wants to defeat all of the Yonkou, it would be too tiresome to make this arc for her, go to Wano, defeat Kaido then go back to Big Mom and defeat her round 2 and perhaps breaking an alliance which isn't something Luffy would like to do because allies means friends to him.
Carrot nooooo. I am greatly disappointed plz get her out sooner rather than later.
I really don't want to start, as the rest of the people here know, this is a topic I can go on for hours over, but you pretty much struck my counter argument there at the end. Alvida was literally, over 15 years ago, and so was Alabasta. OP goes out of it's way to not depict women combat scenerios, even when they supposedly have the power to do so, which is not great when the driving force of the OP universe is violence. A quick and typical example is just one from a chapter ago: All of Sanji's siblings bullied him, but Reiju was for some reason just depicted as laughing on the side lines. There is no reason she shouldn't have been kicking Sanji's shit in along with the rest of her brothers, but for no distinct reason, she's separate from them. You can maybe name a few exceptions, like that Mole woman who was out and about on the combat field, but they're rare. To prove one point, one of the largest and most involving arcs was the Marineford where nearly every character was new and they had all sorts of factions there to fight. And they were ALL men, aside from Hancock and I think one whitebeard pirate that I'm pretty sure wasn't actually shown fighting.
It is very rare that women are placed in the kind of position Big Mom is, one where she herself is powerful and has no reason to not use that power to just fight. I don't want that to be wasted.
No it wouldn't there's only 3 major yonkou to fight reaching Raftel and Blackbeard is heavily implied to be the last of those fights. Keep in mind these are 4 strongest pirates in existence. This isn't Donflamingo. it would frankly be insulting to Big Mom as a character if she were defeted without any of Luffy main back up (Zorro isn't there and sanji is the damsel) and half the crew isn't there. Let aloe the fact he's doing a ridiculous amount of prep to fight kaidou, involing all of his crew law and probably the entire grand fleet. If you honestly think there'd be nothing strange in Luffy defeating her in this arc then i mean not exactly sure what to say. It would mean the difference between her and Kaidou is VAST despite the fact she should have at least as many resources as he does if not significantly more.
Hahaha!! Nah she'll break herself outGeez, Big Mom is broken. Any type of soul manipulation is hax as hell.
I had a feeling the big headed guy (who's not a giant lol) would be important somehow. He's the father of Lola and Chiffon, and Big Mom's former husband.
Very excited to see how things will develop from here going forward.
Note: Carrot died in the mirror world off-screen
My condolences.
Doesn't Luffy fight Boa's sisters and get his ass handed to him and the only reason he survives is his haki which acted as a deus ex machina? Do you consider Ivankov a woman? They have a male and female form. Boa ran shop against people at the War of the Best. Never mind that one of Blackbeard's female crew mates looks like a complete beast. What about Monet? What about the ghost girl? They couldn't do shit against her. I think One Piece has been pretty good with this. The only thing is we haven't had a major villain be a woman since Alvida.
Women characters are rare but they are almost never weak. And even though you say all of this, the first thing I think when I think of female One Piece characters is Vivi putting out the bomb fire with her bare hands. What a bad ass.
Okay, this is pretty much the distinction that I talk about in OP about women being 'powerful'. Like, you can assign any character actual power levels, but what I mean is narrative power, which is how they are depicted expressing their influence over the plot. Women, or rather female forms, do not get to participate in fights in the same way that males do. And when they do, it's never favorable to them.
There are nearly always conditions to how a fight doesn't play out the normal way. For example, like Boa's sisters (who I think you're misremembering, I'm pretty sure he was kicking their ass and while they used their own haki to keep up), were in monster form when they fought Luffy (and even then, the fight was softened up. Luffy's punch's didn't land, he merely grabbed her and threw her to the ground, which is visually obscured by the blast effect) and their fight wasn't concluded because Luffy won out but because he decided to protect their tattooes in a way I don't think he'd have done for male villains. Monet also didn't fight Zoro to her fullest capability, she literally chickened out of that fight. Perona didn't lose because she was out muscled, but because Usopp freaked her out. The only fights where I feel the female combatant actually put forth their full potential and didn't hold back was only when it was girl v girl, such as Nami and that pointy lady or the CP9 lady. And even then, they're less out and out brutal and more gimmicky.
