Reijuu is just as crappy as the brothers, fuck them all.
She did say she had to laugh or she'd be made fun of too.
That doesn't make her better. Maybe not as bad, but definitely not a good person
True, but she was a kid. Sometimes we judge kids like they should have a moral and understanding of a 20 years old. Also, we are so used to see the Strawhats being heroes and noble souls that when we see people being human, we think they are scum. Reiju isn't good but her behavior is understandable.That doesn't make her better. Maybe not as bad, but definitely not a good person
Well, it has been overused in One Piece. However, Sanji was already a functionable person, of course the past still hurts but it's not like the trauma affects his life. He lived free (unlike Nami and Robin) from the moment he started working at the Baratie until Zou. So I take that his current predicament (arranged marriage and the Zeff thing) is what brings him the angst. He is remembering his past now because of the people and the place surrounding him but I think he kinda overcame that (it's just revenge time and finishing this once and for all now).
She did say she had to laugh or she'd be made fun of too.
True, but she was a kid. Sometimes we judge kids like they should have a moral and understanding of a 20 years old. Also, we are so used to see the Strawhats being heroes and noble souls that when we see people being human, we think they are scum. Reiju isn't good but her behavior is understandable.
Jesus, Sanji's backstory just keeps getting more and more tragic. I can't stand these damn Vinsmokes!
But man, I wonder if Sanji is truly a "normal" human, or if he's just a late bloomer. Would be interesting for him to just spontaneously gain another fucking skeleton, that would be a hell of a power-up. No more Vergo leg fractures! Yeah that would be cool . . . but there is a lot of appeal in Sanji getting his payback without any of those genetic enhancements. Flesh and blood Sanji surpassing his brothers would be pretty great. Guess I'm cool with either scenario!
Reijuu is that person who trashes you in public and argues she's obligated to that because of cowardice, but damn she's seen enjoying herself on those flashback panels.
Trash like the brothers, but yeah watch her be the one who takes sanji off the cage.
Reijuu is that person who trashes you in public and argues she's obligated to that because of cowardice, but damn she's seen enjoying herself on those flashback panels.
Trash like the brothers, but yeah watch her be the one who takes sanji off the cage.
I want them all of them to get their shit kicked in by a regular human Sanji. If Luffy and the SH's fight any of them I'll me disappointed. I want Sanji to take down every single non-Reiju Vinsmoke! Then I want Big Mom's crew and the Strawhats to torch their entire fleet!
I honestly agree with this let sanji wreck his family. Have the strawhats fight a few of big moms crew mates or something I mean obviously they need to help him get out of the situation first but luffy beating any of them for sanji because he couldn't would piss me offI want them all of them to get their shit kicked in by a regular human Sanji. If Luffy and the SH's fight any of them I'll me disappointed. I want Sanji to take down every single non-Reiju Vinsmoke! Then I want Big Mom's crew and the Strawhats to torch their entire fleet!
Also, in the flashback Reijuu is bandaging Sanji up, which kind of goes against the whole "Nobles don't serve anyone" thing.
I think Oda adding the genetic shit in is a way for him to explain how Sanji goes on fire randomly (really hilarious if you think about it, since we always assumed it was just a gag but this whole time...). If that's true then I'd like for them all (Judge especially) to see that Sanji wasn't a failure and that he ended up being far superior to them.
Also something I'm curious about...where was it ingrained in Sanji to not harm women? We know it wasn't with Zeff...and now we're seeing the flashback but nothing has really indicated a sudden shift or respect for women thus far. Assuming Reiju was the one who saved him, was she maybe beaten for helping out? Maybe that's what made Sanji decide never to hurt women? Idk.
Also, why does Judge need to fake Sanji's death? I'm pretty sure everyone at Germa would have accepted Sanji was just shit and have been fine with him being killed. Not sure the roundabout methods were really necessary.
I agree with whoever said earlier that I'd be fine with if Sanji got a power up or kicked ass as regular ol' "inferior" Sanji. So long as their asses go down.
But I feel like Sanji getting an upgrade would undermine the storytelling here. The story shows that Germa thinks genetic are everything and like the Nazi's need to be proven wrong. If Sanji gets his second skeleton, then he is basically a "success" and Germa's philosophy will be proven right. So I'm fine either way, but ideally, I want Sanji to take em out with out evolving.
100% agreed....that hax was nonsense and Sasuke should have lost a bunch of limbs or something, but at least he got his butt kicked by 8 tails lol.That fight has 2 major stupid things that ruin it.
Sasuke somehow survive his blast in the most stupid way possible & Deidara somehow just trained his eyes to ignore and negate genjustu. I also hate how Itachi had to be shoehorned in to Deidara back story.
Also, why does Judge need to fake Sanji's death? I'm pretty sure everyone at Germa would have accepted Sanji was just shit and have been fine with him being killed. Not sure the roundabout methods were really necessary.
I agree with whoever said earlier that I'd be fine with if Sanji got a power up or kicked ass as regular ol' "inferior" Sanji. So long as their asses go down.
But I feel like Sanji getting an upgrade would undermine the storytelling here. The story shows that Germa thinks genetic are everything and like the Nazi's need to be proven wrong. If Sanji gets his second skeleton, then he is basically a "success" and Germa's philosophy will be proven right. So I'm fine either way, but ideally, I want Sanji to take em out with out evolving.
