What's interesting about her DF (?) in relation to Kaidou ... would she be able to kill him?
As others have said, it seems she can take years away from the lifespan of people, probably adding them to her own. That and she seems monstruously strong, as expected.
She might very well be inmortal like Kaidou, but in a different way. She's super scary xD
I wonder how Shanks can be amongst these people. We suspect he has no DF, so what, he has the strongest Haki in the world? Does he have a DF after all? These yonkou are crazy and it seems that with WB's death the balance of power (Two good guys, two bad guys) is completely broken. And Luffy of course is screwing with THE THREE of them. Bad stuff is going to happen to the world...
Oh, and BM's DF doesn't explain (that we know) the living candy, maybe there is another Sugar. Or maybe she can put the lifespan onto candy and inanimate objects after all. That would mean all of the islands are made by the deaths of countless people :S