And you might "Okay, so what, males get gimmicky fights too that aren't entirely based on strength". True, but more often than not, they are and usually incorporate strength in a way. Like, Sanji's fight against the invisible man was gimmicky in some ways, or Zoro's fight with Usopp as his third sword, but they always came down to "Can I beat the shit out of the other guy". In the rare times females do out and out battle others, it's not anyone significant. I mean, who did Hancock fight in the Marineford war? Random mooks. Doflamingo fought the giant with the impromptu backstory, Mihawk fought Flower dude and Diamond guy and so on. Significant notable figures, while Hancock got table scraps. Who did Nami and Robin fight in Fishmen arc, when Hody Jones had a a whole crew for the guys to get individualized fights with? Random mooks. Hina is supposedly as strong as Smoker (or was pretimeskip), but we only see her fight random pirates.
So yeah, you can say that so and so is the Xth most powerful member of whatever powerful gang, but it just doesn't mean much when you end it with "but they didn't get a chance to show it because of whatever". Whatever nominal power Oda gives them, they rarely get a chance to show it in a narratively significant way and are treated very differently from male counterparts. Which is a problem when you set all the significant turning points of the world around violence. In OP, while skills like navigation and cooking and so on are valued, the fact is that if you're not able to beat the shit out of people, you're not really noteworthy in the history of the world. Which is why Oda often introduces his characters showing how they can fight, even if it's not really their main job. The Water's 7 people are supposed to be carpenters, but the important thing about them is that they know how to fight. And any group that doesn't know how to fight inevitably gets exploited (or protected, depending on their luck) by those that do. And when it's always only the males that do that, and when any female attempt at combat is side stepped with as much consistency as OP has done, it basically puts women in positions that lack influence. Hancock herself is the best possible example of this. Possibly the second strongest female fighter in the world, and she does jack shit. She was lazing around her ass until Luffy came in her life and now is just consistently supporting him in whatever. He needs to go to Impel down, she lets him hide under her skirts. He wants to train, she lets him crash on her island while he and Reyliegh do stuff. He wants to leave, she packs his bags for him. One of the most powerful female characters in the series, and she has no ambitions or interests of her own.
Other female characters DO have narrative power. Like Vivi. She had a kingdom to save and worked her ass off to do so. Except women with narrative power inevitably trade off any physical power they may have. Vivi was weak and had to entirely rely on Luffy and Crew's strength to take back her kingdom. Her role was doing non-combat tasks, like trying to talk people down or stop a bomb or whatever. Which is fine as a narrative tool, but then you realize that ALL women are like this. Either they have a kind of physical power that is rarely dealt with just straight up fighting like most male characters, or they are so weak that they never succeed at what their doing. Rare is the female character that is both ambitious enough to have narrative strength AND strong enough to accomplish something.
So, to summarize, female fights are usually lacking in either brutality (which means they are usually beaten via gimmick rather than a measure of strength) and significance (which means women are usually fighting faceless mook opponents), and when they do get those two, it's usually with weak characters like Rebecca or Vivi or even Tashigi who are consistently humiliatingly outmatched. I can't think of a drawn out, straight up fight involving a female that ends because one participant unleased their full power against the other. Which is what makes Big Mom an anomaly. She's brutal already, there's no reason to not have Luffy out and out fight her like he has all other opponents. She has pretty clear ambitions, like many other OP villains had, and is active in the world of OP, so she's not just a stooge whatever respective leader she's following. And she's sure as shit not weak. The only thing against her is that she's got a monsterous design. Again, the problem isn't necessarily that OP won't have women hurt, it's that the good guys will not hurt female figures that are attractive. Ugly women, like Alvida and the Mole lady if I'm remembering right, can get punched in the face no problem. But I'm willing to overlook that because Big Mom is otherwise exactly what I'm asking for.
With such a rare fulfillment of everything I wanted in female characters in OP, the idea of a fight with her being side stepped yet again isn't appealing to me.
I agree with you, I dont think Luffy alone can defeat Big Mom, she could go down due to a lot of events combined, not only Luffy.I'm definitely feeling like this arc is going to be more or less it for Big Mom. I don't think Luffy is going to actually beat her down in a one-on-one here or anything like that (although he's almost certainly going to clash with her, the key to Sanji's bracelets being on her person seems to guarantee that), but I think some crazy shit is going to go down in this arc with regards to her kingdom / powerbase, and that will lead to her destruction at the hands of some other party (the government or Blackbeard, I'm thinking).