Oh yeah, I definitely agree. What I meant was that, if you look at Niji's electric powers (likely as a result of his modified cells), Sanji's fire powers can be fully explained.Agreed. Sanji being stronger than all of them while still being normal would fit in here a lot better thematically.
Also, I'm still on team "Sanji is actually stronger than all of them right now." He's always getting beat after they bring up Zeff or throw some bystander into the fight as a shield. Oda's gone through a lot just to make sure Sanji doesn't have a real fight with his family yet and I can't help but think it means he's already surpassed them. When the shackles finally come off it may well be a curb stomp battle.
Hmm, makes sense. I figured the soldier at the end of the chapter alluded to Sanji being killed down there, but I suppose they could have easily meant that they were just going to carry on without Sanji.Well, he said a few chapters ago that having him locked could be proven useful, and that's exactly why he remembered him when Big Mom demanded one of his sons. Also, he must have spent invaluable resources on Sanji, so having him around would be better than terminate any potential he had.
I guess he is also ashamed that Sanji has his blood and couldn't develop the enhancements. Saying that he died young, perhaps before awakening it, sounds better than having him around as a constant reminder that one of his sons is a failure to everyone.
It started as a gag, but all along Oda was showing us that Sanji just hadn't developed his powers as quickly as his siblings, only to be fully developed with his time as a Strawhat.
100% agreed....that hax was nonsense and Sasuke should have lost a bunch of limbs or something, but at least he got his butt kicked by 8 tails lol.
Oh yeah, I definitely agree. What I meant was that, if you look at Niji's electric powers (likely as a result of his modified cells), Sanji's fire powers can be fully explained.
It started as a gag, but all along Oda was showing us that Sanji just hadn't developed his powers as quickly as his siblings, only to be fully developed with his time as a Strawhat. I don't want Sanji to have a power up, rather, I think everyone in Germa is going to realize he's just as good, if not better than his brothers and Reiju.
Sanji isn't necessarily "normal" by any means, but we can say that he didn't grow at all with Germa but with his friends, which can comparatively show that Germa/Judge's methods ain't hot shit.
lol...thank God for OP.What makes me tear my hair out even more is that...Tobi was there!
Why didn't he just save Sasuke? He can wrap into another dimension and pop right out, why didn't Kishi do that? Especially not even 2 chapters later, he shows Tobi survived and is the secret leader of Atasuki and is a more serious character.
Kishi think your story though!
This is the moment I realized it could be more than a gag:
Yeah, I think Sanji's story is even more tragic than Robin's, in a way. Instead of losing his loved ones he never had them to begin with. They're the #$%$ing nazis of the OP world and made his life a living hell. I think what really seals the deal is that kid Sanji seems earnestly eager to please his father and be like his siblings, and doesn't understand why they disapprove of him despite him trying his best.Sanji's backstory also explains two questions:
1. Why wasn't his father looking for him? If they wanted, they would have find him easy.
2. Why didn't Sanji try to keep a low profile (similar to Robin) to hide from his family? His inaccurate wanted poster were always a accident, never an clear goal of him.
The answer would be a silent agreement. The Vinsmoke think of Sanji as a waste of biomass and since he was "dead", nobody was looking for him. So as long as he wasn't misusing his name to get advantages, they didn't care for him. Sanji knows this and wanted to cut all ties with his family anyway. So he simple kept his past and family name a secret. So even if he would became infamous, they wouldn't have any interest in him.
That's why, he was only annoyed to hear from his family at first . If it wouldn't have been for the diplomatic wedding and his father wish to not "waste" any of his "good" children, they would still have ignored him.
Those points help to difference his backstory and Robin's.
Isn't that just his cigarette catching the floor on fire?
The floor doesn't look flammable to me. It also coincides with a moment of rage from Sanji, besides, I think it's an odd decision to focus a panel on that. It's just a theory but might be a hint or foreshadow to something.
Hmm. Yeah, it could be. Anyway, I still think it's odd to waste panels on such a trivial thing.Look at the detailing in the panel with the cigarette. It's supposed to be carpet.
I get annoyed to hear people speaking ill of characters in ONE PIECE. For example, when they say this villain is weak, I can't help thinking that then I'll make him much stronger!" Color Walk 6 (2014)
Nah sanji ranks fairly high in all the polls but among Internet communities the minority is always the loudestI always assumed we were in the niche by acknowledging Sanji as the embarassment he was.
Does the general OP community feel this way as well? Even in Japan?
Didn't become a thing until the new world. People will even argue you down now that Franky and Robin can beat him easilyI didn't know Sanji was regarded as embarassing until this thread. I mean, granted I wasn't big on him until this arc but he was very much a part of the monster trio to me.
Didn't become a thing until the new world. People will even argue you down now that Franky and Robin can beat him easily
Nah sanji ranks fairly high in all the polls but among Internet communities the minority is always the loudest
I didn't know Sanji was regarded as embarassing until this thread. I mean, granted I wasn't big on him until this arc but he was very much a part of the monster trio to me.
Huh? I didn't even write that whole post so what's this about..So the theory here is that Oda goes on internet forums to listen to what a small faction rando's thought about one of his more popular characters and then changes the story based on that?
That seems kind of reactionary writing. That isn't necessarily good or bad, but it's a bit weird I think.
Honestly, I think the whole thing just started because Blackleg is such a Sanj stan and people just started ribbing him about it. Even for me, Sanji actually is my least favorite, but that's just not saying much when I don't like most One Piece characters. I don't think he's much worse than Luffy, for example.