Blackbeard shows up unexpectedly,beats her down and takes her fruitI agree with you, I dont think Luffy alone can defeat Big Mom, she could go down due to a lot of events combined, not only Luffy.
I agree with you, I dont think Luffy alone can defeat Big Mom, she could go down due to a lot of events combined, not only Luffy.
Ooo that sounds like a pretty good idea, believable and mean her power has to have some sort of limit, every single one hasI think her power will be her undoing. She will likely fight by putting soul into objects as part of her fighting and she will slowly run out of power and turn older and older as the fights goes on.
Ooo that sounds like a pretty good idea, believable and mean her power has to have some sort of limit, every single one has
Well we already know fear seems to be some sort of safeguard against it, which we know luffy has none.Yeah, some kind of limit or trick weakness to it. I don't see Luffy just beating her but I'm not convinced someone else gets the assist in his fight.
You know this also means at some point in the fight we get...OLD LUFFY!
Expecting Luffy to take down Big Mom isn't that far off from expecting Luffy to take down Shanks. I mean, it COULD happen, BIg Mom is more vile than Shanks, but there's definitely huge implications that she isn't that bad outside of her eating disorder. There's a huge chance Big Mom will take a liking to Luffy after a brief clash. That doesn't mean Big Mom isn't powerful, she's one of the Emperors afterall, but I do not think we're going to see an "epic fight" between the two but we will see Big Mom fight in future wars and whatnot.You're right veelk, i also really want the ultimate battle of Luffy vs Big Mom to be as drawn out and ruthless as any of the others he had. In fact it should be even more so because this is going to be the first fucking Emperor he faces. This should be the biggest battle yet. It should be, would be incredibly disappointing if it didn't.
Expecting Luffy to take down Big Mom isn't that far off from expecting Luffy to take down Shanks. I mean, it COULD happen, BIg Mom is more vile than Shanks, but there's definitely huge implications that she isn't that bad outside of her eating disorder. There's a huge chance Big Mom will take a liking to Luffy after a brief clash. That doesn't mean Big Mom isn't powerful, she's one of the Emperors afterall, but I do not think we're going to see an "epic fight" between the two but we will see Big Mom fight in future wars and whatnot.
Lol people are buying that family crap lol yea right.She paid Caesar to poison children with drug candy. Not that bad? Wtf.
I actually agree with you, and I've been waiting for Big Mom so we can finally see Luffy take down a woman pirate. I forgot about the details in a lot of those woman fights, but you're actually right. Sometimes it's hard for me to forget One Piece is ultimately a boys comic.
I disagree with Vivi bing weak though. I remember her fighting someone in Alabasta but I could be wrong. Also, it's not really a negative that Vivi needed help to save her Kingdom. Luffy fought Crocodile twice and lost. The odds were insurmountable. I don't think Vivi needing help to save her country makes her weak.
Also, doesn't Hancoxk beat Pacifistas? Something that just a few chapters before, Luffy and the others couldn't beat? She also fights Smoker.
But that's exactly what Judge said in the end of chapter 833, that Big Mom, "only she possesses the keys to all of those devices".
And the first Yonkou fight teased was Big Mom in Fishman Island and she swore to destroy Luffy. And seriously, if Luffy said he wants to defeat all of the Yonkou, it would be too tiresome to make this arc for her, go to Wano, defeat Kaido then go back to Big Mom and defeat her round 2 and perhaps breaking an alliance which isn't something Luffy would like to do because allies means friends to him.
It's definitely a problem, but think about the target audience this series is drawn and designed for.
Doesn't need an in depth analysis to explain what's fairly obvious.
I used to agree with this, but Oda really does write women badly. Like look at My Hero Academia and Stone Ocean, manga that ran alongside One Piece. Jolyne's one of the physically strongest fighters and best written characters in Jojo's. My Hero Academia treats every female character equivalently to the males, giving them unique crazy designs, body types, and correct anatomy. You never see that in One Piece.It's definitely a problem, but think about the target audience this series is drawn and designed for.
Doesn't need an in depth analysis to explain what's fairly obvious.
Try to imagine Oda writing a female character even vaguely like this, it's so unlikely. And it's not like Araki started out great, he was bad as Oda in the early parts.